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Search results

  1. Roran

    Finally registered after weeks of procrastinating

    Welcome to the forum.
  2. Roran


    All I have currently is like ONE PARAGRAPH (and it sucks)
  3. Roran


    He's talking about the movie
  4. Roran

    Why are humans innately selfish?

  5. Roran

    Base what?

    10 because the idea of relearning how to count is ...... not-fun-sounding.
  6. Roran

    Psych Questionaire for Class

    The fucker deserved it
  7. Roran


    And finally I actually start writing this story, after agonizing hours on tvtropes, troping out my non-existant characters....
  8. Roran


    Welcome to the forums. You have a good chance of fitting in here.:)
  9. Roran

    Patterns of Behavior

    This is a link to making a new thread.
  10. Roran

    Internal monologue?

    I have multiple (imagined?) inner voices, but I don't have a constant inner monologue. I do, however, have constant internal alt rock lyrics....
  11. Roran

    Many greetings

    Welcome to the forum.
  12. Roran

    Political Compass Test

    I believe a thread for this test has already been made... I will return with a link... http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=1013&highlight=political+compass
  13. Roran

    Political Compass Test

    I've taken this before, I usually get -4,-2 or -2,-4 can't remember
  14. Roran

    Color Test

    All of the other themes look weird (to me) compared to Dark Castle.
  15. Roran

    Color Test

    I really like blue, and it is the color of depressed people....
  16. Roran

    Color Test

    This test is creepily accurate. Existing Situation: Pursues his objectives and his own self-interest with stubborn determination; refuses to compromise or make concessions. Stress Sources: Physiological Interpretation: Stress resulting from the effort to conceal worry and anxiety under a cloak...
  17. Roran

    Yo Wutup

    "I done came up/Got my name up/When they speak of who blinged up/I'm who they bringed up/ Watch your mouth when I'm in the buildin'/I'm a cutthroat baller like O.J. Simpson...."
  18. Roran

    Yo Wutup

    Random fact: Every time I read the title of this thread I hear Riley's (from The Boondocks) gangsta theme.
  19. Roran

    What makes you feel nostalgic?

    A game and it's soundtrack, Final Fantasy XII. The most epic game on Playstation 2 of all time. I wasted many an hour grinding for exp in it.....
  20. Roran


    How would you do that? Write about puppies? Or nyan-cat?
  21. Roran


    Yeah.....SP=introverted 5 intellectual, 4 "Special"
  22. Roran

    You're a horrible person

  23. Roran


    I am either a 5w4sp or a 5w6sp.......
  24. Roran


    Edison hate future.
  25. Roran


    I declare this thread derailed.
  26. Roran


    You make a good point.
  27. Roran


    No, a euphemism is a curse word in disguise, like crap or dang.
  28. Roran


    That sounds more like an insult than a euphemism to me.....
  29. Roran


    A euphemism for what?
  30. Roran

    You're a horrible person

    Oh god..........
  31. Roran

    OBJECtive morality and GOd Fuck you if you dnt agree with me

    You really should try to smoke less weed.....
  32. Roran

    Functional Development Test

    Type: ENTP (INTP/ENTJ) extraverted Sensing (Se) *********************** (23.6) limited use introverted Sensing (Si) **************** (16.4) limited use extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************************* (45.7) excellent use introverted Intuiting (Ni)...
  33. Roran

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    Subconscious: "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but we'll always remember each other..." Conscious:"Wait, don't go..." *wakes up*
  34. Roran

    Kuu's Digital Painting Practice Exhibitionism Thread

    These are AMAZING.
  35. Roran


    Dude..... you just wrote a whole story
  36. Roran

    Chicken is awesome.

    Chicken is awesome.
  37. Roran

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes 5-sexy+3=me. I can't identify as only one of these. They're too....stereotypical. I guess you could call me the Nerdy Cynic.
  38. Roran

    im bored entertain me please

    You still high? If so, watch this. And if not.....watch it anyway. It's funny as hell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNqsHbKgtwM
  39. Roran

    I am become an ISTJ

    WARNING: THIS SIGN HAS SHARP EDGES. DO NOT TOUCH THE SIGN. Also, the bridge is out ahead
  40. Roran

    so i just found the hottest person alive

    She is kinda hot...
  41. Roran

    There once was this really awesome forum

    Kuu's avatar is awesome.
  42. Roran

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

    *obligatory empty post*
  43. Roran

    There once was this really awesome forum

    So much to do, yet so little that is tolerable
  44. Roran

    Har Har I am bored.

    If you don't want people talking to you and don't mind looking insane, twitch randomly when you're talking and repeat what you said before you twitched.
  45. Roran

    Har Har I am bored.

    Music that'll keep you awake....Heavy metal. Do not use it to stay awake often (at least not the same songs each time) or your brain will eventually link metal and tiredness
  46. Roran

    Ambivalence mistaken for Unhappiness?

    Thanks for clarifying that, EditorOne.
  47. Roran

    Ambivalence mistaken for Unhappiness?

    I'm not sure.......
  48. Roran

    Nothin much man, just chillin' 'n postin'...

    Nothin much man, just chillin' 'n postin'...
  49. Roran

    Ambivalence mistaken for Unhappiness?

    I get more confused than angry, but the principle still applies
  50. Roran

    What other forums do you belong to?

    Actually none, unless FaceBook is considered a forum.
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