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Character traits that are uncharacteristic of INTP.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
There are a number of INTP stereotypes, even if said in jest, that I've come across. An example would be that INTPs don't smile (while an INFP will). That and INTPs love to debate or INTPs are good at math and make good economists and that art and writing is an NF sort of thing.

You catch my drift.

What things about you (or even INTPs you know) could make you or someone else think twice about being INTP versus some other type?

Artifice Orisit

I don't smile much, even when I'm happy.
I love to debate
I'm better than most at math
I'm currently trying to write a book

This stereotype could be my fault, and to answer your question the only problem I have with being an INTP is that I have a hard time starting work.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
On the contrary I smile a lot. I'm 27 and have laugh lines. I also love to debate, often getting carried away and nearly forgetting its another person I'm arguing with, but I'm always very careful about keeping things friendly. Math is pretty easy, though I didn't show enough aptitude to want to push beyond multi-variable calculus. I'm currently trying to write 4 books all on different subjects, 3 video games (I came up with another idea I'll have to share with you later Blake) and start a couple businesses. That sounds like a lot, but I only work on one or two at a time.

My girlfriend thought I was an INFP for a while. I think because we have a highly emotional relationship, but let me tell you... if anything, that part of our relationship has proven to me more than ever that I am a T.

Artifice Orisit

New game idea?, three words: INVADER ZIM GAME :D
I think there was a alien invader game a while ago but is stunk of ASTS "American small town syndrome ". Pathetic ufologists, the "scary":rolleyes: FBI and of course small town American stereotypes. This is just one reason why I hate the latest AVP, where the hell am I going with this?

Oh right the topic, Zim is a pure characterization of the INTP persona and I don't smile much because I seem to forget that I have a face. I even used to worry that my face was useless for showing emotion.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:10 AM
Apr 24, 2008
Who wants to know?
I like being in groups. (People can be entertaining/ boring/ annoying. I usually stick with the entertaining ones) (I wonder how different my definition of entertaining is from other people)
I smile (quite) a lot. (It's a reflex action for dealing with people. And it usually works)


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:10 AM
Aug 14, 2008
I don't smile much, unless I'm amused. Otherwise, it just doesn't come naturally. I hardly laugh, though.
I do love to debate, but sooner or later most debates get incredibly boring. (By debates here, I mean debate topics. Debating abortion gets boring after the first few seconds, which is currently a record, just in front of god and evolution)
Also, I definitely prefer writing and music (I can't draw or paint. At all) and stuff to Maths. I could do quite well at Maths, I suppose, but I just don't find it as interesting.
Yes, the main problem is probably starting work, though I like it otherwise. Crud, if I did stuff when it would be a good idea to, I wouldn't have as much fun. Though it would avoid the whole thing with waking up as a zombie.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 28, 2008
i fall into pretty much all the stereotypes (i barely smile, and never in pictures. i debate at the drop of a hat. i'm procrastinate like a motherfucker and always have 50 "projects" going on at once) except for the math thing. i'm horrible at math, although i suspect a lot of it has to do with inadequate education on the subject. i didn't go to very high quality schools, and my elementary school never even attempted to teach the fundamentals like times tables and anything that has to do with division. i took geometry my senior year of high school.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Aug 29, 2008
Lexington, KY
I smile alot around my small group of friends(so much they make fun of me for it)
but when I'm out in public random people will ask me why I am so sad, even though I'm perfectly content at the time.

Also, I really sucks at the math. I'm always barely getting C's in any math class.
although my math skills improved when I took Physics. I really love science so I kinda didn't acknowledge the math that was going on and ended up doing really well in that class even though it was so math heavy. Really helped me in my other math classes.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:10 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
I smile a lot (I bet many here wont believe me :p) and Im not so good at math, aside from that Im a pretty stereotipical INTP, I bet anyone who knows MBTI would figure me out quite fast.
Last edited:


Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Sep 16, 2008
New York
I don't smile much if I'm just walking around. People tell me I have a sad neutral face. I smile a lot when I'm talking to someone, though. I love to debate, but I won't debate if I don't feel like I have a solid grounding in the topic and would come off sounding like I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm pretty good at math, but definitely not the best. I like writing fiction, but I always start pieces and then never finish them because I get another idea I want to write about more. I'm an Economics major, but I wouldn't say I'm especially good at it or even that I like it all that much. I do like Computer Science a lot, and I think I'm fairly good at it, though again, not the best.

