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You know you're an Intp when...


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
BigApplePi, I'm worried about your saftey. Have you ventured in the land of ESFX and taken up trying out theatre?
Continue to worry. My worse nightmare. Someone once forced lines on me when I was nine years old and I never recovered. It's like having one's brain raped or worse. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Je Pense

Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Jan 8, 2012
Continue to worry. My worse nightmare. Someone once forced lines on me when I was nine years old and I never recovered. It's like having one's brain raped or worse. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

If I felt feelings, I would say something along the lines of, "I feel for you." Its more like soul-rape. I'm having flashbacks of an ESFJ shoving scripts in my face and conniving her way around my blatant protests, the unspeakable memory, I'm shuddering....*sobs* :hoplite_sword:


Local time
Tomorrow 3:25 AM
Sep 26, 2011
New Zealand
- You think dialogue directed at any potential psychics reading your mind.


Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a serious
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Dec 28, 2011
At my computer desk
My Mother is ESFJ and she has never forced me into theater or anything else for that matter because she knows its a lost cause. Either she gives up too easily or I'm just a big brute :D.

Ex-User (5878)

Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 19, 2012
-When you go into a "You know you're an Intp when..." thread and see what appears to be people projecting behavior they think is cool onto their type, and you're like, But that is not like me at all, nor does it match any description I have ever seen.

EDIT: Not everyone, of course. A minority.


Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Jan 12, 2012
Okay, I've compiled them all into correct numerical order:

1.You uphold the beleif that it is possible to be perfectly social without actually speaking.

2.More often than not, you bow your head while walking, and are an expert at 'crowd dodging'

3. You indulge in, and are quite renowned among friends for, making completely random, yet very accurate observations.

4.You think about the very thing which you are not doing.

5.If wikipedia was a person, you would marry it. If possible, you would download the internet into your mind.(and have probably tried)

6.You frequently entertain the thought that you can make peoples heads explode simply by concentrating pure hatred on them.
Or at least, you wish it were so.

7.You often fantasise about being part of a wordlwide virtual reality, or becoming an all powerful demigod,or something of the like.

8.When sitting on any public chair which has more than one sight sideby side, you kindly make sure that your dearest -whatever you're carrying- has a seat to itself.

9.No-one* finds you funny but yourself, and despite this, you are always trying to make clever jokes that no-one gets.

10.You have spent a whole night of not sleeping, pondering something, and then after asking someone about it the next day, realise that you're the only one which seems to care.
11. You can get a lot done, as long as they're the stuff you're not meant to be doing.

12. You've been told that you think too much.

13. People have called you heartless.

14. You spend a mandatory 22 hour day on the net for fear of losing INTP status.

15. Your Pness is huge!

16. You're absolutely certain that you're destined for hell.

17. You confuse everyone around you with words far too long for casual conversation.

18. You think this list is a great gift to all humanity.

19. You laugh at the Titanic sinking but Wall-E steals your heart.

20. You're not paranoid, it's all perfectly logical.

21. You've played the "but why" game with your parents.

22. You frequently floccinaucinihilipilificate.

23. You actually care about accuracy.

24. You HAVE to walk on those tiles in a predetermined pattern.

25. Honesty is a higher good than the ego.

26. You flinch when touched.

27. You don't understand half of the funny looks people give you.

28. Sometimes you come up with something that you think is exactly how you wanted to put it, but people just get more confused, despite how simple it seems to you.

29. You have hit someone for trying to give you a hug.

30. After you put a forkful of soup in your mouth, you realize something is odd.

31. You announce that you've lost the game randomly, and don't even notice the funny looks.

32. You understand a difficult concept in class but cannot explain it to someone else in a way they could comprehend.[/font]

33. you dump your boyfriend because he said i love you and gave you a hug....
(really happen to me)

34. You love to give everyone you meet a hug.

35. You wear brightly colored clothes and have a positive view of life.

36. You believe people are basically good.

37. You fear robots for being too inhuman.

38. You think the "Singularity" is a cell phone company.

39. you stay up at night thinking.

