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Search results

  1. Peripheral Visionary

    Neighbor just revealed A LOT to me, what to do?

    INTP coping mechanism #1: Do not get chummy with the neighbors. They are likely to drop in on you unannounced, and dump their weird crap on you. People, have we learned NOTHING from Ron Swanson?
  2. Peripheral Visionary

    How do I survive in a crowded college hostel?

    This, plus befriend an INFJ and plead your dilemma until he/she let's you crash on the couch when you need to retreat for more than 8 hours. And make it priority one to get different living arrangements no matter how rigid you think the situation is.
  3. Peripheral Visionary

    Gittinger and PAS

    Thanks Yellow. I had not seen that particular article before, but it didn't really tell me anything that I didn't already know. Gittinger is described as an "evil genius" but as far as I can tell, he was a decent fellow that didn't do anything in the See Eye Aye that actually led to people...
  4. Peripheral Visionary

    Gittinger and PAS

    Is anyone familiar with John Gittinger and his Personality Assessment System? And by that, I mean does anyone have information or experience beyond what you find on wikipedia or the scant few online articles that Gittinger wrote? PV
  5. Peripheral Visionary

    About the racket this man is making

    I'm not sure what you mean by "dampening." He's got it tuned to an open D (D-A-D-F#-A-D) and the arrangement employs some of the lows string in a constant modal "drone," that is common in Appalachian mountain music, especially with a mountain dulcimer.
  6. Peripheral Visionary

    What did you learn today?

    Those are valid concerns and questions. Certainly, you shouldn't ignore the feelings, but you cannot allow feelings to control you or shut off your rationality. Doing so is how crimes of passion occur; but worse than that, you can be controlled and manipulated through your emotions. Think...
  7. Peripheral Visionary

    What did you learn today?

    I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the blog. While I agree that you don't have to get all Panglossian about what happened, the best thing you can do is gain wisdom from the experience. What other benefit is there from bad circumstances? Reacting by delivering the offender an ass-whooping is...
  8. Peripheral Visionary

    What do you do to manage and release stress?

    Yeah, I forgot to add my thoughts on exercise. Yoga, I agree, is vastly over-rated. There is--IMHO--a much more beneficial exercise system that is even older than yoga: calisthenics. It is coming back into vogue because people are wising up to the insanity that physical fitness requires a...
  9. Peripheral Visionary

    What do you do to manage and release stress?

    It shouldn't. If you are actually doing it daily, then you will see a difference in ten to fourteen days. A two week program of meditation has been shown to greatly reduce PTSD in 80% of participating Iraq war veterans. They had some group therapy sessions as well, but my guess is that your...
  10. Peripheral Visionary

    What are you all reading?

    Everything by Hoppe is mind-blowing/expanding. His reasoning is deductive based on self-evident axioms. It turns everything you know on its head, and yet you still come away thinking: That's so obvious I can't believe I didn't see it before!
  11. Peripheral Visionary

    What are you all reading?

    Rules for Radicals- Saul Alinsky A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline- Hans Hermann Hoppe
  12. Peripheral Visionary

    Look out world cause some of us are dangerous

    I don't think INTP's are much capable of being dangerous by themselves, but probably would find employment in a secret government think-tank situation where they could think up new and interesting ways to off their fellow humans. I'm am thinking of Gerard Butler's character in "Law Abiding...
  13. Peripheral Visionary

    Sex requirements (sexquirements)

    I have a different subjective definition, and it has nothing to do with mental illness per se'. I define a fetish as a strong mental association of disparate things. In this context, it is an association between sexual desire and something that may or may not have anything to do with sex. The...
  14. Peripheral Visionary

    Decided I need new friends.

    Well, the dirty little secret of Mensa is that it was founded back when Eugenics was still in vogue among most academics and business leaders. It's really a glorified hook-up society. I'm not surprised it was a let down. I have a friend who is a Mensa refugee that started a society for people...
  15. Peripheral Visionary

    Decided I need new friends.

    My experience with other INTP's is that when in their youth they can be highly self-centered and self-involved. I went through it myself. It sounds like you are going through an obsession with philosophy and are dying to talk about it relentlessly with someone. The problem is that even those...
  16. Peripheral Visionary


    "The Century of the Self" by Adam Curtis
  17. Peripheral Visionary

    Decided I need new friends.

