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  1. Reverse Transcriptase


    The book Blindsight: http://rifters.com/real/Blindsight.htm is totally related to this thread. And I'm going to quote from it: Enter text here.
  2. Reverse Transcriptase

    Stephen King's "The Stand" kind of sucks. Very boring and long book. Although I only read the...

    Stephen King's "The Stand" kind of sucks. Very boring and long book. Although I only read the first ~100 pages. As I understand it talks about a virus that kills a lot of people- is that really a realistic situation? As a biochemist, I'm skeptical.
  3. Reverse Transcriptase

    INTP weaknesses

    I have a hard time putting up with idiots. Definitely a weakness of mine.
  4. Reverse Transcriptase


    I'm not pagan, I'm just down for the party. It's kind of like crashing a party you weren't formally invited to, but with a host who has a "the more the merrier!" attitude. If my family was anal about religion, then we would have a lot of difficulty celebrating any holiday. My aunt is...
  5. Reverse Transcriptase


    As an atheist, I did have a fantastic time decorating my pagan holy-day tree and wrapping up gifts for a pagan gift-exchange! Thank you!
  6. Reverse Transcriptase

    Season's Greetings

  7. Reverse Transcriptase

    Put an INTP..

    *raises hand*
  8. Reverse Transcriptase

    Can I put my introduction here?

    My dad is an economist who used to work for PGE (Pacific Gas and Electric). He hasn't worked there for awhile, so he's free of any company-bias. He seriously doubts the validity of peak oil. There is more oil, it is just a matter of us getting to it. The flaw in peak oil is that they usually...
  9. Reverse Transcriptase

    Career help!

    How old are you?
  10. Reverse Transcriptase

    List of Assumptions

    I love Agent Intellect's #3! It ties in nicely to Decaf's #1 The thing is... each published paper has to stand on it's own merit. Journals are peer-reviewed and autonomous organizations. They're not connected to the funding. So the organization giving the funding is not the same as the...
  11. Reverse Transcriptase

    Two psychics foresee meeting each other, and know the exact conversation that is to take place. Who

    Re: Two psychics forsee meetng each other, and know the exact conversation that is to take place. Who starts the conversation first? You know how PCs can use DosBox to emulate Dos programs? Yeah... kinda like that
  12. Reverse Transcriptase

    List of Assumptions

    I didn't want to derail this thread http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?p=134115 again, so here's a new thread. Posted by Decaf: My (incomplete) list: SJs are bad people Science Fiction is the best tool to imagine alternative situations, and is a fundamental and underrated tool for...
  13. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... to put it in your terms... my mind is divided by zero, i have no idea what you're trying to tell me. But committing suicide if RFID succeeds is a bad idea. Move to South America instead!
  14. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... okay um uh you said: and I was asking for some clarification? What exactly was negative? I have a feeling there's some mutual confusion/miscommunication
  15. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... Huh I'm confused. What made you think I look at everything (or many) things as being negative? I understand the rest of it. To fool us, Satan mixes from truth in with lies, and we should take what he says with a grain of salt. (Kinda like the...
  16. Reverse Transcriptase

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    Are these mutually exclusive? :D
  17. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... Who was this meant to respond to?
  18. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... The ?problem? is that the take-away message of my vision was that I need live life to my fullest, develop to be the best I can, help my brethren who might also be afflicted by the demon. Because I need to prepare for my next life, which will be in a...
  19. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... Shittttttt that's awesome. I'm seriously impressed, Da Blob. My single reincarnation memory-vision-thingy saw other people's lives, who had also been effected by a demon. But like... I saw it from the afflicted people's point of view, not from the...
  20. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... I want to defer to Ashenstar here, she comes from a Jehovah's Witness background and might have something to say... Yes, but Jesus has some special miracle powers and is not the same as you or I. About the trinity, from wikipedia: Hah! Just because...
  21. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... What passages of the bible discuss reincarnation? I mean... I've always got the impression that most catholics & protestants don't believe in reincarnation. If anything, I wanted you to contend with Islam and Hinduism. Islam admits that Jesus is a...
  22. Reverse Transcriptase

    INTP Avatars are unique

    What other INTP forums are you on? I only know of INTPcentral. and wait, are we unique or do we share characteristics? Or do we share of the characteristic of being unique? Is that still being unique? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  23. Reverse Transcriptase

    Can I put my introduction here?

    I think they're kinda bulky... also the mystery of people's MBTI is wonderful. :D
  24. Reverse Transcriptase

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Re: Logic from a Christian purspective... I think somebody else should tackle Enola's "In The Beginning..." paragraph. Standard "but who created God? You're adding a needless step in the creation of the universe" atheist argument, please. Why Christianity? Why not any other religion? SO fun...
  25. Reverse Transcriptase

    Can I put my introduction here?

    doubleprost! (the first post had a link in it and i got caught by the needs-mod-approval trap!) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enola_Gay I thought this was what you were referring to?
  26. Reverse Transcriptase

    Can I put my introduction here?

    hahaha get it? Enola Gay?
  27. Reverse Transcriptase

    Can I put my introduction here?

    I think you're gay.
  28. Reverse Transcriptase

    You know you're an Intp when...

    melody, is your real name James Joyce?
  29. Reverse Transcriptase

    how important is touch?

