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Search results

  1. Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    I think I should clarify my earlier statement, want to avoid confusion, etc. At some point (assuming a typical relationship development cycle) you will probably say that you do, in fact, love her...if you love her. I would just suggest you don't force the words out of your mouth, just to...
  2. Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    Do you have to say it? I mean, I've been seeing this girl for a few months now--came out of nowhere really--and she has to be, by far, the best I've ever been with. All kinds of good comes from it and we have yet to have any sort of discussion about relationship or love-declaring kind of...
  3. The New Kanye Album Is Like Ear Orgasms Over And Over

    I didn't know it came out. Well I'll be going to Borders after my exam this morning anyway, so I'll just pick it up. Never imagined Kanye an INTP.
  4. Contact Outside the Forum

    Went there (Facebook). Do not like.
  5. Contact Outside the Forum

    *Peeks head into room while walking by and overhearing, momentarily excited* Is there really a facebook group for INTPforum, or people on the forum, or what have you?
  6. I love your avatar.

    I love your avatar.
  7. What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    It's really something how that always happens. I sort of have seasonal playlists. YouTube - Deerhunter - Neither Of Us, Uncertainly.
  8. Does this seem a little off to anyone else?

    Wow. The japanese version is almost a different song. While this is fresh in my mind, I may have to ask a classmate i have in mind(native) about this sort of thing just to get a second opinion. I can't for the life of me understand why the line about looking under the girl's skirt was even put...
  9. Does this seem a little off to anyone else?

    I did forget this point. I remember years back when this show in particular was at it's height of popularity here in the U.S. and I came across a few people who I found arguing that the show in it's original Japanese context was best, arguing points about specific powers and events within the...
  10. Does this seem a little off to anyone else?

    Was just watching an episode of Dragonball Kai (horrible show now...why do I still watch it?) and going through the main show theme and... Just read the translated lyrics. I thought it was a little off at first but the further I got into the song, the more I realized that I was likely reading a...
  11. Reincarnation placement test

    Deep Space Explorer 52% Intrigue, 54% Civilization, 50% Humanity, 52% Urbanization. Hmm... You're a tough one to place. Your answers indicate that you like technology and education. You enjoy intrigue, adventure and chaos. You're fine with hard work and civilization. This all bodes...
  12. Your Dream City

    I've noticed quite a few nods to Chicago. It is truly a great city and would like to recommend it, but I'm just wondering if my having been born and raised here could affect my perception of it, or how it is affecting it. It is a world-class city by typical standards, but I don't think I would...
  13. Subwaycombo. Turns out my associate plays on pokerstars, which I do have an account with but...

    Subwaycombo. Turns out my associate plays on pokerstars, which I do have an account with but can't remember my login info. Once I found out earlier that he was on Pokerstars and not Full tilt, I sort of procrastinated myself out of the game tonight. I've probably been playing Xbox for the last...
  14. What are you all reading?

    Read half of Doyle Brunson's online poker book in a Borders the other day. It wasn't really a strategy book, which I needed (need). It sucked.
  15. There's a chance I may be on full tilt tomorrow evening--well, Saturday evening Central U.S...

    There's a chance I may be on full tilt tomorrow evening--well, Saturday evening Central U.S. time--with an associate of mine from work. If you want to play, I could message you when I do get on.
  16. Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    A focused advisor whose actions are dictated by almost pure logic, you believe in exploring the fascinating possibilities around you. Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Spock is a character in the Star Trek universe. His biography is available...
  17. What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    While just getting off the train. YouTube - Kenna - Daylight
  18. Why did you pick your name?

    It's ideally what I would want to do for rest of my life. Continue to learn about things while wandering into new lands. I do hope (and intend if I have any chance of it) to take these travels outside of Earth. Whenever I have the chance to go anywhere, I go. ....Unless it's a strip club. Then...
  19. Why did you pick your name?

    lightspeed. God bless him with many gifts. I thought I'd be stuck forever.
  20. Why did you pick your name?

    Ha. Problem Fixed.
  21. Why did you pick your name?

    It was based off of something my cousin once said to me (It was funny when he said it.....), and at the time of my membership initiation, I couldn't quite think of anything that immediately appealed. I remember sitting in front of the computer for an about an hour--actually it was probably more...
  22. 'What's your Archetype?' Test

  23. Sonic Fans?

    Does anyone else here have an obsessive, unhealthy love for the Sonic the Hedgehog Series? Even for the games that sucked...you still played through and though you felt ripped off, you were already wondering about the release date of the next installment? Well...If that is the case, I'm sure by...
  24. Texas Hold 'em No-limit Poker

    Alright. I plan on ordering and finishing one of the books before Thanksgiving.
  25. Songs to Play Twice

    I just did play this twice. YouTube - The Gates of Delirium Part 1 of 2
  26. Music To Die To

    Since this is one of my all-time favorites and I've had quite a bit of listens, does this make me suicidal? YouTube - Yes - Starship Trooper
  27. What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Was listening to topographic oceans earlier today. I forget how much I like them sometimes... Favorite bands are probably floyd 1a, yes 1b.
  28. You know you're an Intp when...

    I never did either. I found it too awkward a way of organizing my thoughts. In cases I had to turn in a draft, I did it after I wrote the paper.
  29. Why has obesity become the norm?

    Why did I have this exact idea just a week ago?
  30. Is Type Hereditary?

