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Search results

  1. S/N

    No, Tin is Sn. Sb is Antimony. And I knew that already. It was a joke. Thus the "Badum ching!"
  2. Phobias.

    Yes, you can't just mention your one and only fear and then get away without telling us about it!
  3. Leadership.

    Ow! This is no place for fighting. Wanna take this to the "Kill the last poster!" thread?
  4. My self introduction.

    Hello, welcome, all that stuff. We have plenty of people here who know exactly what you're talking about. Most (all?) of us have felt that same frustration at not being understood, some more frequently and/or more intensely than others. There's even a thread about suicide in the Psychology...
  5. S/N

    And... Tin? Badum ching!
  6. Dream 'Job'

    Midianice, that sounds like fun. However, I'd like a little more variety, not just physics and philosophy. Maybe what you said mixed with some programming, computer science (which is different), neurology, and psychology.
  7. S/N

    I've occasionally had experiences very much like the one L described. 'Twas ama-zing. It's not like we're exclusively TiNe; we also have Si, and even some Fe (no, not iron, extraverted feeling).
  8. Shai Gar.

    Shai Gar, how did you get that name? Just curious.
  9. Help us with a forum logo

    You don't know very much about JPEG. I used to make that assumption too, but because of the way JPEG works, it is unable to store information without losing some of it. A compression level of 0 does not mean no compression, it means the lowest amount of compression that JPEG does. It's still...
  10. Wondering what the fuss is about

    Yes, exactly! Anyone who can read a chunk of GEB:EGB and like it is probably worth knowing.
  11. Help us with a forum logo

    Yes, the last one is good. (Why JPEG? PNG better!)
  12. Wondering what the fuss is about

    I came to the conclusion that I'm weird by comparing myself to other people and to what other people seem to consider as normal. I then concluded that "normal" is boring and that the INTP brand of weirdness is quite awesomeful in comparison.
  13. Leadership.

    Why, thank you for that explanation. I think it fits me pretty well. (I made this post partly for that pun.)
  14. Wondering what the fuss is about

    Eh, the party's always going to start in a bit. Oh, well.
  15. Hello

    Hmm. Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. I've heard good thins about that book, and I have read a few things written in the same Achilles/Tortoise format used in every other chapter. I've only read a little bit of the actual book, though. I guess you would know from that book what...
  16. Help us with a forum logo

    Oh. OK, never mind.
  17. Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Re: Do you believe in God? Yes, I think that is possible, but not in the narrow, anthropocentric way you stated it. If a human being can "process that information in some 'quantum' way that generates new information", so can a computer, a butterfly, a tree, a teacup, a roll of toilet paper...
  18. Wondering what the fuss is about

    Alienated with oneself? No, that's not what I meant at all. I mean weird in a way that for me is something of a synonym for awesome. Sometimes I think about what my personality and my interests and how that compares with the rest of society, and think "Wow, I'm a geek!" or "Man, I'm weird!"...
  19. Help us with a forum logo

    Do you have a non-jpeg version? That specimen seems to have sustained some serious compression damage.
  20. Wondering what the fuss is about

    Hello, and welcome. I hope you have fun here. Would you describe yourself as weird?
  21. Procrastination

    Looks like PG has written an essay on this topic. It's worth reading. http://www.paulgraham.com/distraction.html
  22. Best Comedy?

    I love having fun in ways that make other people think I'm insane. Especially with friends.
  23. Ello'

    Yes, the thing about the psychedelic drugs was one thing I disagreed with. Strong argument against those: Occam's razor. Which is more likely: that they actually bring profound enlightenment, or that they cause a feeling of profound enlightenment? I didn't actually like Island all that...
  24. Intelligence enhancing drugs

    I wasn't sure where to put this, so for now it goes to the lounge. http://www.johannhari.com/archive/article.php?id=1298 Discuss. The guys over at HN, where I found the link, also had lots to say on the subject: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=190676
  25. Ello'

    Welcome, bborps, nice to have you here. No, really, I mean it. Since you joined, you seem to have been contributing to the discussions here as well as anybody. Seems that lots of people here became a part of the community quite fast. Heck, my account is only a week older than yours (it's...
  26. Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Re: Do you believe in God? http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=185348
  27. Shai Gar.

