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Search results

  1. Decaf

    List of Assumptions

    Ok, I suppose its only fair I give it a go early on instead of waiting for everyone else :P I assume that: Our lack of understanding about the human mind continues to lead a majority of humanity into misery. It is not useful to attribute mysterious actions to unknowable forces. My...
  2. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    OK, so do we want to video ourselves dancing like They Might Be Giants? YouTube- tmbg - don't let's start [frank version]
  3. Decaf

    RFID: By the sword, or by the shadow?

    There's no such thing as off the grid anymore. Sure, establish your haven in a place that other people won't want to steal from you. Then try to exercise your freedom by growing your own marijuana or practicing a ritual that would otherwise be against the law established by the country your...
  4. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    I acknowledge my lack of truth knowledge. I assume I exist because it is not useful to deny it. Even if I am actually a thought in another being's mind, it does not improve the experience to assume I do not exist. The same goes for the accuracy of my senses, though provisions must be made on...
  5. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    I've been thinking this problem over... I love the "Around the World" idea, but I just don't see how we can make something cool like that when most of us are not where near, or not physically acquainted with INTPs around us. I'll see about choreographing something to give everyone else some...
  6. Decaf

    Career help!

    Then I would suggest either microbiology or biochemistry depending on what parts of the science most appeal to you.
  7. Decaf

    RFID: By the sword, or by the shadow?

    "Every generation needs a new revolution." - Thomas Jefferson Count me in :D
  8. Decaf

    RFID: By the sword, or by the shadow?

    That suggests you aren't already so deep into the trap that escape is impossible. What would you like to do that is against what the government wants you to do? Is it currently possible for you to do that without severe consequences?
  9. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    To make my perspective clear, I don't think this invalidates the belief. Only that it should make believers humble as they continue to believe what they will.
  10. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    We make the assumption that our senses give us accurate information about our environment. From that assumption, gravity follows (via observations of acceleration, astronomical orbits and our sense of touch). If you disagree with that assumption, then you may also disagree with the presence of...
  11. Decaf

    Career help!

    I depends on what about that job sounds attractive. In general I don't support getting educated for a job. Get educated for knowledge and get a job to express that knowledge. For all you know, clinical lab scientists will become obsolete by the time you're out of school. What do you like...
  12. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    I agree with Adymus. When no answer is evident, choosing a conclusion at random is not a rational answer. Its giving up. I assume that at some point we will know more about where matter originated. That's an assumption, but it isn't one that ends the discussion. When evidence is lacking...
  13. Decaf

    RFID: By the sword, or by the shadow?

    Why the RFID? Its a piece of technology with limited application. The only thing that makes it scary is that it can be implanted inside someone and still operate, but otherwise does exactly the same thing as an ID card does now. There is no difference between the two EXCEPT that is brings up...
  14. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    The question remains how to deal with the knowledge that your world view is founded on assumptions. The perspective of the scientific community, of which I am a member, asserts that it cuts the number of its assumptions to the smallest number possible. In order to accomplish that it needs to...
  15. Decaf

    Logic from a Christian perspective...

    The beauty of knowledge, what makes even the most simple fundamental so interesting is that we know nothing. Nothing can be proven. Not even our own existence. Not existence itself. Proof as we accept it requires that we make some basic assumptions. I exist. My senses describe reality to...
  16. Decaf

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    I would invent the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and make it accurate. Then I would fall and miss the ground :D
  17. Decaf

    Employment Personality Test

    I guess it depends on which test you're talking about. I use to analyze DiSC tests for a local telecommunications company and I think they had a lot of value. The point was to determine if the candidate had a sales mentality and whether or not that mentality was for farming or hunting (working...
  18. Decaf

    Two psychics foresee meeting each other, and know the exact conversation that is to take place. Who

    Re: Two psychics forsee meetng each other, and know the exact conversation that is to take place. Who starts the conversation first? The conversation is started by the one that is more deluded than the other into believing they are a psychic.
  19. Decaf

    INTP Avatars are unique

    I think INTPs like hidden meaning in their avatars. I like to have some level of abstraction to my images, then I end up wondering if others figure out why I chose the avatar I did. I think otherwise there's a lot of variety with what we use if only because we're interested in choosing...
  20. Decaf

    Can I put my introduction here?

    Unless they manufactured an RFID implant from toxic materials there is literally 0% chance of that happening. RFIDs are radiologically inert. They operate based on the same principal that allows a radar gun to determine how fast your car is going. Your car doesn't transmit its speed, the...
  21. Decaf

    Can I put my introduction here?

    I have a wallet with a sheet of aluminum foil sewn into the faces of it that I've verified prevents reading enclosed RFIDs. There's little security risk in most situations, but I agree, this is quickly going to become a problem.
  22. Decaf

    What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

    First, I would try to fail. Then I would construct a comprehensive theory about how the mind works and how it diverges from the norm to present what we call personality. That's definitely my one thing.
  23. Decaf

    Avatar: The Movie

  24. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    If we need to simplify it to match our available abilities and software we can choose a song that has parts like "Hallelujah"
  25. Decaf

    The obligatory Intro Thread

    Hey Adso, welcome aboard. Let us know what you think about some of the habits he talk about here. Working on cars is an unusual (though certainly not unheard of) hobby, so I'm curious what you think about a book like Shop Class as Soulcraft. Here's an interview of the author.
  26. Decaf

    Avatar: The Movie

    I was impressed. Very enjoyable, the storyline was only partly predictable (which is amazing considering what they had to work with) and the preachiness is muted somewhat by the disconnect from any historical reference (though they do make one statement that seems completely superfluous near...
  27. Decaf


    I'm in love... Brink Its a first person shooter with RPG elements built around tactical, objective-based play. The designers already have one of the most balanced objective-based FPS's around with Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but this promises to be far superior. Its being published by...
  28. Decaf

    It sounds fun, but I work swing shift and weekends. That's not conducive to setting up sessions...