    Instead of finding new friends, consider that you might become a better friend to the people you already know. Just saying.
  18. Peripheral Visionary

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Why is Harry Potter successful? A combination of tried and true fictional formulae- Extensive Universe Formula- Fictional stories set in expansively imagined alternative realities tend to draw in readers. The greater the amount of detail, the more readers can become "lost" in visiting that...
  19. Peripheral Visionary

    An uncomfortable situation.

    I would counsel you a bit differently. I think you should get deeply involved in this situation with May and her husband. I advise this because I regard pain as the greatest teacher. The earlier you learn painful lessons, the better you can live the rest of your life as wise and knowing...
  20. Peripheral Visionary

    how to deal with more intelligent people?

    I didn't consider myself smart until I started hanging out with smart people. They were just more interesting. Then someone told me I was smart, too. I was surprised. I think if you are considered outstanding in a way that distinguishes you from others, your ego gets tied up in that...
  21. Peripheral Visionary

    The INTPf invention ideas thread

    A ray gun that will destroy car stereos without doing any other damage.
  22. Peripheral Visionary

    Are the intelligent more prone to depression?

    Bertrand Russell observed that the problem with the world is that smart people are full of doubts while the idiots are cocksure. I am grotesquely paraphrasing, of course. But people with confidence tend to be more optimistic, which tends to equate with happiness so the obverse could be true...
  23. Peripheral Visionary

    Romantic fiction, chick lit, etc.

    I am a man who likes Jane Austen. I read 50 Shades and thought about how far we've fallen. Not that I am prudish about the s&m, just boggled at how the racy and scandalous nature of the situations could be made banal under the weight of awful prose. "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene is...
  24. Peripheral Visionary

    Insights on what makes up your forum persona?

    I am exactly like my internet persona. Including the fact that my face is a green pyramid and I have only one eye. And also my voice sounds like your own as it is speaking in your head.
  25. Peripheral Visionary

    Dumb Jokes are the Best Kind

    A dog walks into a hardware store. He approaches the manager and says: "Hey, are you hiring? I'm looking for a job." The manager looks at him in amazement and says: "I'm not hiring you! Why don't you go join the circus?" The dog says: "What does the circus need with a carpenter?"
  26. Peripheral Visionary

    The Alex Jones thread.

    That is some of the language gambling addicts use in describing themselves in therapy. Is that the same as evidence or justification? I don't know. Perhaps it is simple impulse control that must be backward rationalized. Perhaps it is addiction to heightened feelings one gets before the roll...
  27. Peripheral Visionary

    The Alex Jones thread.

    You may dismiss Alex Jones, but he fulfills a need. Otherwise he wouldn't be popular. Some people have a need to believe that forces greater than themselves are conspiring to keep them down or bring them down. Gambling addicts don't gamble because they think they will win. They gamble to...
  28. Peripheral Visionary

    How do INTPs Love?

    How do INTP's love? My preference is with coconut butter and a whisk.
  29. Peripheral Visionary

    Ask BAP

    Does Superman wear Chuck Norris Underoos?
  30. Peripheral Visionary

    I like hard to get girls, why?

    I agree that it is simple. Just not THAT simple. First of all, some people don't know how not to be an ass. Second of all, some people don't know how to be confident without going overboard and appearing to be an ass. Third, some people don't know how to soften or mitigate their physical...
  31. Peripheral Visionary

    I like hard to get girls, why?

    Are girls hard to get? Is a safe hard to open? Not for someone with the combination. So figure out the combination. Given INTP's love of puzzles, it would seem that INTP's could be become the most prolific procreators of humanity. Nature counterbalances this by making them unsociable...
  32. Peripheral Visionary

    What is your favorite movie of the romance genre?

    "Demon Seed" A women gets knocked up by a computer. No, wait. That wasn't wholly consensual and therefore not a romance. The Kiera Knightly version of "Pride and Prejudice."
  33. Peripheral Visionary

    What is Horror?

