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Search results

  1. Here I come to wreck the day!

    Can't, account got locked up.
  2. Ban Me

    Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me...
  3. Just a temp ban? I'll wait a week and try again.

    Just a temp ban? I'll wait a week and try again.
  4. Ban Me

    Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me Ban Me...
  5. Come one, come all

    I think going to every active thread and posting about their mothers would suffice. I'll even google good yo' momma' jokes.
  6. Come one, come all

    Post 500!
  7. Come one, come all

    starting tomorrow. I'll begin the life of a troll.
  8. Come one, come all

    I've heard to link porn, insult people and troll the hell out of the forum. ...but that sounds like a lot of work...
  9. Come one, come all

    what are the biggest things to do to get banned?
  10. Goldeneye 007

    I got duped. I thought it would be good on the DS cause it was good on the N64 fail decent online though, anybody have it?
  11. Pokemon?

    Thanks to online trading, I now have a Squirtle. Win.
  12. How to summon a member

    My ear is ringing, and I keep saying hello! But @nobody is answering!
  13. How to summon a member

    @Cryss Winters I guess it doesn't alert you if you're looking at the thread right after posting.. lmao
  14. Pokemon Tower Defense

    slammers? Chapter4Gym I'm stuck on evil Celibi
  15. Diablo II

    To revive a terrible attempt at playing with forum members.. I have Diablo2 Anyone want to play? It is on Battlenet You can purchase the game through Blizzard for 10$ each if need be.
  16. Thinking vs. Feeling?

    I do not! :o
  17. Pokemon Tower Defense

    http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/566150 this game has taken over my life. a must-play.
  18. Do any of you read children's books (other than Harry Potter)?

    His Dark Materials
  19. Pokemon?

    Sad day. Found a new game, http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/566150 it is amazing.
  20. Pokemon?

    Get it to work!
  21. Noob

  22. Pokemon?

    emulators? works faster. (hold space and it runs 400% lmao)
  23. Pokemon?

    I would love a Charmander! Friendcode?
  24. A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    1. Immortality 2. Eternal Youth 3. Being able to pull out the exact amount of currency required to pay for any transaction at hand.
  25. Pokemon?

    Oh, crap.. that'll take forever. lmao wanna catch'em all with me?
  26. Pokemon?

    Wait. Can I get a squirtle from prof oak later in soulsilver???
  27. Pokemon?

  28. Hey. You're not dead.

    Hey. You're not dead.
  29. Pokemon?

    I have soulsilver. Looking to trade. Anybody have anything?
  30. The "I'm Looking For a Book" Thread

    I'm in the middle of, Tao of Physics. Good read.
  31. Why are you dead from the forums!?

    Why are you dead from the forums!?
  32. I miss you, buddy. :) I'm in Seattle now. It's pretty here..

    I miss you, buddy. :) I'm in Seattle now. It's pretty here..
  33. Teenage Rebellion

  34. What's crackin' yo' ???

    What's crackin' yo' ???
  35. You are so cute. One day I will make you mine. ... Yes, run away. Muwahahah. =3

    You are so cute. One day I will make you mine. ... Yes, run away. Muwahahah. =3
  36. Aww. I miss you too.

    Aww. I miss you too.
  37. To Club or not to Club?

    I just went clubbing for the first time last night. One of the worst decisions I've ever made, but I still got the girl. =P
  38. My bologna has a first name! It's OSCAR!

    My bologna has a first name! It's OSCAR!
  39. INTP personality and school

    I lost interest faster than most kids.
  40. Aww, he's so cute!

    Aww, he's so cute!
  41. Favorite Words?

  42. Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes

    Anybody have any? Or just veggie-food in general?
  43. Merry Christmas, dear

    Merry Christmas, dear
  44. Avatar: The Movie

    It was EPIC. (and I rarely use that word seriously)
  45. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    It would be a paradox: Immortality would be questioned and you wouldn't be able to fail either way.
  46. Those were the only options I'm entitled?

    Those were the only options I'm entitled?
  47. I am not. I didn't ask his type.

    I am not. I didn't ask his type.
  48. I had a cute guy from Sydney flirt with me a couple weeks ago. =3

    I had a cute guy from Sydney flirt with me a couple weeks ago. =3
  49. What's crackin' yo?

    What's crackin' yo?
  50. Aww, that's cute. I'm sure you'll meet a few people that you value more than me.

    Aww, that's cute. I'm sure you'll meet a few people that you value more than me.
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