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  1. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Start at the end of page 4 of this thread and read from there.
  2. Hi, I'm new here.

    I've stopped thinking of those sorts of things as "crises". They're just another interesting question to ponder.
  3. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No. Who writes Magic the Gathering fanfics? Also, Magic the Gathering is too widespread. This is something different. The "bad publicity" I'm talking about is much worse than anything Magic the Gathering has gotten, although there wasn't a whole lot of it.
  4. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? I'd like to remind people that the guessing is still open. (I recognize the possibility that nobody but me is interested in this at the moment; if so, tell me.) If someone guesses right I'll say so, but I won't reveal it myself yet. I don't really feel guilty...
  5. Recommended reading section?

    Australia! Just throwing that out there. What do I mean by Australia? I dunno, you figure it out. No, I have never been to Australia.
  6. Too much knowledge?

    Ooh! I have a link for this, too! http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/magazine/16-05/ff_wozniak
  7. Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    Actually, no. While they may travel primarily as electrical impulses, they also spend a significant part of the journey as chemical impulses. Also, thoughts don't usually travel in a stream; that's more for sensory input and muscle control. Many neurons often participate in one thought...
  8. Opinions/Beliefs Sheep

    No, I think it's more that it doesn't mean anything for a thought to exist, except in a statement that it does or does not exist in some particular person's mind.
  9. Recommended reading section?

    Yes, I recognized it as a joke, I just wasn't sure whether she/he (don't know either) was serious or not. The two are not mutually exclusive.
  10. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? On-line collaborative writing group? No, it's way too big to be called a group. It's really more of a subculture, and it contains a lot of smaller overlapping communities that do things like that. I haven't done anything in it yet; I'm still acting as an...
  11. Hardy Heron

    Ubuntu's wireless support is pretty good for a Linux distro. It's Linux that's infamous for sketchy wireless support, mostly because the official drivers are usually proprietary.
  12. Recommended reading section?

    Not until I know what you mean by that.
  13. Recommended reading section?

    I have now started a thread on that topic, so as soon as it gets past the moderators we can stop bothering this thread. However, I think I may just post links where there's a relevant topic, and create a relevant topic if there isn't one. I partially withdraw my initial suggestion, while...
  14. Hi, I'm new here.

    Hmm. Same here, but slightly differently: "No! You fail."
  15. Procrastination

    Yes, I thought that one would fit the people here pretty well.
  16. Recommended reading section?

    Should we have a "recommended reading" section/thread? I ask because, in case you haven't noticed, I have a lot of links to interesting/insightful pages (Look! There goes another one now!), and also some book recommendations. Sometimes they fit with the topic of the thread, or with a question...
  17. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Maybe my introduction thread? Or perhaps it should go in another thread all by itself. Yes, I think that's a better idea.
  18. Hi, I'm new here.

    Ah HA! So that IS what happened. I have noticed that I often pick up my friends' quirks. Here's one of the most pronounced instances: before 3rd grade, I used to speak pretty easily and fluently (when I did speak, that is). One of my best friends from around 3rd grade up through 5th or 6th...
  19. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No. Also, it's not just stories, other stuff too. I'm interested both the content and how the community around it behaves. The stories make a good example of this; many of them aren't really fanfics, not with a strict definition of the word, because many of...
  20. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Meh. Close enough. Not quite, but close enough. However, I can tell you I'm sure I have never written a fanfic, not even anonymously. I've constructed partial ones in my head, but I'd guess almost everyone does that, but never written any. When I said I don't...
  21. Self Esteem

    Essays can be worth writing. http://www.paulgraham.com/essay.html Sorry, just had to do that.
  22. Self Esteem

    Essays can be worth writing. http://www.paulgraham.com/essay.html
  23. How computer literate are YOU?

    No. You fail. Perl does not stand for Practical Extraction and Report Language any more than it stands for Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister. Those are backronyms, not acronyms, and writing PERL in all caps is considered a shibboleth in the Perl community. Just ask the Perl Monks. ou...
  24. Self Esteem

    Look, this is about self esteem. The point of faking self esteem is to trick yourself into thinking you have high self esteem. Self esteem is one of those things where, if you think you have a lot of it, that means you really do have a lot of it. If manage you trick yourself into thinking...
  25. How computer literate are YOU?

    To clarify: I was saying what path I took in learning programming, not recommending it. I do not recommend TI BASIC at all. Also, very few modern programming languages have all-caps names (C is only one letter, so it's an exception). Perl not PERL, Bash or bash not BASH, Lisp not LISP...
  26. How computer literate are YOU?

