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Search results

  1. didyouknow

    My opinion on each user:

    Ugly? Fat? C'mon, where's the creativity? Especially since it's highly illogical in that you have no idea what I look like.
  2. didyouknow

    My opinion on each user:

    Oooh! I want to be insulted next!! :)
  3. didyouknow


    Woo! Go Ermine!! :D:D:D
  4. didyouknow

    Reasons why you hate humanity

    I hate how rare it is to find someone who understands they they might be wrong and can actually compare the two arguments to find the solution instead of just being so grounded in their opinion that they argue things without knowing anything about it. I hate that people think I disagree with...
  5. didyouknow

    Your Relationship With Animals (Non-humans)

    I love my cat, even if she is really annoying at times. She wakes me up at 3 in the morning to be let inside the house, wants a snack and won't stop pestering me until she gets one. Then she sleeps on my clothes/newspaper/book all day. I use to keep a pet lizard in the garden and feed it bugs...
  6. didyouknow

    Happiness, Wants, Dreams, Goals, Expectations...

    This is something I discussed with a friend a while ago, actually. I want overall to build my own island out of recyclable materials like I remember seeing on tv when I was a kid. Then turn it into a sort of adventure island for kids. I would teach them about life, philosophy and the arts...
  7. didyouknow

    How to define Face!

    Sure you did. What then was the purpose of your post? Why did you point it out? By the way, what happened to the chair avatar? I liked it. :)
  8. didyouknow

    How to define Face!

    Re: How to define Face!, not a fa I think it was deliberate misunderstanding. Though, beginning of the digestive system, I think we have something here...;)
  9. didyouknow

    The Grand Census of May 2009

    I go here pretty much every day, but I don't post as often as some. Hard choice between "I'm good for it once a week or two." or "I'm winding down, I might be on the way out of here..." but I think I may be well on the way to ignoring/sorting out the problem that has left me out of my depth in...
  10. didyouknow

    How some moderators seem to be assholes!

    Nice one, Kidege. :) Face, I loved the seriousness of this forum. I think the reason so many responded to you in a harsh way was because you were (now, admittedly) threatening their safe haven, the forum. For you, an ENFP, maybe this place seems too serious but for me this place was the one...
  11. didyouknow

    How to define Face!

    Agitator. Your mileage may vary.
  12. didyouknow

    My story, your story... A game?

    I was born in a field where the faeries played. I laughed and danced with them in the forests' ring. I cared not for the unchanging forest, the stagnant trees. We sheltered in branches when it rained, gathered flowers in spring, played flutes in summer. But still, I continued to grow. I...
  13. didyouknow

    XIII2 Analysis+Experiment Explanation

    I understand where you are coming from XIII (or at least, I hope I do). I have been similarly shocked and disappointed by some of the things said on this forum. But, just like normal society, we must tolerate the bad in order to find the good. Withdrawing from the forum may seem like a good...
  14. didyouknow

    Sensory versus intuition?

    Honestly, I'm not sure how you could describe an object without mentioning it's physical properties and uses. I think that this is not quite a good question for judging intuition and sensory traits. I think it has more to do with what you think when you see an object. S types in general are...
  15. didyouknow

    Godgryphon's zombies ate my fairies......

    Your knight has arrived, good sir! :D
  16. didyouknow

    How do you like to read?

    Where do you like to read? I like to read outside if possible, on a nice bench underneath a shady tree in the morning or late afternoon. However, if I can't find somewhere quite enough I may end up reading in bed. What is the most comfortable way to read? How do you read when you're in bed...
  17. didyouknow

    Helping INTP develop emotional intelligence?

    Wow. Your post was so insightful! I am feeling... *consults poster* pleasant surprise! :) I don't really feel anything most of the time. I just feel neutral. Either that or I just don't notice. Often when I do feel the emotions I don't really know what they are and it can take me a long...
  18. didyouknow

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I distinctly remember doing this in primary school. :) - In the middle of asking a question, you remember the answer and tell them not to worry. - You spend 5 minutes looking for something, 10 minutes trying to remember what you were looking for, 10 minutes of thinking of something else...
  19. didyouknow

    Picture Question (Left/Right Brain?)

    :eek: I was thinking the same thing!
  20. didyouknow

    snapvine box!

    I was just explaining from a native english speakers standpoint... he did say before: I also implied that I don't have anything against other pronunciations... Ogion. Always sticking up for people... :D I apolgise if it came across as language-bashing... I was attempting to inform, not...
  21. didyouknow

    snapvine box!

    The word Madon when pronounced by most would sound like maiden which means: <table class="luna-Ent"><tbody><tr><td class="dnindex" width="35"> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table>or possibly Madonna, though not necessarily the singer.. <table><tbody><tr><td> </td></tr></tbody></table>Well...
  22. didyouknow

    Musical Snapvine!

    I want my Saffy point! :D Here's the literal translation of the song: <table class="multicol" style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 100%;"...
  23. didyouknow

    F types, please help me understand your decision making process

    I disagree with this. I have thought all of those things before (except the hugging part) and I am an INTP. I think T types search for a truth that overcomes all personal boundaries whereas F types search for a truth that will satisfy those present... a kind of personal truth. It does not...
  24. didyouknow

    Do you get angry easily?