I am pretty emotional and easily talk about my emotions, but I always try to self-analyze and apply logical reasoning to my emotions, like I should or shouldn't feel one way or another.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
For me, I often look intimidating or just dead pan, especially in a new environment. With people and situations I am accustomed to, I have no problem smiling but it's often because something amuses me and I'm easily amused. I have a good sense of humor.

I typically don't like debates, online anyways. I don't mind debates face to face unless I'm dealing with highly opinionated or frantic individuals who are more interested in being heated versus having a civil and intelligent discussion. In any case, I'm known to make good points.

I am poor at math and I don't really do science. However, I was once in the top two in my math class, but that's because I studied hard. While science is interesting, it's not something I want to invest myself into.

I prefer art, language, social sciences, and the like.

I'm a closet-romantic at times. I try to be nice to just about everyone. However, most people think I'm too boring to want to get to know and those who do find me too aloof. While I appreciate those who make the effort to get to know me, I find I get annoyed when things get too emotional and start withdrawing altogether.

So I'm a typical INxP, I guess. Like INTPs, I don't typically feel strong emotions. I'm very analytical. I'm almost never dramatic unless I'm seriously ticked off. I hide my feelings.

I'm also lazy, messy, disorganized.

But overall, I don't really fit any type stereotypes well at all. I often wonder what the hell I am, but the thoughts have been interesting.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
<shrug> you sound like an INTP to me. Interests in math and science are not prerequisites for INTPness.


..still alive
Local time
Today 7:10 PM
Sep 29, 2007
Bolehland! also known as Malaysia.
There are a number of INTP stereotypes, even if said in jest, that I've come across. An example would be that INTPs don't smile (while an INFP will). That and INTPs love to debate or INTPs are good at math and make good economists and that art and writing is an NF sort of thing.

You catch my drift.

What things about you (or even INTPs you know) could make you or someone else think twice about being INTP versus some other type?

-I smile alot,and I make jokes alot that other types seems to understand.
-I love to debate but I'm not good at playing devil's advocate,and anxious when delivering talk in public.
-I sucks at maths,because I have immature view on maths long ago and was put into 'irrelevant' category,thus never put any efforts on learning it,now I'm learning maths at snail's pace. :(

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 28, 2008
i love science stuff (physics, biology, psychology, and archaeology/paleontology are my favorites) but its always kind of sucked that i suck at math, especially since i find physics so fascinating (and my girlfriend has a degree in physics). i can understand the concepts of things fairly easily, but not the equations lol.

like someone else said (forget who) i like to write, but i usually get a few chapters into writing a book and then stop to start something else. most of my "books" never even make it past the brainstorming stage, which i guess is kind of an INTP stereotype (like to think about things but not put it into practice). i've probably started writing like 20 books in my life, i've only ever finished one.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 16, 2008
wha!? wow... I've never met anyone who says they like biology and physics. I enjoy the idea of biology, but the class/memorization sucks! I'm definitely the math/science INTP... although I didn't actually enjoy math til college, cause I'm taking some math theory stuff now. Luckly I was at least good at it... great actually... so slipping into science knowing only practical math was easy enough. Bio is like my mortal enemy though, like every other physics major around me... and all the bio people I know dread physics.

characteristics that don't quite fit INTP? Until sometime within the past few months, I would go out and do basically anything with a group of people, if invited. I was more INTP in that I wouldn't really enjoy it all that much, didn't say a whole lot during, and would about half the time wish I had stayed home, but I'd still do it. There's a chance that was largely because my parents would think something was wrong if I didn't want to go out, though, and eventually it became "I'll go out so that I don't have to deal with parents."

