blob is soooo much too old for homework, toad, lol.
so... first, E/m = (d/t)^2, not (d x t)^2. As to which time determines the E/m ratio if d=1, that's what I mean by calling c a "natural conversion factor." It's determined, like all natural constants, by running experiments and seeing how fast the light actually travels. The analogy would be to hypothesize "I think the force of gravity is proportional to mM/(r^2), where m and M are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them." There's no way, without experiment, to find out
which constant converts between the two. So scientists run the experiments, find which value gives the proper result, and say "the constant is [whatever], so let's call that G." Then they vary the masses, vary the distances, find that the same value of G always predicts the force, and it becomes a scientific law.
The same could sort of be said for the speed of light. The theory is that light always travels at the same rate. So they set up a distance, pull out stopwatches, and run the experiment. Lo and behold, we find that light always does travel at that speed, and its speed is the proper conversion between mass and Energy. So to answer your question "which time fills out that equation?" the answer is "whatever time it takes for light to travel the given distance."
Electric field without electrons (?) I thought the neutron had the smallest possible electrical charge(?)
strange, eh? Er... well, it's actually the electron that had the smallest possible electrical charge. Neutrons have none. That's a bit of a lie, though, because the quarks that make up protons, neutrons, and electrons have smaller charges yet (down to 1/3 the charge of the electron). For virtually any practical purpose, though, the charge of the electron is the smallest charge you'll ever find.
But no. While electrons are needed to produce electric
charge, they are not needed to produce electric
fields. Electric charge is only one thing that produces and electric field... although it is the one that gets all the publicity, for sure, because it's easier to understand. The other thing that creates a changing electric field is a changing magnetic one.
So for instance, if you move a magnet around, you're actually creating an electric field, since the strength of the field in space around the magnet is changing. The faster the magnetic field moves, the greater the strength of the electric field is produced.
The real kicker is that changing
electric fields also create
magnetic fields. So when you move a magnet, you're actually creating a (temporary) electric field, which then creates a magnetic field as it dies, which then creates an electric field as it dies, etc.
The only reason that this is not an infinite chain is because the magnitude of the induced field is
tiny compared to the magnitude of the original--in most cases. Maxwell's equations (which del mentioned) are the four fundamental ones describing how electricity and magnetism work. They're the "F=ma" for E&M classes... but they don't usually get talked about 'til college just because the math is nasty. It turns out, though, that the only way that the electric/magnetic chain (where one causes the next, which causes the first, etc) is
if the chain as a whole is moving very, very fast. Otherwise, you get hit with diminishing effects and both fields die out. In the end, the speed of light is the only speed able to produce a self-sustaining electromagnetic wave. So... yeah. Electric field, but no electrons.
For the other questions:
Electric fields don't have poles. Magnetic ones do. This can be seen in the standard, electron-based electric field too. A single negative charge, in free space and surrounded by nothing, causes an electric field that terminates nowhere. In the equations, we say "it terminates at infinity distance away", but "infinity away" isn't exactly a "real" place. It just gets steadily weaker as you go away from the electron.
I have no idea what you mean by "what is it that is circulated within the field in a continual manner?"