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MTBI video ( skeptical about my personality type)


still swimming
Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Nov 14, 2009
@ your questions about the Myers-Briggs system: by itself it's no more than an unscientific indication of one's personality traits.

If we boil it down to Jungian cognitive functions, then it's a very different matter. Apparently we all have four main functions (Ti/Ne/Si/Fe in our case), which we use consciously (the remaining four are used unconsciously). Of our four main functions, two give us energy (Ti/Ne) while two drain it (Si/Fe). The four-letter system used by the MBTI can indicate the order of these functions, and is used for that.

Because all we have in common is our hierarchy of functions, INTPs can be very different. As we grow and are exposed to the world, our functions can manifest and develop in different ways. So just because you and intuitivet don't have the same mannerisms doesn't mean you don't have the same order of functions.

Disclaimer: I could be wrong in what I'm saying, but the above is my understanding of it.

Anyway, I think you're an INTP. I'm not great at reading people though, the possible interpretations always seem endless.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Dec 16, 2009
Well that was an interesting video - thanks for posting it. Not sure how much it shows about your interactions though as it's just you and a camera, but I'm far from confident typing people so may be completely wrong.

Whatever the outcome your thoughts seem perfectly at home here, whether MBTI is accurate or not. I'll be watching this thread with interest.

useless username

Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Mar 20, 2010
I thank both of you for commenting and giving me some input to think about. I agree with you about INTP's varying due to having only the ti-ne in common..

I do realize that I find myself thinking a lot, but what am I being stimulated from?

Oh, and.... I wish that I could just use someone else's brain for a day and then analyze the two different experiences I have. It is not enough for me to observe another person. I want to be that other person for a day, and process information like them so that I can realize that I am different... any thoughts?


You Know You're Better Than This
Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Jan 18, 2010
1) You have the coolest voice ever
2) The videos I posted don't really show how I am around friends. I also become quite extroverted and stand out alot - I was also wondering if I were an ENTP!
3) You speak like an INTP is said to (I think). You also have the same thing going on with your smiles, were you smile then it goes fast as you're thinking.

I also completely get what you mean about college, once I went there I became far more like myself than I was at school (yay for posing as an ENFP).
I think you probably are an INTP with an ENTP personality when you're around people (like me). I think most people become more extroverted around others so they don't get ignored.
Very interesting video, I thought, it was nice seeing someone being very personal and expressing their thoughts like that (which I find very hard to do, haha). Thanks for posting :)

useless username

Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Mar 20, 2010

Thank you for sharing your thoughts concerning my video, and your personal experiences as well. It is always good to receive thoughtful feedback when you 'expose' yourself on camera.

So you have got the sidekick ENTP that tags along in social settings too? Well if that is the case, I can share my reasoning on why this occurs too. I will pretty much 'piggy back' off of your idea about not wanting to be ignored. I believe that I have learned to disguise my true personality around certain types of people, because I have an intuition that they will perceive my behavior, and introverted nature the wrong way. I have reason to believe this, because people have told me that they have the feeling I am judging them, and that I am conceited while I am detached in my introverted state. Their perception of what I am ACTUALLY thinking could not be further from the truth. In reality, I am just being an observer who is taking in information in, and then thinking about it. As a consequence I am blamed by all of the extroverts as being too judgemental or something. Any thoughts?


You Know You're Better Than This
Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Jan 18, 2010
I know what you mean. Do you also happen to find people seem intimidated/worried by you?
I think it's because INTPs have a subtle self that appears and freaks others out (I can't really explain it) and adding an extroverted edge seems to reduce the 'weirdness' of it (as extroverts are often taken to be bold people, so the subtly is ignored).
People always see me the wrong way (apart from my INFJ sister, who has brilliant intuition!) do you find that?

useless username

Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Mar 20, 2010
I know it is hard to explain the 'subtle self that appears and freaks others out.' I think I understand though. I think it is difficult to describe the aura we give off. Although some of the aspects that are weird about us are lowered when we switch to ENTP, others become invariably apparent. One example is that everyone is forced to listen to me connecting all these concepts together that they do not understand. Then I just stand there and say, "Oh, never mind." :o


You Know You're Better Than This
Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Jan 18, 2010
Ah yes, "Never mind." is a commonly used phrase by myself! (Then again I know a couple of S' and the N's are also F's so seem to get confused by my occasional ramblings).
I think the self could be explained better by a picture, but I need more time...


Local time
5:13 PM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
Okay let me get this straight... Your issue is whether you are an ENTP or INTP?


Because as I am watching this, I can clearly see you are not one to be energized by engaging the outside world, I'm pretty sure you are aware of this as well.

You are not even really outside of yourself while talking, you are literally speaking from inside your inner world.

Just because you have the ability to extrovert and go outside of yourself from time to time does not make you an E, it makes you person. We all have the ability to do this, we would not be able to function at all if we couldn't engage bot the outside and internal world. What makes an introvert is just that they are more stimulated by being in their internal world (Because their dominant function is an introverted one.)


You Know You're Better Than This
Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Jan 18, 2010
Okay let me get this straight... Your issue is whether you are an ENTP or INTP?


Because as I am watching this, I can clearly see you are not one to be energized by engaging the outside world, I'm pretty sure you are aware of this as well.

You are not even really outside of yourself while talking, you are literally speaking from inside your inner world.

Just because you have the ability to extrovert and go outside of yourself from time to time does not make you an E, it makes you person. We all have the ability to do this, we would not be able to function at all if we couldn't engage bot the outside and internal world. What makes an introvert is just that they are more stimulated by being in their internal world (Because their dominant function is an introverted one.)
I had the same issue though, the outer personality can sometimes feel more real than the inner one (in a way they're both real), hence thinking "I might be an ENTP"
Also, the functions are confusing to most people, myself included, as they seem very vague and similar in alot of ways. Such as Ne seeming like Ti sometimes, and you can never be quite sure which one you're using most.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 3:13 AM
Jan 2, 2010
Also, are "energy attractions" really exclusive? An introvert can be energized by engaging the external world, albeit perchance it's an indirect energy source from the topic, not simply the presence of people.

useless username

Local time
Today 1:13 AM
Mar 20, 2010
Because as I am watching this, I can clearly see you are not one to be energized by engaging the outside world, I'm pretty sure you are aware of this as well.

You are not even really outside of yourself while talking, you are literally speaking from inside your inner world.

Well, the video is all about me.:) Define "outside world" for me so that I can distinguish the two, because I'm having a difficult time weighing the stimulation factors from the two, distinct worlds. Also, could you not consider me engaging with all of you on the internet as stimulation from the outside world? The ideas from all of you, that energize me, and thus compel me to engage in conversation, seem to go past my mind's borders.
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