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Legalize All Drugs!


aka Noddy
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jul 14, 2008
Houston, TX
Just wanted to liven things up! It's slow, and I am bored at work.

Seriously though. My grandfather, who, interestingly enough, was a staunch conservative republican (and also a genius), always told me that drugs should be legal because the illegality of them itself makes them more problematic than they would otherwise be (as it was with prohibition).

I know we have alot of Libertarians here and Libertarians believe the same thing. What do you think are the merits/difficulties with a policy like this?

I for one, think the idea has alot of merit. Imagine the jails no longer being over crowded and the untold billions saved from not having to wage the war on drugs.

For the record, I have never done a drug in my life nor been in the presence of someone actively doing drugs. Hell, I've never even been drunk if you can believe that!


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
The legalization of ALL drugs would be terrible...there is a reason they put crack heads in jail lol.... Without laws against drugs the world would be a covered with people who are pretty much not even a person anymore. Then again, without laws against the harder drugs(Crack, coke, heroine, meth and etc.) would be more readily available and cheaper so the overdose rate might increase and the drug addicts would naturally kill themselves off. I do think there need to be some law changes though..for instance, the fact that marijuana isn't legal but alcohol is legal is ridiculous.. Being a pothead myself does sway my opinion but honestly, how many people have died from car accidents, murders, alcohol poisoning and whatever else may have caused death due to alcohol. Compared to weed whose only issue is lung cancer...and maybe a few people killing each other over drug deals but that would go away with legalization. All this because the government cant legally tax marijuana if they legalize it, so they keep it illegal and collect all the money from drug busts instead. Sad sad sad country... they say they want to protect us but they just want our money...
As for any other drug..i think they should all be made illegal other then cigarettes because they aren't as bad as heavy drugs(even though i frown upon people who smoke them).


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
You druggies are all alike... rational arguments for legalization? Who uses rational arguments anymore?

As far as alcohol being legal over marijuana, yes its about money, but its not a government conspiracy. Politicians have more to lose from angering the alcohol industry than the marijuana industry. Its not greed as much as self-preservation.

I disagree about the reasons against legalizing harder drugs. Yes those drugs have a much greater tendency to ruin people's lives, but part of that is that once they are addicted, they are stuck in a life of crime for the rest of their lives. If the thing that you are physically addicted to is a crime, you up shit creek without a paddle my friend.

If it were legal there would be a lot more knowledge about how to use them safely (and the costs of using them at all), and once abused there would be a much greater chance of them getting help. Let's face it... people that turn to drugs don't generally do it when they feel great and everything it working out fine. Just like alcohol it is most often some form of compensation for what's already going wrong. Once people stop trying to deal with the problems of their lives, they often destroy their lives ignoring those problems. Some use drugs, some use suicide, some violence and others simply collapse into their worse nature to protect themselves.

Yes, I'm a Libertarian, so you probably expected that stance, but its this stance that first attracted me to the Libertarian party. I think its right. Drug addicts need help, not handcuffs.

That was disjointed, but I wrote it in three separate sittings. Oh well.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
drugs should be legal because the illegality of them itself makes them more problematic than they would otherwise be (as it was with prohibition).

Agreed. No matter how hard, some things you just can't repress once they are out of the bag. There is a demand for drugs, so drugs will find a market, be it legal or not, safe or not. And the prohibition precedent is just too obvious to overlook...

And it should be handled similar to alcohol. There'd be drug bars, and you could consume drugs in private places, but it should be a major crime to consume in public, or be tripping out in public (public drunkenness needs harsher retribution too). There should also be lots of education about the good and bad effects of drugs and their safe usage, adequate environments for a pleasant experience, as well as clean and sterilized instruments for those that require them.

Imagine the jails no longer being over crowded and the untold billions saved from not having to wage the war on drugs.

And the billions earned for taxing legal drugs!


Anyway, I don't think the state of the world right now will allow it. Drugs are illegal because governments/societies don't want people to think or experience new things. It's about control. Alcohol is legal because it is pretty much stupefying, which is precisely what they want. Cigarettes are legal just because there's lots of money involved...


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 10:24 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Because marijuana is easy to grow in your back yard, and its no worse than what could be provided on the free market. To make your own alcohol, you often end up with methanol in the mix which makes you blind. Thus people buy commercial. Its not tax reasons that keep it illegal, its lobbyists with deep pockets. Alcohol has them, marijuana doesn't. We do not have a free market economy. We have a government regulated economy, otherwise all drugs would be legal by default. The dangerous drugs wouldn't last long because they kill off their customers.