More definitely me/not-INTP is that I will try very consciously not to hurt other people's feelings. I would go through painful lengths (or at least, painful to anyone who doesn't study things as carefully as we do... didn't bother me a bit) to make sure I didn't offend someone unnecessarily or cause anyone else to hurt in some way. All the careful study in the world doesn't make you an NF, though, and they're naturally better than it than I am. I say that because I can definitely avoid hurting peoples' feelings, but not "in stride," not while trying to be friends with them. It's like I have a stereotypically intellectual reason to break the stereotype.

I also will feel unappreciated pretty easily, which I don't think is very INTP... although I'm not sure. That's fallen away quite a bit over the last year or two as well though. I was much more prone to it when I was younger.

Everything else I think I fit pretty squarely.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
May 2, 2008
wha!? wow... I've never met anyone who says they like biology and physics.

First, think carefully about whether he means the classes or the subjects themselves.

More definitely me/not-INTP is that I will try very consciously not to hurt other people's feelings.

Yeah, I think the key word here is "consciously". NFs do it more instinctively, and don't have to make as much conscious effort.


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 12:10 PM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
Contrary to popular beliefs about INTPs, I don't like math, I prefer art (supposedly an F dominated field, but that really depends on whether the art you make is more focused on feelings or ideas or a mixture of the two.), I'm a girl (hardly any INTP girls, and the "lazy genius" stereotype doesn't fit for girls regardless), and I'm not emotionally stone cold, though I tend to rationalize myself out of the feelings that make less sense. The feelings are there, I'm just inarticulate, except in writing.

And I have the problem of having a really sad neutral face.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
The replies have been reassuring. I guess I should have mentioned being assumed a guy on any online interaction. Even when I flat out said I was female on some occasions, I was told to be lying about my sex and rumors came about that I was a tranny. O_o WTF? "Yeah, well you don't sound like a girl. "


most of my "books" never even make it past the brainstorming stage
I'm with ya on that one. I have had a million story-lines that I thought were excellent. I'm great at brainstorming and doing outlines but actually getting to the writing shows a mental block that I'm still trying to overcome.

I guess I'm not such an INTP oddity as I thought.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 28, 2008
First, think carefully about whether he means the classes or the subjects themselves.

yeah lol i've never actually taken a class on either subject. i've read books and read about it on the internet and stuff, but no classes or memorization.


Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 24, 2008
Maine, USA
i'm very physical, is that characteristic of INTP? of course in learning how to structure my training i've had to suck down quite a lot of information and try to distill what applies to me. i suppose the focus is typical, but the sticking with it might not be... i've been pretty into lifting for several years now.

my mom told me i was a sensitive kid while i was growing up, and it's pretty easy for me to empathize with people (for instance, i can't watch socially awkward moments portrayed in comedies... just too painful). deciphering the root cause of my own emotions is difficult, though it's not for lack of trying. articulating those emotions is also difficult.

speaking of articulating, most of the time i feel incoherent when i talk. it's awful. my thoughts are well-formed when they leave my brain, but they get garbled on the way out of my mouth somehow. it's incredibly frustrating and frequently i'll just keep my mouth shut because it's not worth the effort. dunno if that's an INTP thing, or just a me thing.

i think the last time i had anything biology-related was 7th grade! i had to take chemistry in college and i HATED it. aced the homework and tests, failed the class because i couldn't bring myself to do the lab work. definitely more an applied physics guy (mech. engineering undergrad degree, going for ME grad degree now). i'm taking all math courses right now, and i do like them a lot.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
i'm very physical, is that characteristic of INTP? of course in learning how to structure my training i've had to suck down quite a lot of information and try to distill what applies to me. i suppose the focus is typical, but the sticking with it might not be... i've been pretty into lifting for several years now.

