bypassed airport security with CIA granted visas [citation needed]
According to Michael Springman, a former cheif of the visa section of the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia "15 of the hijackers" got their visas from the very same consulate.
no sign of distress or mayday call from ANY of the pilots involved in the 4 hijackings [citation needed]
(8:13 a.m.-9:28 a.m.) September 11, 2001: Pilots of All Four Hijacked Planes Fail to Dial Standard Distress Code
In the event of a hijacking, all airline pilots are trained to key an emergency four-digit code into their plane’s transponder. This would surreptitiously alert air traffic controllers, causing the letters “HJCK” to appear on their screens. [
CNN, 9/13/2001;
Newsday, 9/13/2001;
News (Portugal), 8/3/2002;
9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 17-18] The action, which pilots should take the moment a hijack situation is known, only takes seconds to perform. [
Christian Science Monitor, 9/12/2001;
CNN, 9/12/2001] Yet during the hijackings of flights 11, 175, 77, and 93, none of the pilots do this. [
CNN, 9/11/2001]
[Hani] Hanjour... couldnt pass a basic english test. [citation needed]
January-February 2001: Flight School’s Repeated Warnings About Hijacker Hanjour Ignored by FAA
Hani Hanjour, from a 2000 US visa application.
[Source: 9/11 Commission]In January 2001, the Arizona flight school JetTech alerts the FAA about hijacker Hani Hanjour. No one at the school suspects Hanjour of terrorist intent, but they tell the FAA he lacks both the English and flying skills necessary for the commercial pilot’s license he has already obtained. For instance, he had taken classes at the University of Arizona but failed his English classes with a 0.26 grade point average. A JetTech flight school manager “couldn’t believe he had a commercial license of any kind with the skills that he had.” A former employee says, “I’m still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon. He could not fly at all.” They also note he is an exceptionally poor student who does not seem to care about passing his courses. [
New York Times, 5/4/2002;
CBS News, 5/10/2002] An FAA official named John Anthony actually sits next to Hanjour in class and observes his skills. He suggests the use of a translator to help Hanjour pass, but the flight school points out that goes “against the rules that require a pilot to be able to write and speak English fluently before they even get their license.” [
Associated Press, 5/10/2002] The FAA verifies that Hanjour’s 1999 pilot’s license is legitimate (see
April 15, 1999), but takes no other action. However, his license should have been rejected because it had already expired in late 1999 when he failed to take a manadatory medical test. [
Associated Press, 9/15/2001;
CBS News, 5/10/2002
[Hani] Hanjour... Couldnt fly a Cessna [citation needed]
Mid-August 2001: 9/11 Hijacker Hanjour Rents Plane in Maryland; He Is Still Not Skilled Enough to Fly Solo
9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour goes to the Freeway Airport in Bowie, Maryland, about 20 miles west of Washington. He wants to rent a single engine Cessna airplane. However, when two instructors take him on three test runs, they find he has trouble controlling and landing the plane. One instructor has to help him land. Due to his poor skills, therefore, he is not allowed to rent one of their planes without more lessons. Further, while Hanjour appears to have logged over 600 hours of flying experience and possesses a valid pilot’s license (though it has in fact expired), he refuses to provide contact information: He gives no phone number and only gives his address as being a hotel in Laurel. (Same link as the last one)
[Hani] Hanjour... was described as a dipshit by his flight instructors [citation needed]
Duncan Hastie, the school’s owner(CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Arizona), finds Hanjour a “weak student” who is “wasting our resources.” According to Hastie, “He was not able to fly solo in a small plane, which is equivalent to getting out of a parking space [in a car] and stopping.” Another instructor he had “only the barest understanding what the instruments were there to do.” In April of 99, he dubiously got a pilot's licence.....The flight school he attends in 2001 is so appalled by his skills that they reported him to the FAA at least 5 times.
[Hani] Hanjour... operated a nearly impossible maneuver [citation needed]
Quite a number of pilots have stated that this maneuver is very difficult for expert pilots, and impossible for a Cessna school flunky. Flight Controllers in Dulles saw it approaching Washington(with transponder shut off...alert anyone?) on radar and believed it was a military jet due to the speed it was flying at. Capt. Russ Wittenberg, U.S. Air Force and Retired commercial pilot said "The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total B.S. plain and simple." …"descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 280 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon's first floor wall without touching the lawn."… The plane hit the only side of the Pentagon with no basement and also the only side that had been reinforced. Coincidentally(Oddly) Flight 77 pilot Charles Burlingame once worked for Navy Intelligence in the very same area that the plane hit the Pentagon. weird. This also "coincidentally" hit the budget analysis office of the DOD that was investigating the missing 2.3 trillion that Rumseld reported missing on 9/10.
no positive identification of flight 77... recovered from the pentagon [citation needed]
This is where most of the speculation lies. The conspiracy "theorists" are usually split on this verdict. I admit I have been stupid enough to bite into this one, but at the end of the day there is very little information and evidence to work with. People who believe there was no plane(or 757) point to the lack of visible airplane debris that one(albiet mostly uneducated)would expect to see at a plane crash. "It only seemed like a small hole in the building. No tails, no wings, nothing."
