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  1. louiesgonnadie

    How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis? Is it Autism? "Reality" is exhausting

    If I have Aspergers, I probably can't join. I mean, I could lie, but surely they have ways of finding things out I'm assuming? Besides, that type of interaction and structure would be terrible for my anxiety right now.
  2. louiesgonnadie

    How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis? Is it Autism? "Reality" is exhausting

    Might as well link my post to 4chan or reddit/r/funny , then.
  3. louiesgonnadie

    How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis? Is it Autism? "Reality" is exhausting

    Why didn't you just stop reading then?
  4. louiesgonnadie

    How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis? Is it Autism? "Reality" is exhausting

    I know, I've posted threads like this before. But this time, I'm done. I'm serious about getting out of this rut. I need to put insight into action. I feel desperate. I posted this on a similar forum, breathed in all of the insight I got into my own conclusion, and decided meditation would be...
  5. louiesgonnadie

    "Does anyone else find the concept/practice of empathy incredibly disturbing?"

    I'm sure an Aspie may possibly be offended by that statement, but I guess I agree lol x_x
  6. louiesgonnadie

    "Does anyone else find the concept/practice of empathy incredibly disturbing?"

    I was browsing the Asperger's subreddit because I find it interesting, and then I come across this post that really got me thinking: The more I think about how people describe empathy, the more it seems like treating other people as extensions of yourself--denying them basic agency and humanity...
  7. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    Really? http://www.autismresearchcentre.com/project_24_fmri http://shazwellyn.hubpages.com/hub/Autistic-Spectrum-Disorder-Aspergers-Syndrome-Brain-Scan-Diagnoses-Autism
  8. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    Lol, I've tried MeetMe for about a year. No results. Most girls who were attracted to me weren't my type, or I didn't hold their attention long enough. And that attention was pretty low compared to all of those long flippy haired, ear gauged tumblr boy toys. I was catfish bait, too, and I have...
  9. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    I fear if I have Autism, it will prevent me from reaching my goals. I have exhibited borderline agoraphobic traits over the last four years. I was homeless for three years before that. I have little to no real world experiences, so I am unsure of my abilities. In summary - I fear if I get out...
  10. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    Wait...why would that make me 'more' Autistic?
  11. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    Yeah, I found out I was a while ago, though I still have my doubts (I think N types are more likely to question their 'N' more than S questioning their 'S') I actually have some trouble answering this question, although I find myself adding a lot of detail once I take a better look at what I...
  12. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    I am of the belief that I only need a small but valuable pool of associations I can relate to and share good experiences with. Life is harder without that pool, but it doesn't totally destroy me. I like being alone but it is somber being alone. But as I have never experienced a relationship...
  13. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    I was thinking about this a while ago. I agree with you all along. Parts of my childhood were like this in a way, while I was still longing for something, if I can remember, I took things small and focused on my occupations most of the time. I have been getting sentimental over my preteenhood a...
  14. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    It could change who I am by the negative self esteem that arises from my dissatisfaction of a part of me. My negative feelings could start turning me into a different person. And internal observation can only explain so much. We all are oblivious to certain things, or suppress other things to...
  15. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    I'm just curious but why did you initially think that? (there's my self consciousness peeking through)
  16. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    And why do you think this?
  17. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    True that they can sometimes be co-morbid. But the differences become a little more apparent once you start reading in between the lines. Especially with Autism since it is a separate brain structure (and maybe to a lesser extent, ADHD, not sure though). lololol I'm guessing you have...
  18. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    Obviously, and concretely, being diagnosed with Autism, or anything for that matter, will not change me. I am surely aware of that. But the more you learn, the more it changes your inner world. Once I come to a realization about anything, it will have either a positive or negative effect on...
  19. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    But everyday that isn't a record low, that doesn't reach an ideal level, is extremely somber.
  20. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

  21. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    And then I become Ted Bundy lite?
  22. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    I have tried doing things that made me step out of my comfort zone. My self consciousness eats me alive. I develop a foresight of how things may play out which stem from my anxiety-ridden experiences. I need to calm down before I attempt to play my cards in the outer world again. Things are way...
  23. louiesgonnadie

    How severe are the thoughts in my head? (contemplating suicide and other junk)

    I have probably solidified myself as the "Attention Whore of INTPf" since I realized I post a lot of threads on here that are pointless. Though shit has been bugging me. I did try posting on a suicide forum. I signed up, confirmed the email link, and my account didn't even get accepted, I...
  24. louiesgonnadie

    Hey, how are your typology studies going? :) What do you think of CognitiveTypes?

    Hey, how are your typology studies going? :) What do you think of CognitiveTypes?
  25. louiesgonnadie

    Maynard Keenan

    INTJ could work much better than I thought, damn. Gonna watch some more interviews.
  26. louiesgonnadie

    Yet another INxP thread

    So could that mean you were uncomfortable expressing deep emotions, or even talking about personal things and issues of all sorts, whether it be directly or indirectly associated with you - even when even-tempered? Or in a casual setting?
  27. louiesgonnadie

    Yet another INxP thread

    You...deserve an award for reading that "elephant". :D But yeah, when I'm new to a forum, I did exactly what you said - even when I wasn't that great at writing (not that I was bad, but eh). Online forums helped me improve my writing skills drastically. And you're not the only one who has...
  28. louiesgonnadie