I read an interesting study a while back about the evolution of viruses. In an area where a sick person who is immobilized would not pass the virus on to anyone, the virus evolves into a more benign state. In an area where viruses pass easily without the need of a mobile host, viruses become more parasitic and malignant. In an atmosphere where drugs were legal, I believe it would follow the same path. Allow for drug's easiest acquirement be legal and safe and dangerous drugs will die out, simply because there is no reason to take the risk when the financial cost and physical benefit is comparable.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
The way i see it you can do whatever you want given that doesn't affect another person so i don't really care but i do have strong opinions about it. I don't condone any drug that someone can get addicted to, i don't like that people do drugs because they might be sad or think they need it. Basically every hard drug you can think of changes your mentality completely... I don't know if any of you know any people whoa have actually done these drugs but i do...the life they live to get the drugs they desired was only part of it, every one of them said that being an actual addict made them completely different people, low..miserable people. Besides..its not exactly healthy.. which is the last and most obvious reason drugs are bad..

I don't mind weed since it doesn't have the effects on a person heavy drugs do, i do admit i feel bad when i don't have weed but i also don't have a job, a car, i don't have many friends.. and live far away from town so i cant do anything there... so you can imagine i get pretty bored sitting around every day on the computer..i don't mind the alone time but if i don't have anything to think about...and nothing to do..im basically trapped..

Cigarettes are not so bad but i still don't like them and always recommend people don't do it. They stink..taste bad.. and people smoke them like they are eating candy or something..no self control..

Alcohol is one of the main things i hate...i don't mind recreational use but barely anyone knows how to control themselves, drinking a little and getting a buzz isn't to bad, but if you don't drink very often and drink a lot at a party or something and get wasted thats dumb..then if your just a plain out alcoholic and get smashed every day its no good at all.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Well, then, why not marijuana?

Marijuana is psychoactive... a bit of a sedative, but mostly a hallucinogen, not a flat out depressant like alcohol...

It gets you high, not shitfaced.

Its also way less addictive....


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
I'd like to say something from the perspective of a parent. I feel that peer pressure today is almost impossible to counter. Peers have way more influence over teens than their parents. At the same time, values around sex (its like candy), drugs (why not - it's my right) and behaviour (heavy emphasis on rights with no notion of responsibilities) have changed radically. I just think that if hard drugs were legalised then any inhibitions about taking them will wither away altogether. Teens just want to rebel against ANYTHING mostly due to the hormones coursing through their bodies. Also their brain development encourages them to engage in risky behaviours (the part of the frontal cortex which assesses risk and weighs up decisions does not fully develp until early 20's). If there is no reason not to take these drugs then the most vulnerable will be pressurised into taking them. Granted it won't stop the risk takers but then won't they look for even harder stuff - they have to prove their cool credentials somehow. I know kids get pressurised into doing stuff they don't want to do - like giving random guys blow jobs because its cool not because they enjoy it (yuk!). I think the illegality (and the life style associated with it) puts some kids off. The kids that are not put off are attracted by the risk but know somehow it's not good - so they're more careful. But maybe a generation of pleasure-seeking kids, zoned out and just focused on where the next high is coming from is what the economic and political elite want. Wasn't that Aldous Huxley's vision in Brave New World?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:24 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
The problem is that age restrictions are not taken seriusly with alcohol and they wont be taken seriusly with drugs either, if you sell drugs/alcohol to underage kids you should go to jail, if you buy them for underaged you should go to jail, if you use them on public places you should go to jail, etc. However, it would be much easier to control it being legal and the money gathered from its taxes could be used to help rehabilitation. I think that if you make them legal and farmaceuticals got to produce them their composition could be controlled making them as safe and as less adictive as possible. There is also the benefit of making a great source of crminals, violence and exploitation disapear bringing a whole industry (that wont disapear no matter how much we want it to) into the light, bussiness people are not heaven but certainly better than armed criminals.

Also Yay! 600th post :D


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I support the legalisation of cannabis, or the illegalisation of tobacco. Having one legal and not the other is hypocrisy, they seem equally harmful in the long run.