40.your parents tell you to stop day dreaming.

41.you get around people but never talk but in your mind your correcting every mistake they make....

42.when you get up and correct your college teacher in front of the class.

43.walk into a car because you have been day dreaming and not watching wht you are doing...

44.never say i love you.

45.get pist when some one touches you.

46.hate hugs.

47.hate being lovey-dovey!!!!!!!!

48. You really want to correct people's spelling and/or grammar but you try and stay silent.

49. When you lecture, you turn a one hour session into five.

50. You have intentions to do everything/anything... eventually.

51. when you refuse to do something in the name of "intellectual principles"

52. when you communicate mostly through various means on a computer

53. when your mental age is 15-20 years older than your physical age until you're 35, and then 10 years mentally younger after that.

54. When you just have to correct every mistake you see or hear.

55. high aspirations and mediocre achievement (by the world's standards) - for the most part.

56. You're still following the numerical system though people have either purposely or inadvertently discarded it.

57. You cringed at nearly all of Mac's listings (but adamantly read them ALL) before realizing that he was listing off INFP characteristics.

58. you ruin your happiness by analyzing it.

59. You can give logical justification for every action you've ever taken.

60. When asked a stupid question you must give a stupid answer.

61. You think an 85% loss in global population is a worthwhile price for some peace & quiet.

62. You've tried to force god into doing something, "give me a sign or I become an atheist".

63. You've declared war on any ideology that doesn’t stand up to intensive scrutiny.

64. To you the terms like "messed up" and "twisted" to be compliments to your creativity.

65. If you happened upon the Tardis you'd steal it with absolutely no doubt in your mind.

66. You apologize for double posting.[/font]

67. You know you're a (female/gay/bi) INTP if you happened upon the Tardis and all you wanted to do is keep the 10th doctor company. And keep his heartrates up. <3

67.5: Or kill him until he changes into a female form, (if it's possible)

68. When people start to avoid you because "you suck the happiness out of life" by over-analyzing everything.

69. When you randomly laugh at you own thoughts and tell people "oh, it's nothing."

70. When you tell your parents/employer your room/office is "not trashed! It's got complex order!"

71. When you obsessively use parenthesis or slashes in your sentences (well not necessarily in your sentences; just running off on tangents when speaking/writing, and being in the necessity to find a means of keeping it all clear).

72. When you spend too much time writing and rewriting something, so that it is as clear as possible, just to have people say its excessively long-winded for such a simple concept.

73. When you keep up a bad joke long after everybody has stopped laughing (if they even laughed at all).

74. When you write extensive "to-do" lists, and then lose them.

75. When you are proud of people being outraged at your comments and being called insane, perverted, amoral, and insensitive.

76. When you are constantly saying "I told you so, but no you wouldn't listen to me!" *shakes head in disapproval*.

77. When you talk to inanimate objects more than with people

78. When people finally reveal some dark, super secret knowledge and you go "ah, just as I thought" or "I had assumed so" or "it was evident from the patterns I had previously observed."

79. When you smile at people telling you that "you'll die alone, never get married, and will go to hell."

80. When you quote philosophy and everybody looks at you like you are from outer space.

81. When you wish you were from outer space.

82. When in a single day you have rented from the library more books than the amount of friends you have ever had.

83. When you are quoted as saying "Books are more reliable than people."

84. When you wish people had a *mute* button.

85. When you try to take over the world (from the comfort of your couch)

86. When you spend several hours at INTPforum when you know you should be doing otherwise.

87. When you constantly wonder what it would be like to have been born the opposite sex.

88. When you creep people out because you stare at them while trying to read their thoughts, by being lost analyzing the geometric proportions of their bodies, thinking about the connections and mechanics of bone structure and muscles for potential cybernetic prosthetics, or by attempting to determine their MBTI type...

89. You recognize and correct other people's mistaken names, places, and stories when they're talking about mythology.

90. You cannot stand self-aggrandizement.

91. Every serious conversation you attempt with non-INTPs abruptly ends when they keel over laughing at your use of correct terminology and/or complicated words.

