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Search results

  1. Decaf

    The Telephone

    I've never liked the phone either. Not that it scares me, but I would certainly rank using it as one of my least favorite things to do. So now I do tech support, and its helped a lot. I don't like heights either, so I roofed my house with me dad when I was younger. I think its important to...
  2. Decaf

    Interesting persuasive speech topics?

    Any restrictions on topic? Nurture vs. Nature is generally a good bet. The value to humanity of reductionist politics? Sheep or cows? Gun control? Mac vs. PC? There's a lot to pick from. What subjects are you versed in?
  3. Decaf

    Which Shall We Terraform First: Mars, or Venus?

    I figure we'll eventually invent self repairing robots and artificial intelligence first. Then we combine the two and send them up to Mars. Wait a couple hundred years and then send a political delegation to iron our the terms of our peace treaty with our new neighbors.
  4. Decaf

    On the bright side, things are improving here. By the time you get close to graduation you'll...

    On the bright side, things are improving here. By the time you get close to graduation you'll likely be able to find work here close to within the time frame expected pre-recession.
  5. Decaf

    In reverse order: Thanks :D The move would only be for a year. I'd train in MN and then move...

    In reverse order: Thanks :D The move would only be for a year. I'd train in MN and then move to Vancouver, WA to work. Masters in chemistry with a focus in semiconductor devices. The University of Oregon has a strong graduate psychology department if that sounds attractive. Sorry to hear...
  6. Decaf

    Maybe we should start an INTP meetup group. So we can post when we travel and try to see others...

    Maybe we should start an INTP meetup group. So we can post when we travel and try to see others when we're already in "away from home" mode
  7. Decaf

    Hey Flow... so I got a job interview at Adalis in Minneapolis. Did you have a timeline for moving?

    Hey Flow... so I got a job interview at Adalis in Minneapolis. Did you have a timeline for moving?
  8. Decaf

    We've talked about it before (http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=1164&highlight=meetup)...

    We've talked about it before (http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=1164&highlight=meetup). I think it'd be great, but we're always dealing with the problem of how spread out we are :\
  9. Decaf

    Which Shall We Terraform First: Mars, or Venus?

    I agree that the habitable zone is too restrictive for determining the possibility of alien life, but that doesn't mean we can terraform those planets. The HZ concept might be outdated for life in general, but I believe it still holds very true with regard to the potential for supporting human...
  10. Decaf

    Which Shall We Terraform First: Mars, or Venus?

    Neither Venus nor Mars exist in the habitable zone. Mars is closer to the edge of the zone, so its my preference, but I think real terraforming will have to breach our solar system to be truly productive. Anyone know what the closest Earth-like planet we've discovered is? Adaire?
  11. Decaf

    Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog

    And one more thing. Every character in the program has a song in the musical commentary and I wanted to add my favorite: Nathan Fillion's Better Than Neil YouTube- Better (Than Neil) - 04 If you want to listen to the whole commentary.
  12. Decaf

    Alright, fess up!

    But does it really matter? I've wondered about this for a while. People don't become friends with facts. Developing a relationship with someone to any level relies largely on intuition. Emotions are part of it, but that can be regulated by our intellect to an extent. We get a feel for other...
  13. Decaf

    Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog

    I don't know if anyone's posted about this, but I couldn't find it on a search, so here goes. YouTube- Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog: Act 1, Part 1 YouTube- Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog: Act 1, Part 2 YouTube- Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog: Act 2, Part 1 YouTube- Dr Horrible's Sing Along...
  14. Decaf

    Sneaking back quietly

    YouTube- Welcome Back Kotter I went through the same process and for the same reasons you express. It just became too much of a stress to feel connected to everything going on. Think of it like forum mytosis. The group of talkers grew too big and split. As long as there's free flow...
  15. Decaf

    Forum Members = Fictional Characters

    So does that make you Kitiara Uth Matar?
  16. Decaf

    Blog Experiment

    Alright, I'm taking your advice and trying it out. Now that I've disassociated the blog from my personal email there's not much benefit of using blogspot anyway. So far I like the features, but the interface will take some getting used to. http://askanintp.wordpress.com/ And looks like...
  17. Decaf

    Blog Experiment

    Thanks, I'll answer that one first :D
  18. Decaf

    what are the books you read in 2009?

