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  1. Lobstrich

    Long rant on being doomed and INTP

    I can follow you on that! But WHY do you tone down your personality? Why don't you dance when other people are around? If you feel like dancing, then dance! Why should you care about being in the spotlight? I must admit that I don't like being in the spotlight myself, but I'd much rather be in...
  2. Lobstrich

    "Holy shit this makes sens" introduction

    Which hunts? See what I did there?
  3. Lobstrich

    Developing S Function?

    Sure, "looking around" is good. But my reponse to this is the same as I just posted. So instead of just going in circles I'll just say, what i just said =)
  4. Lobstrich

    A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

    But why is he quitting?! (Get the pun? Come on! Add to the poem!)
  5. Lobstrich

    Yes, if only.

    Yes, if only.
  6. Lobstrich

    What do INTPs look like

    How do we know that for certain now?!
  7. Lobstrich

    Developing S Function?

    Very true. But say you could only choose between seeing red (being F) or green (being T) If you were to experience red. You would automatically loose some of the experience you've gotten from green. Because you're mind would know two colours now, and for that reason it would also have to focus...
  8. Lobstrich

    Developing S Function?

    Yeah, I can't actually follow you completely on that part! I had honestly not thought your motives further to anything but "I am not contend with N and T so I want to become an SF" Sorry for my ignorance =)
  9. Lobstrich

    Developing S Function?

    I'm not saying that learning about F and S is wrong. I'm just saying that I do not want to be more 'F'ie' or 'N'ie' How can you call that ignorant? It's like calling a thin man ignorant because he likes being thin, and does not want to try to be fat or muscular. The thin man can still learn...
  10. Lobstrich

    Long rant on being doomed and INTP

    Conflict breed creativeness. I want conflict. Besides, I still don't want to adapt.. If people do not want to me close to be unless I conform and accept their views as mine. I will have nothing of them. If a relationship (be it a friendship or a romantic one) is based off of me conforming and...
  11. Lobstrich

    How many INTPs do you know?

    Why is that okay? You are basically saying "it's okay to kill that man because he is big and has alot of muscles and a developed status. But don't kill the guy that's just begun!" That's a bit biased if you ask me.
  12. Lobstrich

    Developing S Function?

    Not in my opinion.
  13. Lobstrich

    How many INTPs do you know?

    He sounds rather repulsive. I do not get why people have to destroy something which is not their property, him ripping out the drive. I do get the feeling of destruction though, it's nice. I like burning and destroying, myself. But destroying something which is not yours, I do not agree with...
  14. Lobstrich

    Long rant on being doomed and INTP

    Maybe I've I've misunderstood what "Chameleon effect" is. I've never encounted the word before, to be honest, only in this thread. But no, being adaptive is not a bad thing, why would you twist my words and make them say something as ignorant as "Being open minded is bad" I never said that...
  15. Lobstrich

    Oh, what lovely "friends" I have~

    To be honest, it kind of annoys me. I just don't get why you make those breaks, they are completely random. And sometimes they are in the middle of a sentence and not at the end, where it would have made sense to put them.
  16. Lobstrich

    Developing S Function?

    You are a weird guy.. You want to develop your F AND S... Why not go all out and develop your J at the same time! You'll be an ESFJ, the perfect human!
  17. Lobstrich

    What do INTPs look like

    I'm not insomniac, at all.. I'm lethargic. That is caused by me staying up late and then sleeping for ages, though. But I'm not staying up late because I can't sleep, I'm staying up because I get sucked in to whatever it is that I'm doing.
  18. Lobstrich

    How many INTPs do you know?

    Non. The closest thing I have to an INTP friend is my best friend who is an ISFJ. He pisses me the fuck off sometimes. Don't know where people got the idea that ESFJ's are the best partners for INTP's seeing that the E instead of the I, just makes them worse, in my opinion.
  19. Lobstrich

    A Poem of Indefinite Length and Form

    Yet he knows all about winning
  20. Lobstrich

    You intro thread was closed, couldn't comment. I wanted to, so here goes: Very, very funny! I...

    You intro thread was closed, couldn't comment. I wanted to, so here goes: Very, very funny! I feel the same way. I even kind of do on those custom titles, poeple have under their names
  21. Lobstrich

    Why Introduction Threads are Useful

    Yeah, I didn't make an introduction thread either.. I don't get the "Hey, look at me. I r cool" Attitude it gives off, maybe that's just me.
  22. Lobstrich

    Long rant on being doomed and INTP

    I guess not, hehe.. But I don't have this "chameleon effect" Well, I do on some level. Say I'm at my grandparents house, I just switch over to a very polite and well spoken version of myself, I still hold the same beliefs, though. But I NEVER act as something I am not.
  23. Lobstrich

    Necessary Context

    That's not true.. Just saying.
  24. Lobstrich

    Long rant on being doomed and INTP

    You guys keep talking about the "chameleon effect" As if it's a good thing.. No way is it a good thing. You should not strive to conform just to get friends or whatever your goal is. Truth is everything. This is what I live my life by. It doesn't bring alot of positive stuff though. Most people...
  25. Lobstrich

    Necessary Context

    I was a joke, nothing more. I like joking. Would It have been any other person whom I knew was an F, who posted before me. I would have joked about them.
  26. Lobstrich

    Necessary Context

    Oh nevermind, I just completely misread the "You equate Individualism/free market capitalism with the right side of the political spectrum." I don't know why, but I read is as a question, hehe.
  27. Lobstrich

    Necessary Context

    Who are you saying this to?
  28. Lobstrich

    Developing F Function?

