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Search results

  1. Roran

    Perception, Self-Confidence, and Maturity

    1. Self confidence- knowing what you can and can't do Arrogance- believing that you are better/more important than you actually are to the point of narcissism 2. Being self confident is an important part of maturity, but determining exactly what "maturity" is is the...
  2. Roran

    A cloaking device, any one?

    This is obviously not an invisibility cloak, but if there were to be one for personal use, one that worked by letting light pass through you as if you were not there (as most in SF novels and games seem to work) you would not be able to see, which could be somewhat of a problem.
  3. Roran

    Hey guys lets take over the world

    Steps to take over world: 1. Hide in nuclear weapons proof bunker. 2. Nuke Earth from orbit. 3. You are now de facto ruler of the uninhabited nuclear wastelands. Congratulations! 4. Kill self from despair.
  4. Roran

    Please LIKE for Christmas gift

    This is completely and entirely pointless, and reeks of a scam.
  5. Roran

    The worst Fox News moments of 2011

    5. If it matters to you whether or not he's wearing a tie, you have bigger problems. 10. No explanation necessary 15. *sigh* 21. What is this crap? 31. How do they come up with this shit? 36. /wrist 40. True 42. You've got to be fucking kidding me.
  6. Roran

    Pedobear on American News

    What the fuck.
  7. Roran


    You did not just post that.
  8. Roran

    INTP worst fear: Dancing.

    Line dancing isn't as hard as you seem to think it is. I had to take a class where we learned line dances in 5th grade and they were not all that difficult. Either it's not hard to line dance or I'm awesome at line dancing.
  9. Roran

    PC Won

    Apple computers are like bikes. Easy to use for the newbie, very safe, and limited customization options and programs. PC's are like motorcycles. Much harder to use, much less safe, but massively more customizable with a larger pool of usable programs.
  10. Roran

    Am I an INTP or INTJ?

    This would seem to be true, except for, y'know, the whole functions thing
  11. Roran

    Two INTPs. Is she really straight? Please help.

    How sure are you that she's an INTP?
  12. Roran

    Cinna wouldn't happen to be a reference to the Hunger Games, would it?

    Cinna wouldn't happen to be a reference to the Hunger Games, would it?
  13. Roran

    Theme Song²

    This is a little heavier than what I usually listen to, but the lyrics.... they speak to me. Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow (Lyrics on screen) - YouTube
  14. Roran

    The Personality Defect Test

    Spiteful Loner... why is this not surprising?
  15. Roran

    Personality Type : Predetermined?

    I'll refrain from making guesses as to the commonality of your belief. But, to the point. If preference is not frequency of usage or skill of usage, then what is it?
  16. Roran

    Colorgenics Test

    At this time you are feeling 'uptight' and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation; but perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been 'hard done by' and treated with a complete lack of consideration. Maybe you have, but whatever may have been the cause...
  17. Roran


    Welcome to the forum. You'll need these: :aufsmaul: :smiley_emoticons_mr
  18. Roran

    What kind of games do you like to play?[;

    Minecraft, of course. Also RPGs and some shooters, even though I suck badly at shooters. I play them because they are pretty much the only single console multiplayer games (aside from fighting and racing games, which I am equally horrible at). And Zelda. My favorite being Wind Waker.
  19. Roran

    You're welcome, I guess.

    You're welcome, I guess.
  20. Roran

    Are you creepy/weird?

    My steps are insanely quiet, and even with my 280 pound, 6'4" ass, I am still stealthy somehow. While I am walking by people in the hall, they often (~2 times weekly) say something like (Whoa, I didn't see you there). Family members often react like this, too. Being normal is something I...
  21. Roran

    The longgg adventure for an ENFP to the INTP forum! (:

    Okay then. Well... welcome to the forums. Oh, I forgot, you'll need these... :aufsmaul::smiley_emoticons_mr
  22. Roran

    Is my INTJ friend ignoring me or is this normal?

