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Search results

  1. Auburn

    Back from the Grave

    auntie lor! ^^ *sighs nostalgically*
  2. Auburn

    CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    ...it's alright... ^^;; I know I have very little talent for making smileys... And I agree. The former set would be good - just with some minor touch-ups.
  3. Auburn

    What would you ask?

    This is actually something on my never ending list of things I'll probably never get around to but really want to do. I agree that using questions that determine what fuctions are used would be more accurate. I was thinking that the test could be set up like a tree, where answering certain...
  4. Auburn

    CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    *meow* And, oh wow, I wasn't really expecting for mines to appeal to anyone... I like the 15x15 size smileys with gradient coloring because they don't cause a major indent in the spacing of paragraphs - and the gradient background gives them a modern feel while still being very basic. Mm...
  5. Auburn

    Silence is Golden

    ...sits curled up on the couch next to the window, hands wrapped around knees... ...looks up at the moon, wondering,.. thinking,... reflecting....
  6. Auburn

    CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    I had grow a bit attached to the old ones, as I know some others here have. Some of the forum culture had been based on it, such as Noddy's constant paranoia with this smiley ---> . Much of that will be lost with the change of smileys. And it wouldn't have been too hard to remove the white...
  7. Auburn

    yay! I actually have friends now! -^^-

    yay! I actually have friends now! -^^-
  8. Auburn

    More Ragnar!

    I too am very curious as to who Ragnar is, although he's already told us a lot about himself by his mere silence. I would completely understand and accept if he's simply someone who'd prefer to be withdrawn, but I don't see why that must be the case for the forum creator. Why should the creator...
  9. Auburn

    Emotional Moments

    I can completely relate to this. There are times when my thinking side is weak and tired of analyzing, and my more emotional side finally finds an opportunity to speak what it's been holding back for so long. Often it will all hit me all at once in the form of a huge emotional wave. These...
  10. Auburn

    A proper introduction

    ~nods~ You're right... I would expect nothing less.... Hmm... Wanna play online chess?
  11. Auburn

    A proper introduction

    Hey there hope, Hm, you've been here for a little while but I never directly communicated with you. Your story caught my attention, and thought I'd comment ^^; From seeing you are currently the Asteroids and Moon Lander champion, I can tell you really do like winning. Not to mention that in...
  12. Auburn

    Fictional Characters

    I agree with most of what's been typed. :) Just a few things to add... Tsunade = ENTJ - She's definitely a J. I think she's also intuitive, seeing how, often times, there will be scenes in her office where she's analyzing a tough situation and connecting ideas. ENTJs are born leaders and she...
  13. Auburn


    I miss the old chat room~ :( I have a lot of fond memories in that chat. Sometimes I would go in there for the sheer nostalgia of it.
  14. Auburn

    Extraverted Intuition versus Introverted Intuition

    Hm, the distinction between the two is not as clear in my mind as I wish it was either, but from what I understand, I think Ne is more about insight and Ni is more about foresight. The first perceives the present moment and draws connections between things known, while the latter attempts to...
  15. Auburn

    INTP and INFP

    I agree with most everything Cryptonia posted. :) There's little I could add, but having been in a relationship with an INFP also, I feel a burden to share what I learned from it - in hopes that it might help you too. Agreed. I would be surprised to hear that an INFP reacted coldly when someone...
  16. Auburn

    My story, your story... A game?

    ...as I continued to wander, I journeyed into the Cypress Forest, where it is said that the gateway to my paradise existed. Then as I walked I heard a peculiar sound behind me. I recognized this sound. It was the sound of a fairy's wings - like the sound of a chime rustling in the breeze. I...
  17. Auburn

    Reinterpret MBTI Functions

    I = Introspective E = Energetic N = Negative S = Stimulated T = Tungsten F = Flowers P = Procrastinator J = Jostle
  18. Auburn

    Responses Are Desired...

    Affinity and confirmation Often times I post threads with the sole intent of finding those who posts things that resonate with myself. However, this has become more difficult lately. As I've once again sporadically entered a stage of transformation, granted still possessing the same personality...
  19. Auburn

    Me and My Shadow

    Hm... interesting... So is my shadow all those things I think about, saying to myself: "I would never do that!"...? Is the shadow the opposite of my conscience? If one were to take the book in my mind that has all of my "dos and don'ts" - would the shadow be composed of all the "don'ts"? But...
  20. Auburn

    when snowqueen met eudemonia

    Right after my last day of school I went and bought some cheap plain shirts and a spray can to celebrate. I then proceeded to stencil the words INTP onto the shirt. :D This summer I plan to go into book stores, electronic stores, etc - wearing those shirts and see what happens.
  21. Auburn

    when snowqueen met eudemonia

    Hmm, this reminds me of this thread :)
  22. Auburn


  23. Auburn

    A proper introduction

    @ Kia - I know what you mean by the jacket metaphor. The same is true for me - although my real name probably fits me more like an oversize trench coat than a jacket. And: "Know It All" - lol :D @ Ogion - I did consider that possibility, and truly I have nothing to hide. There's nothing that I...
  24. Auburn

    Temporary Closure - discussion

    Indeed cryptonia, I'm reminded of the parable of the wheat and the terriers. There is a time to let both grow together for the sake of uncertainty, but there comes a time when the distinction is made, and as soon as it can be made, there truly is no point in waiting any longer, or letting it...
  25. Auburn

    Character Just Like You! (Mine's Ramona Q!)

