Rowling a genius?
I think I'll stop writing forever now.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ~120 million
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ~77 million
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ~61 million
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ~66 million
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ~55 million
Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince ~65 million
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ~44 million
Total: ~488 million
Hey, trillions of flies eat shit everyday, i think ill try it, it has to be good !
Maybe I will... when I run out of good onesIf anything, I hope you've at least read one or two of the books instead of just nodding it off by saying that the main character is a teenage boy magician.
Olba said:If anything, I hope you've at least read one or two of the books instead of just nodding it off by saying that the main character is a teenage boy magician.
And the sad thing is Murkrow, 50 cent's record numbers will continue to rise, while the incredible writers, and performers, in the rock/metal/classical fields will remain in obscurity.
So you think the goal of a writer is to produce the most popular work?
Do you think 50 cent is a gifted musician because of his record sales?
I can give you several REASONs why the harry potter books are total crud, and none of those millions of readers could refute them.
I was just pointing the flawed argument. I do recognize something great about those books: Many kids that otherwise would have never get near a book are reading pretty thick ones. If all those kids pick up the habit of reading and then move on to authors with more substance, then for me that lady earned her money and Im glad that Harry Potter exists. I have a LOT of more interestng things to read tho.
Murkrow put it very well there, not much more to add to that.Oh, now I see your problem. The audience of Harry Potter is far from being "just kids". And it's not even aimed at kids. The themes are clearly not meant for small children. If anything, the audience of Harry Potter is diverse. Kids who just started school, teenagers in high school, university graduates etc. If that all can be summed up as "just kids" then surely there's something wrong with your definitions.
The same arguments you're using can be attributed to anything that has been accepted lovingly by the masses.
The fact that something is widely accepted does mean there is something special about it, but that special thing is more than often a narcotic state of empty pleasure.
No one's understandings are furthered in the digestion of a Rowling book, she writes to entertain and only to entertain.
Among the reasons why her books are so unpopular is that they lack the conscious inherent is almost all other children's literature. Children's books are almost always designed to secretly teach, usually this is done through a moral like a fairy tale but it is also sometimes done by witty use of language like the phantom tollbooth or alice and wonderland. Children's books are designed to raise children into educated and well reading adults.
Rowling's books are part of the modern idea that children are to be treated and catered to in the same way as adults. Her books entertain children by dealing with simple ideas they can understand, telling simple stories and solving problems in illogical ways with minimal character development. Rowling's books are literary lollipop or macaroni with cheese, children love these things and sometimes even adults can enjoy them, but if they are all you eat you will grow fat, stupid and with no understanding of true nutrition or flavour.
No. As a profession, the goal of a writer is to make money. In this case, Rowling is a successful writer. As a hobby, the goal of a writer is usually expressing themselves or putting time into something they like doing. Even in this sense, Rowling succeeded, as she has said that she's writing the story "for herself".
Sales just happen to be the only statistically accurate data we got. Therefore, it's the only data we can use to measure the success of it.
The diversity of the audience and the fantastic sales of the movies, the games, the books and all other additional merchandise is more than enough to prove that there's got to be something different about Harry Potter. Something that Dostoevsky or Kafka don't have. Surely, if you ask someone to tell you something about the lives of Harry Potter or Rodion Raskolnikov, much, much more people would be able to tell so much more about Harry Potter. And you know, Rodion Raskolnikov is the main character in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, which is pretty much seen as one of the best pieces of literature ever.
But doesn't that apply to most things in most people's lives? After all, not too many bother to actually reason why something is good.
So unpopular? The least sold of her books sold over 50 million copies. Can you seriously call that unpopular?
So unpopular? The least sold of her books sold over 50 million copies. Can you seriously call that unpopular?
I doubt unpopular books would have news of the release day of a new installment in the television. Or is the papers, for that matter.
I now respect you to some extent.You capitalist bastard!The goal of a writer is to write great books! Repeat after me: life is not about money. Life is NOT about money. It only seems so because our socio-economic model forces us to do "money first, personal goals later (if ever)". Lucky is the one who does what he loves, and happens to get well paid for it. This hobby/profession false dichotomy makes me want to kill some managers... Guess I'll die a starving artist; no friends, no family, no money...
