Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
There is a glaring misconception that Charles Darwin came up with the theory of evolution. It was actually concieved earlier, under the title Transmutation of species. What Charles Darwin proposed was a mechanism for this supposed transmutation of species, namely Natural Selection.
I generally find that a large portion of the population either has a woeful lack of understanding about the history, the mechanisms, and even the theory itself, of evolution (I'm sure I'm one of them) so the goal of this thread is for further understanding about the theory itself (whether one believes it to be true or not) and not to refute its existence nor to question it's merit as a scientific theory.
I don't mean for this to be a religious debate (hence why I put it in the "Pure Science" forum) but more of a discussion about other possible mechanisms for evolution. Intelligent design is one of the most popular alternatives, but ID has the problem of being untestable. What I'm interested in is evidence (or very solid reasoning) of other mechanisms for evolution.
Things like parasitism/symbiosis and horizontal gene transfer are possible ways for mutations to happen in our genes, but these seemingly random changes wouldn't have the benefit of natural selections explanation for which mutations would survive and which ones wouldn't.
A few other ways in which evolution can propagate is through Evolutionary Opportunism - but once again, it leaves out a mechanism for which genes survive.
What I'm wondering is, while most biologists (and scientists of many other fields) have a consensus that natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution propagates, I'm wondering what other theories are out there. Natural selection has been tested, and there is much supporting evidence, but is natural selection really enough to explain all of biological evolution? Is it the only possible mechanism, or could other mechanisms be at work, as well? What are some of the biggest 'gaps' or unexplained phenomena with the theory of Natural Selection (and what would have to be done to explore these areas)? What about the differing theories of punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism, is there any mechanism that could explain either of those more accurately (particularly punctuated equilibrium)? Has Darwinian natural selection become too much of a scientific 'gospel' to allow dissenting scientific hypotheses to be tested?
Other resources (must read for anyone interested in evolution)
I generally find that a large portion of the population either has a woeful lack of understanding about the history, the mechanisms, and even the theory itself, of evolution (I'm sure I'm one of them) so the goal of this thread is for further understanding about the theory itself (whether one believes it to be true or not) and not to refute its existence nor to question it's merit as a scientific theory.
I don't mean for this to be a religious debate (hence why I put it in the "Pure Science" forum) but more of a discussion about other possible mechanisms for evolution. Intelligent design is one of the most popular alternatives, but ID has the problem of being untestable. What I'm interested in is evidence (or very solid reasoning) of other mechanisms for evolution.
Things like parasitism/symbiosis and horizontal gene transfer are possible ways for mutations to happen in our genes, but these seemingly random changes wouldn't have the benefit of natural selections explanation for which mutations would survive and which ones wouldn't.
A few other ways in which evolution can propagate is through Evolutionary Opportunism - but once again, it leaves out a mechanism for which genes survive.
What I'm wondering is, while most biologists (and scientists of many other fields) have a consensus that natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution propagates, I'm wondering what other theories are out there. Natural selection has been tested, and there is much supporting evidence, but is natural selection really enough to explain all of biological evolution? Is it the only possible mechanism, or could other mechanisms be at work, as well? What are some of the biggest 'gaps' or unexplained phenomena with the theory of Natural Selection (and what would have to be done to explore these areas)? What about the differing theories of punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism, is there any mechanism that could explain either of those more accurately (particularly punctuated equilibrium)? Has Darwinian natural selection become too much of a scientific 'gospel' to allow dissenting scientific hypotheses to be tested?
Other resources (must read for anyone interested in evolution)