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Search results

  1. MichiganJFrog

    Screening Out The Introverts

    Dude, I'd rather be dead and cool than be alive and be a totally bogus buzzkill. :confused:
  2. MichiganJFrog

    Screening Out The Introverts

    This article says the ICD-9-CM designation has been on the books for decades. The APA apparently has had less success trying to brand us all as sickos by way of the DSM, and if you click on the relevant link in the article, you'll see they've backpedaled and changed their proposal from...
  3. MichiganJFrog

    Practice your inferior functions here!

    "I have made my decision and see no need whatsoever to consider additional information, especially if it contradicts the conclusion I've reached." Oh, man, that would be nice.
  4. MichiganJFrog

    Screening Out The Introverts

    This line inspired me to check to see whether The People Who Run Things still consider introversion a clinical condition. The answer is yes.
  5. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

    Just Googled it. Very interesting, thanks. Always wondered why I found to-do lists absolutely useless.
  6. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

  7. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

    I'm almost certain that I'm an introvert. I base this conclusion on the way I process information. I have never been able to just "run with" a new concept, including the concept of introversion. It takes me forever to really "get" something, to feel it in my bones. If I had known that growing...
  8. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

  9. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

    So now I'm reading a study on all of this. It seems as if the MBTI took Jung's original theories, put them in a blender, and set it on puree.
  10. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

    Sounds like a good idea. I just wonder how much more reading I'll have to do on them until something clicks. I feel like it will turn out to be the case either that shyness and I/E have nothing to do with each other, or that the connection between them is so complex that it will take many...
  11. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

    It's all very muddled. Most of the time I am perfectly content to be by myself, whether in or out of doors. When it comes time for human interaction, I will often get nervous. I think it's because I feel like I'm supposed to act like an extravert, whatever that means, and that if I act like an...
  12. MichiganJFrog

    Parents hitting kids

    Exactly. The end product of fear is anger at having been made to fear something, thus likely ensuring the cycle of violence is repeated in the form of bullying, spousal abuse, and child abuse when the child becomes a parent. Alice Miller, author of The Drama of the Gifted Child, was dead-set...
  13. MichiganJFrog

    If you're still in doubt

    If you're still not even sure you're an introvert, what's holding you back? In my case, it's my social anxiety, which completely clouds and confuses the issue. For I know, I could be a shy extravert, though I seriously doubt it.
  14. MichiganJFrog

    You know how attractive you are?

    On a good day, I'm about as attractive as the guy on the left.
  15. MichiganJFrog

    The Curious Incident...

    I'll look it up. I want to read the book again anyway.
  16. MichiganJFrog

    INTP's doubting their type

    Me neither. I remember reading somewhere that the only thing the scientific community can agree on is that people have different personalities.
  17. MichiganJFrog

    The Curious Incident...

    Good on you for not going with the flow, and you can't go wrong with LeGuin. I just liked The Curious Incident because it just all went along like a perfectly designed machine. Except for this one part where the MC talks about this math problem and gives an answer that didn't sound right to me...
  18. MichiganJFrog

    The Curious Incident...

    It's weird. I took the MBTI at work about 10 years ago, came back INTP, then completely forgot about it. I read the book and it really registered with me, but I couldn't figure out why. Then I forgot about the book. Somehow, at about the same time recently, I remembered having taken the test...
  19. MichiganJFrog

    The Curious Incident...

    Mark Haddon. You can ask him a question on GoodReads today, but I can't think of anything.
  20. MichiganJFrog

    Sometimes, I wonder If im really an INTP.

    I'd go along with that. I've pegged the guy who sits next to me at work as an ISFJ, and he seems to be able to mix it up with just about anybody in a way that I can only dream about.
  21. MichiganJFrog

    The Curious Incident...

    ...of the Dog in the Night Time Anybody else read this? I don't know why it made such a huge impression on me.
  22. MichiganJFrog

    Am I Too Old for this??

    Just turned 48 myself, and just joined this forum, too. 1/8 Scottish, BTW. Welcome!
  23. MichiganJFrog

    Fake Twitter page

    Thanks, yeah, I did find fake FB and Twitter generators. Just for the sake of CYA, we should probably do fake Pinterest, fake Google+, fake Flickr, and fake stuff I haven't even heard of yet. It would be hard to fake YouTube, I think. Jesus, we might have to make a video. :eek:
  24. MichiganJFrog

    Fake Twitter page

    Anybody know how to make a Twitter page that won't go live? This is embarrassing -- I tried to make a screen grab of a real one, and then just fiddle with the grab in Word. It's not working at all. It's for a grad school project. Thanks.
  25. MichiganJFrog

    Working with other introverts

    Right, the beatings will continue until morale improves. Actually, I just said to him, "I'm here if you need anything," and then I backed off. I shut down my evil twin ESFJ, which wasn't doing anyone any good. It seemed to work. The guy had a burst of inspiration and came up with a bunch of...
  26. MichiganJFrog

