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Search results

  1. Waterstiller

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    I completely agree with this and think that's the true focus of the "gender sacred" places people have in mind. Bonding and a place to be yourself. I think these places are often naturally segregated by interests, and to exclude people on their genitalia is an archaic notion. Women with a more...
  2. Waterstiller

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    Are these all questions everyone should be able to ask, regardless of sex? I'd say that these are universal questions that humanity asks, and the differences are merely semantic. Interestingly.. my transition to female would be one of the most masculine things I've ever done under this sort of...
  3. Waterstiller


    *raises left hand*
  4. Waterstiller

    Art & Personality Test (Very Good!)

    Secular Islamic. Which is entirely true; in a history of Science class I found Islamic art fascinating. Low extraversion High agreeableness Low conscientiousness Average emotional stability High intellectualism High emotional intelligence
  5. Waterstiller

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    Gender sacred places = gender segregated places? It's quite a relief to me that modern societies are doing away with gender segregation. Here are some "gender sacred" places that, in the past, were only for men: Political office, the workforce, the pulpit, higher education, sports.. I could go...
  6. Waterstiller

    Gender Roles

    From an interesting article on salary differences before and after gender transition. Things are hardly equal.
  7. Waterstiller

    MBTI Type %

    Okay, you win. I will watch this show somehow.
  8. Waterstiller

    "You're not as brilliant as you used to be"

    I can really relate to this. Also, regarding 'brilliance' decreasing with time. I think it just decreases with increased awareness. In my case, it has been awareness of fun and make-up. And how annoying I can be.
  9. Waterstiller

    Midnight Snax

    My kiwi friend is all about the stuff. I tried it and it was probably the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. A few years later I decided to try it again on the basis that it couldn't have been that bad. It was. Ruined my toast experience for the last time. :( I miss sushi.. hardest thing to give...
  10. Waterstiller

    Creative merit [thread split]

    Just don't drink his punch, Thomas.
  11. Waterstiller

    INTP Characteristics

    Might as well add mine to the list. Oldest of 4 Gender: female Left-handed Age: 23 6'1.5" 156lbs Blue/green eyes Dark brown hair Light skin Caucasian U.S.A. Bad childhood; abused. Medical: used to get migraines as a kid. Mental: Depression (not on medicine)
  12. Waterstiller

    Staring into Space [thread split]

    I'm tempted to make some pins that say that and hand them to all the lovely absent-minded people I meet. And yes, I space out all the time. I think this problem coincides with the "space out while reading and watching TV" thread.
  13. Waterstiller

    Good but lesser known games.

    Knytt I absolutely love this short platformer. It's extremely simple, but so endearing. The characters, while not really doing much, really do portray a sense of longing. When playing this game, I truly just enjoyed discovering things. The sense of longing, exploration, and minimalist...
  14. Waterstiller

    INTP marrying an INTP?

    But we're all indoors. Hiding. Learning. Ect. :P Agent Intellect: Sexuality? As in orientation? I'm attracted more to people in the middle of the gender spectrum that lean towards masculine. I don't have a preference of my partner's sexual organs(Pansexual). I identify with the middle of the...
  15. Waterstiller

    INTP marrying an INTP?

    Those are depressing stats, Jordan. Mine aren't looking to bright either. My ideal is a transguy or lesbian or trans-friendly-straight-guy INTP/ENFJ. .. I do know a transguy who's a fucking creative genius. He's a master at 18 different instruments, music masters at 23, wonderful compositions...
  16. Waterstiller

    Top five favorite movies

    I forgot Harold and Maude! I don't know what I was thinking. Absolute favorite.
  17. Waterstiller

    Jung + Enneagram Personality Test

    I really liked this test; despite the repetition there were few questions that I had trouble answering. Introverted (I) 80.65% Extroverted (E) 19.35% Intuitive (N) 81.25% Sensing (S) 18.75% Thinking (T) 65% Feeling (F) 35%...
  18. Waterstiller

    sleep and consciousness

    Deja vu.. oh god. When that happens I'm usually just sitting there thinking that time is going backwards and I get really weirded out. Actually, my intuition sorta makes me feel that way as well. When I let it take over it's like I'm remembering the present. As for what gender I am in dreams...
  19. Waterstiller

