As I lay awake in my bed last night, mind wandering, trying desperately to fall asleep, I began to wonder why when classifying MBTI types, there are 1) only four groups and 2) these four groups are SJ (Guardian), SP (Artisan), NT (Rational) and NF (Idealist).
Why is it not ST/SF/NT/NF? What is so significant about SJs and SPs that they can be categorized in such broad groups? In the case of the Guardian, is the Si function all that is significant? I imagine an ISTJ being fairly dissimilar to an ESFJ.
Any thoughts (or is this something that is pretty obvious and I'm just missing it)?
EDIT: I may have just found the answer to my own question here: http://www.keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=1&c=overview
Though by their explanation, it seems like they are categorizing by ST/SF/NT/NF
Why is it not ST/SF/NT/NF? What is so significant about SJs and SPs that they can be categorized in such broad groups? In the case of the Guardian, is the Si function all that is significant? I imagine an ISTJ being fairly dissimilar to an ESFJ.
Any thoughts (or is this something that is pretty obvious and I'm just missing it)?
EDIT: I may have just found the answer to my own question here: http://www.keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=1&c=overview
Though by their explanation, it seems like they are categorizing by ST/SF/NT/NF