Harder drugs, though, I'm not so sure. It's different to illegalising suicide in that guess who has to pay for the drug addicts to be kept alive? At least a suicide victim doesn't end up occupying a hospital bed/receiving rehabilitation from the government. Of course, plenty of hospital beds and places in rehab are already occupied by people addicted to alcohol and tobacco. Really the whole concept of drug abuse is ridiculous. Why would you want to stupefy yourself in the first place? I can see why you might do it once, out of curiosity, but to continue to seek pleasure in something you know is damaging to you? To potentially abandon your health or your sanity for a brief high? That, I don't understand.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 2:24 AM
Aug 14, 2008
I'm not a libertarian, I'm a commie (De Leonist), and yeah, drugs should definitely be legal. Though I wouldn't take any harmful drugs.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I don't really think most people have the intelligence required to look after themselves. That's why laws are there in the first place, isn't it? To stop stupid people from doing stupid things? Ideally, they could be legal and no one would take them. Everything could be legal and everyone would behave properly nonetheless. That'll never happen, though.


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
I don't really think most people have the intelligence required to look after themselves. That's why laws are there in the first place, isn't it? To stop stupid people from doing stupid things? Ideally, they could be legal and no one would take them. Everything could be legal and everyone would behave properly nonetheless. That'll never happen, though.

good point. Taking drugs is primarily an emotionally driven behaviour - our rational mind is often put on hold when we decide to take them. A teenager could be feeling really down and decide on the spur of the moment 'shit, why not take some heroin - my life's worth nothing'. If it were legal and freely available he'd just pop out to the supermarket and there's another nice addict to add to the pile. Leaving the elite free to get on with running the world...and invading whatever country's next on the list!:)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:24 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
If it were legal and freely available he'd just pop out to the supermarket and there's another nice addict to add to the pile. Leaving the elite free to get on with running the world...and invading whatever country's next on the list!:)
Please, why "legal" makes you think "freely available"? Guns are legal under certain circumstances and conditions, that doesnt mean you can pick one up in the supermarket and start killing people.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
May 2, 2008
I don't really think most people have the intelligence required to look after themselves. That's why laws are there in the first place, isn't it? To stop stupid people from doing stupid things?

Not according to libertarian philosophy.


aka Noddy
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jul 14, 2008
Houston, TX
I don't really think most people have the intelligence required to look after themselves. That's why laws are there in the first place, isn't it? To stop stupid people from doing stupid things? Ideally, they could be legal and no one would take them. Everything could be legal and everyone would behave properly nonetheless. That'll never happen, though.

I may be being facetious here (I'm not sure myself), but:

What's wrong with letting stupid people be stupid? We have a population problem already. Sounds like a good way to thin it out. Let stupid people kill themselves and each other. That's why we need the right to bear arms as well. We have to be able to put the stupid ones down when their stupidity is in danger of effecting us. Let it be an example to the others!

I'm talking Darwinian survival of the fittest here. The human race will carry on without them.

I seem to be in a particulary sinister and contrary mood today. Sorry! :D


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
May 2, 2008
Another way to put it: With the government trying to protect us from ourselves, who will protect us from the government?

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
why do people do stupid things that they know full well is hurting themselves? (alcohol in my case)

its a question i've often wondered. no matter how much i tell myself that i need to stop drinking, that its only costing me money and hurting me, i do it anyway. sometimes i wake up feeling like shit, but its like i don't even remember how i felt come nighttime when i open another bottle of cheap whiskey. the entire drive to the local liquor store, i'm often saying to myself "you shouldn't be doing this" but i do it anyway. i try to rationalize the behavior, but i don't really understand it. i guess when i'm drunk, the feelings of self doubt are quieted and i become more extraverted. i've often referred to alcohol as "liquid courage".


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:24 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
I think the way out is to really go to the root of the problem. In your case it could be learning to be social without that aid, which in many cases turns out to be more of a placebo than liquid courage. Like someon said, happy, well adjusted people with a loving family, money, etc, dont usually go to crack to feel better. I think that its to expect that if the general quality of life in a country goes up (and I dont mean just money) then drug abuse would go down.


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
I think the way out is to really go to the root of the problem. In your case it could be learning to be social without that aid, which in many cases turns out to be more of a placebo than liquid courage. Like someon said, happy, well adjusted people with a loving family, money, etc, dont usually go to crack to feel better. I think that its to expect that if the general quality of life in a country goes up (and I dont mean just money) then drug abuse would go down.