    Mental Exercise

    I like visualizing things as I am going to sleep, willingly sinking deeper and deeper into a scenario until it picks up enough momentum to be a dream. I did this when I was a child, and just rediscovered it. It can also be a good way to choose at least some of what you dream about without...
  20. Waterstiller

    Connecting with an ESFP

    I had a weakness as well. I fell in love with an ESFP girl. Whenever there was a problem we just couldn't talk about it. She was so irrational. Yet, she did help me develop my weaker functions more than I'd ever have been able to. Here I was with my great need to question everything and I...
  21. Waterstiller

    How are You today?

    I feel absolutely wonderful. My life these last few days has felt like one of those episodes of Lost that answers a ton of questions you were wondering about since.. well.. forever. But the finale is coming up soon where life is going to drop some huge bombs and then I'm going to have to wait...
  22. Waterstiller

    Gender Roles

    Yeah, Thomas seems quite the misogynist. His attitudes towards women in the "INTP courting" thread, in his raps, and especially in this thread are quite sexist. I also agree with the people in the narcissism thread in doubting that Thomas is INTP.
  23. Waterstiller

    Connecting with an ESFP

    Connecting with ESFP Edit: Nevermind; I found the direction I needed to go in. It was like pulling teeth, but I think I get it and I have a lot to work on. But still, this type (along with ISTJ) seems like the one I've been having the most difficulty communicating with. What are some...
  24. Waterstiller

    Best Comedy?

    I <3 it. Larry David Woody Allen Mel Brooks Christopher Guest Terry Gilliam Rob Reiner (Princess Bride, Spinal Tap..)
  25. Waterstiller

    Intelligent, stupid, lazy, active

    I have reservations about any information I gain from Wikipedia. I tend to use it to help solve problems or figure out paths towards what I want to learn, rather than actually using it tp educate myself. And I just veer away from it when it comes to anything in regards to historical facts. I...
  26. Waterstiller

    Creative merit [thread split]

    Well said. *lol* at Billy Meier.
  27. Waterstiller

    gender choice in profile

    The fact that she had to ask says that you were putting out a lot of straight vibes, but you were a well-mannered intellectual in a not-typically-straight jazz dance setting. And you were likely good at dancing, which further adds to the confusion. She was probably delighted that you weren't...
  28. Waterstiller

    Gender Roles

    Then I couldn't dance! :( ... I can't, btw.
  29. Waterstiller

    gender choice in profile

    I actually have high hopes for neutral pronouns in the coming decades, at least in intellectual circles. (I've been planting seeds..)
  30. Waterstiller

    Creative merit [thread split]

    This was written to Oprah Winfrey in response to her dancing to a 50 Cent song on her show. The excerpt says what I want to say about the discussion between Thomas and Jordan. The entire article is absolutely beautiful.
  31. Waterstiller


    Mental health is a huge part of our overall health, however. It's the most important for me. Here's why I stay away from weed: Weed seems like it has potential to be the immature INTP's poison. Here are some experiences that run the gamut. Of note are the "difficult experiences" and "Bad trips".
  32. Waterstiller

    gender choice in profile

    I'm averse to a gender marker. I obviously make no secret of my own gender, but that's mainly because I want to be probed about it by INTPs. Normally I don't discuss it with straight people. Yes, I use gender neutral pronouns. "Ze" and "hir" can be used so easily. In college I used them freely...
  33. Waterstiller

    Top five favorite movies

    In no particular order: The Princess Bride Ma Vie En Rose (My life in Pink) Sweet and Lowdown Dark City Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
  34. Waterstiller

    weird shit makes me cry.

