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Search results

  1. Chimera

    Um...Err...Human flesh, anybody?

    Nothing seems particularly appetizing about human flesh in just a taste sense, but at the same time, nothing seems unappetizing about it in a moral sense. I probably would try it for curiosity's sake if prepared in some special way and only with the consent of the deceased.
  2. Chimera


    Looks like we've got a minimalist here. Such a profound statement... Welcome~
  3. Chimera

    Oh Melly, I never knew you cared! ^^

    Oh Melly, I never knew you cared! ^^
  4. Chimera


    I agree with the meme overkill and emphasis on subreddits like r/funny and r/atheism (which is 90% rage replies on facebook), but I completely disagree with turning reddit into a tool different than it already is. I mean, the subreddits that house world events and "important" topics are out...
  5. Chimera

    Diablo 3 Beta

    I'm hating. I'll hate you all day long for it. Or at least until I click away from this thread.
  6. Chimera

    Publicizing your Personality Type?

    When I mistyped myself as an intp (3-4 years ago?), I told a few people about it, tried to get them to take a test, all that. It was, predictably, as useful as asking them to look up their astral sign--they were interested in their own type, then promptly forgot about it. Though I don't put...
  7. Chimera

    I love when people think I'm "lying" about being mute.

    That's assuming that you are a very, very lucky person.
  8. Chimera

    The worst gifts you've ever gotten

    One year for my birthday, a good friend presented me with a nicely wrapped, medium-sized box. When I shook it, it sounded like there was tissue paper inside, so I figured it was something fragile. It wasn't tissue paper. It was hundreds of cicada husks. I'm never sure whether to list it as...
  9. Chimera

    Share your thoughts

    I'm thinking that as of this week, I'm no longer jailbait. Whee. /apathyconfetti edit: And now I'm thinking that I've been on intpf for four years...
  10. Chimera

    Used to think I was INFP but now I've seen the light

    That's exactly where my mind went. :aufsmaul:
  11. Chimera

    Lack of Interest/s

    It's 5 am here so I really just skimmed your post, but... ^This caught my eye, because from what I've heard from friends, knowing foreign languages can be an extremely marketable skill. 'Course, it depends on what languages you're talking about, and what jobs you'd be willing to take...one...
  12. Chimera


    Wait. Meeting Cthulu is supposed to be a warning against that kind of behaviour?
  13. Chimera

    5 things you can't live without

    1: Boring obligatory physical necessities (water, food, shelter, security) 2: Access to all 5 senses (yes, I'm aware blind and deaf people live, thank you.) 3: Companionship (anything from animals to a significant other.) 4: Access to knowledge/discovery (intarwebsorz.) 5: Percieved freedom.
  14. Chimera

    IRC still around?

    It is. Welcome back, Toad. ^_^
  15. Chimera


    Your score is 12. Your score for Authority is MEDIUM Your score for Self-sufficiency is HIGH Your score for Superiority is LOW Your score for Exhibitionism is LOW Your score for Exploitativeness is HIGH Your score for Vanity is MEDIUM Your score for Entitlement is LOW Yap, that's...
  16. Chimera

    Trolling on Omegle

    I love that site. When I grow up, I want to be as cleverly anal as he is.
  17. Chimera

    Account deletions.

    That would get you banned, not deleted...which is not what Bird is looking for, as far as I can tell. Out of curiosity, why the interest, Bird ?
  18. Chimera

    I'm going to embrace this, damnit....

    Get out. :aufsmaul: Nah you sound pretty cool, welcome to the forum. ^^
  19. Chimera


    I've read Ender's Game and seen Hitchhiker's, and ironically I thought about mentioning them as classics I enjoy. I wasn't sure if people would agree with me on the status for them though. As far as not understanding references made by "cultured" people...well, again, they're only considered...
  20. Chimera

    Thank you Ceg.

    So it's safe to go back into the typology subforum again... I wish the people from pod had talked about something other than the theory. Some of them seemed pretty cool.
  21. Chimera


    We wuv you too, Jelly-Melly. :angel01:
  22. Chimera

    Point taken...I think it would be an intriguing experiment, at least. It would be interesting to...

    Point taken...I think it would be an intriguing experiment, at least. It would be interesting to see what people would do, given the chance to break off into smaller communities inside a community. Get working on the coding, and we'll see. :P
  23. Chimera


    This is just a little thing that's bothered me for...oh, my entire life. First, a definition! clas-sic [klas-ik] adj. 1. of the first or highest quality, class, or rank: a classic piece of work. 2. serving as a standard, model, or guide, ie. the classic method of teaching arithmetic. Now...
  24. Chimera

    Why put yourself in the little box

    /group clapping Thank you, Noddy. You're an inspiration to us all. :o No but yeah, I feel the same way...it was an interesting idea for a while, but after all the "OMG THAT'S JUST LIKE ME!" wore off, it just wasn't as engaging. I definitely thank mbti for leading me to this place, but other...
  25. Chimera

    Why put yourself in the little box

    +1. Literally exactly what I was going to say. It seems like the people of the forum are generally not putting as much stock into mbti as they used to...I might just be imagining it though.
  26. Chimera

    I like the idea of it being invite-only...possibly by subforum moderators, or just members of...

    I like the idea of it being invite-only...possibly by subforum moderators, or just members of the domain itself? However, the main problem I see with these domains is...what's to stop people who, upon entering a domain, would post solely on threads in there? If people just stopped posting in...
  27. Chimera

    I'm sure it will be absolutely horrendous. :D And you should know, I will continue to bother...