I think that the problem with INTP's is that we're way too rational. AgentIntellect has hit the nail on the head. Drug taking behaviour is not rational. We wake up in the morning with our rational heads on and we analyse our behaviour the night before. Then we make a vow to do this or that but by the time 8 pm comes we throw our resolutions out of the window and embrace our emotional brains. Then comes the alcohol and temporary enjoyment - out goes the rational brain and all our resolutions and rational analysis. All this stuff about - let the stupid people kill themselves doesn't acknowledge that we're all stupid (intellectually or emotionally) any time after 8pm - the later,the more stupid we become.

And, by the way, Dissident raised a good point. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's freely available; Hadn't thought of that though I don't know how that would work exactly.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:24 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
Here is what Tekton mentioned:

Tekton said:
And it should be handled similar to alcohol. There'd be drug bars, and you could consume drugs in private places, but it should be a major crime to consume in public, or be tripping out in public (public drunkenness needs harsher retribution too). There should also be lots of education about the good and bad effects of drugs and their safe usage, adequate environments for a pleasant experience, as well as clean and sterilized instruments for those that require them.

I think that centralizing the offer so you could only get them in specific places would make it easier to control, that underaged kinds dont get them, keeping a register of the people who use them (similar to guns), etc. There should be a way to make quick tests of drugs like we have for alcohol so the police can check drivers, employers can check employees, etc (I wouldnt like my surgeon to be high while he operates me)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
They're not called "drug bars", they're called "shisha dens". :P

And the later in the day, the more intelligent I become, generally.


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
I am not for legalizing all drugs by any means, but it's puzzling to me that alcohol is legal and less harmful drugs aren't. I'm sure there have been a lot more alcohol-related deaths, illnesses, and injuries than any other drug. The only reason why it's more accepted is because it's more traditional.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
I am a genius from the time i wake up to the time i go to sleep..heck even while i sleep lol... but seriously i think the same way night and day, and when i do think about things i don't often consider the harm smoking weed causes, i just rationalize that i enjoy it and if i continue to enjoy it..i often argue with my mother and a friend of mine who smokes too but is a hypocrite that i enjoy smoking so much because nothing else keeps me content, later on in my life i could either get bored with it and quit or if i find something better to do, like a fun job or something...(if i could think of something i would definitely enjoy i would do it lol...)

Although there is the fact i don't see myself getting bored with the simple pleasant high you get from weed. I would love to find a job where smoking weed is socially acceptable and i didnt have any responsibility.. *says in best hillbilly voice* "LEGALIZE MY MARY JANE DANGIT..."


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
i enjoy smoking so much because nothing else keeps me content, later on in my life i could either get bored with it and quit or if i find something better to do, like a fun job or something...(if i could think of something i would definitely enjoy i would do it lol...)

I don't know anything about you (I didn't see you on the 'who are you' thread) but isn't weed part of the problem? It doesn't feel like you really enjoy being passively content by smoking weed - it sounds like you would prefer to be out there enjoying life a bit more. The pain acts as a motivator; by dulling the pain you put up with stuff you know you shouldn't. But hey..I might be intruding here as I said I don't know anything about you. But you could do an experiment - one night don't smoke and instead write down all the times you have enjoyed your life (not dully but by being fully alive). See if that gives you some clues about what you'd like to really do (not just work but anything that rocks your boat - except smoking weed!!!!). God, I hope I don't sound patronizing here!

I know someone whose son became a schizophrenic due to smoking marijuana. In the UK we downgraded the drug to a class C but due to the subsequent research about its links with schizophrenia they're considering reclassifying it again.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
I really would enjoy having a fun life but it wouldn't involve people..it would involve my own materialistic pleasure.. i don't like people..probably never will..even the people i consider my closest friends get on my nerves... it would be nice to have some intelligent friends..i really do feel slightly superior to most people since their arguments are either simple and barely thought out or just plain wrong... That is actually why i would rather talk to you guys on here, you have more compelling arguments.

As for the writing down the happy moments in my past...that would just suck..it would be a fun thing to do but i have a bad memory to begin with..then there is the fact i have never been an extremely happy person..just content..

And one more quick thing.. the schizophrenia mentioned in most studies about marijuana are due to the plant itself being harvested before its fully "ripe" i guess you could say, or it was improperly manicured or dried.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
if drugs became legalized but heavily restricted, there would still be an enormous illegal market, which would solve nothing except for the problem of addicts not being able to locate their dealer.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:24 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
if drugs became legalized but heavily restricted, there would still be an enormous illegal market, which would solve nothing except for the problem of addicts not being able to locate their dealer.

