using this part of the quoted part of the OP to launch my diatribe:
Emotions: Some people overeat because of depression, hopelessness, anger, boredom, and many other reasons that have nothing to do with hunger. This doesn't mean that overweight and obese people have more emotional problems than other people. It just means that their feelings influence their eating habits, causing them to overeat. In some unusual cases, obesity may be used as a defense mechanism because of the perceived social pressures related to being more physically desirable, particularly in young girls. In these cases, as with the other emotional causes, psychological intervention may be helpful.
I want to tackle this idea head-on, the emotional aspect of eating, because I think it is severely underrated by the author of this article.
It doesn't "just" mean that their feelings influence their eating habits. There is a HUGE problem going on. HUGE. Denial is just the beginning. Let me give you an example.
Let's say a guy really really wants a 6 pack, for whatever reason. Or, a girl really really wants to lose 10 pounds, who doesn't? Yet, neither of them can put down that twinkie at midnight.
^somewhere in the brain, the rationalization of two opposing ideas get synthesized, for sure there is some cognitive dissonance going on... on the one hand, "I want the positive benefits of a great body" (future), on the other hand, "I want the delectable taste of this Twinkie" (right now).
It is the classic you can't have your cake and eat it too. People fool themselves to think that they really want a nice body-- when in actuality they just really delude themselves to think so, and are in denial about what's going on in their brain.
If some emotional issue, depression or what not, is acting like someone has a gun to your head, forcing you to down that Twinkie, preventing you from achieving the body you've always wanted, then there's something seriously wrong inside your head. If you simultaneously reach for that Twinkie, while knowing that you also want a perfect body, knowing that the Twinkie is a step back, knowing full well you're not going to exercise to burn it off... you have to eventually admit to yourself that you are self-loathing, self-destructive... you HAVE to admit that THIS is really what you want. You want to be fat. You want to make unhealthy choices because you want to stay the way you are.
It all starts with denial, and overcoming denial.
How bad do you really want that six pack? If you want it, you'll get it. So that, if you don't have it, you must ask yourself, did you really want it in the first place?
Consciously ask yourself before you chew that Twinkie, "would I rather have this Twinkie or a nice body?"
So that, if you eat the Twinkie, at least you're being honest that you're willing to throw away all the nice things that come along with having a nice body, for that momentary feeling of sugary goodness...
In this sense, I see all fat people who complain about being fat as illogical. I can respect the fat happy people who don't care about being fat.
However, I don't understand the desire to be fat. So many good things come from having a nice body. You feel better, more confidence. Other people treat you better, though this is superficial.
I understand the joy and pleasure of eating. But, eating more than one needs to sustain life represents serious mental problems.
What do people prioritize in life? Your body should be #1. It is truly the only thing, other than your mind, that you have total control over. Humans spend a lot of time and energy trying to gain a sense of control through their environment, and fail to take control of themselves.
A great body does not only represent a superficial sense of narcissism, but it also can represent a sound and clear mind.
I think the majority of obese/over-weight people have a "serious" mental condition. The fat-happy ones are outliers, and I don't mean to offend those. But, I assume the vast majority of overweight people do not wish to be this way.
The epidemic, in my opinion, is one of mass denial-- denial of what people really want. A nice body takes hard work. So, maybe in conclusion, what people really want is an easy existence. A lazy existence.
I do also recognize that being fat, prima facie, also represents a very dark black hole that is difficult to dig yourself out from. If you have never experienced the great things that come along with being in great health, it is also very difficult to strive for that feeling that you have never experienced.
I really wish I could help fat people. There will never be a magic pill or surgery that will work. Because a person has to actually WANT IT first. And, if they want it, it will happen. If they take a shortcut, they will also forever be stuck with whatever mental block that kept them from the goal in the first place.