Its not a characteristic, but its fairly common. I'm into martial arts because it is physical and involves a lot of complex learning, but I work out with personal trainer once a week (at least until I have to quit for monetary reasons). I find his highly technical approach to be very helpful in motivating me. Belittlement or meaningless encouragement would make me stop, theory makes me ravenous.

for instance, i can't watch socially awkward moments portrayed in comedies... just too painful

Same for me. I think its because we are emotional chameleons. We end up feeling same way the person on screen is feeling and it is intensely uncomfortable. Definite INTP trait.

speaking of articulating, most of the time i feel incoherent when i talk. it's awful. my thoughts are well-formed when they leave my brain, but they get garbled on the way out of my mouth somehow. it's incredibly frustrating and frequently i'll just keep my mouth shut because it's not worth the effort. dunno if that's an INTP thing, or just a me thing.

INTPs are very exacting in their use of language, and often feel exasperated when they can't convey something in an intelligible, non-misunderstandable way. Most types are fine with a little linguistic sloppiness. This place is perfect for you in that case because you'll get to practice saying whatever you want to talk about with people who won't misunderstand for any reasons except that which you wish to get better at.

i think the last time i had anything biology-related was 7th grade! i had to take chemistry in college and i HATED it. aced the homework and tests, failed the class because i couldn't bring myself to do the lab work.

You dodged a bullet my friend. I have never had a biology class, but I majored in chemistry. I'm about to get my master's in it and I hate it. I didn't use to, but that was because my first teacher (for two years) liked to blow things up and was very expressive and charismatic. Now I appreciate having the knowledge and wouldn't mind if I never touched another test tube for the rest of my life.


Most Excellent
Local time
Tomorrow 6:10 AM
Jun 23, 2008
Hmm, I think I'm a pretty stereotypical INTP. I hardly smile at all (unless around close friends), I'm good at math (damn, I'm good at everything!), I have more interests than most people can count, and am very disorganised (but never messy, always neat). I never get anything done, or do any homework, but I love starting things. I have books on almost every subject imaginable, probably half of which I don't finish reading (but I assure you I've started every single one). My taste in music is what most people would call unusual, but I call awesome, and I also don't care what 'most people' think (INTP+++).

I've probably left out more INTP characteristics than I've named, but chances are, I've got all the rest. Probably the main characteristic that sets me apart from other INTPs is that I like to be neat and not messy (but I love chaos, don't get me wrong on that!). Systematic chaos disguised within neat confines is much more confusing (but only to the 'other people' - chaos is clarity to the clever).

On a (vaguely) related tangent, http://www.twentythree.co.uk


is a ze
Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Jul 9, 2008
Originally Posted by grettiron
for instance, i can't watch socially awkward moments portrayed in comedies... just too painful

Same for me. I think its because we are emotional chameleons. We end up feeling same way the person on screen is feeling and it is intensely uncomfortable. Definite INTP trait.


And I also second the bit about needing the theory for physical activities. I was flunking the swim class until I read about the styles. "Put your hands like this, move your feet like that" without further explanation doesn't work for me. Once I understood the theory I was actually pretty decent.

I'd have loved martial arts like that. I took a class when I was very young, and we were supposed to learn by imitation and repetition alone. I never got the point and my mother made me quit to avoid damages to my person.

Non stereotypical traits? Perhaps that I have dramatic skills. Then again we're supposed to be chameleons.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
I too am good at drama and putting on a dramatic flair...usually to be sarcastic about something, but it's in good fun and gets other people laughing.

Also, I used to be intimidated to speak my mind. I was afraid of expressing my ideas out of fear of being ridiculed and being called crazy. I still have some anxiety about letting my deep thoughts out there. I never thought that that was a very INTP thing to do. I used to always be scared of people lashing out at me emotionally but I think that may have something to do with growing up where I was and am frequently exposed to such things.


... runs deep
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
Also, I used to be intimidated to speak my mind. I was afraid of expressing my ideas out of fear of being ridiculed and being called crazy. I still have some anxiety about letting my deep thoughts out there. I never thought that that was a very INTP thing to do. I used to always be scared of people lashing out at me emotionally but I think that may have something to do with growing up where I was and am frequently exposed to such things.
That's why I'd always hate being called on in public school, and would give the shortest answer possible in order to satiate the teacher. I'd also never ask questions unless I was in alone with them after class or in a professor's office hours. It's hard for me to decide the depth of an answer I should provide to any sort of question outside of a one-on-one conversation. Just how crazy am I allowed to be in a setting with lots of people? I never know and tend to just shut up, though I'm so tempted to just blurt out my musings.