    I'm sure it will be absolutely horrendous. :D And you should know, I will continue to bother you about writing until you'll probably want to put yourself through a wood chipper...but it's out of genuine hope that you finish this book of yours.
  28. Chimera


    [doesn't read the rest of the thread] PERSEUS YOU RASCAL, where have you been? I thought your secret police had finally gotten you...
  29. Chimera

    Walking home from school today, I saw an indiscernible creature lying mangled in the street...

    Walking home from school today, I saw an indiscernible creature lying mangled in the street gutter. You really should keep your children on leashes. (I'm still waiting (im)patiently for that book.)
  30. Chimera

    Hmm. It does sound intriguing...breaking people into more intimate circles while still keeping...

    Hmm. It does sound intriguing...breaking people into more intimate circles while still keeping the forum open for everyone to converse in. Hum. What would stop people from enlisting in different domains? If they could be part of multiple ones (which I imagine most people would be...we're all...
  31. Chimera

    New Thread!

    Cog; I laughed, paused to consider the morbidity, then snickered for a few seconds. Well played, sir. Was that your own creation?
  32. Chimera

    Bahhhh, I thought I answered you a long time ago. >< I'm not sure if I understand the...

    Bahhhh, I thought I answered you a long time ago. >< I'm not sure if I understand the difference between this "domain" and the forum subgroups we currently have..? Are you suggesting we should confine people to a certain topic?
  33. Chimera

    Type that Member

    My "types" went more along the line of "what thing came to my mind when I read your name." DT: R2D2's cousin. With Bill Cosby's voice. Cog: the second-hand of a watch that ticks slightly off the second. Adaire: a pile of hastily concealed notes. Kuu: a half-developed roll of film abandoned on...
  34. Chimera

    9/11 conspiracy thread for Panopticon so he can stop threadjacking me

    Oh my god, it all makes sense now! I knew the admins were trying to do away with Noddy!! admin --> :storks: <-- admin ^ Green noddy
  35. Chimera

    Type that Member

    Goddammit, there are too many animals tied to that dog...lobsters, ostriches, birds, and now blue sewer monsters? That poor animal is going to be so sore... Oh, by the way, we have to shun you because everyone thinks you're a zoophiliac now, sorry about this, we're just judgmental bastards who...
  36. Chimera

    Type that Member

    A Noddybino? Like a kid? You've sired so many children we've had to start finding uses for them. The ones keeping this place insulated are kind of creepy... They're all misshapen too, so I'm sure you've contracted a few diseases already. Though the glowing ones do come in handy when the power...
  37. Chimera

    Canine Conquest, or lack thereof

    Re: Bird So there was this bird who annoyed a lobster about a dog... :confused:
  38. Chimera

    I'm back...

    I remember you. Well, that's kind of a lie. I recognize you. Welcome back. :D
  39. Chimera

    Do you care what others think of your intelligence level?

    I feel like half of that conversation got deleted or something. :confused:
  40. Chimera

    *hug* ...wait, am I allowed to do that? >__>

    *hug* ...wait, am I allowed to do that? >__>
  41. Chimera

    Do you care what others think of your intelligence level?

    I'd rather be seen as clever than intelligent. I'll never be the person who knows facts about everything, but if I can be adaptive and solve problems presented to me, I'll be happy. I'd rather people see that trait in me than "intelligence" as is defined by "knowing" things. It's pretentious to...
  42. Chimera

    But...I can't wait for the rest of your lifetime for you to finish the second draft! I'm...

    But...I can't wait for the rest of your lifetime for you to finish the second draft! I'm impatient and curious--it's a terrible mix. I'm actually really...pleased? that you're working on a novel. Your devilish wit just seems like it would lend a good style for novel writings and such. Obviously...
  43. Chimera

    A novel! What's it about, what kind of novel, how long is it, how long did it take you for the...

    A novel! What's it about, what kind of novel, how long is it, how long did it take you for the first draft, can I read some of it? (Novels get me excited. :o )
  44. Chimera

    Proxy's a Fraud

    You're actually an ESTP. LMNO. PQRS. TUVW. ***
  45. Chimera

    Aww. Looks like my curiosity made you self-conscious again. But the damage is done, my...

    Aww. Looks like my curiosity made you self-conscious again. But the damage is done, my impression of you as a slimy, pestilent, horrendous monster was overwritten. I thought you looked rather nice. Charming, even. What've you been up to in your absence of the forum? Anything new or exciting...
  46. Chimera

    The fact that I still don't know what you're talking about should probably tip you off. xD I...

    The fact that I still don't know what you're talking about should probably tip you off. xD I mean I know there's a new post/recent activity thingy, I've just never used it.
  47. Chimera

    Signature help?

    I'm glaring at you so bad right now. My signature makes my post aesthetically pleasing. >:(
  48. Chimera

    The lack of disfiguration is pretty alarming...but I'll survive the trauma. Out of curiosity...

    The lack of disfiguration is pretty alarming...but I'll survive the trauma. Out of curiosity, what made you decide to include a picture now? I remember you always being so coy before. Don't tell me you've lost your touch. :eek:
  49. Chimera

    I want to sabotage a relationship..

    Of all threads, why necro this one ? :storks:
  50. Chimera

    That's more like it. :D also AHHH you have a face and it's not blue. Reality. Broken. <3

    That's more like it. :D also AHHH you have a face and it's not blue. Reality. Broken. <3
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