    I don't get angry very often, though I suppose it's quite specific. I am more inclined to get angry at someone who I find selfish, greedy or arrogant. They wear down my tolerance in the first place so it's harder for me to stop myself from getting angry at them.
  25. didyouknow

    I want to go

    I want to travel around my own country before I tour the world. I think there's a lot of things to see in Australia but I've only really visited the east coast. I think I'll go to the Northern Territory and Western Australia. After that (and a few years of solitude in the bush) I think I'll...
  26. didyouknow

    Your Relationship With Animals (Non-humans)

    I love animals. They're so simple to please. A little food, affection and they're off to bed. I have a pet cat called Fluffy who I've had since I was 10. She's a lot like me; Smart but incredibly lazy, sleeps all day and not too affectionate. We've developed a kind of body language that...
  27. didyouknow

    do you know how or like to dance?

    The problem is, I can't control it. It comes at random intervals and dissipates just as quickly as it came.
  28. didyouknow

    A Call of Hands

    I support Da Blob's continued postings on the forum. Perhaps it is time to improve your style of communication and ensure that what you are saying is appropriate and you say it in a way that is not accidentally derogatory or condescending. I understand if you have the need to withdraw, I would...
  29. didyouknow

    yay 100 posts!

    Weliddryn has one less post then me and I've been here for two months longer! I must double post! Nice one, Ermine, by the way. :D
  30. didyouknow

    yay 100 posts!

    Congrats Ghost! Wow, you got that pretty quick. Took me ages. :P
  31. didyouknow

    do you know how or like to dance?

    I love pre-determined dance. Providing you're with friends and people you can trust, it's a lot of fun. :) I can't do the 'freestyle' type either. I get really anxious and make excuses. I did go to a school dance once but I made the mistake of accidentally flirting with someone and when...
  32. didyouknow

    any of you play instruments

    I used to play flute but got bored with it when I hit grade 10 (I had played for 5 years up to that point). Now I can play piano quite well, which is self-taught and a little bit of guitar from when I studied music in junior school.
  33. didyouknow

    You know you're an Intp when...

    631. Every serious conversation you attempt with non-INTPs abruptly ends when they keel over laughing at your use of correct terminology and/or complicated words. 632. You wake up one day with an answer to all the world's problems and all the others care about is that assignment you had set...
  34. didyouknow

    You know you're an Intp when...

    17. You confuse everyone around you with words far too long for casual conversation.
  35. didyouknow

    Are INTPs more prone to be asexual?

    This, I agree with. However, I disagree with your assertion that we have no sex drive at all. Just that we find it embarrassing and not something we are willing to pursue (though some of us seem to have overcome this hurdle :p).
  36. didyouknow

    INTJs are...

    Interesting wording there. I was interested the other day and discovered their functions are the complete opposite of ours. http://www.lifewatch-eap.com/images/root/mbtitypechart2.jpg They use the introverted iNtuition function to find patterns and make models in their inner worlds and...
  37. didyouknow

    Pathetically introverted.

    *Resists thread derailing* Sorry, Ermine. Let's get back on topic. INTPs are in general detached from the outside world, appearing in it for any undesirable length of time is bound to be exhausting. The best healing is a nice nap or a relaxing quiet time in the garden. You might have to go...
  38. didyouknow

    Pathetically introverted.

    From one friend to another.
  39. didyouknow

    Pathetically introverted.

    I come home, have a nap, hole myself up in the room till dinner, eat and go back to the room. After an exhausting day I just want some alone time to get my energy back. However, this has caused a problem because my family members now think I dislike them and cannot stand to be around them...
  40. didyouknow

    INTJs are...

    Nice one, Kia. :) I find INTJ's great companions capable of intellectual discussions (as long as you can let them think they're right). However, when stressed, they can get bossy, stubborn and just a little self-righteous. Not sure if this is right or not, just talking from experience.
  41. didyouknow

    Sex, Drugs, and Stupidity

    Does this include drinking underage? I follow all rules that will protect the safety and health of other people, but not the ones that protect myself. Sex - I don't think I'm mature enough for that yet. I have no issues with other people going at it. Drugs - At the moment I am against drugs...
  42. didyouknow

    Se Experiences

    This thread reminds me of my stepmother. She's an abstract artist and she loves going to shopping centres and walking around feeling the different texture of the clothing. :) Water is my fundamental stimulus for Se moments, whether it be a moonlit walk along the beach or just watching the...
  43. didyouknow

    Privacy issues and Paranoia

    Sounds good to me. I don't have to tell anyone about it do I? I'll just find some books on it.
  44. didyouknow

    Privacy issues and Paranoia

    Ah I see. I didn't look up CBT until just now and realized you meant cognitive behavioural therapy... I studied that a couple years ago. It's not all ignorant hope/ optimism is it? That stuff just makes me annoyed.
  45. didyouknow

    My secret...

    Oh, Face. I don't know why we banned you. :D
  46. didyouknow

    Se Experiences

    I love these moments. I stayed up till 5 am in the morning on the balcony of an apartment just being. It felt kind of similar to those inspiration moments where you just realize something amazing but it lasts for so much longer. It felt like I was completely at peace.
  47. didyouknow

    Privacy issues and Paranoia

    :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: All this is a product of talking about your problems? I don't know... the side effects kind of outweigh the good points.
  48. didyouknow

    Privacy issues and Paranoia

    I always pretend to be as normal as I can be around my mother because whenever she notices I'm upset she prods into my life and if we're in the car she'll pull over and won't drive until I tell her what's wrong. I hate people invading my private life without my consent. It's like violating my...
  49. didyouknow

    Privacy issues and Paranoia

    Security clothing for me generally consists of lots and lots of jackets and coats. I can't wear anything that is higher than my knees and I never leave the bedroom in my pajamas. I also love wearing long necklaces because you can fidget with them so that you have something to do with your...
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