$10? Really?? My test day cost £150 (about $230 at current rate)
We get screwed on all things motoring it seems *looks at highest priced petrol ever signs* :mad:
My mum hates me for my sarcastic responses to that kinda scenario.
I'd add "don't question things I say that there is no point making up"
Example (5 mins ago)
Me (with fridge open): There's not much milk left.
Mum: Really? Let me have a look...
WTF? Why would anyone I make it up...
There is actually a reason behind the reshuffle so I can understand the demoting of some people, it's just the complete lack of organisation that gets me. Anyone who manages 100+ people should be able to work out what needs to be done by said people!
Luckily I got the date wrong and the...
At this moment (would have better last week, actually, but has to be done by tomorrow) I should be writing a letter to my boss to apply for the job I'm currently doing. It's expected to be 2 sides of crap, basically listing all the things he see's me do on a daily basis and why this makes me...
So I can take the opinion of "the most pompous poster on INTP forum" or "a moron" and "a fool" :p
I'm satisfied that others who are sure of their type, get me and do similar things along with the INTP profile being a better fit overall so I shall continue to post as an INTP. That's one more...
I got some lessons for my 18th birthday (didn't want any"thing") but went to uni before taking a test. Had some more in the summer when I was 20, took a test and knew I could (and should) have passed and that was enough for another 3 years. A friends Uncle was starting up on his own and there...
Well having posted one of these threads myself yesterday I probably shouldn't be saying it's pointless, but I can see why it is. I like being as honest as possible and if a question on here requests the opinions of INTP's only I'd like to be sure I should be answering them, that was my reason...
3g modem? The one in my mini 9 works (not managed to get it working in windows later than XP), but you do have to download the package once the installation is complete... Which modem do you have?
Well thinking outside of hobbies I'll comment on the other things and profile snippet. My enjoyment of understanding and fixing things is the main reason for doubt.
Technology - I, like Philosophyking's friend, can do pretty much anything on/with a computer and am interested in technology...
Hobbies... as in things I do regularly? I'll give a bit about me, see if you can pick them out?
I often loose whole nights or weekends without ever achieving much or even doing anything, but don't have any logs of my thoughts or ideas. Much of my time is spent online looking for something...
I've been doing a bit of reading (obviously not enough :p) around types in the hope of understanding others better and find myself relating to many of the ISTP profiles. My first MBTI test (before I knew anything about it) came back ISTP, but having taken it before (and subconciously analysed...
Is everyone reading this as incoherent? Makes sense to me...
Anyone who can be as blunt and confident as you, Melkor, should not be in this state over another - surely you're aware that the only thing you can rely on in this life is yourself? If you really loved him be happy that he is and...
Linux is different from Windows in every way except normal usage, you don't have to be able to program at all to use it for daily tasks. There is still a menu to launch all your programs from, and (by default) a list of open windows and a clock so for a newcomer it's pretty Windows like...
I've had my current phone about 18 months and it's never rang. It's constantly on vibrate so if I'm in the mood to take calls it will be in my pocket else it's on my pillow (to muffle the vibrations) and sits ignored... My sister is one of those who's phone never leaves her side - if she gets a...
Reading all these suggestions I'm just slipping back to my old negative way of thinking. I could argue most of them with the exception of salsa dancing (no idea what it involves), art class (I suck, but if you don't try you at something you don't improve, I've never tried) and martial arts...
I'm with WorkInProgress - I try to reply as soon as I notice a text but usually spend half an hour (re)writing a double length one. People gave up calling me as they got bored and called back before I returned their call... I'd be better now but don't mind text communication as it's usually to...
D&D isn't a computer game it seems (I had to look it up!) but that I've never heard of it may mean it's not popular here. Though by having a rulebook and attracting "strange friends" maybe it's a bit underground-geek? I'll look into it :)
You like singing s0nystyle? Feel free to try and sell...
While a forum full of introverts probably isn't the best place to ask this I'm going to try anyway as searching didn't turn up any related threads :)
I'm not bored home alone every night reading/being online/listening to music but for some reason I want to be more sociable. I no longer have...
Your score: 19 out of 20 (:cool:)
Spot the difference
Your score: 43%
Left thumb on top: This suggests the right half of your brain is dominant. Some studies theorise that as a right brain dominant person, you may excel in visual, spatial and intuitive processes...
Haha! So true... even in a number of posts on here I've left a gap, written the rest of what I was going to say, triple checked it all and added *insert word for something like ... but not ...* because I can't think of the word or define it without a negative side. Sometimes the word comes to...
This is me - it's important to try and get what's on my mind out there without the need for interpretation which often blurs it. Much as I hate people doing it to me like the OP I try to infer things from what others say; if I give enough precise detail I hope that everyone will take it at face...
Oh yes, there is more to people than appearances but whether in that moment (speaking) that day (putting on a coat) or for that month (hair colour) the person has made a decision to show that side of themself to the world. If I'm wearing an orange t-shirt it's because I'm in a happy carefree...