    Books in italics were re-reads His Majesty's Dragon (Naomi Novik) Throne of Jade Black Powder War Empire of Ivory Victory of Eagles Dune (Frank Herbert) Dune Messiah Children of Dune God Emperor of Dune Heretics of Dune Chapterhouse Dune And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie) Fearless...
  19. Decaf

    Blog Experiment

    OK, I'm starting over. I find that I can write books on other people's threads but often feel uninspired starting my own. I have to fight against that at some point, but why take it head on? Thus Ask An INTP I'm still fiddling with things, but I'd appreciate if someone can come up with a...
  20. Decaf


    I found 16 uses of it not including references to its inaccuracy.
  21. Decaf


    Growing up I had no idea that some people thought it was a word. My first exposure to it was people angry at others for using it.
  22. Decaf

    INTPians = Survivors

    Some INTPs actually learn to be good leaders, if reluctant. I don't think this is a type weakness as much as a tendency to avoid leadership skill building.
  23. Decaf

    Help for college recruitment GD tips...Plz

    If you're ever put in the position of being on the spot to make a point, it wouldn't hurt to emphasize the precise nature of your comments. Precision sometimes takes longer, but is often worth it.
  24. Decaf


    Terrible beard selection, so I had to go clean shaven :slashnew: This is a picture of me at my most outgoing.
  25. Decaf

    Late Introduction

    Welcome aboard! For some reason your avatar is vaguely disturbing... Any chance you can play Bohemian Rhapsody on the clarinet?
  26. Decaf

    Origin of the Four Temperaments

    I disagree with Keirsey's temperaments. There are actually a large percentage of MBTI advocates that don't agree with him. The most common complaint is that its reductionistic. It draws vague distinction between INTPs and ENTJs, but a gulf opens up between us and INFPs, who we have a strong...
  27. Decaf

    It is now time for me to upgrade to windows 7

    I just got an Asus EeePC with Windows 7 and I'm very happy. Not only is it vastly superior to Vista as far as basic operation, its also superior to XP in terms of user friendliness and feature accessibility.
  28. Decaf

    The origin of our hesitance

    Ok, maybe it was an intuitive leap, but it was the thorough balancing that caught my imagination, not the content per say. The fact that it was a feeling driven argument, I believe, is what helped it come out as naturally as it did (feeling being out extraverted judging function and all)...
  29. Decaf

    Looking for a valid IQ test.

    Gotta go with Melkor on this one. A valid IQ test assumes that the concept of an IQ is valid. The comparison to the SATs is important though, because like many things in applied science, validity is sometimes outweighed by usefulness. Schools need the SAT because there isn't any other way of...
  30. Decaf

    I'm getting bored of the internet.

    Go to sourceforge and learn how to program. Get a nonfiction book about a skill that would only be relevant in a post-apocalyptic setting (like small scale water purification or treating radiation poisoning) Sign up for an online class at the local community college hmm... it would help if...
  31. Decaf

    Cloud Computing

    You're right. I've been studying too much computer networking for my work.
  32. Decaf

    The origin of our hesitance

    I was reading through one of Cryptonia's posts and I realized something. What he wrote sounded very much like how I think. Weighing all options in the scrupulous insistence that what we do is not careless. I wouldn't post content from the thread it came from except that it was a tangent of...
  33. Decaf

    INTPians = Survivors

    Y'know, when push comes to shove, INTPs are more capable of getting things done than many of us seem to believe. The problems lies in necessity. Modern culture leaves very few things in the realm of necessity, and very few of those things can be done on an individual level. By bringing things...
  34. Decaf

    Cloud Computing

    It encourages interoperability. When programs become easy to come by, standardized file formats will destroy anyone trying to corner market share. One of the biggest disadvantages that open source software has is name recognition and a sense of it being "too unfamiliar". When programs don't...
  35. Decaf

    What was star wars based on?