    What is horror? Someone coming up and saying: "Have you seen our vacation pictures? We were gone for 3 months."
  34. Peripheral Visionary

    Fictional INTP's

    Patrick Jane from "The Mentalist."
  35. Peripheral Visionary

    Wage Slavery

    There are, unfortunately, too many posts since my last visit to be able to address every point and issue, so if what I have to say misses something someone made in a novel length tome, please forgive me, I'm not trying to be intellectually dishonest. First, yes I literally interpreted the term...
  36. Peripheral Visionary

    Wage Slavery

    Wage slavery? Slaves don't get wages. That's the point of being a slave. Slaves are not able to refuse a job--unlike folks who are working for a wage. You are perfectly free to go do something else if you don't care for the monetary compensation. If you agree to sell your labor on the terms...
  37. Peripheral Visionary

    A little story and some questions about Ne & Ti

    You think this is what you're sure of? Or do you feel this is what you're sure of?
  38. Peripheral Visionary

    Running low on motivation.

    Read John Taylor Gatto's Underground History of American Education. School is boring on purpose.
  39. Peripheral Visionary

    Comfort Zone

    Speaking of cooking, and this ultimately addresses the OP, I found out by accident that I'm an excellent cook. In my early 20's, some of my married friends persuaded me to participate in a revolving dinner scheme. Every week, someone would take turns cooking dinner for everyone in the group. I...
  40. Peripheral Visionary

    A little story and some questions about Ne & Ti

    If I may ask: What functions are you SURE about? What part of the INTP cocktail definitely applies to you? What you describe sounds like a hypnogogic state-- that Twilight Zone between wakefulness and dreaming. Your thoughts could be rich with meaning, or they could be just random thoughts...
  41. Peripheral Visionary

    How the hell can I relate to an SJ?

    I think you are doing as well as can be expected. No need to resent them, they are just being themselves. The resentment only hurts you. For short periods of time, I get along with S-J's by becoming one. I listen to their style of talking and word choice, and I mimic it. I see if I can lead...
  42. Peripheral Visionary

    Mechanical ability ..... what are you like

    I despise dealing with anything mechanical. However, when it's been forced upon me, and I make myself focus, I can usually figure it out. Afterwards I feel a huge sense of satisfaction and efficacy. However, it is apparently not lasting enough to make me overcome my loathing of dealing with...
  43. Peripheral Visionary

    The way INTPs instigates a discussion.

    I think all introverts prefer written communication, especially with the T function. It's because their thinking tends to be reflective, and writing allows you to do that--as opposed to the spontaneity of conversation, where you might say something that is not as precise or carefully considered...
  44. Peripheral Visionary


    I am not a hoarder of material things, but I know an INTP who is. I helped him move once, and he had boxes of CD's that he'd bought but never opened. Some were duplicates of CD's he already owned, but forgot he had. He also buys cars, then parks them on his family's farm. He's like a crazy...
  45. Peripheral Visionary

    why do iNTPs love mainstream music?

    I prefer Star-Bellied Sneetches. Because they have stars on their bellies.
  46. Peripheral Visionary


    The thing that keeps me from procrastinating is that I don't feel I can really do it justice. I can't really settle my mind on whether it is better to wait to the last minute, or if I should start at the one before the last minute--the penultimate minute, if you will. One of these days, I am...
  47. Peripheral Visionary

    INTP and conformity

    Dude, what can I say? We're INTPs. I just looked inside and asked: What would I do, or what have I done in the same situations? But I'm a little farther down the road in life lessons, and so that gives me some perspective in how the road tends to twist and turn. There is no need to hate...
  48. Peripheral Visionary

    INTP and conformity

    Fraternities are good for networking, and not much else. It's possible that your INTP is channeling his inner Machiavelli and doing this for the networking benefit, but my experience is that INTP's at that age are still in the principled rebel stage. My guess is that your INTP is a bit...
  49. Peripheral Visionary

    INTP humour

    I would bet that at the end of the day, when she thought about it, she laughed her ass off. Speaking of anti-jokes.... Why did the little girl fall out of the swing? She had no arms.
  50. Peripheral Visionary

    Legitimacy of Typology [Discussion split from a personal thread]

    I certainly didn't mean to compare MBTI to astrology. But are you saying that the Forer Effect can't happen to someone reading a type description?
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