Decaf said:
Same for me. I think its because we are emotional chameleons. We end up feeling same way the person on screen is feeling and it is intensely uncomfortable. Definite INTP trait.
This explains so much.

Does this "emotional chameleon" theory have an official name? I've always thought of myself as a mirror to people. And for every person that's around me my social self tends to drift towards the lowest common denominator.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:10 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
This explains so much.

Does this "emotional chameleon" theory have an official name? I've always thought of myself as a mirror to people. And for every person that's around me my social self tends to drift towards the lowest common denominator.

It was talked about in the first 3 pages of the following thread, maybe that will help



Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:10 PM
Jun 24, 2008
Under the snow.
If I look back, then I can say - I used to mirror people a lot. Actually, when I sometimes thought about it later, I couldn`t understand my reasons of acting in certain way.

I don`t smile and laught too much, but sometimes I start to do it in most inappropriate moments. I can`t stop myself from laughting in streaks, which are taken very seriously by other people.

I rarely talk in class and I`m not keen on participate in clubs and school events. I just want to go to school, get my things done and go to home - without making any bonds.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 8:10 AM
Sep 8, 2007
I've always thought of myself as a mirror to people.

Exactly my self-image, but I've probably already mentioned that in the thread linked.

I was thinking that sensitivity was particularly un-INTP, but having acute emotions doesn't mean I know what to do with them the way it seems an INF would, or that they're triggered by the same things.

Actually I'm extremely hard to offend and often don't realise it when someone is rude or insults me. (Other people actually have to tell me when I'm being insulted!) Except when it comes to criticism in close relationships and I'm embroiled in shadow - then I simply can't not take things personally and it can all get overwhelmingly painful.

Relationships are the bane of my existence.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
I certainly do (not as much now) relate to being overly sensitive, at least to me. However, most people would never have guessed that I was that sort of person.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
Just my second time being here and already I've learned something about myself that I never realized. I too tend to mirror those around me. Around some people I can almost be mistaken for an E. Almost.
Glad to see also that I'm not the only one who feels uncomfortable watching socially awkward scenes. I can't grab the remote fast enough when it starts to get that way. I swear I feel worse than the character does.

I guess I fit most stereotypes. Rarely smile, good at learning any subject if I understand how it applies to things, can't function without my organized chaos. Those sort of things.


... runs deep
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
Actually I'm extremely hard to offend and often don't realise it when someone is rude or insults me. (Other people actually have to tell me when I'm being insulted!) Except when it comes to criticism in close relationships and I'm embroiled in shadow - then I simply can't not take things personally and it can all get overwhelmingly painful.

Relationships are the bane of my existence.
I'm the same way.

I also can't really understand why I'd go back to having a partner. But I still want to because I don't mind feeling some of those feelings sometimes. Caring for another person can be great as well. The lack of control that relationships bring is something I despise, and if the partner is too dependent I'll slowly go insane.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Glad to see also that I'm not the only one who feels uncomfortable watching socially awkward scenes. I can't grab the remote fast enough when it starts to get that way. I swear I feel worse than the character does.

I'm often amused at myself about it... If I'm watching it with other people I get up to leave the room, but look on through the doorway to I can follow without feeling as much a part of what's going on. I think if I can socially disengage myself, its easier not to chameleon the actor pretending to be embarrassed. I still get some of those spider crawling up my back feelings though.


Local time
Today 7:10 PM
Sep 18, 2008
I've never really been in a serious relationship. I don't really want to be in one for a while anyways. There seems to be these responsibilities you need to have to make it work.

1. Call them every night and talk for hours before bed.

I can't do that. I hate talking on the phone and I don't want to waste my time on the phone. Not that there's really anything more important to do at that time, but still.