50 Cent is good lyrically, I'd love to see you write a decent rap verse that rhymes and makes sense at the same time. Jordan, I think not, so can it young one.
I agree with you to an extent. Most people who don't deal with oppression tend to be lighter and distanced from one-another. The ignored need to be unified, rallied, and made passionate on some level to promote social change. It only makes sense that their music would be so explicit; it is understandable that their music conveys the anger that not having a voice has.But I'd like to add also, I think its just a black thing, most black people are into this music most white people are into their rock and other bandy-bands. To be honest, they all sing about stuff I don't relate to or care that much about, like the woe of being a teenage loser and all that... We put our point across in a different way I think white people tend to be lighter in their approach (no offence).
Good evening Ladies I tell you from the start
I'm hoping you enjoy my amusement park
There's lots of activities fun things to do
And I'll find my pleasure in pleasing you
Some rides go fast some rides go slow
You fear heights when I'm high hell yeah I'll go low
It tastes so sweet that sticky cotton candy
We get carried away we be startin a family
It's a perfect time for a magic trick
Girl you know it's no fun without the magic stick
Now watch me as I pull a rabbit out a hat
Then you can use the rabbit all over your cat
Applause now that's the first half of my act
Started out a pimp now I'm more like a mac
I don't need your paper just don't fuck with my stacks
(Oh it's like that?) Yeah it's like that
In this white man's world, I'm similar to a squirrel
Lookin for a slut wit a nice butt to get a nut
This was written to Oprah Winfrey in response to her dancing to a 50 Cent song on her show. The excerpt says what I want to say about the discussion between Thomas and Jordan. The entire article is absolutely beautiful.Saul Williams in an Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey said:The genius, as far as the marketability, of Hip Hop is in its competitiveness. Its roots are as much in the dignified aspects of our oral tradition as it is in the tradition of "the dozens" or "signifying". In Hip Hop, every emcee is automatically pitted against every other emcee, sort of like characters with super powers in comic books. No one wants to listen to a rapper unless they claim to be the best or the greatest. This sort of braggadocio leads to all sorts of tirades, showdowns, battles, and sometimes even deaths. In all cases, confidence is the ruling card. Because of the competitive stance that all emcees are prone to take, they, like soldiers begin to believe that they can show no sign of vulnerability. Thus, the most popular emcees of our age are often those that claim to be heartless or show no feelings or signs of emotion. The poet, on the other hand, is the one who realizes that their vulnerability is their power. Like you, unafraid to shed tears on countless shows, the poet finds strength in exposing their humanity, their vulnerability, thus making it possible for us to find connection and strength through their work. Many emcees have been poets. But, no, Ms. Winfrey, not all emcees are poets. Many choose gangsterism and business over the emotional terrain through which true artistry will lead. But they are not to blame. I would now like to address your question of leadership.
I'm not a critic anymore. I gave that up just recently. Now I try to understand the perspective of every musician and every listener as best I can. All I can do is try to communicate how certain works make me feel and why I'm in love with them.. because what I consider the 'best' is only relevant to me.
Well said.Hence, any criticism of another work is simply describing what values we hold that the work is not aspiring to meet. Sometimes these values are widely held within the culture and so seem to be "universal" and can even be assumed to be within the culture but the fact remains that they invoked a particular assumed stance and that if the culture would radically change, those values might no longer be considered in vogue and thus relevant.
In any case, even the act of criticism assumes that the work being shared should be approached in terms of evaluating its failings or seeming inconsistencies. It's essentially a relic of Age of Reason thinking, where the whole can be understood by dissection. (And that is not an unuseful thing sometimes, it was remarkable helpful in scientific and anatomical pursuits, etc.)
But there are other more holistic approaches that are more positive in spirit, where you take a "sifting" approach and are looking for the points of connection with the artist/writer rather than focusing on the things you disagree with or don't like. The assumption there is that the artist has a message, and your goal as the listener/reader is to perceive that message.
(Or, taking it further in yet another direction, perhaps the work doesn't need to be evaluated as a consistent whole but simply used as a catalyst to see what it triggers within your own thought/emotional life.)