92. You wake up one day with an answer to all the world's problems and all the others care about is that assignment you had set aside...

93. You can not help but re-read what you've just written multiple times, just to make sure that's exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it.

94. You can talk excessively and impressively about just about anything, regardless of whether you understand it at all. Well..online at least...

95. when your friends give up getting you out of the depression.

96. when you often don't feel purpose of going out anywhere or speaking to anyone you know for week or two.

97. INTP forum is the only one you stay at longer than one day.

98.you often turn off your cell phone, so nobody could reach you (nobody from the forum will confirm)

99. You use and/or more than you use and and/or or.

100. You're still keeping count.

101. You're wondering if Mac's should be subtracted and whether Cog's .5 add should be considered its own or not.

102. You're very sad that we couldn't keep it all under 100.

103. When part of you strongly wants to contribute to this thread and another equally strong part of you just doesn't give a shit.
(irresistable force vs. immovable object)

104. You now would like to start a sit-comic by that name.

105. You annoy friends by interrupting their long-winded dialogues to correct their errors and inaccuracies.

106. In high school, you found pep rallies to be pointless and somehat fascist.

107. In college, you favorite pastime was poking fun at the absurd initiation rituals that fraternity and sorority recruits were subjected to, yet.

108. You acquired honorary fraternity brother/sorority sister status by befriending Greeks, without actully joining their pretentious organizations.

109. In your career, your viewed as bright and hard-working, but a bit weird, and not enough of a "team player."

110. In relationships, your partners are initially blown away by your thoughfulness and decency, but then later complain incessantly that you "don't spend enough time" with them.

111. You're constantly chastised for "being off in your own little world," yet.

112. People, even mere acquaintances, often seek your advice.

113. You've felt oddly comfortable enough in a multiracial environment to jokingly reply, "What did you call me?" to a black colleague's honest request for a nickel.

114. You hate Jeff Foxworthy jokes, but you love this thread.

115. 1337 sp33k is hilolious 2u but u rarly r able 2 dup it.

116. You spend a good twenty minutes day dreaming about the possibilities of physics after you attempted to maticulously remove the only staple stuck on your staple remover (because it was bothering you), and it sprung forth kinetically making a sound in a spot somewhere in your cubicle, but is now invisible for all intents and purposes.

117. It was actually longer than 20 minutes.

119. You are ten times clearer writing than you are speaking.

120. You even procrastinate fun activities.

121. You are surprised to find that not everyone has a pile of random junk in their room, which you consider a necessary furnishing of any home.

122. You remember things someone said years ago and use it to prove them wrong about something trivial.

123. Yet, you forget where you put your [insert important object here].

124. You know by memory how to type a "∞"

125. When you can't stand S types.

126. Your logic is immaculate, but your room/office/desk looks like a hurricane went through it -- literally.

127. You know what i^i is.

128. You walk into a bookstore and read entire books.

129. you don't do anything unless it's the most efficient way you can conceive.

130. while you're doing it you figure out there were many ways to do it better.

131. you love to criticize

132. When you can walk around and around thinking, for hours. And you have trouble sitting and concentrating because of all your new ideas, and ramifications and you go off thinking of something totally different.... and then you don't have a clue what you were working on.

133. You walk into a pole.

134. When you chose to risk your neck by questioning, critizing or correcting an INTJ's logic.

135. When you take the MBTI test and it tells you that you're an INTP.

136. When you think that finding out the correct answer is more important than risking your neck by pointing out the flaws in an INTJ's logic.

137 - the number of times I have walked into a pole. (it’s actually 117 apparently)

138. when you take a test three to four times and it still comes out as you are an intp.

139. when you ask your boyfriend to marry you because you are tired of waiting and he laughs in your face and says you cant do that so now he has put you in a gloomy mood and you don't know what to say to him anymore because of it.

140. when you think so much that you put yourself in a depressed stay away from me mood.