    If you're interested in what was directly lifted, look at Dune. There are numerous resources on the web to list additional parallels. The majority of Herbert's material was a fantasized version of his own life told as an epic, so it also borrows heavily from older literature. I'm biased, but...
  36. Decaf

    Happy anniversary??

    Congrats Ermine! I still think of you as Fernando, but I think that's a good thing. I'm not entirely sure why... Still I'm glad you're still here :D
  37. Decaf

    Season's Greetings

    I pity the foo who doesn't have a happy holiday season!
  38. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    I'm definitely gonna work on this, but it might have to wait until the new year. I'm working solid night shifts through the 1st. Those with spare time I would encourage you to put on your headphones and video yourselves singing to "Bohemian Rhasody" YouTube- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody We'll...
  39. Decaf

    I'm guessing she didn't read it, but on the bright side, I doubt it anything could change her...

    I'm guessing she didn't read it, but on the bright side, I doubt it anything could change her mind right now anyway. At least you're able to remind everyone else that she doesn't reflect on your worldview just because she claims the same affiliation.
  40. Decaf

    Nice try reasoning with her. Its a bit frustrating when people have so clearly made up their...

    Nice try reasoning with her. Its a bit frustrating when people have so clearly made up their minds in the absence of evidence. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.
  41. Decaf

    List of Assumptions

    When I was younger someone made me feel stupid because I quoted someone without remembering who it is I quoted. I wish I knew then what I know now because I would have told them to shove it. Yes, people have said things better than I have, but words once used do not belong to the utterer...
  42. Decaf

    INTPians = Survivors

    The temptation is to think about the skills required to survive, but wouldn't psychological health be paramount after a catastrophe? Who is more prepared for lonely isolation and more willing to accept extreme solutions to problems? Honestly I wonder if INTPs might be the first cannibals of...
  43. Decaf

    Put an INTP..

    My ex was certainly vulnerable in that way and I will freely admit that there is an attraction to playing the hero in the relationship. What I can tell you from that experience is that it gets old. Real old. That expressed vulnerability does a couple positive things... first it provides a...
  44. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    Or maybe we could make a Stop Music video with everyone making different noises YouTube- Hyperactive - Lasse Gjertsen
  45. Decaf

    INTPians = Survivors

    We are probably the most inclined toward learning things that others view as having no practical use, but that's actually useful in this case because we're talking about a catastrophe that would create needs other types would have assumed would have no importance. And saying that INTPs aren't...
  46. Decaf

    INTPians = Survivors

    Clearly the edge goes to P's of all types. Extraverting our dominant perceiving trait makes us more adaptable. The degree of social decay would determine who had the advantage among I vs. E and T vs. F, but S's have the advantage for simply being more present to take care of what needs taking...
  47. Decaf

    Employment Personality Test

    Psychometric test with a purpose are useful. If your personality (be it stereotypical INTP or something else) is not particularly good at aggressive sales, do you really want that job even if you're desperate enough to apply for it? More importantly, is the company you're applying at going to...
  48. Decaf

    List of Assumptions

    I have a pretty similar experience except that in my case I only had a cat, but for 18 years that cat was an excellent companion for me. Helped me through a lot of lonely stages in my life. Was heart breaking when she broke her back falling down the stairs and I had to have her put to sleep...
  49. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    As a side note, I didn't respond to Cryptonia because he was absolutely right, and I should have taken greater care in the point I was trying to make. Didn't really give me a lot of say in return :p
  50. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    Common sense is a flawed concept. It assumes similar operational parameters. Redundancy assumes that the second use of a word, phrase or idea would not add to the clarity of the discussion. By removing qualifiers from your side of the discussion you obscure clarity to the detriment of...
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