    Wow. I cried. I needed that after watching "More". Which was also very good, by the way.
  35. Waterstiller

    Creative merit [thread split]

    I agree with you to an extent. Most people who don't deal with oppression tend to be lighter and distanced from one-another. The ignored need to be unified, rallied, and made passionate on some level to promote social change. It only makes sense that their music would be so explicit; it is...
  36. Waterstiller

    Character traits that are uncharacteristic of INTP.

    I'm another person who smirks and is afflicted with 'freight train brain'. I've learned to just face the book down until I'm done with the thought. The same goes for if I'm watching a film by myself; I have to pause it for awhile or else I end up missing a few minutes. I've recently purged my...
  37. Waterstiller

    Gender Roles

    Just some food for thought. There are no set roles. ;)
  38. Waterstiller

    Gender Roles

    That's a good question. Mostly, my decision was fueled by just feeling weird in my own body. Puberty was a nightmare; for any girl here, just imagine you started growing some facial hair. For any guy here, how would you feel if you developed full breasts, and then were chastised for not taking...
  39. Waterstiller

    Gender Roles

    I like this thread for the most part. There are lots of things I'd like to respond to but I don't really have the energy anymore. So I'll just say a couple things. It's hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. - Sally Kempton Not too many people realize the full weight of their...
  40. Waterstiller

    weird shit makes me cry.

    The end of Dreamfall got to me, and it was the music that pushed me over the edge I think. Weird things get to me as well. Some songs, some books, some lectures in college, some smiles.. Things that made me cry recently: *numerous* parts in Neil Gaiman's A Game of You. A documentary called...
  41. Waterstiller

    Heros and Villians

    What would the INTP Hero's motivation be? And the whole Hero thing seems like too much annoying maintenance. "Really? You're falling off a building again?" An INTP villian would be largely unproductive - scheming for the fun of it but never really doing anything. The only way an INTP could...
  42. Waterstiller

    Favorite Books

    I favor: Brave New World Crime and Punishment The Illustrated Man Zhuangzi Ender's Game A Grief Observed - CS Lewis Sandman: A game of you - Gaiman Being and Time - Heidegger The Conscious Mind - Chalmers The Road - McCarthy
  43. Waterstiller

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    I can't believe Dexter hasn't been brought up here. :confused: I love Firefly.
  44. Waterstiller

    Character traits that are uncharacteristic of INTP.

    I'm the same way. I also can't really understand why I'd go back to having a partner. But I still want to because I don't mind feeling some of those feelings sometimes. Caring for another person can be great as well. The lack of control that relationships bring is something I despise, and if...
  45. Waterstiller


    I was interested in how INTPs react to certain substances as well. I fear dependence on substances and as a rule tend to maximize enjoyment for every usage. I had a mild drinking problem (discussed in that thread). I've had a pack of clove cigarettes since last November and enjoy those every...
  46. Waterstiller


    I used to need a drink at least once a night to help me relax (age 18-22). Often, though, I'd have more than a few shots worth a night. But nobody could ever tell; no-matter how drunk I would get. I've been averse to alcohol ever since switching to estrogen. I will get nauseated after more than...
  47. Waterstiller

    Character traits that are uncharacteristic of INTP.

    That's why I'd always hate being called on in public school, and would give the shortest answer possible in order to satiate the teacher. I'd also never ask questions unless I was in alone with them after class or in a professor's office hours. It's hard for me to decide the depth of an answer I...
  48. Waterstiller


    For anyone who's jaded.. www.pandora.com I could listen to my "Explosions in the Sky" radio all day long.
  49. Waterstiller

    Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    Here are a few: Radiohead The Beatles The Flaming Lips Belle And Sebastian Of Montreal Mika Edit: I'll throw in some of my more embarrassing favorites for the hell of it: John Fahey Leo Kottke Pedro the Lion
  50. Waterstiller


    That's good to know. My questions seem irrelevant now, but I'm sure I'll have more in the future. I'm INTP. Both my mom(INFP) and my sister(ISTJ) who know me best had no problem helping me sort it out. I'm far from a natural F; though, I have felt a *ton* of pressure to be one. Which makes me...
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