2. Hang out with them everyday after school or work.

I like my alone time. When I'm not with friends or at school, I like being alone, surfing the internet, watching TV or just being lazy. I don't like the thought of fitting a girl in there. I hate change as well, sooooo.

And etc.

I also can only see myself being with a girl who is just like me or at least close. We should be going at the same speed in life and be able to just chill and hang out. Go out to eat, see a movie, whatever else occasionally. I'm picky, but life's a bitch.


Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
That's a too stereotypical view of relationships. They're not all like that, you know...

Now, I really don't mind watching social awkwardness. I can relate, but I am not feeling it myself. But maybe that's cause I overanalyze tv/movies too much. The scene angles, the composition of the shots, the sequences, the lights.... and sometimes I even forget that there's stuff going on :rolleyes:


Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 24, 2008
Maine, USA
Actually I'm extremely hard to offend and often don't realise it when someone is rude or insults me. (Other people actually have to tell me when I'm being insulted!)

i am also hard to offend, but i sometimes understand when someone is being rude. thing is, that doesn't affect my response at all. it's like the rudeness is discarded before i process the comment. i dunno, it's hard to explain.

i'll usually respond to sarcastic comments as though they were sincere, even though i understand that they're sarcastic. it's like the sarcastic comment comes in, i note that it is sarcastic, then process it as though it were sincere, then output as though it were sincere. of course, that usually will catch people by surprise... maybe because they're expecting a response to the sarcasm instead of the message content.

this is an automatic filter though, i have to make a conscious effort to override it.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 28, 2008
i think the thing thats probably the most likely to "offend" me is when people i don't know well insult my intelligence. someone making fun of my clothes or how i look or even the fact that i'm a failure at life working a menial job and sitting in my room doing nothing instead of being social, that shit doesn't bother me in the least. even just flat out calling me stupid or saying that i'm an idiot doesn't bother me, its when someone really challenges my intelligence that i can get angry.


Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 24, 2008
Maine, USA
Decaf said:
theory makes me ravenous

nicely put. that explains a lot.

i also rarely smile during the daily routine except...

the relationship i'm in now is with a girl i didn't think existed. she does not censor herself very well, and often makes hard comments in jest. to other people, they seem like mean comments, but of course it doesn't affect me (see above). she does not process information the same way i do either, which is fascinating. so the combination of candid, uncensored, spontaneous comments (was that redundant?) is very captivating. her mind hops from subject to subject rapidly, which i find compatible with my "divergent thinking". also, she loves to talk which is great because i like to listen, and her voice varies so much it's a pleasure to hear. i suck at unscripted talking anyway haha. but i've definitely improved a lot for dating her.

... so it's funny because she is under the impression i'm always smiling, which is really because the process of direct observation changes my state... though i have been accused by close friends of "walking around with a shit-eating grin".

so another point that's in there is that relationships don't have to suck. just gotta find someone who's weirdness is compatible with yours.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 16, 2008
i think the thing thats probably the most likely to "offend" me is when people i don't know well insult my intelligence. someone making fun of my clothes or how i look or even the fact that i'm a failure at life working a menial job and sitting in my room doing nothing instead of being social, that shit doesn't bother me in the least. even just flat out calling me stupid or saying that i'm an idiot doesn't bother me, its when someone really challenges my intelligence that i can get angry.

excellent. Sums it up very, very well, actually. The last couple times this has happened to me has been people blatantly straw manning an argument with fallacies, and old people with money trying to intimidate me with lawyers over things that never happened and they had no case for just because I "looked" like a guilty kid just because I was doing strange things. hehe that one ended happily because my dad's a lawyer, so I know what they can and can't do, and I was 3 steps ahead of them the whole argument... but it still pisses me off when old people try to "intimidate the kid" because they don't respect you.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
A tangent to the thread:

I smile defensively. Someone else mentioned an intimidating demeanor. Apparently that applies, especially since I'm The Boss. So I smile. But it can get you in trouble. You do NOT wear your Universal Smile, I have learned, when someone is so angry she is ready to leap across the desk and rip your face off. Here's the moral of the story: "Benign Defensive Smiling By INTPs Can Be Misunderstood."

