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  1. onthewindowstand

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    Watched DBZ as a kid. It seems to be the most popular by far.
  2. onthewindowstand

    How should over-population be solved?

    African population is growing so fast that it is estimated to reach 2 billion in 2050
  3. onthewindowstand

    How should over-population be solved?

    Yet their poopulation is still growing... africans like sex?
  4. onthewindowstand

    How should over-population be solved?

    We could never send troops there. There are about 1 biilion people in Africa and in the darfur the region is so violent that about 500,000 people have died and 100,000 of that was from disease. That was just in two years. We don't have the resources to deal with that, and that is just one part...
  5. onthewindowstand

    What personality type is the Joker?

    My sister i an INFJ and she is really annoying. Just saying.
  6. onthewindowstand

    How should over-population be solved?

    Africa is at constant with war with itself... im surprised you don't know that. and the deal with aids... we have education here and yet aids still spreads. The best way to help africa would be a unification of several of the government there while endorsing condom use while giving them out.
  7. onthewindowstand

    Impossible riddle.

    It's too sloppy for me to spend that much time on.
  8. onthewindowstand

    What personality type is the Joker?

    OMG shut the fuck up. I checked this cause it said new post. I dont care about Jesus! He is a liar/insane man!
  9. onthewindowstand

    How should over-population be solved?

    No offensive but letting AIDs take it's course is a HORRIBLE idea. The reason that AIDs is often spread is because when soldiers have AIDs they are instructed to rape the populace of the town if they win to destroy their enemies. Letting AIDs run its course would be supporting genocide of entire...
  10. onthewindowstand

    What personality type is the Joker?

    I am an INTP and believe in both moral nihilism and determinism. I think because I am a thinker that my thinking nature supercedes by tendancy to be a perceiver.
  11. onthewindowstand

    What personality type is the Joker?

    Maybe an INFJ? He seems to be introverted for sure. He is always talking about and thinking about things in his mind. Much more than his immediate surroundings. He is harboring very negative feelings and a lot of what he does is in fact emotional/feeling based. C'mon the guy planned out...
  12. onthewindowstand

    INTPs and Authority

    To explain what a system without congressional districts would like I will make this post and you can then say if you agree. In the state of colorado (where I live) There are currently 9 representatives that are elected. With congressional districts every district sends one dude (Always a dem...
  13. onthewindowstand

    INTPs and Authority

    I support neutral fairness for leaders, who I distrust are the people voting.
  14. onthewindowstand

    INTPs and Authority

    Speaking of restructuring the system. The first thing we need to do in my opinion is abolish congressional districts and to put in place a literacy and logic test. This would destroy the obsession with the false dichotomy between choosing republican or democrat. Without congressional districts...
  15. onthewindowstand

    INTPs and Authority

    That is exactly why I am suspicious. And there are ways to evaluate what a leader will be like before actually knowing what he has done. Of course what he has done will always have more weight than what you inferred in the first place. My thinking is that if the majority of people are...
  16. onthewindowstand

    INTPs and Authority

    Why should they be given the benefit of the doubt? Think of the bell curve and voting power in america. Retards literally have as voting much power as genuises, and the difference between a genuis and an average bob, is the same difference between that average guy and a retard. When there are...
  17. onthewindowstand

    INTPs and Authority

    You said yourself that most people are irrational and in need of guidance. I think the exact same, but I think that people shouldn't be trusted until it is earned. Afterall you will probably find that the majority is unworthy of intellectual respect. It seems more reasonable to assume the most...
  18. onthewindowstand

    How should over-population be solved?

    The problem isn't over-population, the problem is the extremely disproportioned distribution of the world's resources. I am a capitalist but when africa is living mostly on one dollar a day, countries are considered "developing" if the average person is making 8000 dollars. That just shows how...
  19. onthewindowstand

    It depends on how intelligent the person is who is trying to tell. Usually intelligent people...

    It depends on how intelligent the person is who is trying to tell. Usually intelligent people recongnize me for my intelligence much earlier than the non-intelligent. Someone who is very arrogant will take a while too. What makes you say I am intelligent though? I am curious because I haven't...
  20. onthewindowstand

    You know you're an Intp when...