    You say learn and you say develop. They are two different things. I would not want to develop my F, I like T, I like logic, I like objectiveness. But what I would want is to learn F. Which wouldn't require me to embrace it, but I would still know alot about it.
  29. Lobstrich

    who am I?

    I've heard the name, but can't say I've been lucky enough to meet the infamous guy. Only met the guy who was from California or something, he was in real estate and made thread called "Fuck my life" Which was just a bunch of whining..... He got banned as well, Hmm.
  30. Lobstrich

    Necessary Context

    I've ready about Leary myself, but only him. But I know that all this "drugs cures depression" Are only theories. Non have come so far to actually prove it to be helpful. As far as I know.
  31. Lobstrich

    Merry Christmas INTPf

    I hope, for the pride of this forum. That, that was just a joke.
  32. Lobstrich

    who am I?

    Who is "him"? You're talking about this person as if he's 'the banned'
  33. Lobstrich

    Developing F Function?

    Why would you want to do that? Or are you just curious?
  34. Lobstrich

    Merry Christmas INTPf

    Happy soltices! (But not Christmas) Because Atheists are the ones just trying to get by -_-
  35. Lobstrich

    Refugee from INTPc

    So wait.... INTPc sucks?? And here I've been a member of this Forum for about year thinking the grass was greener on the other side. Well thank you buzzkill!
  36. Lobstrich

    Introductions make my left eye twitch

    I knew this guy once, Thoreau was his name. He wanted to live in the woods as well, and so he did.. You should meet him! Haven't seem him for a while though =(
  37. Lobstrich

    who am I?

    Uh, why is he banned? I'm just curious here. I've seen alot of people being banned lately! I'm starting to think If I should be worrying..
  38. Lobstrich

    Necessary Context

    Try to avoid reading Bird's answer to your question, her answer is invalid (She's an f.. AN F!) I'll answer four of them if I may, hehe. or maybe not answer them, as they all seem to seek a subjebtive opinion. So I'll give you my opinion =) 2. That has a very simple and logical answer: Because...
  39. Lobstrich

    Formal Apology Thread

    I think formally apologizing is fair enough, if that's what it takes for someone to feel contend. I've been thinking about it myself to be honest, I act kind of like an ass sometimes. Oh well..
  40. Lobstrich

    INTPs and self harm?

    Very good 'summary'!
  41. Lobstrich

    "How could I ever live without that"

    Lol, of course the difference in taste is mind blowing! One thing is quality, one thing isn't =)
  42. Lobstrich

    INTPs and self harm?

    I'm not prone to "self-harming" I think it's weak. But then again, there are always X's amongst the ticks. So I don't really know if INTP's are more prone to such actions, to be honest. I doubt it though, it's illogical.
  43. Lobstrich

    Thanks much!

    I'll only say happy (belated) birthday, if I get some happy (preferably non belated) birthdays.. Yes, I am selfish. So since I know everyone is obviously going to say happy birthday to me.. I'll go right ahead and say it now! Happy birthday =o
  44. Lobstrich

    Car crash - help please

    Did you take all this time to post this giant thread on a forum to get an answer for this, instead of just taking a decsision?
  45. Lobstrich

    Why did I post in another thread before introducing myself?

    I didn't introduce myself, or well. I don't remember if I did.. That's probably just a sign of how pointless the introductions are.
  46. Lobstrich


    I'll check it out!
  47. Lobstrich


    "than to do it" Yes. And by joining the military you would be forced to do it. That was my point. But yes, I agree with rest of your post.
  48. Lobstrich


    I'm not very educated on the MBTI theory so I wont argue you there. But what I meant wasn't that I would litterally develop a J. What I meant was more that I would learn how to manage myself and my life, know when and where to do what, being able to take care of my homework etc.
  49. Lobstrich


    You do realise that not every country has "full metal jacket" military, right? Here in Denmark, yelling is not even allowed, neither i victimizing, punishing etc. Of course there will be those things, but it is very moderate, and just like any other workplace really.
  50. Lobstrich


    I'm not one much for killing myself wadlez.. But what I do think the military can give me, you and SY. Is a little bit of "J" I, myself. Am VERY unstructured, as any P I suppose. I like my P'ness, I don't want to be a semi-autist, so to speak. But a bit of control over my life and being able to...
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