    Not sure if trolling or just stupid...
  23. Roran

    Occupy Wall Street

    Basically people are too stupid to research and make sure they're not getting fucked over.
  24. Roran

    Occupy Wall Street

    See, you're forgetting that people are stupid.
  25. Roran

    Occupy Wall Street

    I think I'll pass on the whole "dying" thing for now.
  26. Roran

    Occupy Wall Street

    Basically, democracy can't work because people are stupid. But what else will work? You can't trust any single person to run a country. Even if they are the leader, they are still human. So... what should we do?
  27. Roran

    Occupy Wall Street

    Yeah. I get what you're saying.
  28. Roran

    Video everyone should watch once

    I'm trying to spread it on facebook, too. Maybe it can help a little. Edit: It's working.
  29. Roran

    Occupy Wall Street

    They're angry, okay. But are they angry at the right people?
  30. Roran

    Video everyone should watch once

    That was epic. But those who know this can't change anything.
  31. Roran


    Burn the pointless hours away with my (your) inevitably boring pastimes.
  32. Roran


    So.. uhh.... Welcome back, I guess
  33. Roran

    Verbal caricature of yourself

    Nicknames: Steve -Stoner (don't smoke weed, but I look it, cloth jacket, jeans, and Converses) -Thousand Yard Stare -Knows too much about some things and not enough about others -Habitual Sloucher -Silent Stranger -Grimace at the ready -Snarky comment at the tip of my tongue
  34. Roran

    The effects of marijuana on an INTP

    I don't smoke because A. I'm a minor B. I have asthma C. I'd like my fucked up lungs to stay at their current level of shittiness D. I don't think mind altering substances are a good idea in general
  35. Roran

    Why are INTPs always called 'the nerds'?

    Maybe. But rationality would say otherwise. Sure, INTPs kinda fit the freaky loner archetype but if you get to know us, maybe we aren't so creepy. And anyway, extroverts (or at least halfway sociable people) make much better criminals because you need a network to illegally acquire things...
  36. Roran

    And Next We Have...

    Welcome. Welcome to the forums.
  37. Roran

    Why are INTPs always called 'the nerds'?

    Stereotyping is always bullshit. Well, almost always.
  38. Roran

    What is the optimal way for an INTP to manage their work flow?

    Don't? Okay, I know that isn't really a solution. Spend some days practicing and others doing work for your web clients?
  39. Roran

    I believe in aliens

    For me it isn't a question of belief so much as it is one of probability. There are shitloads of planets in this universe (billions of billions) that the likelihood of this being the only one that supports intelligent life is insanely low. Even given that the probability of a life supporting...
  40. Roran

    Why put yourself in the little box

    INTP =/= Sociopath
  41. Roran

    Shitty thread title

    Welcome to the forums. And you're obviously fucked.
  42. Roran

    Is your username related to the iPod app creator PicoPicoGames?

    Is your username related to the iPod app creator PicoPicoGames?
  43. Roran

    Calvin & Hobbes FTW

    Calvin & Hobbes FTW
  44. Roran

    PC Won

    *cringes* Guuuhhh. Damn. That was an awful joke.
  45. Roran

    Regrets from opening up?

    Aye, Somnium, I am very similar. Sometimes I just need to talk to somebody (usually online) and rant/whine a little bit (read: a lot) or I'll go insane. But after this, I worry. Should I have told them this? Should I have shown that side?
  46. Roran

    New Thread!

    Clearly we need to continue derailment by discussing it.
  47. Roran

    What's your worst fear?

    Off the top of my head... bees, wasps, horseflies, insects in general, looking like an idiot, death (I fear the end).
  48. Roran

    How do other people see you?

    <- Quiet smartass who regularly corrects the GODDAMN TEACHER ON HIS FUCKING GRAMMAR (among other things) (when it appears I know more than the teacher it makes me rage so hard) and refuses to "help" (give classmates answers to questions). Talks very little to his fellow classmates, ostensibly...
  49. Roran

    The other is the betrayer.

    A sheep?
  50. Roran

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Reminds me of the 'discussion' I had with my fucktard of a teacher a couple days ago about security. I wished I could have had a few minutes to marshal my arguments effectively. This resulted in a de facto loss, though I am still confident that I could convince him if I had time- time to counter...
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