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Search results

  1. Decaf

    A Military Career: Definitely not an INTP's cup of tea.

    My 6 years in the Air Guard were pleasant enough. I suppose it benefitted from spending the latter half under the command of a lt. colonel who was likely also an INTP.
  2. Decaf

    63 Genders

    I agree that there are some differences in wiring, but the implications of those differences are, at best, vaguely understood. Attributing behavior to the characteristic is a function of convention, not scientific research. They've shown corrolations that suggest women are better at...
  3. Decaf

    63 Genders

    That seems to be precisely the problem. Masculine and feminine as associated to male and female are harmful misnomers. There's simply no such thing as a male or female personality. That rests on a number of assumptions, not the least of which is that those professing their "8-ness" haven't...
  4. Decaf

    63 Genders

    Another 8
  5. Decaf

    to my hubby:

    Try this one: http://www.amazon.com/Building-Blocks-Personality-Type-Eight-Process/dp/097193262X Just don't tell lor I told you ;)
  6. Decaf

    stupid science teacher

    You should time her again, but this time document what she does during each span of wastefulness. If it ever came to using such evidence, you will wish that you had prepared in such a way that it would be difficult for anyone to deny it flatly (should she ever up her terribleness and send you...
  7. Decaf

    Lightspeed Might be Admin Again

    INTPs aren't allowed to change their minds. You must walk around the entire block in order to avoid retracing your steps. ... ... We'll wait
  8. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    lol, that's how I felt when I first tried to describe it before I brought it here. Skeptic may not be perfect, but I like it. No one is 100% optimist, and no one is 100% skeptic. Anytime someone becomes 100% something, they become deficient in some way. I think the key word is try...
  9. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    That's the point of the story I told. I know I'm suggesting a new idea and not simply rehashing definitions. I believe that a skeptic in the arena of good/bad is someone who decides not to call things good or bad. If you don't label them as innately positive or negative, how can you be an...
  10. Decaf

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    I agree, they absolutely would be, and so they should be watched. But thus far they haven't betrayed my trust. My indignation is reserved for those who are doing things that annoy me, not for those that COULD do things that would annoy me even more. It all comes down to acceptable business...
  11. Decaf

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    That's the point though. It was always legal to do whatever the hell you wanted to a piece of electronics you bought. Apple just doesn't like it, so they intentionally broke any piece of electronics that wasn't treated the way they want it to be. News that they're allowing it now is like...
  12. Decaf

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    Now, I'm as much of critic of cracked.com's standards on thorough research as anyone, but this one came out pretty straightforward, if you ignore the gross exaggerations for humor's sake. http://www.cracked.com/article_18377_5-reasons-you-should-be-scared-apple.html
  13. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    Those definitions are unfair to the pessimist. Perhaps you means "can get better" and "can get worse" or "cannot get worse" and "cannot get better". Regardless, a skeptic is someone who believes that things may get better or they may get worse. Deciding which it will be based on your own...
  14. Decaf

    New rules

    That's what happens when you post a bunch of links. If you post only text and then edit the message to add the links you should be fine. Its to prevent spambots.
  15. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    I'm gonna go with that one. And now that you mention it, I think the clue is HIGHLY applicable.
  16. Decaf

    Lightspeed is not an Administrator

    Light, you're still a co-founder even if you're not an admin and we greatly appreciate that contribution. We wouldn't be INTPs if we could do that same thing over and over again without getting bored. Maybe you'll find something else here that satisfies a psychological need now that you're...
  17. Decaf

    It is me: FacetiousPersona. A message to the community.

    What you propose is not a ceasefire, but a surrender. Your terms are such that you will stop actively attempting to harm us if we give in to your demands. I would never support such a capitulation. If you believe you could destroy this community singlehandedly, then you exhibit a belief in...
  18. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    If its not Perseus, then I'll go with Anthile's choice till I find some inspiration :icon_tinykitball: Yeah, I suppose that was a little to easy :slashnew:
  19. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    @Noddy Probably a good omission. I would have thought you were terribly conceited. You probably think this song is about you. Don't you? Don't you? :D @Nyx Perseus? Poetically crude, like bacon-wrapped cow chips.
  20. Decaf

    Sure, in fact this toxin is so untraceable you won't even be able to find it when its delivered...

    Sure, in fact this toxin is so untraceable you won't even be able to find it when its delivered. Enjoy :D Thanks, good genes... if only my personal hygiene matched...
  21. Decaf


    Because of how our culture treats those who are "alone" its unfortunately one of the more resilient jokes we have to live through. Maybe I wouldn't be as annoyed if trying to force so much activity on a single day wasn't so expensive and often emotionally detrimental to otherwise normal people...
  22. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    Skepticism is a perspective that resists the pull of pessimism and optimism. Sure, as a skeptic you can have a positive outlook or a negative outlook, but you're not going to assume that things will or will not work out on their own. This is not the mutual exclusivity of Creation and...
  23. Decaf

    Not really... that's why I used it for so long, but no. I didn't draw it myself. Otherwise it...