141. You wish you had a charger, instead of having to waste time/effort consuming food.

142. Your thoughts in one day, if all written down, would make an entire book.

143. when you can induce Drug-like Highs and get stoned to a henge without substance.

144. when you feel the urge to correctly number a haphazard list of ideas

145. when you think about conversations long after you've had them

I KNOW you're "J"...


Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Jan 12, 2012
- when you seriously think about suicide and yet have found the most effective way (not sure about it)
- when you hate your mother judging you
- when you unlike you father telling you you're dry and heartless
- when you think your brother is sooo stupid getting focussed on people FIRST
- when you don't care about what your parents and family think of you
- when you leave the last friend you had cause he's stupid
- when you don't care about money
- when you think this world has to be done again
- when you remember you felt something one day
- not afraid of pain, death,
- are your only friend.

(Sorry for my English (i'm French...with a little i))
- when you speak a foreign language (almost) fluently and don't know why
- when you understand a person speaking a foreign language you never learnt.
- when you look at INTP's as brothers more than your real one.
- when unable calling for help when on your knees....


og root beer
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Jan 13, 2012
You scroll through facebook statuses to see who put *your* where *you're* should be and *to* where *too* should be, then proceed to correct them.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Okay preilemus. If you promise not to give me a hug I will try to figure what your type is.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 30, 2011
You start playing a song, begin reading part of a forum, and you realize half the song has passed and you have not heard any of it.


Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Jan 12, 2012
Continue to worry. My worse nightmare. Someone once forced lines on me when I was nine years old and I never recovered. It's like having one's brain raped or worse. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

I know exactly what you still....feel? horrible. I never recovered too (6 yo). They were ALL my family but my grand mother. She was revolted. I was not crying, my cousin was laughing (ESFJ probably) They never got it. hard hard.
My grandma has gone now. She miss me A LOT.

I think of her when sad.

Be strong my friend. I understand you. Stay yourself, no matter what...


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
You start playing a song, begin reading part of a forum, and you realize half the song has passed and you have not heard any of it.
You read about INTP's experiences and find you are the same and wonder, why the heck am I an INTP when there are 15 other chances out there?


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 30, 2011
You read about INTP's experiences and find you are the same and wonder, why the heck am I an INTP when there are 15 other chances out there?

Does bouncing to various other forums completely convinced that you are not INTP count (I still think I may be too extroverted for an INTP....but ENTP just doesn't fit).


og root beer
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Jan 13, 2012
When you are walking behind a person or group that is walking slower than you and you don't want to pass them so you slow down and become irritated at their pace because you walk fast.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Dec 26, 2011
In my own world
When you are walking behind a person or group that is walking slower than you and you don't want to pass them so you slow down and become irritated at their pace because you walk fast.
I do this very often but i didn´t really think of it as an INTP thing.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 30, 2011
When you are walking behind a person or group that is walking slower than you and you don't want to pass them so you slow down and become irritated at their pace because you walk fast.

All the time...I have gotten a bit more aggressive. If I see even the slightest crack on the sizes where I can get through, I take it.


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 28, 2012
34. You love to give everyone you meet a hug.
35. You wear brightly colored clothes and have a positive view of life.
36. You believe people are basically good.
37. You fear robots for being too inhuman.
38. You think the "Singularity" is a cell phone company.

Nice sarcasm, for a split second there I thought you were being serious ;)


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Jan 28, 2012
146. When you try to comfort your little sister and the only thing you can possibly come up with is an awkward hug and a "umm, therethere".

147. When you say you believe in Jesus just to get an idea of how strong atheists people are.

148. When you talk to other girls and assume the only thing they will want to talk about are guys, hair and make-up.

149. When you need to map your own personality so everything you've ever done makes sense.

150. When you look at interactions with other people as a great way to add to the little world-map you're building in your head.
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 31, 2012
You enjoyed pondering your personality type so much that you proceeded to join a forum dedicated to people who have all done the exact same thing

this was your first post on that, or any forum


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 31, 2012
152. (I think this is #152?)
You fall asleep listening to a teacher speak for 10 minutes, but don't mind reading their lecture notes by yourself for two hours.