    It sounds fun, but I work swing shift and weekends. That's not conducive to setting up sessions sadly :(
  29. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    I have no experience with video editing, but I'm up for learning. I think I could get a hold of Auto-tune too. Its gonna be really hard to match pitch otherwise when none of us are singing from the same location. Now that the memory has been jump started I think we should rework an old...
  30. Decaf

    We are 4% of the World

    We are (4% of) the World I just wanted to toss this out as an idea. Those comfortable and able to make videos as per the INTPs on Youtube thread get together and sing a song together. We cut the clips together and combine the audio (which means we probably need to find a track to sing to with...
  31. Decaf

    Intuition & Manipulation

    Some deep questions... I can't say that I've found suitable answers for them either, but remember that excluding all forms of manipulation or pleasure seeking is black and white thinking. Any idea taken to its logical extremes is ridiculous. Allowing for moderation is important in all...
  32. Decaf


    I'm with jhbowden on this one. Batman is like Harry Potter in his ability to access abilities from any type without restriction. Batman is the least interesting character in any story.
  33. Decaf

    Watching TV makes you stupid ?!

    I think its more accurate to suggest that watching TV makes you intellectually lazy. Entertainment has its part to play and you remove it at your peril, but it can become a time sink, stunting the growth of other skills that will lead to more long term satisfaction. Someone who spends most of...
  34. Decaf

    Santa Claus

    I believe the myth of Santa Claus started innocently enough. Probably some feel good story published in a 19th century newspaper based on some dodgy myths written before it for the same reasons. Was he designed to increase consumerism? Absolutely not. He's been used in marketing campaigns...
  35. Decaf

    I'm being pressured in school.

    Spot on impression of a douchebag Toad. Congrats.
  36. Decaf


  37. Decaf

    The Dark Side?

    <shrug> I'm a big fan. I don't think this is his best song, but I didn't think a song called "If I didn't have you (I'd probably have somebody else)" would work for this thread. As it is, I don't think my dark thoughts are any more violent or malevolent than the average persons. It seems an...
  38. Decaf

    The Dark Side?

    I don't know if this is applicable as I'm going to read the thread after posting, but oh well :D YouTube- Tim Minchin: Dark Side
  39. Decaf

    INTP career guidance

    This is gonna sound odd I think, but do what you're good at. INTP interests are fleeting, and that's part of what makes life fun. Jumping from one hobby to the next expanding our knowledge base and diversity of ability. For your career? Do what you're good at. When it comes down to it...
  40. Decaf

    Take two

    Congrats from someone who for years thought he was an INTJ before realizing he was actually an INTP. So what made you wish for a time that you were an INTP? (I remember I was so enamored with the concept of having an exceptionally strong will that I rationalized all my differences with the J's)
  41. Decaf

    I'm being pressured in school.

    The only behavior that isn't racist is behavior that doesn't take notice of the race or ethnic origin of any individual you come into contact with. By that rationale, teachers that are trying to change the cultural tendency of a statistically disadvantaged group in a positive way are racist...
  42. Decaf

    I'm being pressured in school.

    The best thing you can do is take ownership. This is your life, your education. Its short sighted of them to try to mold you into a grade earning machine, because that's not going to help you in any vital way to be successful in life. Some of the things they're trying to do are great though...
  43. Decaf


    I wouldn't expect much from a commercial internship. In far more than half the instances I'm aware of coming out of my Masters program it was a farce. The stated purpose was mentor-ish, but the reality is that companies don't have to hire an intern after the pre-determined period expires. Its...
  44. Decaf


    Don't know. Would (and still) have appreciated one too. I think lacking one its very hard for you to know how much your knowledge and ability measures up in reality. You fall into the trap of despair or overconfidence (which can then lead to despair). I've gone through that cycle several...
  45. Decaf

    The Fangirl club.

    He's such an artifice? So I hate horror movies, but I love Silence of the Lambs. I am annoyed by "dark" people, but honestly can't get enough of LoR and Adaire. Does that make me a snob?
  46. Decaf

    Hello, hello, hello!

    In retrospect I think I meant "appropriate company" :p Speaking of which, you should visit the Arena. Good times ;)
  47. Decaf

    name changes

    Congrats Arti :D
  48. Decaf

    Hello, hello, hello!

    Welcome Bee. Yeah, I remember being overwhelmed when their wasn't a single poster over 600 yet. By now I can only imagine. I wouldn't worry too much about feeling both T and F. INTPs get a bad rap for appearing more unemotional than they really are. You're in good company :D
  49. Decaf

    Play by Post DnD?

    I wonder, would ChatBox be a good way to run a session?
  50. Decaf

    Cloud Computing

    Similar things were said about the GUI interface. I think cloud computing has the potential to make open-source software a viable alternative to mainstream software. Yes it requires a higher buy-in as far as hardware for small networks, but there are a lot of organizations championing the open...
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