1) I tend to give authority the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Personally, I know I'm no expert on a multitude of subjects, systems and organizations, so I'll allow for an authority figure to direct me until I've gotten the hang of it. But as soon as the authority figure does something stupid, or presents themselves as my equal then they lose a lot of their weight. I suppose the reason that I will respect authority is because to me I see it as they've got a system or thing that is their job to run, and if I disregard their authority I disrespect them as an individual. Its when I feel they don't deserve my respect that things change.
Yeah, I don't really work well with or within systems, myself, and I'm usually very rebellious and sensitive to any authoritative abuse of power. I love to rally against a tyrannical administrator. But, at the same time, I do give authority the benefit of the doubt, beforehand. And I'm the type of person who understands the need for authority; I just wish it was done
right! And it's true that an authority figure has my respect and loyalty until they do something stupid or unethical that I begin to advocate against them, and want to improve the system, usually by removing them.
2) God.. I don't know what country you live in, but democracies are horrendous for getting things done. Dissenting voices are constantly getting in the way of progress. I mean if Republicans weren't so incredibly... no offense I know some brilliant republicans but honestly who ever argues that universal health care equates to the end of the world is retarded.. If Obama was given full reign to do what he needed and not have to cater to both sides we'd be in a completely different place, but of course that comes with its follies as well, and which leads to all the pros of Democracies. But I digress... Authority figures are needed, and they're needed because they give direction to those who don't know what to do. They're the enforcers for those who would seek to undermine the operations, or just flat out do nothing. They're also the synthesizers of all the various components of a system, into one. They make sure that the raw materials are getting to the production line in an adequate amount of time etc etc. They're the conductors, and essential.
Agreed. Democracies have many problems, even if they offer possibly the most legitimate governmental systems there are. In a usual democracy, things break down into majoritarian rule (which I loathe). "Mob rule." Social classes join factions and rally against one another, and it's so primitive. When this happens on a large enough scale for a long enough time, it results in our
Congress! A partisan piece of junk that
gets nothing done. And I do feel that the President should have more domestic powers, rather than being limited to the power of persuasion. A lot more change would occur if this were the case, especially with the Obama Administration.
And I agree: authority is needed, no matter how much we may dislike it.
All we have to do is
guide them in the proper course of action.
3) If humans were naturally autonomous then there would be no need for parents, and being a child or teenager would be no different than being an adult. I 100% believe that autonomy comes with maturity, and I don't believe that everyone becomes completely autonomous. To the point that they can eat, sleep, and crap sure, (although thats a point for speculation), but to be completely independent of people? I don't think everyone has what it takes. I think some people are just too people oriented.
Agreed. Humans are not naturally autonomous. They are generally irrational, unwise, and in need of guidance, in my opinion. On a large scale, you need some sort of authority to guide, regulate, control, and organize the large masses into systematic patterns which allow for an overall efficient social interconnection. This same reasoning is why we have driving rules. And it's pretty much Thomas Hobbe's Social Contract reasoning, which I agree with.
Good post.