153. You try to hide when you see or hear a talkative friend/family member coming your way.

154. When someone asks you how you are feeling, you think about google searching on your cell phone "How to know what I am feeling?"


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 13, 2012
155. When you have a sense of superiority,yet you are insecure
156. When it takes you month even years to feel comfortable with a person
157. When you rather stay home and chill in lieu of going to a party of social event
158. When people are amazed by your quietness
159. when girls say your too cute to be so quiet
160. When you absolutely hate people yelling at you


Local time
Today 3:25 PM
Feb 15, 2012
Belgrade, Serbia
When you live in the future
When you don't call your friends for days
When you question your abilities
When you think you can make a difference in this world
When you spend the evening thinking about yourself and typing it online :) :) :)


Local time
Today 7:25 AM
Jul 13, 2011
847? : When you ask somebody about something you've been thinking about deeply, and the way you phrase the question answers it for you as you're saying it.

x^2: When you then go on for a long time explaining to that person what you just figured out while not noticing the bored expression on their face.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Feb 21, 2012
- You think dialogue directed at any potential psychics reading your mind.

(My mother is a psychic, and ive felt this way my entire life. She just knows things, to the point where its uncomfortable lying to her. )

345. When you seriously think about dumping a friend, or partner because they are not as intellectually stimulating as you would like them to be.

The only reason me and my best friend are friends, is because he mentally challenges me.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Feb 21, 2012
346. When nothing you write is ever complete. You're always going back, making corrections.

I feel as if I wrote a book, I would drive myself crazy for the rest of my life correcting things.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
(My mother is a psychic, and ive felt this way my entire life. She just knows things, to the point where its uncomfortable lying to her. )

345. When you seriously think about dumping a friend, or partner because they are not as intellectually stimulating as you would like them to be.

The only reason me and my best friend are friends, is because he mentally challenges me.
When you feel compelled to challenge the last poster who says someone is psychic.

Your mother is not psychic.


Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Feb 26, 2012
When you wish that you could just be a sensing being that doesn`t need food, water, or air, and that doesn't feel pain so that you could spend eternity traveling the universe learning all that there is to know. Along with that, can recall things with vivid accuracy, tell time and temperature to the smallest possible measurement without help from a device, and still be able to communicate with all other beings (for those rare extroverted occasions, of course.)


og root beer
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Jan 13, 2012
When you recall an experience and can't remember if it was real or in a dream.


Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Feb 26, 2012
when you can't take someone's word on something after having asked them, then proceed to find out for yourself.

when you start organizing people, not by social norms like favorite sports, music, etc., but by MBTIs

when you start to look at people not as humans, but as MBTIs.


The Original Nerdy Gangsta
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Apr 12, 2011
North Carolina, USA
When you constantly use parenthetical phrases for clarification (at least I do lol) (get the joke there) (I did it again lol) (ok not funny anymore).

I do this in most of my posts (including this one, naturally) because I had a thought on the subject (while typing my previous thoughts on the subject) that I must now include.

Capital T

Upsetting the status quo
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Nov 21, 2011
South Floriduh
-When you go into a "You know you're an Intp when..." thread and see what appears to be people projecting behavior they think is cool onto their type, and you're like, But that is not like me at all, nor does it match any description I have ever seen.

EDIT: Not everyone, of course. A minority.

Haha. Yes. A lot of this thread is like that for me.

kamari rised

Imagination keeps you from insanity
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Mar 1, 2012
where am i?
161. when you continue the train of numbers. hence 161
162. when you play a game, you make goals and have to be the best, even though asians will always win.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
161. when you continue the train of numbers. hence 161
162. when you play a game, you make goals and have to be the best, even though asians will always win.
163. When you have to question the previous poster by stating if asians win it's because there are more of them, but they don't win because there are more non-asians depending on how you define asians.


kickin' at a tin can
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Mar 24, 2011
-Sadness generally plays out as a lack of affect and it may take days or weeks to realise you are sad about something.

