For me, I often look intimidating or just dead pan, especially in a new environment. With people and situations I am accustomed to, I have no problem smiling but it's often because something amuses me and I'm easily amused. I have a good sense of humor.
I typically don't like debates, online anyways. I don't mind debates face to face unless I'm dealing with highly opinionated or frantic individuals who are more interested in being heated versus having a civil and intelligent discussion. In any case, I'm known to make good points.
I am poor at math and I don't really do science. However, I was once in the top two in my math class, but that's because I studied hard. While science is interesting, it's not something I want to invest myself into.
I prefer art, language, social sciences, and the like.
I'm a closet-romantic at times. I try to be nice to just about everyone. However, most people think I'm too boring to want to get to know and those who do find me too aloof. While I appreciate those who make the effort to get to know me, I find I get annoyed when things get too emotional and start withdrawing altogether.
So I'm a typical INxP, I guess. Like INTPs, I don't typically feel strong emotions. I'm very analytical. I'm almost never dramatic unless I'm seriously ticked off. I hide my feelings.
I'm also lazy, messy, disorganized.
But overall, I don't really fit any type stereotypes well at all. I often wonder what the hell I am, but the thoughts have been interesting.