    I actually started with TI BASIC, which is ugh in many ways. After that I went on to Python at the suggestion of a friend, and then Java for my CS class when I hit high school. Next, Paul Graham's essays convinced me to try Lisp. People on the arclanguage.org forums brought up Haskell and...
  27. Hi, I'm new here.

    O.o That was unexpected. Sorry you didn't get in; you sound like the sort of person who would love that place. The workload is bad during 2nd quarter and horrible during 3rd quarter, but it's OK during 1st quarter, and now during 4th quarter it's actually surprisingly light. Some people are...
  28. How computer literate are YOU?

    I just found this awesome related link: http://www.lambdassociates.org/blog/bipolar.htm
  29. How computer literate are YOU?

    I just found this awesome link: http://www.lambdassociates.org/blog/bipolar.htm
  30. How computer literate are YOU?

    Programmer mindset... I think I can help you there, at least a little, although maybe not a lot. First, it helps to understand the difference between high level and low level programming. High level languages include Python, Perl, Ruby, and Lisp. Low level languages include C. Very low level...
  31. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No, no blog here. I'm interested in it (it being the thing you're trying to guess), but I don't go to anything about it at the moment. I have no idea what an FL club is. I don't believe I've ever produced anything on the subject that is available for anyone to...
  32. Totally lame

    "Vagina" falls under the category "genitals". She didn't.
  33. Hi, I'm new here.

    OK, I'm getting impatient. This thing is an LWSS from Conway's Game of Life. I'm surprised that nobody got that.
  34. What's Your Guilty Secret?

    This "guilty secrets/pleasures" thread is an interesting idea. I also play D&D some. I have another, but it's so exceedingly nerdy that I'm too embarrassed to say what it is, even here. If someone can guess what it is, I'll admit it, both because I won't have to be the first person to say it...
  35. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? This "guilty secrets/pleasures" thread is an interesting idea. I also play D&D some. I have another, but it's so exceedingly nerdy that I'm too embarrassed to say what it is, even here. If someone can guess what it is, I'll admit it, both because I won't have...
  36. Self Esteem

    Woah. Reason, that was great *applause*. I guess this is what happens when you get a bunch of INTPs together on one forum. Lots of people asking interesting questions and coming up with insightful answers to other people's questions. Also, the questions and answers already there can inspire...
  37. How computer literate are YOU?

    I will take this opportunity to demonstrate the awesomeness of Python's generator expressions.# Printing the sum of the cubes of all # integers from 1 to 50 inclusive # Without generator expressions: x = 0 for n in xrange(1, 51): x += n ** 3 print x # With generator expressions: print...
  38. How computer literate are YOU?

    What do you mean, "duck-typing is too much rope for a C-based language"? It sounded like you were saying "if it's gonna be that close to C, it has to be closer than that". To me, Python doesn't seem all that close to C. And how is whitespace sensitivity a problem? The only time I've...
  39. Self Esteem

    Interesting and somehow-related thing to consider: the difference between being apathetic and being carefree.
  40. Hi, I'm new here.

    I'm going to still give other people a try. If nobody gets it, I'll just tell you, but not yet.
  41. How computer literate are YOU?

    Whee! Computer programming, one of my favorite topics. Perl?!? NO! Don't start with Perl! It's so messy! I mean, it's better than BASIC or COBOL, but it's just too messy to be very useful. It also teaches bad habits. Once you write a Perl program more than a few hundred lines long and...
  42. Hi, I'm new here.

    What I mean is, I don't usually get like this, even when I make better grades and/or learn more than I did last quarter. No, it's not a Go board. The pattern is sometimes known as the small fish. If I gave its more commonly-used name, that would be a dead giveaway, because of Google.
  43. How many INTPs do you know?

    Sure, we may be about 1% of the population, but that doesn't mean that only 1% of our friends would be INTP. Or do you pick your friends at random?
  44. Hi, I'm new here.

    I doubt it's a sense of accomplishment. Yes, I've learned stuff, yes, I got pretty good grades, but that's normal. I don't really feel like I've accomplished anything more than usual. I think it's a combination of things, including the fact that I actually have some free time now. On a...
  45. Hi, I'm new here.

    Hello, I just joined this forum. You can call me Jesin. I'm 14 years old, and I took the MBTI because every freshman at my school takes the MBTI. The test classified me as an INTP, and when I read the description, my reaction was along the lines of "Aagh! This fits me too well! Have they...
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