    Father: ENTP Mother: ISFJ Sister #1: ESTP Sister #2: ENXJ (I think ENTJ) Brother #1: XXXJ Brother #2: ENTJ Brother #3: INFP Brother #4: ENTP There are at least 4 NTs in my immediate family. Knowing the differences between my father and self further enlightens me to the idea that ENTPs and INTPs...
  31. INTP Dating

    Good lord this was funny. Reading through the posts here, and assuming there are more INTPs than not (don't think any ladies have posted either..), I'm surprised at how varied our views are in this department. Some dudes just don't give a ***k and maybe just want to ***k. The other dudes are all...
  32. INTP Dating

    ...I think that's the ideal male INTP mate, with some intellectual capacity thrown in...It is for me, anyway.
  33. How long can you go without playing video games?

    http://playstationlifestyle.net/2010/09/24/gran-turismo-developer-reveals-x1/ ... ...f**k... Spoke too soon. My only hope for doing well this semester is to accrue enough credit in all of my classes to get a good enough grade, before this game comes out.
  34. How long can you go without playing video games?

    It happened right around the time when I first correlated an erection to an immediate female bystander... I'd say that was about it. :) I stopped "pursuing" video game entertainment towards the end of high school. I still play occasionally, but only the games I grew up on (sonic the hedgehog...
  35. Any of you want to just dump it all and travel for a living?

    Said sections are my thoughts, essentially. I really have to look into the studying abroad thing though. Well, they're more than just thoughts, too. I've been having trouble the last 3 years or so with travel partners...No one wants to go where I want, ever. If they do, it's for a different...
  36. Secret IxTPian plot to take over the world

    I overslept and missed the war-planning sessions. Do we need any more volunteers for the part when we hold at gunpoint and march all SJs onto ships, towards the moon-based prison cells?
  37. any INTP's into bodybuilding or just weightlifting in general?

    ...*Sigh*... Starting in January (well....February) 2008, I have been a consistent gym-goer. I've always had a very lean build, was about 150 lbs at 6'1" when I started..can't keep fat on if I desperately wanted to but...I have managed since then to put on nearly 40 lbs...actually, 42 lbs of...
  38. That is very funny. I've been reading the xkcd comics as of late...I don't remember how I ran...

    That is very funny. I've been reading the xkcd comics as of late...I don't remember how I ran into them in the first place, but I certainly do have a bookmark set here for that site.
  39. The image you posted in the "Anyone move across the country for love?" thread...what game is...

    The image you posted in the "Anyone move across the country for love?" thread...what game is that? ..Maybe I shouldn't have asked, because my semester isn't over for another 11-12 weeks....I guess I can just play it briefly only on days I don't have class....or maybe on those days because I...
  40. Hmm... I had to go check out some of the comics just now. They're much funnier...not that my...

    Hmm... I had to go check out some of the comics just now. They're much funnier...not that my intent was to make anyone laugh besides myself, of course. I've lost far more good, random ideas than I've ever remembered, so every now and then I just have to try to and express one while it's still...
  41. Any of you want to just dump it all and travel for a living?

    I will be investigating this, since I currently haven't any knowledge about this kind of thing. I just started looking at financial aid packages yesterday too, trying to see what I can get to pay for U of Minnesota tuition. If I can do something like this in the semester break intervals, then...
  42. How old are you people?

    My 23rd birthday is on Wednesday. I understand it would seem like a joke to some people, but I've been feeling a bit old lately.
  43. Any of you want to just dump it all and travel for a living?

    So we're not filling out applications here then?... I'm sort of let down, now. I thought you were onto something, or had a plan. I've accepted that I'll be in school for at least the next 7 years so, in the months-long break intervals in that time period, I would very much like to do this. It...
  44. INTP main characters?

    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this one but the nobel prize-winning professor/theorist (played by John Cleese) in the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" seemed to be INTPish. The guy who lived out in the woods by himself that Jennifer Connelly and Keanu Reeves went to visit? I would...
  45. nothingness

    I wouldn't say so exactly: One of my best friends is a definitive INFP and he does more than well in situations that call for logical aptitude. The main difference I've noticed between us is his much greater willingness or want to help people, concern with how they're thinking and feeling. His...
  46. nothingness

    Nope, you'll be good in a not-too-distant moment from now. This happened to me just weeks ago, probably a few weeks before the semester started. I didn't even know why I was alive at that point.. I think possibly you just need to feed your external imagination. Go do something, somewhere...
  47. You know you're an Intp when...

    I wonder how many times I've done this.... Has anyone else ever developed an elaborate scheme for cutting off the power in the school/some other means of getting class canceled for two days? (Two days in most cases of classes that only meet twice a week. So If class is missed Monday, you have...
  48. Server Hack of the 20th

    :applaus: Though we wouldn't have to find him if we decided to send a letter of complaint. I say someone just stand outside of his house in a 50's-esque tan trench coat and top hat....Make sure to light a cigar or pipe when he walks out and then follow him for at least 3 blocks.
  49. What are you all reading?

    In addition to my Physics 235 textbook, "God and the New Physics" - Paul Davies
  50. Learning how to fly.

    Yes! Just what I was looking for--I can't believe it--thinking from others and possible realization of my dreams of flying through space...though there's no atmosphere and a different physics requirement...Can we talk about this version too? ...Just thought of a Graham Chapman/Terry Jones...
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