Steve De Cairo. Survivor.
"With all the evidence readily available at the pentagon crash site any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon."
Col. George Nelson. Aircraft accident Investigator for US Airforce.
Through the Freedom of Information Act, we have seen 2 videos of the crash that dont show much of anything. The FBI confiscated a total of 86 video camera tapes and claims the other 84 dont show the Flight 77 impact.
The Pentagon crash is the only one of the 4 events to not register any seismic data, or at least nothing significant. The FBI took complete control of the Pentagon investigation and to this day they have not released anything.
You can watch the NTSB's animation of the airplane's flight trajectory and crash which unfortunately the animation did not show. This is from the plane's very own flight data recorder.
American 77 Final Maneuver - YouTube
Me personally, I think it would be much easier for the conspirators to simply fly an American Airlines 757 into the Pentagon just like they said they did. It is impossible to prove that it was hit by anything else. A Global Hawk is out of the question. Nobody saw a missile hit the building. So far I see MORE evidence to suggest that an airplane hit the building. Photos of the wreckage(some kinda gruesome) shows some serious damage, some plane parts are visible. I seriously doubt a team of workers dumped all that shit there. So there, I was wrong mate.
There are still ALOT of questions regarding the Pentagon. Dick Cheney's role....
(Between 9:20 a.m. and 9:27 a.m.) September 11, 2001: Transportation Secretary Mineta Reaches Bunker, Meets Vice President Cheney
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.
[Source: US Department of Transportation]Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta arrives at the White House bunker—the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC)—containing Vice President Dick Cheney and others. Mineta will tell NBC News that he arrives there at “probably about 9:27,” though he later says to the 9/11 Commission that he arrives at “about 9:20 a.m.” He also later recalls that Cheney is already there when he arrives. [
MSNBC, 9/11/2002;
9/11 Commission, 5/23/2003;
St. Petersburg Times, 7/4/2004;
Academy of Achievement, 6/3/2006] This supports accounts of Cheney reaching the bunker not long after the second WTC crash (see
(9:10 a.m.) September 11, 2001). Questioned about this in 2007 by an activist group, Mineta will confirm that Cheney was “absolutely… already there” in the PEOC when he arrived, and that “This was before American Airlines [Flight 77] went into the Pentagon,” which happens at 9:37. Yet, while admitting there is “conflicting evidence about when the vice president arrived” in the PEOC, the 9/11 Commission will conclude that the “vice president arrived in the room shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58.” Mineta also later claims that when he arrives in the PEOC, Mrs. Lynne Cheney, the wife of the vice president, is already there. Yet the 9/11 Commission will claim she only arrives at the White House at 9:52 (see
(9:52 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [
9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 40;
911truthseattle (.org), 6/26/2007] Once in the PEOC, Mineta establishes open phone lines with his office at the Department of Transportation and with the FAA Operations Center. [
Academy of Achievement, 6/3/2006]
black boxes [were turned] to dust [citation needed]
Pretty inaccurate statement on my part. The black boxes(Flight Data Recorders and Cockpit Voice Recorders) from Flights 11, and 175(WTC site) were reportedly(FBI and 9/11 Commission both claimed) "never found". This is not without some controversy, as two men working at the Ground Zero clean up site claimed to find 3 of the 4 black boxes. To name one, New York City firefighter Nicholas DeMasi(He's been interviewed about it before). To this day nothing from those black boxes has been released to the public. We were told they were destroyed or lost in the WTC rubble(which is possible).
Apparently black boxes from both Flight 77 and Flight 93 have been recovered. A partial transcript of Flight 93's CVR has been released, but the last few minutes before the crash were absent(It was claimed to have been damaged) The NTSB has released a report on the Flight 77 Flight Data Recorder.
After studying the NTSB report of Flight 77 some wacky conspiracy nut pilots had problems with it. I dont feel like getting into it. Basically the NTSB findings contradict the 9/11 Commission(NTSB shows flight path to be different from the one presented by Commission report), some people disagreed, found some bullshit in the NTSB report too(false height parameter, and the point of impact is not present in recording), and yadda yadda. As far as I know the NTSB has declined to clarify on their mistakes, and the CVR shows nothing relating to a hijacking, the cockpit door apparently never opened. I dunno. You can listen to a phone call if you're bored or interested.
Phone call to NTSB regarding AA77 Flight Data Recorder - YouTube
I partially agree with you in wishing this shit would just go away. It's a mindfuck thinking about this stuff, and dwelling on it doesnt get you shit except a headache(which I now have). But on the other hand it still is very interesting, I dont care who you are. The 9/11 Truth Movement(conspiracy theorists to some) was founded by family members and victims(including firefighters and first responders), these questions keep being asked because the US government will not answer them. I think it's absurd for people to suggest that questioning the official story means that you are a batshit crazy extremist nut who hates freedom and deserves to be shunned and marginalized. Tell the truth and people will shut the fuck up already. Eh but then again maybe not right?
Anyway, I think this 5 minute video says it better than I could muster. This is the stupidest conspiracy theory of them all.
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube