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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    Why do you like science?

    This video says it all for me (but I'll get back on a reply with my own words once I've mulled it over in my head a bit). YouTube- What's the Big Idea? (Brian Greene), 2008
  2. Agent Intellect

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    Well, I know that the centrifugal force, Coriolis effect, and (not as sure about this one) Euler force make the earth not an inertial frame of reference, but isn't the position of an observer (for instance, me) considered an inertial frame of reference since, from my POV, everything else is...
  3. Agent Intellect

    Is there a speed of light?

    I've heard that, too. Because of light scattering, it's calculated that it takes an average of 6000 years for light to get from the core of the sun to the surface - so the light we are seeing from the sun was generated around the time young earth creationists think the world was created.
  4. Agent Intellect

    Visual Identification

    Inappropriate facial expressions seems quite pervasive - and is certainly true of myself. I have also been asked on occasion why I look angry, and last week at school my professor was telling us about some sad story about her daughter or something and then stopped and asked why I was smiling -...
  5. Agent Intellect

    5w4's and 5w6's v INTP's and INTJ's

    ^Levels 4, 5, and 6 sound about where I am most of the time, but even 7 touched on a few things (or, at least the way I was about two years ago, anyway).
  6. Agent Intellect

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    It lost me at about page 3.
  7. Agent Intellect

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    I certainly don't plan on leaving my inertial frame of reference :D
  8. Agent Intellect

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    5,874,589,152,000 miles into the future.
  9. Agent Intellect

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    I could have said this exact same thing - sometimes I think my mind either works too slow when it comes to making quick responses, or it overloads itself with a bunch of nonsense to something very simple.
  10. Agent Intellect

    Is there a speed of light?

    I saw it coming... it's why I posted this. EDIT: here is another one. And this and this and this and this
  11. Agent Intellect

    Is there a speed of light?

    Time is constant from ones inertial frame of reference, because from your inertial frame of reference, you are always sitting still (in space), which means the rest of the world is moving around you. Your speed through spacetime is always 186,282 miles per second from any inertial frame of...
  12. Agent Intellect

    Is there a speed of light?

    The speed of light is usually measured in a vacuum (it goes slower when it has to propagate through something like an atmosphere with a refractive index of 1 (although that's still very close to light speed in a vacuum)). It's been calculated to be 186,282 miles per second, or 299,792,458 meters...
  13. Agent Intellect

    INTP's talent for thinking: strength or curse?

    I think this brings up a good analogy: it's like the Ne grabs everything it can and drops it in Ti's inbox. Ti is very meticulous and has a tendency to quadruple check everything. At the end of the day, Ti is still burning the midnight oil as one lay in bed, trapped in a state of insomnia until...
  14. Agent Intellect

    The Evil Overlord Test

    Grand Admiral Thrawn 70% Evil, 89% Intelligence, 70% Common Sense Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name, "Thrawn", is remembered as perhaps one of the greatest military tacticians, commanders, and threats the galaxy has ever known. Hidden behind his blue-skinned...
  15. Agent Intellect

    I wrote it.

    I wrote it.
  16. Agent Intellect

    The Greek Mythology Personality Test

    Another Oracle 0% Extroversion, 100% Intuition, 0% Emotiveness, 67% Perceptiveness
  17. Agent Intellect

    Nosy INTJ

    That's how God created life.
  18. Agent Intellect

    Genetic Epistemology (J. Piaget)

    I'm still in the sensorimotor stage.
  19. Agent Intellect

    Why Ayn Rand?

    Oh, don't try to flatter us. I bet you half this forums american population drives their hummers 30 MPH over the speed limit down the road, a greasy hamburger in one hand and a cell phone in the other, as they watch the fox news on the newly installed dashboard television and curse the other...
  20. Agent Intellect

    Genetic Epistemology (J. Piaget)

    Is the fifth stage similar to the post-formal, or systematic, stages in the MHC (model of hierarchical complexity)? While some people on this forum may be a bit myopic at times, I doubt many of them are incapable of hypothetical deductive reasoning and abstract thinking. Somehow I can't help...
  21. Agent Intellect

    Intrinsic Motivation

    It's certainly true for me. Since going back to school, I find myself procrastinating on homework that I both know how to do easily and would possibly even enjoy doing, just because knowing I have to do it makes it less appealing. The funny thing is, I have procrastinated doing my homework to do...
  22. Agent Intellect

    quality of listening

    I think I often have it in my mind that the only way someone will listen to me is if I disagree with them - possibly one of the reasons I get into so many debates. When someone has to respond to me in defense of their opinions/ideas/views then I know something got through. Generally, though...
  23. Agent Intellect

    I want to be released...

    For just $89.99 I'll give you 7 tips on how to be happier - of which 6 are legal in 43 states, and 4 of them come with my personal guarantee! For just $5.99 more, I'll even make your penis 1 inch longer and show you how to make a fortune on ebay. Call within the next 10 minutes, and I'll send...
  24. Agent Intellect


    That's not as funny as when retroviruses like HIV use reverse transcription on our own immune system. :p Wait, nevermind, that's not funny.
  25. Agent Intellect


    The quote from IB's signature: “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” made me 'lol' for real for some reason.
  26. Agent Intellect

    Your Great Music List

    I'm mostly into underground hip hop, and could probably go on about various artists and songs I like, but I've been listening to Nirvana lately (yea, I'm way behind) and I love the song "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter". It's such an unappealing sound during the last minute or so of it, yet I can't...
  27. Agent Intellect

    A poem by Ben Okri

    Are fights a rare occurrence in middle schools now? I remember when I was in middle school, there was literally (and I mean literally in the literal sense, too) a fight on average of once every day and a half. I even remember one day, walking from my last class to the bus, having to stop in the...
  28. Agent Intellect

    Forcing yourself not to think...

    I used to stop thinking by getting shit-faced drunk. Now days, when I want to not think, I watch television - it really does rot the mind.
  29. Agent Intellect

    INTP and banality

    All talk is small..... My notorious hatred of small talk has alienated me from a lot of people in life. I can't stand going to any family functions and being asked the same damn questions about how work is going or what I'm up to - if I had something going on that needed their input, I would...
  30. Agent Intellect

    I'm not a bot! Stop forcing links to be moderated!

    Then I suppose I don't have to tell you that the spectrum is bending all wrong in your avatar - the violet should be refracted more and the red less, by a difference of 2 degrees from each other.
  31. Agent Intellect


    I had to give a presentation in front of my English class today - I couldn't focus on anybodies face (and I even tried). It was strange how my mind detached so much, I can barely even remember anything I said. It's not even that large of a group, but the idea of being the center of attention is...
  32. Agent Intellect

    I <3 Telomerase

    Interesting. I wonder if they have isolated the gene(s) that code for the production of telomerase? It seems a mutation in the gene(s) that either code for it or gene(s) that are activators of it would be the main cause of malignancy in cancer. I wonder if cancers are extremely common, but only...
  33. Agent Intellect

    Multitasking: a girl thing, or an INTP thing?

    What is meant by multitasking? I don't have multiple parallel streams of conscious thought, and I only have two eyes and two arms. But I would certainly say that I am scatter brained something terrible, though, and my attention span can be all over the place. I can never just sit and read for...
  34. Agent Intellect

    Let's get the ball rolling.

    I suspect that the formal debates section is turning out to be an epic fail.
  35. Agent Intellect

    Is this is INTP?

    This decrepit hooverville is already infested with idiots - the last thing we need is a bunch of texans.
  36. Agent Intellect

    Is this is INTP?

    Nope, but we do go through an extensive larval stage, before building a cocoon and gestating further. We then metamorphose into an adult complete with a winter coat, unemployment check, and a concealed weapon permit.
  37. Agent Intellect

    Solution Club

    I think Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" should be amended to the United States constitution. Anal sex should be taught as a contraceptive measure in preventing pregnancy. Presidents should be elected via a lottery, instead of an electoral college. Somebody should nuke the moon, just to...
  38. Agent Intellect

    Is this is INTP?

    The doctors had to perform a vivisection on my maternal birth giver and rip me from her viscera like the parasite I was (am?). I was also quite late (hence why they had to forcibly remove me).
  39. Agent Intellect

    Did you miss the puns?

    nobody wants to have sex with me :eek:
  40. Agent Intellect

    Should religions be able to run private schools in the US, where the students exclusively participat

    Re: Should religions be able to run private schools in the US, where the students exculsively participate in their religion? The antiquity of religious schools isn't a very good argument to keep them around. Whether religious schools are academically superior to public schools or not is...
  41. Agent Intellect

    what director/actor/character are you described as?

    I have only ever been compared to a celebrity once, and they said I look like Eminem, but I don't see it. Personally, I'd say I look more like Charlie from "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia"...
  42. Agent Intellect

    Shirts an INTP might like

    Re: Nerdy t-shirts Ugh, intelligent design t-shirts? I like this one.
  43. Agent Intellect


    I would say I suffer from the opposite of narcissism. I often keep things bottled up because I question my own competence (which is generally where my self worth is derived from). From my inability to express myself offline to the countless posts I've deleted or truncated through editing on this...
  44. Agent Intellect

    What the hell is this? I didn't even know this existed... looks pretty stupid (but then again...

    What the hell is this? I didn't even know this existed... looks pretty stupid (but then again maybe that's just my defense mechanism for not having gotten much attention here). Being succinct is something I generally pride myself on - but, of course, in general INTP fashion, I often digress or...
  45. Agent Intellect

    Alternative Mechanisms For Evolution?

    Hmm, this thread might just turn into another one of my personal musing threads, but oh well. I've recently been wondering about the "junk" DNA, or noncoding DNA, that comprises a large majority of every organisms genome. The size of the genome of an organism doesn't reflect what we would...
  46. Agent Intellect

    What type is most likely to type Dvorak?

    Dvorak is clearly the best - it even has "WIN" keys to rub it in our faces. *rim shot
  47. Agent Intellect

    Ardipithecus ramidus.

    I'm sure many people have already heard about this, but I thought I'd make a post for discussion about it, anyway. It sounds like a very interesting discovery that will have a large impact on what we know about human evolution...
  48. Agent Intellect

    Crappy signature?

    Two years after I graduated high school, my sister had the same English teacher I had. For some reason he loved my writing and kept some of the things I'd written around. He found my hand writing difficult to read, so he had my sister translate them into legible writing.
  49. Agent Intellect

    Advice from the future...

    1. Apply yourself in school - you'll eventually grow to appreciate your mind instead of condemn it. 2. Stay away from alcohol.
  50. Agent Intellect

    Let's get the ball rolling.

    That's fine with me - I had to work all day and couldn't get it up any sooner. I don't have a response written up for yours, either. Monday night sometime sounds like a good deadline. Since you posted first, I'll wait until after your rebuttal to post mine (but I'll write it in response to your...
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