Ignore this at your peril. :-)


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
A tangent to the thread:

I smile defensively. Someone else mentioned an intimidating demeanor. Apparently that applies, especially since I'm The Boss. So I smile. But it can get you in trouble. You do NOT wear your Universal Smile, I have learned, when someone is so angry she is ready to leap across the desk and rip your face off. Here's the moral of the story: "Benign Defensive Smiling By INTPs Can Be Misunderstood."

Ignore this at your peril. :-)

Oh geez... I've suffered from this too :( When an argument starts to get heated I habitually get a little grin. I always assumed it was because the energy of the argument was exciting, but I think its more likely defensive. Its not a good thing to do when an argument gets heated if it has to do with anything personal at all.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
I am like that too with heated environments. I have a tendency to wanna grin a bit, but that could lead to serious problems if the person(s) heated aren't seeing the humor in the situation.

I also noticed today that I am good at being animated (for me) with friends who project a feeling of good humor that I can share, especially in a small group setting. It made me feel almost like an F. However, I can rarely generate this sort of liveliness so I'm dependent on others to do so, but this works only in a very small group.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
I think large groups tend to overwhelm our chameleon ability. Once the group gets too big our brain is pulling us in too many directions and decides to just shut the whole process down. I find when even one person is added to a group I can sometimes do that, finding myself unable to rekindle the feeling I had before.


is a ze
Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Jul 9, 2008
Ouch. My defensive smile has been called "your hypocrite little smile" or "your disgusting cynic amusement".

Glad to see someone understands. (Is there an emoticon for gratitude?)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Wow, that resonated.

The little smile will also get you called "arrogant" if you're not careful. :-)

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jul 28, 2008
i've never really paid much attention to it, but now that i think about it, i do get a bit of an amused smirk during heated arguments.

on another note, anyone have the problem where while reading, you often times begin thinking about something else, while still reading, but not even paying attention. i do that all the time then i have to stop my train of thought and re-read the page.


Professional Amateur
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Apr 16, 2008
Portland, OR, USA
Ugh, that's why I hate textbooks. My thoughts are so much more interesting so I have to reread them CONSTANTLY... I much prefer lectures because it happens less often. You can't reread, so there's more motivation to pay attention.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:10 PM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
on another note, anyone have the problem where while reading, you often times begin thinking about something else, while still reading, but not even paying attention. i do that all the time then i have to stop my train of thought and re-read the page.
YES! That sucks, its like your mind divides and while one part keeps reading, the other is thinking about a completely different thing

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
on another note, anyone have the problem where while reading, you often times begin thinking about something else, while still reading, but not even paying attention. i do that all the time then i have to stop my train of thought and re-read the page.

Very often. It doesn't even matter if I'm really into the book or not. It just happens without warning. I'll find myself 3 or 4 pages past the last thing I remember but I also know I've read those pages.
It's an aspect of a condition I call FreightTrain Brain. Sometimes my brain is just determined to go in it's own direction without my express consent. It happens when I'm trying to sleep (often when I have to get up early for an appointment!) It happens when I read or watch tv. It happens when I try to type out commen


... runs deep
Local time
Today 11:10 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
I'm another person who smirks and is afflicted with 'freight train brain'. I've learned to just face the book down until I'm done with the thought. The same goes for if I'm watching a film by myself; I have to pause it for awhile or else I end up missing a few minutes.

I've recently purged my universal defensive smile. I don't smile in pictures anymore either if I'm not really feeling it. It has been replaced by general tenderness when required. The defensive smile has been replaced by the 'peace offering' smile to let other girls know I'm not mean.

Decaf said:
I think large groups tend to overwhelm our chameleon ability. Once the group gets too big our brain is pulling us in too many directions and decides to just shut the whole process down. I find when even one person is added to a group I can sometimes do that, finding myself unable to rekindle the feeling I had before.
I'm the same way. I've started refusing to do things with more than 2 people. That's the limit of what I can handle before I'm overwhelmed.
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