    120. Can walk into a room full of philosophy professors and sound like one of the homeboys... LOL
  21. onthewindowstand

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    Two of the best friends that I have ever had in my life were two INFPs. I usually like other INTPs, INTJs, ESFPs, I met one ESFJ and he was really cool not much experience though, I have met one ENFP that I like the others seem to be dicks though. The others are hit and miss.
  22. onthewindowstand

    MBTI Video

    That was seriously a really cute video! Which one were you though? I can't tell you and your sister apart.
  23. onthewindowstand

    If INTPs made up a majority of society

    I honestly think that they situation that you presented with the janitor is beyond the capacity of a lot of people in america. (even if that janitor is illiterate) Also, I think that an opinion that has more thought and intelligence is clearly more valuable. Not excluded to INTPs but there is...
  24. onthewindowstand

    Your name is awesome

    Your name is awesome
  25. onthewindowstand

    'What's your Archetype?' Test

    It said I was a creator
  26. onthewindowstand

    How Much Are You Worth....

    For an IQ test to be accurate at very high IQs they have to be specially designed tests for high IQ individuals.
  27. onthewindowstand

    How Much Are You Worth....

    I am worth 3.3 million dollars! (According to this test anyway) Edit- I got 5000 dollars for my penis size? :D
  28. onthewindowstand

    If INTPs made up a majority of society

    I am saying thinkers in a broad sense not the personality type. Yes I said INTPs could fix things but that is because they are almost always a thinker in the broad sense. Also I wasn't saying "holding political power" meaning a position of power(referring to the fact that my vote counts just as...
  29. onthewindowstand

    Cat Person or Dog Person? for pet people...

    Is there really a thread here devoted to furries? LOL
  30. onthewindowstand

    Language and Thought

    Either everyone grows up with god or no one does. But I know what you meant I am just giving you a hard time. :p
  31. onthewindowstand

    Language and Thought

    If anything language will never be adequate to express exactly what a person is thinking/feeling. Thoughts precede the process of language. If it didn't it would be impossible to learn a language at all.
  32. onthewindowstand

    why the SP's and SJ's rule the world.

    I will not trust a pigeon with that much carrot cake. You can never know if that particular pigeon would decide to devour all of the cake for himself :(
  33. onthewindowstand

    why the SP's and SJ's rule the world.

    What color will the balloon be? I am getting so much balloon mail these days. I need to know which has the cake :p
  34. onthewindowstand

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    This isn't a response to your post but of your profile picture. Don't you think that, that women has the rocket launcher in a strange area? LOL Also I had this same problem last night. Normally I just need to take a sleeping pill or if its really bad I take adderall and stay up the whole night...
  35. onthewindowstand

    ROUND 2! :D :D :D

    Ya it does seem to be lacking INTP qualities. But maybe we are all just parts of her fantasy. lol
  36. onthewindowstand

    How good are you at getting back to people?

    I am always quick to respond if it's a pretty girl. If it is someone else I could care less :P
  37. onthewindowstand

    What games did you play when you were little?

    Well my two favorite games when I was six were chess and command and conquer. I have always LOVED strategy games and have been very good at them too. I also was a huge fan of super smash brothers and after that pikmin.. You cannot tell me that, that game is not awesome!!
  38. onthewindowstand

    If INTPs made up a majority of society

    No, I just think that world would be a better place if INTP was a common personality type rather than a extremely rare one. It is the science of the bell curve. INTPs are thinkers but we do not hold enough political power because non-thinkers overwhelm us :( I think with literacy tests and...
  39. onthewindowstand

    My Girl

    This actually reminds of something that I did and regret. It wasn't exactly like the poem but it does remind me of it anyway.
  40. onthewindowstand

    Make a prediction for 2014

    I would like to take this moment to disappoint you when you said that there would be no idiotic prophecies. There will be no 2014 because December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world and all of us will die.
  41. onthewindowstand

    If INTPs made up a majority of society

    Assuming it had been this way for all of man's existance where would we be at scientifically and technilogically? I also think that there would be significantly less war but thats just me.
  42. onthewindowstand

    Does Your Mind Wander?

    This is almost the definition of how I think. I am pretty sure though that this is extremely common if not fundamental to being considered INTP
  43. onthewindowstand

    why the SP's and SJ's rule the world.

    You should mail me some :D
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