Yeah, I thought of that too, but think that the restriction would only be to underage kids and some other specific cases, normal adults would be able to go to one of the places where its sold and consume freely if they want. Then you would have to put a lot of preassure on illegal plantations so their better choice was to do it legally, once you have most plantations and laboratories processing drugs into the light you can control that all of their production gets to the authorized selling points only (something like moving cows, you open a door in one side of the field then you chase them from the other so they get scared and run through the only way out they have)


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
I really would enjoy having a fun life but it wouldn't involve people..it would involve my own materialistic pleasure.. i don't like people..probably never will..even the people i consider my closest friends get on my nerves... it would be nice to have some intelligent friends..i really do feel slightly superior to most people since their arguments are either simple and barely thought out or just plain wrong... That is actually why i would rather talk to you guys on here, you have more compelling arguments.

This is a host of contradictions. you don't like people but it would be nice to have some intelligent friends which is why you would rather talk to us online (we are people too). So actually what you're saying is that you would like to find some friends but people who are more like you. This is why you start out by saying
I really would enjoy having a fun life.
YOu want this stuff but the weed dampens the pain/desire so you just put up with shit and contentedness. I'm sure you're worth more than contentedness (you are an INTP after all!). What do you like doing apart from smoking weed?

Agent Intellect said:
if drugs became legalized but heavily restricted, there would still be an enormous illegal market, which would solve nothing except for the problem of addicts not being able to locate their dealer.
. Good point. They have legalised schemes where addicts can get access to drugs in the UK but many people choose to go illegal because they don't like being controlled and I guess once you become an addict you're not really in control of your behaviour or your judgement. So unless you could pop down to the local supermarket when you felt your life was worth nothing, then you would still get an illegal market.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
I never contradicted myself, i just never clarified. I really don't like people regardless.. i enjoy talking to you guys because i don't feel the stress from having to deal with actual people since your not here. not to say that I hate everyone by default, i just grow tired..fast..

As for me wanting to enjoy stuff but me being withheld by some desire, i am withheld from what i want because of weed but only because i want to do something where i can still enjoy weed. If anyone can get drunk while they are off from work why cant i smoke...


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
If you could do any job that you wanted (and still smoke weed) what might that be?

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
drugs aren't the only thing that can be addictive, though either. some people are addicted to food, and yet others addicted to not eating (anorexia). some people are addicted to sex (or even porn/masturbation), some to online role playing games (guilty). whats interesting to me is that people can get addicted to some things but not others. i've smoked weed a few times but i've never really had a huge urge to do it like i do with alcohol. and i know someone that was able to kick a cocaine habit relatively easy (they've been clean five years now) while other people relapse over and over.

on the one hand, legal drugs would be bad because of those who have addictive personalities, or for those that [insert drug here] would be the one that gets them. on the other hand, there are those who would want to do something like marijuana recreationally without getting addicted that aren't able to because its illegal. i'm sure there are just as many people who have had their lives debilitated from over/undereating, alcohol, and sex addictions as with drugs, should those be made illegal too?


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
I don't want a job basically.. the best job i could have is owning a huge corporation run by hundreds of other people so i could live on some private island smoking my green without any responsibility


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
May 2, 2008
Let's try this question: If marijuana and similar drugs suddenly ceased to exist, what would you do with your time?


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
If weed ceased to exist, instead of sitting around smoking weed i would sit around and....be bored lol... like i said before, weed may prevent me from getting a good job but if i wanted it i would quit..or at least quit long enough to get the job, but i don't know what i want to do, to many possibilities..none very appealing.


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
It sounds like your whole life revolves around weed. I don't know how old you are but are you really 'content' to spend the rest of your life just smoking. It sounds like you are sleepwalking through life. How many different kind of emotions have you experienced over your life time?


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
eud, this really sounds very practiced... in my eyes, there is no real way to defend an argument of a drug habit against a logical person the only reasons I see being a possibility is maybe artistic inspiration...

Eud, didn't you say you were a councilor of some sort?


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
eud, this really sounds very practiced... in my eyes, there is no real way to defend an argument of a drug habit against a logical person the only reasons I see being a possibility is maybe artistic inspiration...

