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Search results

  1. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm not gay, but I'd do Manson. It's only gay if balls touch.
  2. Creeping Death

    Odd INTP habits?

    I like to make a cocoon-like clap where my hands clap together like there's a small ball I'm holding, instead of the usual flat hands clap during an applause. The noise this produces is pleasing for some reason, and I do it randomly throughout the day, when alone of course. I will make weird...
  3. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    My name is Sexxxo Pornographicus, Galactic Overlord of Schlaungg, and I am here to crush the Earth. Starting with your pussy. I have mastered your Earth courtship process and have come to conquer all ripe breeding vessels in your “Los Angeles County.” We will meet in a well-lit public place for...
  4. Creeping Death

    Hi. :)

    I think we all knew a person like this tbh.
  5. Creeping Death

    Looking for a good deal on Space Booty

    I can pay with btc, PayPal, wu. What you got? Hook a brotha up.
  6. Creeping Death

    Hi. :)

    Do humans sit on your keyboard while you type?
  7. Creeping Death

    Hi. :)

    Hey there person, what did you dream about last night?:elephant:
  8. Creeping Death

    Hi. I'm RAG.

    Hai. What do you do for entertain? What's the most wtf experience you've had? Have you accepted Cthulhu as your lord and savior? Do you know what's that is what can do now?
  9. Creeping Death

    When did you actually run out of fucks to give?

    Throughout high school and several years after, I noticed I was overly aware of myself, or maybe I just thought that. I would avoid certain social situations simply because the clothes I thought I looked good in weren't washed yet, or my hair wasn't perfect or maybe I forgot to brush. And a...
  10. Creeping Death


    Turkey bacon, 6 Brown eggs (just because How to Basic) some oatmeal. A couple pots of coffee, some freedom, then internet.
  11. Creeping Death

    Do You Donate?

    I donate to various organisations. Mostly wildlife related, as I care more about animals than starving children, although I help out those kids once in a while. Usually ASPCA, WWF, Feeding America, Child Fund, and several others. I enjoy doing it on a regular basis ;) It's something I never...
  12. Creeping Death

    Does addiction make you mentally strong?

    I got rid of it earlier.
  13. Creeping Death


    Excellent post
  14. Creeping Death

    Does addiction make you mentally strong?

    Not possible. This is someone who will be around. For the time, I can't do much about them. This is the longest I've been sober since beginning, so that is a big mental boost for me. I haven't yet assumed my ultimate form.
  15. Creeping Death

    Does addiction make you mentally strong?

    Just an update on this, as I recently passed 100 days. I told a "friend" about this so he decided to surprise me with a gift for being sober that long. After finding a gram of sticky diesel and six blue 30's under my doormat I realized it may have been more of a 'fuck you' than a gift. This...
  16. Creeping Death

    Member Theme Songs

  17. Creeping Death

    *shuffles feet*

    Welcome to the team
  18. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  19. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    *enters room and shoots*
  20. Creeping Death

    Are you "creepy"?

    Yes, it's in my name.
  21. Creeping Death

    Sphere of Advancement of organisms

    I don't think it's inside out but I can see why some say it is. On the Kardashev scale a civilisation moves up in type the larger the realm they control, signifying starting from the core and moving outward. However, one response to the scale mentioned a civilisation advancing based on how...
  22. Creeping Death

    Why did you pick your name?

    My favorite Metallica song, and I've been accused of being creepy and of murder, so yeah.
  23. Creeping Death

    ISTP, the most tolerable S type?

    You have friends?
  24. Creeping Death

    How did you spend your time as a teen?

    Nice try NSA
  25. Creeping Death

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  26. Creeping Death

    ISTP, the most tolerable S type?

    Of any sensor I've encountered, it seems as though the ones I can blend with best are ISTP. I've been friends with every confirmed ISTP I've encountered, we can usually have a more involved discussion with one another than if I were talking to a different S type. Especially if you have a...
  27. Creeping Death

    When did you realize that you are gifted

    When I started wearing a helmet and arriving to school in a more specialized bus.
  28. Creeping Death

    Recommend Relaxing/Refreshin Music

  29. Creeping Death

    Is it possible to see intelligence in the eyes of a person?

    There's a video from DNews which claims that males with eyes more apart from each other were usually more intelligent and those with eyes closer together not so much, apparently the distance between the eyes wasn't correlated with intelligence for females.
  30. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm into crazy but not this person. I don't hang around those sorts anymore. If it were simply role play and not murder then I wish I was next. I remember going to that house with a friend around that time, literally the day before the police were notified and the bf cracked open the...
  31. Creeping Death

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Is this ESFPish or something else? There's this ESFP who I know of (judging by a test I convinced her to take). I heard plenty about her and was in her presence quite a few times before I engaged in any conversation with her, and once I did she didn't seem as bad as everything I've been told...
  32. Creeping Death

    What are you all reading?

    The Prince by Machiavelli, for the fourth time I think. I sleep with it under my pillow and carry it with me. You never know when you might need it.
  33. Creeping Death

    Sphere of Advancement of organisms

    This sphere will have 4 Levels. Level one is the outermost layer, the crust if you will. In this level is included everything that a species is physically capable of with just their body. You, naked. Level two is what a species can accomplish with all current technological advancements...
  34. Creeping Death

    wanting to be social, but not wanting to be social

    Just ignore the alt-right, trannies, furry porn, b8 threads and all the people telling you to an hero because you're a newfag.
  35. Creeping Death

    wanting to be social, but not wanting to be social

    Talk about your problems in a place you can post anonymously, where people have no user profile to notice and think "hey, that's the weirdo who posted about X". Maybe a place like 4chan :)
  36. Creeping Death

    Genetically Modified Organisms cause cancer

    I like that. Even if it was from 5 years ago I would have still responded. This type of bafoonery must be called out, no stone left unturned. Sorry bout that m8
  37. Creeping Death

    anyone paid for DNA testing?

    I'm on a quest to uncover my ancestry and genetic details. I'm generally aware of my background, especially on my mother's side, since the family tree is well documented on her side and my great aunt has traced it as far back as 12th century England. Still, there are plenty of missing pieces...
  38. Creeping Death

    Why are many Chinese so extreme?

    You think the Chinese are extreme, go to bestgore or liveleak and have a look at what goes on in Brazil.
  39. Creeping Death

    Genetically Modified Organisms cause cancer

    The rats in the now thoroughly debunked Seralini study would have grown those tumors no matter what they were fed. https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-seralini-gmo-study-retraction-and-response-to-critics/ No, it doesn't. Labeling is voluntary, you have the choice of shopping at...
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