    Haku... I'm not entirely certain if this character is 'just like me' or perhaps someone that I admire and wish to be like. It may be a mixture of both... There is no character I know of that I can relate to more than him.
  26. Auburn

    A proper introduction

    Preaching was indeed an enormous challenge for me, but, at the time, a challenge I decided was necessary for the reformation of my character to His likeness. In retrospect, I think I was more of the type of speaker who presents uncommon perspectives to the same ancient truths - very thought...
  27. Auburn

    A proper introduction

    Cryptonia, thank you so much for bringing this thread back to life, honestly. :o I never knew about this thread, and it would have been a huge loss for it to go unnoticed. Perhaps a few re-introductions would help bridge the gap between newer and older members... Come to think of it, I've...
  28. Auburn

    Temporary Closure - discussion

    *sigh* ....recently, I've felt it that way too. I log on now but just see the same things over and over - more issues with the forum, and more threads about them. It's disheartening... I'm really sorry I don't have the time/energy to read everything, nor any valuable insight... I guess it's...
  29. Auburn


    @ Decaf - thank you for those words, your posts really show me how naive I am. i've missed them quite a bit. i do have questions of my own but i think i might just wait... *sits in the corner and takes notes* edit: (sorry, couldn't resist ^^; ) Decaf, what you say in regards to Fe is...
  30. Auburn

    WispxKianara is official, btw

    *tackleglomps wisp and gives him a noogie!!* :D:D:D Ooooooh boy... :eek: Kia, I don't think you realize what you've just done! XD
  31. Auburn


    Red Mage, I couldn't have summed it up better myself. Thank you for that. :) Lol, exactly! (which is precisely why I decided to postpone veganism, but I cans still keep a vegetarian diet quite well) One question I always get when I tell people I'm vegetarian/vegan is : "So what the heck do...
  32. Auburn

    I Summon Decaf!

    *blows off the steam from the tip of his wand and puts it away* :cool:
  33. Auburn

    I Summon Decaf!

    LOL!! Friggin awesome Devercia! :D I'm going to wear this avatar for a while and see if it works. ;)
  34. Auburn

    Noddy's Rant

    Beautifully said Ermine. :o True, and those of us here striving for a deeper unity should also be able to express our opinions, no? I have expressed my sentiments in regards to this subject just as you have. I am all for freedom of expression, don't get me wrong. Ultimately it's this freedom...
  35. Auburn

    Some posts need approval by moderator?

    oh, um, another thread just reminded me of something. I just wanted to say that what I do about this is: If I know that my post will contain a link, then I only post a blank post saying "(editing)" and then edit in my entire content and the link right afterward. After the initial post gets...
  36. Auburn


    Hmm... As you probably know, the logic behind your decision is not enough to shield you from their remarks. If your manner of presenting the initial decision to be vegan contained an air of superiority, then this is when karma will just have to bite you back. :D:p [I can say that because it's...
  37. Auburn


    Woah, freaky >_> Just a few days ago I told my family that I was dropping down to vegetarian. My reason for being vegan had nothing to do with morality, but was for health reasons - yet my reason for dropping down is the same as yours. For veganism to actually be healthier in general takes a...
  38. Auburn

    I Summon Decaf!

    -nods- And as much as his expertise in MBTI is appreciated, I wouldn't want him to read this thread thinking that this is all we want him back for. I remember a man with so much to offer in many areas of life... so much more...
  39. Auburn

    Noddy's Rant

    *voice reply*
  40. Auburn


  41. Auburn

    name changes

    *looks in his pockets, finds nothing but a jolly rancher* *hands the jolly rancher to EB and shrugs* That's all I got... :( But, ahem, I need to tell you something important... The doctors don't want me to tell you, but the truth is that, while you were gone from the forum's insanity, you...
  42. Auburn

    name changes

    *enters EBs padded room* Um, EB....? *pokes with a stick* EB.... can you hear me? *awkward silence* It me.... Remember me....? *waits a little longer* It's Auburn... There's something I have to tell you...
  43. Auburn

    Silence is Golden

  44. Auburn

    Mugshot of INTPforum - Smile!

    yeah.... sorry for double posting, and reviving such an old thread >.< but I just wanted to come by really quick to drop of the film negatives of the mugshot I took - including some essential members that I sadly left out. Here you go: http://i43.tinypic.com/2yosx93.jpg Ok, I'm done with this...
  45. Auburn

    My story, your story... A game?

    A wanderer... I live in a world where things mystical have not yet vanished, but are merely forgotten. I remember them from long ago, but live surrounded by those who don't know of them. I was separated from my elven family very young. I am still a child, and no taller than a grown man's waist...
  46. Auburn

    Let's count to infinity!

    We skipped 12. So I'll be 17. :)
  47. Auburn

    INTP Success

    Agree 100%! :D I think one doesn't need to strive for society's definition of success, but their own. This may translate into the complete opposite of what is conventionally considered successful. If success is defined as achieving your goal, then what "success" is varies radically from person...
  48. Auburn

    Mystically Transformed XIII

    I second that. Thank you XIII for that response. :) And I apologize for the directness of my previous post. I've probably come across as more hostile than I really am. Glad to have you here. :o Understood...
  49. Auburn

    Mystically Transformed XIII

    ....I ....don't buy it..... XIII, Why do you lie to yourself? Have you truly changed who you are? No matter how many masks you try on, your true face hasn't changed... If your actual core personality had changed, then you would have stopped this experiment a while ago. But it's your core...
  50. Auburn

    That Voice in Your Head...

    Hmm... No.... Upon more reflecting, maybe my thoughts don't have a language. I don't think in languages, but instead my thoughts have no language, and are translated to languages depending on which language I need at the moment. So when I think, it's always the same basic thoughts no matter...
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