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Search results

  1. Creeping Death

    Thoughts on BLM/Cops

    I'm sick of all this shit, so sick that I'm starting my own movement. Mixed Lives Matter. All you purebreds are pissing me off with your empowerment movements. BLM, KKK, whatever. it's time for the mixed man to get some representation. #oreopride #muttmasterrace #halfbreed #blendedblood #mixtizo
  2. Creeping Death

    What do you like most and least about your type?

    Best: knowing exactly how to be successful. Worst: not following through with it.
  3. Creeping Death


  4. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    Re: Feel free to axk me anytang. Balls. Yes, I've seen it done. Balls. Just certain appendages. Yes. No.
  5. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    Re: Feel free to axk me anytang. Vaginas have storks, why else would storks deliver babies when we know the baby came from a vagina?
  6. Creeping Death

    What is mobile device are you have?

  7. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    Re: Feel free to axk me anytang. Vaginas, or maybe Storks. But the storks probably get theirs from one giant vagina.
  8. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    Hey, I am a (somewhat) new member to this forum site. I came here from the land of immortal shapeshifters. It's your lucky day that I decided to show my physical form to you mortal being, so feel free to ask away.
  9. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    What's your credit score? If it's not at least in the 700's you can forget all the other stuff I asked you, but if it is then I have some more questions for you.
  10. Creeping Death

    Choose (for fun)

    2/3 of each, that equals two, and I get most of the benefits of each.
  11. Creeping Death

    What is mobile device are you have?

    Cuz Samsung is just great (or at least was). I don't like the shit they've been pulling recently.
  12. Creeping Death

    What is mobile device are you have?

    32g, a few 8g one 16g, all rooted and unlocked
  13. Creeping Death

    What is mobile device are you have?

    I'm deeply sorry for your current situation, as an act of kindness I wouldn't mind sending you one of my old galaxy's. I encourage everyone else to do the same. If you know an iPhone owner suffering through life day by day and you have an old Android laying around, please think of them, they...
  14. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? I asked first, not fair.
  15. Creeping Death

    What is mobile device are you have?

    Just curious.
  16. Creeping Death

    What if never

    Wifi has never been this hard for me to find.
  17. Creeping Death

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    To capitalize on cheesepuffs question, please provide full name, dob, current address, cc#/exp/cvv, mmn
  18. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    probably as long as it's in a spoiler, if it's not completely off topic and if there is a fair warning outside of the spoiler.. dick pic below: last thing we all (maybe not all but most) want to see is a fat dong when we click on the thread.
  19. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    any image involving wine is tasteful
  20. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    15:00 but I'm home for today as there is too much snow to do anything
  21. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm having some Cabernet Sauvignon as we speak.
  22. Creeping Death

    Math/Science Puns and Jokes!

    Pavlov.... hmm, that name rings a bell
  23. Creeping Death


    I've used piracetam and aniracetam before, both in conjunction with either alpha gpc or choline bitartrate. Alpha gpc was always touted as the best choline source but I didn't notice a difference so I stuck with the more affordable bitartrate. I first tried piracetam 2g a day, split into two 1g...
  24. Creeping Death

    What should I do for three hours on Sunday?

    As long as it's not four or more
  25. Creeping Death

    The truth about reality

    Maybe I'm being an ass and not taking in to full consideration the point you're making, but I don't see this comparison as being remotely close. A fleas presence is felt by the dog, and is a problem. Humanity as we know it wouldn't even be detected on a universal scale. You could say humans are...
  26. Creeping Death

    What should I do for three hours on Sunday?

    Sunday's almost here, and I need something to do for a specific timeframe.
  27. Creeping Death

    what is the definition life

    Someone had to.
  28. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  29. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  30. Creeping Death

    what is the definition life

    Intredasting https://youtu.be/QOCaacO8wus
  31. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Did u need stpo sex for grifrend prenargte?
  32. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  33. Creeping Death

    What songs are stuck in your head?

  34. Creeping Death

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    Yep, can't have a cock swinging video without him.
  35. Creeping Death

    What songs are stuck in your head?

  36. Creeping Death

    What songs are stuck in your head?

  37. Creeping Death

    Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    Was any else a little bothered by that scene in the Green Mile when MCD grabbed Tom Hanks' junk?
  38. Creeping Death

    INTP and Chronic Depression plus an Autoimmune Disease

    I've had great results with sertraline, although some don't. But I followed thru long enough to notice the intended results over a period of time. I think that's the main reason why sertraline doesn't have better results among others is because they stopped taking it not long after being...
  39. Creeping Death

    Movie Scenes

    Beat me to it. It's actually not a movie scene, but one of mankind's most notable achievements, next to the moon landing.
  40. Creeping Death

    Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    What do you mean, that was the best part. Other than the shower raep.
  41. Creeping Death

    Compare somebody to an extremely hazardous substance.

    Hmm, don't see diacetylmorphine on this list
  42. Creeping Death

    Looking for myself

    A mirror is a great place to look
  43. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    It's Chile outside, I guess I Congo back home.
  44. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    Nah, Jamaican me laugh, quit China do that.
  45. Creeping Death

    Confess all your sins here.

    In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max’s toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog…When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat...
  46. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    Oman that was a good one
  47. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    Uruguayan to make me mad
  48. Creeping Death

    Iran to the store..

    I had Togo get some Turkey, it was on my Czech list. I haven't Benin there in a while. Norway I was going to Wal-Mart though, they're always Russian you.. The Mali I popped earlier had me fidgeting in line, the cashier asked, Kenya stop?
  49. Creeping Death

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  50. Creeping Death

    How do you react to idiots

    Depends on the situation. I will publicly scold people when I observe douchy behavior, but won't go too out of my way to ridicule them. If there are idiots in your private life who aren't random people on the street, you must relocate them.
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