    Whee! This thread is now officially about threadjacking, with the result that it is quite likely to flail wildly off topic in many different directions. I will facilitate such with a radnom link: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/deadnews
  28. Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Re: Do you believe in God? How do you know there is choice? Determinists argue that choice could be just an illusion.
  29. Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Re: Do you believe in God? You seem to still be missing my point. When I talked about higher levels, I didn't mean higher levels of existence, I meant higher levels of abstraction. I agree that thoughts don't exist in any sort of "higher plane" than the electric and chemical signals and...
  30. S/N

    Yes, such is exactly what I meant.
  31. Procrastination

    Yet another thing on procrastination has popped up on HN (Hacker news, also known as news.yc): http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=188932 That is the page with all the comments on it. The title of the article at the top of the page is the link to the actual article. The article itself...
  32. About Lies

    Yet another link: http://www.paulgraham.com/lies.html
  33. How computer literate are YOU?

    This related link popped up on news.yc: http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/05/dynamic-languages-strike-back.html
  34. What kind of dreams do you have?

    I hardly ever dream, or if I do, I hardly ever remember it. I remember one instance that happened when I had been tired out from exercise and/or manual work the day before. My alarm clock was going off, and it didn't stop when I pressed the button. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off...
  35. S/N

    S types see things, but not always the connections between them. N types see the connections between things, but sometimes overlook the actual things.
  36. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No, Zakai, I am speaking of your exclamation points!!!! Whatever that is, it doesn't look like obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, that is irrelevant to the topic at hand, and any discussion of Zakai's use of punctuation belongs elsewhere. Back to...
  37. Hi, I'm new here.

    For the Game of Life, I recommend LucidLife or GtkLife. If you just want to try it out, go here: http://www.ibiblio.org/lifepatterns/ That page has a very nice Java applet that uses a very fast algorithm. In fact, GtkLife and its derivative LucidLife both use an algorithm based on the one in...
  38. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No, wrong. They don't make fanart of everything. They make fanart of nothing but each other's artwork; they create characters to draw and they draw each other's characters. (Well, I guess the inexperienced ones tend to draw characters from certain movies and...
  39. Intro to.... Me

    Fish slap dance! (Monty Python sketch)
  40. Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Re: Do you believe in God? I know, I just saw all this stuff about determinism. This discussion pops up occasionally on the bus home from school between myself and two INTP friends of mine (there's also an ENTJ who occasionally joins in). When it does, I usually say something like what I just...
  41. Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Re: Do you believe in God? I'm not a determinist; determinism is meaningless, as is nondeterminism. When you get that close to the workings of the universe, you don't have the luxury of such high-level abstractions as "free will". These arguments over whether or not we have free will never...
  42. Dream 'Job'

    Eragon is good in a way that does not work well for movies. Movies can't be long enough to fit all that pondering and those details on the side; they only have room for the main plotline with a few details, and since Eragon's overall plot is so bad...
  43. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Ehh, that might actually work. It is not INTP-like to use that many exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  44. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? Maybe it isn't, but other people here have admitted to playing D&D, and nobody has mentioned this. Also, many people in and almost in the fandom are reluctant to admit it, which started because of the aforementioned bad publicity and worsened and persisted for...
  45. Intro to.... Me

    Semicolons are fine, as long as you don't overuse them or misuse them. Misuse is also problem with apostrophe's and, commas; which annoy's me. Yes, this forum is awesome. We have a bunch of people jumping from topic to topic apparently at radnom, usually coming up with something insightful to...
  46. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? I already said, I originally hijacked this thread in the last post on page 4, so you only have 3 pages + 1 post to look through. Some of the posts are also pretty short. Just start at the end of page 4 and read from there; it should only take between 3 and 10...
  47. Perfect memory

    This just popped up on news.yc, and I thought people here might have something to say about it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/1940420/The-woman-who-can-remember-everything.html
  48. Dream 'Job'

    Zero, Wisp, and whoever else ranted about Eragon, you missed the point. I'm not arguing that the book is well-written or has a good, original plot. I mean, if you look at it that way, then sure, it's horrible. The overall plot is not the point, and neither is the writing style. It's the...
  49. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No, I'm not a cosplayer or Anime fan. Actually, I'm not really part of the fandom I'm talking about yet, I'm just interested enough to almost be. The anime fans tend to look down on what I speak of even more than the sci-fi fans, although them looking down on...
  50. What's Jesin's Guilty Secret? [Thread Split]

    Re: What's Your Guilty Secret? No, that's a bad hint, then you'll just be guessing words at random instead of actually looking for the community I'm talking about. I do have more hints in mind, but I'm saving them for later, and they all have to do with the concept rather than the word.
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