Eud, didn't you say you were a councilor of some sort?

touche, Wisp. I'm in management development and I do do some coaching. It obviously comes through everything I think and say! However, I wasn't trying to 'counsel', I have had a horror of drugs ever since my mum dumped me in front of a TV screen age 8 and forced me to watch programmes about heroin addicts and other lovely druggy subjects. I just can't understand why someone would want to spend their lives being in the control of drugs. It's a sort of horrified curiosity really - no offence, IfloatTHRUlife.:)


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
That said, it's a personal resolution of mine to not use any of the mind-altering through my life, with the slight exception of the occasional shot of caffeine through tea.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
@Eudemonia- i get the idea you haven't read a single thing i wrote. Sounds like you just read the fact that i smoke weed and automatically assumed i need your help or something...im not controlled by drugs.. quite the opposite, i have learned about drugs and have been an advocate against them for most of my life. I do smoke weed but thats a personal choice..i have also explained that i smoke because i want to....which you must have missed...

As for what you mentioned before, im only 18, i dont intend on doing nothing but smoking my whole life, i just dont know what i want to do... as far as the emotions..i have no clue.. i imagine i have experienced every emotion you can think of... one thing, why does this matter, emotion is for the weak minded (no matter what anyone tells you...or what you believe)

In case you havent notice im slightly angry...this is because i dont understand how you could think you are so much better than me that you need to question my intelligence about drugs and my control over them.. especially since you have probably never smoked weed to begin with... its not like all the other drugs... you mentioned watching shows about heroine, i know people who have actually done it and i see what it has done to them, this was years after i had already came to the conclusion anyone who does heavy drugs are complete peices of shit, including alcoholics. Im not some helpless child.... dont treat me like one.

Hulk sorry, hulk have anger issues...
Last edited:


still searching
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Aug 25, 2008
OK, so you do anger!

Firstly, I was not trying to 'help'. That was just how Wisp interpreted my question. I was curious - I always am curious and I always end up asking questions that piss people off, because I am curious about what makes people tick. This can be intrusive....but I'm often prepared to risk it!:) I've done some real humdingers I can tell you!

Secondly, I don't believe I am better than you. If I did I wouldn't be curious about you. I did not treat you like a helpless child - for all I knew you could have been 50!

Thirdly, I did read every word but words convey lots of different meanings (see thread on meaning) and clearly I didn't interpret what you intended to convey...this happens all the time.

what I do question is this word 'want'. You use it a lot. You "want to have a fun life" but you also want to smoke. So I question what lies behind the want - my question is, is this an addiction (psychological if not chemical) or is this a genuine desire to opt out of life. I couldn't tell if you had really opted out completely because I didn't know how old you were.

So I still wonder what you really want. I hear that you enjoy smoking, but I had this same argument with my daughter who started to smoke - tobacco. She said she did it because she wanted to and she enjoyed it. So I just said that all people addicted to things 'enjoy' the thing they are addicted to. But it's a different kind of enjoyment and it's difficult to tell where enjoyment ends and addiction begins (yes, I know many people do not believe marujuana is addictive). I don't know about you but the enjoyment I get from drinking alcohol is a sort of escape type of enjoyment and its often accompanied by regret the next day. But you don't get the ecstatic enjoyment you get say out of climbing a mountain or falling in love. I suppose each has its place, but this is why I was interested in what types of emotion you experienced. Not because I was judging you but because I was interested.

Have I redeemed myself:confused:


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
GRRR *shakes fist*

I do want to smoke and i do want a good life, both at the same time, look at it from my perspective, i smoke every day and see nothing wrong with it where everyone else may see differently. Basically i want to live life and smoke all i want, do what job i want to do, and be left alone all at the same time... this is what i want lol.

and yes i will agree that there is a line between physical addiction and being psychologically attracted to a drug.... if it were to come down to it i would say i am psychologically attached to weed, i enjoy the lifestyle and don't see a problem with it so i fight for it

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
In case you havent notice im slightly angry...this is because i dont understand how you could think you are so much better than me that you need to question my intelligence about drugs and my control over them.. especially since you have probably never smoked weed to begin with... its not like all the other drugs... you mentioned watching shows about heroine, i know people who have actually done it and i see what it has done to them, this was years after i had already came to the conclusion anyone who does heavy drugs are complete peices of shit, including alcoholics. Im not some helpless child.... dont treat me like one.

Hulk sorry, hulk have anger issues...

i'm glad i'm not the only one that thinks i'm a piece of shit, i always like to fit in.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
If you only drink as recreation that is not to bad (not healthy but still not bad).. but if you drink so much that you already assume your a piece of shit, than that's your call lol

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 1:24 PM
Jul 28, 2008
i don't discriminate, i think everyone is a piece of shit. at least for me, alcohol is a way to supress that feeling in myself.
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