    Not really... that's why I used it for so long, but no. I didn't draw it myself. Otherwise it would look much more... stick figureish.
  24. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    If you flip a coin 50 times and it always lands on heads, and you believe the coin is not special, how likely do you think it is that the coin lands on tails? If you answer an unequivocal 50%, you have the makings of a skeptic. A skeptic can still be optimistic on the whole, but they are not...
  25. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

  26. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    OK, so it looks like its harder than I intended... what if I said that the adjective was a color?
  27. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    We may have to agree to disagree. The skeptical perspective in this situation is to doubt whether or not the glass is specifically half full or half empty. A skeptic must be comfortable with maintaining doubt. A religious zealot is not the opposite of a militant atheist. They are both the...
  28. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    HINT #2: The adjective is often used to describe this member. ... I hope that's not true about Enne ;)
  29. Decaf

    New 'bible' for psychology, DSM 5

    Unfortunately they're getting away from purely research based entries because the DSM is no longer a scientific document. Its a legal one. It has become so important in legislation and court rulings that its been decided that it can no longer be in the hands of psychologists. I don't see...
  30. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    HINT: The adjective has nothing to do with their name, and everything to do with their choice of avatars.
  31. Decaf

    Resume/Cover Letter Blues-Corporate Employers HELP!

    Welcome to the club. Are you graduating in Spring or looking for a summer job?
  32. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    Fair enough. To my understanding a skeptic is someone who is unwilling to say whether or not something is innately positive or negative. When I was younger I was told a story that strongly affected my perspective. A man lives in a small town. One day his beloved uncle dies just before a...
  33. Decaf

    What should I read next?

    His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik. Though I've been tempted to start A Game of Thrones myself.
  34. Decaf

    The Gentle Seduction

    I identified with Jack for a number of reasons (aside from being a technologist and male). That story is representative of how I try to show love to others. How I wish it could happen. That I could make an impact that has a clear positive affect on them. I don't need to be there when it...
  35. Decaf

    How effective are INTP leaders?

    This is THE quality of INTPs that makes me the proudest. Yes, we're often clever, smart, witty, etc... but morally determined trumps them all. What is the point of creating something if it violates your principles. Sure our principles aren't all the same, but they're vital and they are...
  36. Decaf

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    I've been juggling this thought in my head for a while and I thought I'd share it for scrutiny. Optimism and Pessimism are both lazy. They are an attitude that seeks to define the meaning of an observation for easy categorization. Now, clearly you can't leave the meaning of every...
  37. Decaf

    The Gentle Seduction

    Personally, I'd hate to read a piece of science fiction that didn't pretend to be the way things actually turn out in the future. What would be the point? I don't think the author thinks that's for certain how its going to be, but its certainly an interesting journey, and I got teary eyed at...
  38. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    I change my answer to Fleur. Just read the wikipedia page on Baudelaire and Les Fleurs du mal. Apparently lor is more well read than I :slashnew:
  39. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    OreSama? Not a cypher that I'm aware of... more of a cyborg. Still, seems to fit the rest. One of two = this account + Artifice Orisit. Can be very muse-like. :borg0: Kidege? I love her poetry, and I can't think of a single time she's been anything but supportive to others (at least...
  40. Decaf

    Default Gender

    Use whichever one you want, and then slap yourself across the face so everyone knows you don't like it. I know its not the popular option among purists, or linguists, or anyone who cares about this issue, but I use "they" even when referring to a single person. Yes, it diminishes language's...
  41. Decaf

    College Sucks

    One thing you have to remember... how many applications do you think the people who process them get every year? If they're any good at their job don't you think they've developed some ability to detect bullshittery? I should hope so. Honesty is a valuable trait, and not an unrewarded one...
  42. Decaf

    How effective are INTP leaders?

    There are two kinds of leaders. Leaders that command and leaders that urge. Both have their advantages, but I think INTPs are instinctively in the latter category. In my experience, most INTPs have a hard time telling someone what to do in specifics, but is happy to delegate and provide...
  43. Decaf

    Mass Effect 2

    Yay! Bout time :D
  44. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    You are correct, sir. IB? I'll get to another riddle in a bit. The rhinoceros that is my attention span doesn't want to make one right now. I find I do better when I do what the rhino says.
  45. Decaf

    The Infamous Marriage Thread

    Sadly no... at least that wouldn't be as stereotypical. I have a video game fetish and I'm researching ants for a video game idea. Speaking of which, time to cover myself in nintendo cartridges and dance around on a Wii balance board waving the Duck Hunt gun around by the cord. Did you...
  46. Decaf

    lol... I was looking at Kidege's wall trying to figure out a good clue for the 'guess the forum...

    lol... I was looking at Kidege's wall trying to figure out a good clue for the 'guess the forum member' thread when I saw the thing about losing your 'banned' title. I have to say, it made me sad :( And here I thought the fault was your own for getting rid of it.
  47. Decaf

    Guess the forum member?

    Am I the only one who's surprised no one has taken the username Moriarty? I have no idea on this one... I want to say Noddy for the second part, but I never thought of him as a MASTER sleuth ;) Snowqueen. Her avatar of the snow heart is still one of my favorites. Untold depth hidden...
  48. Decaf

    Missed the OMSI trip :slashnew: we had a great time, so I hope you can make the next one :)

    Missed the OMSI trip :slashnew: we had a great time, so I hope you can make the next one :)
  49. Decaf

    Absence from the forum

    Call it goodbye for now. Sometimes it takes a while to become part of the family, but you're welcome to come back any time Cauterise. I wish you the best in the mean time.
  50. Decaf

    The Infamous Marriage Thread

    Whoa, slow down now... we're only married... not sure I want to jump all the way to foot rubs. Hell, have you even told me your zombie plan?... I feel like I don't know you at all *sniff* Here... I'll do my best... *quickly whips up a design document on building an automatic foot massager...
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