I used to read up on everything about Buddhism when I was unemployed. It kept me somewhat sane. I have trouble finding the motivation to meditate these days, but it has helped develop a positive, healthy philosophy in life. To say it has helped me is an understatement. It's the best philosophy/religion in my opinion (and of course possibly for other INTPs).
There are some awesome books with the Dalai Lama, western psychologists, and scientists. I'll link some in another post when I have the time.
The Tibetan branch is my personal favorite and has the richest philosophy. I felt it suited me the best (and possibly the INTP mind, as well). I did not make much progress studying Zen and Theravada (which was the denomination you linked in your original post). If you are serious about it, I'd look at the three major branches and pick one out and go from there. All three are very different in my opinion, similiar to the Christian powerhouses.
I'll share my brief impressions:
Theravada is considered the Way of the Elders. It's mostly localized in Eastern Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Burma, etc). Their studies include the really old texts that are supposedly from the original Buddha's timeframe. They try to follow the big doctrines (The Noble Eightfold path and four Noble truths) very literally. Their typical meditation is visapanna, which is pretty much mindfullness meditation from what I can gather.
Now onto Zen and Tibetan Buddhism which both cover the Mahayana vehicle. (Whereas Theravada is a form of the hinayana vehicle) Zen used to be the mainstay in Japan, but I believe it has recently declined.
I had trouble finding the reading material to make good progress in Zen. I felt like I was going in circles. What they do in Zen is ask you Koans. Koans are special riddles which help you along the spiritual path. They are wierd questions like "What is the sound of one hand clapping". I was mostly reading Alan Watts' material, which while amusing, I now feel is a poor representation of Zen in general.
The Tibetan origin has the most organized and updated philosophy. Part of their practice is intense debating on philosophical issues. They talk about concepts such as interdependence, attachment, dependant origin, and emptiness. There are very famous philosophers who rival some of Europe's best. Their practice includes yoga, and some much different kinds of meditations from the other branches. The Tibet branch most outsiders would consider the most "religious" of the buddhist lineages because they pray and have some rituals.