    Working with other introverts

    I got the professor to administer the MBTI, so that may help.
  27. MichiganJFrog

    Working with other introverts

    I was able to do that on the first leg of the project, and we rocked it. Seems like he's back in a trough again, though. Not sure what to say this time except, "You can do this."
  28. MichiganJFrog

    The worst gifts you've ever gotten

    My mom gave me a book about magic tricks for my birthday when I was a kid. To this day, I don't have the slightest idea why she thought I'd be into it.
  29. MichiganJFrog

    Working with other introverts

    Well, I got softhearted and tried the sympathetic approach. We'll see how that works. Seems like the main thing is that we work better via email than we do face-to-face.
  30. MichiganJFrog

    Hello... disenchanted INTP chick here...

    Hi. Good thread, good intro. Inspired me to Google the phrase "accepting your introversion."
  31. MichiganJFrog

    Working with other introverts

    So you think a good swift kick in the pants may be in order?
  32. MichiganJFrog

    Working with other introverts

    Anybody have any experience working with fellow introverts who are struggling with self-acceptance, and trying to figure out how to keep them from withdrawing and staying motivated? Looking for some ideas. Thanks.
  33. MichiganJFrog

    Any musicians?

    Played piano and trombone when I was a kid, at my parents' behest. Guitar, bass, and drums starting in my teens up to the present. Will play for beer.
  34. MichiganJFrog

    Parents of INTPs

    Re: INTP Parents I can't think of anyone in my family of origin who isn't introverted. We have all had issues with self-acceptance and acceptance from others because of that. How my parents and siblings fall out in terms of N/S, T/F, and J/P, I couldn't tell you. I'm too new at this to make...
  35. MichiganJFrog

    Letter to a young INTP

    I found mine (ENTJ) in my mid-20s. Sometimes we will say the same thing at the same time. Other times we argue with some degree of acrimony, but we've almost made it to the quarter-century mark. If you'd told me that's how it would turn out when we met, I would have thought you quite mad.
  36. MichiganJFrog

    Letter to a young INTP

    Enjoying this so far. The bit about the earth-shattering effect of paradigm-changing evidence resonated with me because one of my first posts on the forum was about someone challenging the validity of the MBTI. Fortunately, a few nice people talked me down off the ledge and I'm okay now, but I...
  37. MichiganJFrog

    Those disastrous careless little mistakes...

    And another thing: if mistakes are so valuable and beneficial, why aren't they recognized as such? Why does it seem like all the awards go to the perfectionists -- the valedictorians with the 4.0 GPAs and the employees with the perfect attendance records? I'm just sayin'...
  38. MichiganJFrog

    Those disastrous careless little mistakes...

    Cool, just checking. :p My fortunes seem to be falling precipitously in the first area as they rise in the other two. The guy who ran the IT network for the town I used to work in said it's always better to have everyone a little bit pissed off at you than to have a few people really pissed off...
  39. MichiganJFrog

    Those disastrous careless little mistakes...

    So what kind of failures are we talking about here? Social? Academic? Career? All of the preceding?
  40. MichiganJFrog

    Does your logical/analytical side bother you?

    Tough to hear, but probably useful. Thanks.
  41. MichiganJFrog

    Does your logical/analytical side bother you?

    So is Ti the function that causes you to rip yourself a new one periodically?
  42. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    Is this true at certain times and in certain situations more than others? How does this pushiness manifest itself gender-wise?
  43. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    It probably is. Today, I'll most likely be back to my pensive, analytical self.
  44. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    I know next to nothing about any of this; however, I did read on another site that the optimal match for an INTP is an ENTJ. My wife tested out as one, and we've been together for 24 years. By contrast, my first intimate relationship was with someone I'd consider an ESFJ. It was a thrill ride...
  45. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    I feel like tonight I had that rare optimal mix of both -- solitude hanging in the square observing the skate punks, cramming thoughts down on my cell phone as fast as the keyboard would let me, then social interaction with friends I have known for years and trust completely. I realize such...
  46. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    Awesome! Thank you!
  47. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    Thanks all. It seems I haven't completely alienated my project partner yet. I dialed it down a notch (is it still okay to say that in 2012) and that seemed to work. A great deal of staring at tabletops and such. This is as it should be. Any good suggestions on where to look for incisive...
  48. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    Drained, spent, fried...you nailed it, pyro. So is there a limit to how long you should expose this ESFJ to direct sunlight? Is it like Clark Kent and Superman, or Hayata and Ultraman? :confused:
  49. MichiganJFrog

    Anyone Else Generally Bad at spelling

    (Retard here.) Math is to me what spelling is to you.
  50. MichiganJFrog

    Inner extravert

    Does the inner extravert really exist? I feel like I have been trying to play the extravert in order to lead a project at school, and I'm quite certain it's turned me into an overbearing jerk, while also accomplishing next to nothing. I am going to try just being real from now on and seeing...
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