If it's not too late to change the poll a "fulffy thing in cage" option would be good, if not I'll vote "other". I've had a hamster, chinchillas and now a rabbit that can all be safely ignored when needed (in their cage with food etc) but come out to run round part of the house for hours when...
As a computer-y person I have to wonder who designed the database. The sane rules of database design dictate that each entity should have a unique number assigned with the name stored only once against it. The number is smaller to store on each post and the name can then be looked up when...
Do I? I don't think I'm a bad person for judging people, it's just who I am. I don't consciously look down on those I judge as stupid (for example), I just wont start a serious discussion with them. If they were to bring something up then I'd be pleasantly surprised and go with it, but it...
Thanks White Rabbit, I read your reply before bed and didn't get it, and still don't on second try this morning. Hardwired stances sound rather permanent - can you possibly explain?
I think your advice will be good but I just don't get it :(
It's not just physical things I judge but also speech (adding "like" and "y'know" or talking in forum/text speak "lol"), lazy writing (lack of punctuation, there/their/they're), emotional blackmail as an all day joke/entertainment where both sides are playing along... Probably many other things...
I've been thinking about why I do everything and one thing just isn't right. The best word to describe it is prejudice, but it's not the normal things.
I judge people based on stupid things whether it be tattoos/piercings not in the ear (why would anyone want to disfigure themself? Must be...
I'm going to stick with romantic love of another human as I'm not sure the same ideas can really be applied to inanimate objects/ideas - these obviously can't love you back! Who knows what animals are thinking, they may just suffer petting as it's easier than going out to catch some food rather...
Eh... no. "You want to do your own thing and to be able to decide what is right for you" is the only bit that's accurate, but if you guess enough things one will be true! Nothing else to add really, but I'll post it for your amusement :)
You are tired of the various 'ups' and 'downs' of...
2 girls in under 2 weeks - maybe they aren't as rare as we think....
Welcome Cati :)
It's nice to see another non-windows user too - care to share why?
This was interesting and seems accurate after the first sentence (seeking stuff? Everyone has problems, I just try and fix them...)
You seek challenges. You are a tough-minded, independent thinker who likes to explore ideas or problems thoroughly. You focus easily. And...
This thread is so depressing, is life really this bad? I'm still happy, so it's not impossible even when my theories are still very much in development (that is to say they disprove themselves on a near daily basis) but that just means they need more work.
This is definitely true. Accept...
This username is the result of being curious about a strange religious person who approached me in the street less than a week after first thinking about why life is, the possibility of God etc. I wanted to contact her anonymously so signed up for a new e-mail address as Alan Smith, shortened...
It's been 6 months now (not that I'm counting...) but thats hardly impressive as I could describe my life as "why bother" for much longer prior to getting happy.
Feeling sorry for yourself is definitely the first thing to go, it's a complete waste of time. What are you sorry for? Do you...
I got to question 5 before completely agreeing, authority and privacy. How can these be related? Authority no, privacy far more than is healthy... I was thinking of posting about it on my way home actually, this has reminded me.
Anyway my results we all wrong (it said I'm organised :eek:)...
I like reading things on here, it proves that there are many others capable of thinking straight. If there are 3 replies to a post I likely have nothing to add, so I get to be my normal quiet self which is great :)
Looking at those I spend any time with in real life they are all very different...
Your Aspie score: 115 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 78 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Is it me or is this test not going to work well because it relates things to how others perform? How can I know how well the average person can tell ages, for example? Judging...
Welcome Muzza :)
I'm intrigued by this book that gave you motives - it suggests things that successful people should do? Sounds like societal expectation to me, just trying to be what the author suggests is good rather than what you think for yourself. And to gain most money from said book...
Ah the societal expectation of continued formal education. And there was I thinking you were berating my simplification of spirituality for a reason! (misinterpretation of a short post?) I got a degree (studied aged 18-21, not sure on the US equivalent) and haven't used it at all in the nearly...
Well this isn't the spirituality section Lithorn, if he wants to look in to it he can :)
I'm not saying it's wrong or in any way deriding spirituality and indeed looking into it has led me to stop thinking about irrelevant maybes relating to societal existence and given me more will to do...
Have you read anything on spirituality? This is exactly what they suggest most people live as, the "real you" is hidden behind the personality/ego which is your version of what society expects you to be. Just a random observation...
An INTP who considers himself typical? I'm confused already! Until you find this site you're supposed to think you're an alien or something :p
Welcome anyway :)
I've just tried to connect to this and been kicked because of my isp... is this beyond our control? Message below for those who've used irc more than twice who might be able to help a computer literate irc n00b :)
ChanServ sets ban on *!*@*btcentralplus.com
You have been kicked from...
I guess I'm a gray as it's not that I don't look at girls and think it would be fun to take them to bed but I've never made any effort to do so and don't think it's important. Maybe like Shadowdrums I'm just waiting for someone special. But even then, is it sexual desire or a desire to make...
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