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Do you know anyone who's "well-rounded" ?


Because not all rain is bad.
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Feb 18, 2012
Meaning they've explored other letters from their own type, learned from their experiences.. Maybe even going into like, introverted/extroverted feelings, intuition, and such..

  • So do you know anyone who is?
  • What is their natural type?
  • Did they have to work at growing or were they thrown into learning by hard experiences?
  • Do you work towards becoming more rounded?
  • How?
  • What are you/they rounded in, and what do you wish you were rounded in?

Just overly curious; I know maybe like two, and they're really interesting/helpful people. I'd like to hear about the ones yall might know!!
[As for me: Have reached into feeling and judgment, but I really wish I was more extroverted.. And I suck at sensing. SUCK. .__.]


Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I don't associate a "well-rounded" person with type. Instead an emotionally healthy person who can deals with many situations can be a candidate for "well-rounded." I would think if many situations are to be dealt with, being extroverted would help.


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Today 8:20 AM
Sep 26, 2008
  • So do you know anyone who is?
A few, yes. They're the best people to hang around with.

  • What is their natural type?
I believe they are.. INFJ, ENFP, ESTP, ENFJ.

  • Did they have to work at growing or were they thrown into learning by hard experiences?
It required work, definitely. Or just situations that force the use of the other functions.
  • Do you work towards becoming more rounded?
continually.. o.o
By putting myself in situations that force me to grow. Such as venturing into relationships to develop Fe, or tackling projects that require a lot of Si focus. Or writing a novel to exercise Ne.
  • What are you/they rounded in, and what do you wish you were rounded in?
The INFJ - Is a brilliant academic and poetic genius. Has mystical beliefs but is able to support them with reasoning and is unafraid to re-examine them if needed.
The ENFP - Is quite an introvert and also an academic. Has enormous use of Si and is well grounded in reality, yet still has a fascination for exploration.
The ESTP - Is surprisingly mellow for an ESTP, poetic, artsy, analytical. Can hold a conversation with uni professors even though he's only 17. He does, however, still love technical sports like skateboarding.
The ENFJ - Is also an academic, quite a nerd actually. She's got great ideas of how to shape humanity but is realistic about them and balanced with her Ti. She is not pushy, and gives people their freedom.



randomly floating abyss built of bricks
Local time
Today 4:20 PM
Dec 19, 2010
I'm not only unstoppably Ti from every pore, but I also think I'm a real TP at heart. Have delved actually into extroversion and sensing. Maybe feeling, but I couldn't be an INFP as I have nothing like Fi at all. If I had an ethos like Fi, it would be something like "TP ism". Which is Ti, so basically negates itself.

Some of my learned attitudes, behaviors, image etc. might be associated with being like "ISTP", but at actual sensing like Se I might still suck. I probably have a pretty developed Si.

On some substance (including sleep deprivation), likely more judgements, more outward wackiness, etc.

I see people who look around 50% in at least 2 letters


Local time
Today 8:20 AM
Feb 22, 2012
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, whether you choose to improve your weaknesses or strengthen your strengths is a personal decision. I attempt to be well-rounded but I am all to aware of my weaknesses. I do attempt to work on them, the biggest for myself as well as many other intp's is the extroverted part. I would assume that everyone strives to improve, some just put more effort into it than others.

I make conscious efforts to be friendlier and more out-going it is a chore but it is also a valuable asset. I always preach that when dealing with anyone always put yourself in their shoes/ see their point of view.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 6:20 PM
Jan 2, 2010
I don't associate a "well-rounded" person with type. Instead an emotionally healthy person who can deals with many situations can be a candidate for "well-rounded." I would think if many situations are to be dealt with, being extroverted would help.

I, too, prefer this definition. But maybe that has to do with Inferior Fe. Maybe our cognitive preferences somehow affect our emotions.


observing y'all from my UFO. inevitably coming dow
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Nov 4, 2010
consciousness/intelligence cannot be well-rounded since it is a form of specialiazation/differentiation, a deviation from the middle balance. thats why we are all typable

only unconscious/unintelligent/instinct is well-rounded (as in using all functions equally, being all types), because it is not specialized/differentiated.


Being brains, they feel compelled to know everythi
Local time
Today 8:20 AM
Jan 18, 2011
I've known a couple. I can't really speak for them, though. They just seem to be very dynamic, emotionally secure, intellectually honest people. I don't know if it took work or they came by it naturally. But maturity has a lot to do with it.

Yeah, and the concept of sensing seems a bit nebulous to me, too.

edit: I agree with the analysis that extroverted people are better adapted to being/growing-into well-rounded people. Though there is something to be said for an introvert who's had the benefit of having the other aspects of their personality nurtured or supported in ways that helped them take advantage of what ever minor extroversion they might possess.


Life is a side scroller, keep moving.
Local time
Today 10:20 AM
Sep 8, 2011
In terms of type function my Dad is really starting to develop now at age 42. He's an ESFJ but natural aging and talking to me so much (and I mean a lot) has developed his Ti to respectability (for an ESFJ). He's still not very abstract but I've definitely noticed the difference. He's still not very intuitive yet though.


lust for life
Local time
Today 8:20 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA


Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Last edited:


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Aug 16, 2011
i know plenty of such folks, albeit not personally. i often can't tell their type, unless if the physiognomy is obvious. they are that well rounded simply by means of having unfolded their well rounded potential. whatever they may have learned by experience, they were open to those experiences, and able to digest them constructively, only due to their potential. you can tell by looking at them. animals come in different sizes. i mean: potentials. i know plenty of such folks, because they hang around with each other and i know where. (i don't consider my self one of them).

i hate to admit it, but it seems a majority of them is extroverted. are they well rounded or does extroversion trick me into perceiving them as well rounded? sometimes it's difficult to tell.
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