    So I was at a really really crowded bar last night, everyone was dancing, I was dancing tons too. (My thighs hurt today, lol) And everyone just bumped into everyone else. It was fine and cool.
  30. Reverse Transcriptase

    I should be an octopus!

    so would... bombing octopi with coconut shells be considered violating the prime directive? what about donning scuba gear and a coconut crown and giving commandments to the Octopolians?
  31. Reverse Transcriptase

    I should be an octopus!

    YES we will be the creator-gods of octopolis! Sea Lab, consider this your warning.
  32. Reverse Transcriptase

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    Okay I just thought of something else. If we can never fail... that means we could pretty much have magical/Jedi powers, right? Like "I wish I could create a 10^20 photons of light all pointed at Ashenstar's head?"
  33. Reverse Transcriptase

    I should be an octopus!

    but the thing is that the octopi are mostly getting this coconuts from traveling humans who have dropped halved coconut shells.... but you realize what this means? We could help build octopi by bombing the ocean with coconut shells! and other playthings!
  34. Reverse Transcriptase

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    Or maybe I could just persuade you into making yourself no longer be an issue. (Maybe a martyr? If you wanted to lose this Power for No-Failing, could you?)
  35. Reverse Transcriptase

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    YES AWESOME but I really think you're missing the point of Dr. Manhattan's powers. His metamorphosis and understanding of the universe is so real and complete that he recognizes how absurd it is that we worry about clothing. He's kinda being an INTP in that way, being kinda lazy or being a...
  36. Reverse Transcriptase

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    Become a freedom fighter / messiah. Change the world how I see fit, become a strong liberating libertarian figure. When my job is complete, I'll fake my own death and slink into the unknown. And when everybody fucks it up 500 years later, I'll show up again and do it again. Live forever.
  37. Reverse Transcriptase

    started a business (freelance), need advice

    So.... I dabbled in a tiny bit of freelance related stuff, but I have no real experience. I do, however, have a minor in Entrepreneurship, and my father is a PhD in economics. So yeah, you were doing the right thing of trying to find other people around to compare prices to. But you don't...
  38. Reverse Transcriptase

    Avatar: The Movie

    My girlfriend & I saw the movie last night. I enjoyed it, but I dunno... I'm starting to think that TVtropes is killing my appreciation of everything. :D It also reminded me of a few other sci-fi stories. Brutal military/corporation attacking a pure planet and it's nature-loving...
  39. Reverse Transcriptase


    The engineer says: The glass is twice the size it should be. (I think my right-brain is optimistic idealist and my left-brain is realist. I voted optimistic idealist, but the left-brain is a PARTY POOPER)
  40. Reverse Transcriptase


    YES I am all for re-building Cog. Hmmm. I have no idea what the east-asian meaning of the name "ore sama" is. Can I take a guess? Are you trying to represent the difference between a human and a transhuman, with this forum as your art medium?
  41. Reverse Transcriptase

    Here are some lyrics I just ran across. I thought of you, and your username. Maybe I'm afraid...

    Here are some lyrics I just ran across. I thought of you, and your username. Maybe I'm afraid of love. Maybe I'm afraid of pain. And maybe I'm afraid too much. Maybe I'm afraid that I won't ever change.
  42. Reverse Transcriptase

    Disturbing Books

    Haunted is definitely a top 5 for me. "House of Leaves" was also terrifying. It's a romance, satire, horror novel. And it blends the three so beautifully... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Leaves
  43. Reverse Transcriptase

    I Wish I Liked Vegetables

    Heh. At first I thought it said something else.
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    I Wish I Liked Vegetables

    ranch is also kinda creamy and kinda neutralizes the health benefits of vegetables? (Though still, it's better than eating cheeseburger...) Balsamic vinegar dressings all the way & all day! My grandmother had a salad dressing that's good... Grandma's salad dressing: 3 tbsp oil (vegetable...
  45. Reverse Transcriptase

    Two Taoist books I'd recommend: The Book of Chuang Tzu by Chuang Tzu (translated by Palmer and...

    Two Taoist books I'd recommend: The Book of Chuang Tzu by Chuang Tzu (translated by Palmer and Breuilly), and The Taoist Body by Kristofer Schipper. The first is a classic Taoist text, translated into english from ancient chinese, and the second is a history/analysis of Taoism that I have just...
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    Forum Members = Fictional Characters

    Editor One = Obi-Wan Kenobi. TEACH ME!!! Da Blob is like... one of the people in the council or Elrond who tried to hold back the Fellowship of the Ring, or one of the Galatic Senators who only placed sanctions on the Trade Federation for invading Naboo. Conservative, set in ways, stubborn...
  47. Reverse Transcriptase

    Accountant asking employees for money for boss gift.

    How about this: Buy a $5-10 gift for your boss and also give it to him at the lunch. You get control over the gift, and don't have to deal with the bitchy accountant, and even put her in a little bit of a bind. However, this puts more of a spotlight on you, which is maybe not a good thing...
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    I like it, although I prefer Taoism. My brother, when he heard I had visited a zen center for a 3.5 hour celebration, said in a somewhat disgusted tone (a little similar to Da Blob's and Claverhouse's response): "What's the point??" (Btw, you're both arrogance incarnate. Obviously I'm a...
  49. Reverse Transcriptase

    Warning: spooky thread.

    Huh, is there a way to artificially produce that sound? I want a freak-people-out-rays device!
  50. Reverse Transcriptase

    The daaaark side.

    Find a hobby. It can be as simple as... say, reading & writing on a forum! I understand the "I don't want to do anything b/c it restricts my freedom." It's hard to get around that. I think it would be good for you to get involved with something that's not alone anyway... But if you don't...
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