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Who else is playing this game?
Thoughts on the sequel? Speculations on the future of the series?
I've been playing it obsessively since it came out, and have been overjoyed by it. Amazing sequel, and the best game I've played in a long, long time.
For those of you who don't know, Mass Effect is a sci-fi shooter/RPG set in a time shortly after humanity discovers an ancient technology, called "mass effect," that allows them to transverse the galaxy; the first game takes place as humans are integrating with a galactic civilization of aliens who've already discovered this technology. It has a real "70's sci-fi" vibe, in a good way.
Here are the trailers for the first two games.
Thoughts on the sequel? Speculations on the future of the series?
I've been playing it obsessively since it came out, and have been overjoyed by it. Amazing sequel, and the best game I've played in a long, long time.
For those of you who don't know, Mass Effect is a sci-fi shooter/RPG set in a time shortly after humanity discovers an ancient technology, called "mass effect," that allows them to transverse the galaxy; the first game takes place as humans are integrating with a galactic civilization of aliens who've already discovered this technology. It has a real "70's sci-fi" vibe, in a good way.
Here are the trailers for the first two games.