-Happiness generally plays out as a contented lack of affect and it takes someone asking you "what's wrong?" for you to notice just how perfectly content you are feeling (or was, up until you were bugged about it)

-Enthusiasm generally plays out as over the top zealousness that makes you appear to be a lunatic.

And... often enthusiasm is caused by either your own noticing that you are sad-now you have something to go read about and figure out! Or, by someone actually knowing and understanding you enough to know that your answer "Nothing, I was just thinking." to that pesky "what's wrong." question is both perfectly honest and acceptable behavior on your part which does not in any way require them to continue to bug you about it.

Maybe this is just all me. I'm not sure.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Missing quote
You generally agree with the flavor of what MissQuote said. Exception: instead of people asking, "What's wrong?", they ask, "What's wrong with you?":D


kickin' at a tin can
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
Mar 24, 2011
Ha. Yeah.

My kids (who obviously know me quite well) get all weirded out and want to know what is wrong with me at times. But not when I am walking around all dull and lost in space looking, it is those times I am walking around with a shit eating grin on my face, usually for no apparent reason to others.

If I am smiling they get worried and want to know what is wrong with me. God I love them.


Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Ha. Yeah.

My kids (who obviously know me quite well) get all weirded out and want to know what is wrong with me at times. But not when I am walking around all dull and lost in space looking, it is those times I am walking around with a shit eating grin on my face, usually for no apparent reason to others.

If I am smiling they get worried and want to know what is wrong with me. God I love them.
Yes I'm familiar with the "shit eating grin." I try to mask it best I can when around others but it's impossible. I don't have kids, but if yer willing to pass one on as a loaner or something, I'd return them in the same shape or better ... depending on your definition.:)


Consulting Time Lord
Local time
Today 9:25 AM
Mar 9, 2012
highland Gallifrey.
‽. You connect the Partridge Family to chainsaws in dinner conversation.

Czech Yes or No

Personality is only a small part of your person.
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Jan 22, 2012
When you have a tough time taking the initiative to start homework that is due the next day.

When you quit a debate team because they don't grade you off of logic, but off of speaking ability.

When you take forever to learn something but can apply it to anything once you know it.


Senior Executive Lab Monkey
Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Mar 12, 2012
i'm a prize in a cereal box near you, so buy, BUY,
when a well spent day includes getting up in the morning just to lay down near a tree and spend the rest of the day daydreaming.
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Feb 15, 2012
When you are proud of how productive you were today because you got off your ass to put a load of laundry in the washer or walk a block down the street to buy a carton of milk.


Local time
Today 10:25 PM
Apr 1, 2012
- When your parents say that you're a disappointment and/or failure, and somehow you feel like you're succeeding more than ever.

- When you'd rather watch paint dry than the television because it's less predictable.

- When your most commonly used emoticon when chatting to a non INTP is *facepalm*

- When you know that you are more than capable of achieving anything , but choose to sit and ponder the outcome rather than create it.

- When you form a conclusion about a person upon first meeting them , and predicting how the rest of their life will play out.

- Answering questions with "I don't know" because you know that people won't understand the perspective you're coming from. Ever.

- Realising that your dog is more intelligent than 95% of the population

- When you don't study for the whole year , but manage to pass all of your Year 12 exams with a B


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Apr 29, 2010
Coworkers and customers at your shitty job complain that you're moody. Which is perplexing because you've been so kind it felt fake.


Life is a side scroller, keep moving.
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Sep 8, 2011
The Undying Thread lives on I see.


Local time
Today 2:25 PM
Nov 1, 2011
- when you resent your friends for disliking your analytical nature, and feel you have to put on a dopey mask for them to accept you. you know your "friends" don't know shit about the real you, and these people never know how to deal with your depressive thoughts, and so they avoid you because your complex thoughts make them uncomfortable because they don't know how to cope with dissonance. so instead of venting your pent-up frustration you have to keep it all inside again, because other people only like you when you smile.
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