    Yet another INxP thread

    WARNING - this will be long. Strap in your attention span before proceeding. So a few months ago, I became pretty sure I was an INFP, or an xNFP at the least. However, recently self doubt (one of my biggest specialties) has kicked in. I've been reading past threads and posts of mine on various...
  29. louiesgonnadie


    I know this is based on/compared to quantum mechanics, but I don't understand this comparison. heh, it's probably because I have no clue about quantum mechanics...
  30. louiesgonnadie

    Not sure if I am an INTP

    The fact that you mentioned you read the infamous INTP profile, but still have self doubt, suggests you definitely use Ne, and quite possibly Ti-dominance. I haven't read up on a lot of your OP though so I can't form an accurate conclusion. See if this matches your thought process...
  31. louiesgonnadie

    I spot a fellow drummer! :D

    I spot a fellow drummer! :D
  32. louiesgonnadie

    intp core values

    Interesting...these sound more like rules, rather than values. So question - let's say these "values" are directed towards you, rather than others? How would you react? As for myself, I'm fairly young, so I'm trying to figure mine out, and I'm not even sure if im INTP. But I guess mine are...
  33. louiesgonnadie

    Any INTPS into weather/meteorology?

    I never agreed with MBTI stereotypes/common theories either. I just thought such a strong focus like that could point to preferred Se. Anything is not limited to type. When I think about it more, its really my Si coming out - I get slight memories of my childhood while watching storms. But...
  34. louiesgonnadie

    Any INTPS into weather/meteorology?

    Take me with! :) Heh....I've always wanted to storm chase, ever since I was a kid. I used to go out in blizzards and measure every hour or so. People always thought I was crazy, being all excited whenever a storm would threaten. I might even drive down south to chase a hurricane one day (the...
  35. louiesgonnadie

    Any INTPS into weather/meteorology?

    I wonder if storm chasing is more of an ISTP thing? However I have an Si preference and I love doing shit like that.
  36. louiesgonnadie

    Maynard Keenan

    Then again, there's the possibility he didnt write that song.
  37. louiesgonnadie

    Maynard Keenan

    I initially thought INFP because I thought his Te seemed inferior, based on the way he explains his viewpoints. However maybe he's INTJ? His reasoning towards things seems Fi-heavy. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WNaUg8Nlg_M However, that video does showcase his humorous side, which really...
  38. louiesgonnadie

    But I like INFJs! You fellows have a lot of potential, it seems. I reckon it would be hard to...

    But I like INFJs! You fellows have a lot of potential, it seems. I reckon it would be hard to figure out if you're an Ni-dom, though. I can't understand Ni for the life of me.
  39. louiesgonnadie

    I don't believe so, then again, I don't really know what you mean? Hey, what's it like being an...

    I don't believe so, then again, I don't really know what you mean? Hey, what's it like being an Ni-dom?
  40. louiesgonnadie

    Your INFP estimate seems plausible, however I am not entirely sure. And yes, you have acquired a...

    Your INFP estimate seems plausible, however I am not entirely sure. And yes, you have acquired a new friend. :)
  41. louiesgonnadie

    xNxP dafuq?

    2. Study these two images here and here. Which one do you prefer and why? How would you describe it? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8287/7...4da6df716d.jpg http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6005/6...c083ea9f_m.jpg Picture one: Waves lightly crashing against sand. It's either sunset or sunrise, I...
  42. louiesgonnadie

    xNxP dafuq?

    Interesting perspectives on the visual cues! Here's the other data that I promised, here are some questionnaires I completed on some other sites: 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life...
  43. louiesgonnadie

    xNxP dafuq?

    Well, I don't feel like posting a wall of text like I usually do, so I'll post a video describing myself. One thing I am sure about is having Ne at least in my aux. I shape shift a lot in discussion, make frequent connections. And I'm even more sure about having Si, which would back up Ne. So...
  44. louiesgonnadie

    Louis C.K. INTP?

    Gervais is largely speculated to be ENTP. Based on what I have seen (not much), I might agree. What makes you think INTP, Ink ? As far as C.K. goes, the more I read about and watch him, and think about it, I'm going with xSTP. Leaning ISTP, in fact. He was interested in cars at a young age...
  45. louiesgonnadie

    INTP and Asperger's

    Also, I reckon there may be a high number of INTPs mis-diagnosed with this particular diagnosis at a young age, mainly due to a raw and immature manifestation of the inferior-Fe. I was dXed on two occasions (age 4 & 17), when I was 4 I had ADHD - out the wazoo - and anxiety to boot, and when I...
  46. louiesgonnadie

    Based on your perspective, do I seem INTP, INFP, or INTJ

    Yeah I've gone in between INTP, INFP, INTJ, INFP, and ISTP mainly. I lean INTP right now since I think I'm definitely on the Ne-Si axis, probably Ti-dom, and a desperately developing Fe, so it seems from studying the functions. Based on the video, do I seem INTP? ISTP? INTJ? These are the...
  47. louiesgonnadie

    Fe when you were young

    I used to be destructive (even to the point of kicking doors down) when I got angry. I might blurt out the wrong thing in conversation, and had minor to moderate trouble fitting into groups. That's the gist of it.
  48. louiesgonnadie

    Ti vs Fi - Compare/Contrast

    I think the whole "social skill" thing and being warm, and all, is kind of an INTP stereotype - I'm likely to be one, and I can be very warm if I love someone deeply. Then again, inferior Fe tends to sometimes correlate with acting hype, and even childish in some cases during a relationship...
  49. louiesgonnadie

    Ti vs Fi - Compare/Contrast

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