I noticed it's pretty common for INTP's to doubt their type. Or, more accurately, they cycle between being confident in their type and expressing doubt. I'm the same way. I feel like I wouldn't have so much doubt if I didn't also see it so much in others.
My first exposure to personality typing was in college. We took the official test for a career development class, but before the teacher handed back our results she explained the four dichotomies and had us try and type ourselves. Although I concede that it wasn't a very scientific way to go about it (and there was no talk of functions), I ended up self-typing as an INTJ. My results showed that I was an INTP. Since the report was only about careers and what jobs I might enjoy, there wasn't much information other than that.
Since then I have tested INTP pretty consistently, but I always wonder if it's because I know what they're looking for and so I answer that way. I've gotten INTJ probably twice, and INFP once. The INTP profile fits very well, but I also identify very much with the literature on INTJ's, INFP's, and INFJ's. What's more, I understand that the four types are often confused for each other, and there are many who thought they were one but ended up being another.
There are many reasons I often doubt my type. I secretly crave approval from others, sometimes even when I don't respect them. I am very easily hurt by criticism. I often make very quick decisions AS LONG AS it doesn't affect others, in which case I am extremely indecisive. Grammar and spelling mistakes bother me but I never point them out because it feels obnoxious, and in my opinion it doesn't really matter - what's the point if I understood what they meant? I will correct people in person if they are misusing logic or using incorrect facts. I also enjoy fitting in, at least superficially; I want to be "unique" and independent in thought and personality, but I enjoy wearing "trendy" clothes, even though people still see through it and label me as kind of a dork.
I've studied functions a lot as well, and still can't make a final decision. I'm pretty sure I heavily use Ti, but I feel like Ni is a very strong force too - I'm very often changing my entire perspective in order to fit new things in, and also find myself considering the intended meaning behind things quite a bit. I can see multiple perspectives effortlessly, although it is often difficult for me to commit to them. I also feel like there are parts of Fe that make me want to gag, but I actually really enjoy it when it's going well. I have social anxiety disorder, so I have thought, maybe I'm just an INFJ who is especially intellectual and has a stunted Fe. I relate very well to descriptions of inferior Se, but then again, from what I understand J types tend to be pretty sure about what they are. Even after reading multiple books and scanning threads about people unsure about their types, I can't commit with full confidence.
This isn't nearly the only reason, there are dozens more, I just don't want to type a novel. What I'm wondering is, why is this self-doubt so prevalent? Is it because INTP's take forever to be completely certain about something? What traits do you show that give you doubt? Are you actually confident in your type? Am I doomed to forever be uncertain?
My first exposure to personality typing was in college. We took the official test for a career development class, but before the teacher handed back our results she explained the four dichotomies and had us try and type ourselves. Although I concede that it wasn't a very scientific way to go about it (and there was no talk of functions), I ended up self-typing as an INTJ. My results showed that I was an INTP. Since the report was only about careers and what jobs I might enjoy, there wasn't much information other than that.
Since then I have tested INTP pretty consistently, but I always wonder if it's because I know what they're looking for and so I answer that way. I've gotten INTJ probably twice, and INFP once. The INTP profile fits very well, but I also identify very much with the literature on INTJ's, INFP's, and INFJ's. What's more, I understand that the four types are often confused for each other, and there are many who thought they were one but ended up being another.
There are many reasons I often doubt my type. I secretly crave approval from others, sometimes even when I don't respect them. I am very easily hurt by criticism. I often make very quick decisions AS LONG AS it doesn't affect others, in which case I am extremely indecisive. Grammar and spelling mistakes bother me but I never point them out because it feels obnoxious, and in my opinion it doesn't really matter - what's the point if I understood what they meant? I will correct people in person if they are misusing logic or using incorrect facts. I also enjoy fitting in, at least superficially; I want to be "unique" and independent in thought and personality, but I enjoy wearing "trendy" clothes, even though people still see through it and label me as kind of a dork.
I've studied functions a lot as well, and still can't make a final decision. I'm pretty sure I heavily use Ti, but I feel like Ni is a very strong force too - I'm very often changing my entire perspective in order to fit new things in, and also find myself considering the intended meaning behind things quite a bit. I can see multiple perspectives effortlessly, although it is often difficult for me to commit to them. I also feel like there are parts of Fe that make me want to gag, but I actually really enjoy it when it's going well. I have social anxiety disorder, so I have thought, maybe I'm just an INFJ who is especially intellectual and has a stunted Fe. I relate very well to descriptions of inferior Se, but then again, from what I understand J types tend to be pretty sure about what they are. Even after reading multiple books and scanning threads about people unsure about their types, I can't commit with full confidence.
This isn't nearly the only reason, there are dozens more, I just don't want to type a novel. What I'm wondering is, why is this self-doubt so prevalent? Is it because INTP's take forever to be completely certain about something? What traits do you show that give you doubt? Are you actually confident in your type? Am I doomed to forever be uncertain?