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Perception, Self-Confidence, and Maturity


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:47 AM
Sep 8, 2011
ATL, GA aka the dirty south
Came across this in my documents. One of my stupid ramblings from some time ago.

It is interesting the way you perceive yourself and how other people perceive you. I think becoming more mature means having more self-confidence. And I believe self-confidence will get you pretty damn far in this world. Self-confidence and arrogance should not be confused with each other. Arrogance is a false-sense of self-confidence that lacks human empathy. Self-confidence contains individual limitations of what you do or do not know based on experience while arrogance is a feature of a blind self-entitlement based on illusion. Sometimes self-confidence get confused with arrogance, and sometimes self-confidence seems arrogant, but a man should never mold his character based on what others think about him; a man only should mold his character based on what he knows about himself and then act accordingly. When a man truly understands his self, the great and ultimate achievement, never should he deviate and cast off what he has found. To cast off what man has found within his self is to cast off himself, and never would man reach his true potential if his strengths and limitations are not taken seriously.


1. What do you think the difference is between arrogance and self-confidence?

2. How much does self-confidence have to do with maturity (you might ask what maturity is, but I'll let you make the determination of that)?


walking on air
Local time
Today 5:47 AM
Mar 7, 2011
that's just like, your opinion man.


The Original Nerdy Gangsta
Local time
Today 5:47 AM
Apr 12, 2011
North Carolina, USA
1. Self confidence- knowing what you can and can't do
Arrogance- believing that you are better/more important than you actually
are to the point of narcissism

2. Being self confident is an important part of maturity, but determining
exactly what "maturity" is is the difficult part. For me, I think it's the once
acceptance, now "Bitter Sarcasm" stage of being
the only sane man.

Da Blob

Local time
Today 4:47 AM
Dec 19, 2008
I do not see a hard line between arrogance and self confidence. They are both "judgement calls".

I am a fan of Abraham Maslow and I believe that his concept of Self-Actualization is very much linked to the concept of becoming fully human or fully mature.

One of the reasons I seem to harp constantly about the "Subjective Universe", in contrast to the Objective Universe is that one could know everything there is to know about the Objective Universe, without maturing as a human being.

Looking at all of the concepts identified with the prefix self- (self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect etc.) one can see that knowledge of Self, (re: the subjective universe) is the key to maturation - especially when one realizes that as human beings, self is a plurality of identities, hinted at by use of the word, We.

I believe that the mature human has found the value of the word, We.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:47 AM
Apr 20, 2009
Unauthorized personnel only
1) Self-confidence is a blind willingness to try to do something. Arrogance is the blind willingness to take away from others trying to do something.

2) Maturity is just that you've tried more things and have a better sense of the things that work and the things that don't. Some people seem oblivious to learning from life, thus tend to stay immature. That immaturity, from lack of learning, is most critically an expression of not fundamentally needing or challenging oneself.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:47 AM
Sep 8, 2011
ATL, GA aka the dirty south
I do not see a hard line between arrogance and self confidence. They are both "judgement calls".

I am a fan of Abraham Maslow and I believe that his concept of Self-Actualization is very much linked to the concept of becoming fully human or fully mature.

One of the reasons I seem to harp constantly about the "Subjective Universe", in contrast to the Objective Universe is that one could know everything there is to know about the Objective Universe, without maturing as a human being.

I believe that the mature human has found the value of the word, We.

Good points.

Sometimes it's hard for people to determine the intent behind an action or statement. I like to think that I'm decent at distinguishing arrogance from self-confidence.

I've never read Abraham Maslow, but he sounds interesting. I think they are "judgement calls," but I was attempting to define these concepts as objective as possible. Mostly, I come off as self-deprecating and unpretentious, but there have been times where my confidence in my knowledge has come off as arrogance. I've been told that I'm arrogant a few times- mainly by ladies. haha.

I'm not that familiar with your concept of the "Subjective Universe," but there is nothing arguable with what you say. Knowing everything about the Objective Universe means that you are a computer; the human condition, perspective, and personal experience is far more important to developing into a better Self or maturing as a wiser individual.

1) Self-confidence is a blind willingness to try to do something. Arrogance is the blind willingness to take away from others trying to do something.

ooh, I like that.


Local time
Today 11:47 AM
Jan 15, 2008
1) Self-confidence is a blind willingness to try to do something.
Sounds good
Arrogance is the blind willingness to take away from others trying to do something.
Sounds good

Like jin and yang?

Would one be good without the other?

2) Maturity is just that you've tried more things and have a better sense of the things that work and the things that don't. Some people seem oblivious to learning from life, thus tend to stay immature. That immaturity, from lack of learning, is most critically an expression of not fundamentally needing or challenging oneself.
Could maturity also mean that one have acquired answers and is no longer curious? Like a flower that have reached full bloom and just exhibiting result from the nutrition.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:47 AM
Apr 20, 2009
Unauthorized personnel only
Sounds good

Like jin and yang?

Would one be good without the other?

I have only a basic understanding of jin and yang, so I may be too dim about my answer. Self-confidence and arrogance keep company quite often, but I wouldn't say they are jin and yang to each other. Self-confidence would be more properly paired with passivity, while arrogance would be paired with humility.

Could maturity also mean that one have acquired answers and is no longer curious? Like a flower that have reached full bloom and just exhibiting result from the nutrition.

That doesn't really sit well with me. Flowers are rare compared to weeds, reeds, plankton, and trees. And even when a flower blooms it is but a brief moment. So maturity in that model would be rare and fleeting, sometimes cyclical but often a short terminus.

Most people gain maturity, a rare sort doesn't. Often maturity isn't pretty like a blooming flower, but ugly and practical. I can understand reaching the apex of your abilities, but I am incapable of imagining not having any more questions (other than being dead which could be the end of asking questions). I'd much rather be called immature in that scenario.

Dapper Dan

Did zat sting?
Local time
Today 4:47 AM
Aug 1, 2011
Self-confidence is knowing/suspecting that you can do something, whether through experience, logical assessment, or ignorance. This is usually a positive trait, but it's possible to be over-confident.

Arrogance is the belief that you are objectively better than someone else. Sometimes this is true. You'll still come off as a dick. Obviously, arrogance requires some amount of self-confidence.

Maturity usually means experience, which leads to healthy self-confidence. Unhealthy self-confidence and arrogance often stem from ignorance, which goes hand-in-hand with inexperience.

Da Blob

Local time
Today 4:47 AM
Dec 19, 2008

A Theory of Human Motivation (originally published in Psychological Review, 1943, Vol. 50 #4, pp. 370–396).
Motivation and Personality (1st edition: 1954, 2nd edition: 1970, 3rd edition 1987)
Religions, Values and Peak-experiences, Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1964.
Eupsychian Management, 1965; republished as Maslow on Management, 1998
The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance, New York: Harper & Row, 1966; Chapel Hill: Maurice Bassett, 2002.
Toward a Psychology of Being, (2nd edition, 1968)
The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, 1971

The Psychology of Science is a recommended read, it is available as a free ebook...
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