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Search results

  1. The Introvert

    Create and answer a "Who is the most and least moral in this situation?" thread

    Just saying, if a guy is giving out abortions so that he can graft body parts together of the (sometimes still living) infants, I would be getting "bad vibes" from him. So, I guess the question comes down to... what actually is going on? Is he aborting (killing) the fetuses? If it is a...
  2. The Introvert

    seriously fucking ill

    Flu is much more reasonable than what I said.
  3. The Introvert

    seriously fucking ill

    Sounds almost as if you experienced some sort of neurological damage or shock. When I used to get migraines/cluster headaches I experienced much of the same symptoms, particularly the numbness aches and pains, and nausea (not so sure about constipation and sweating, though). You may have had...
  4. The Introvert

    Why are we so damn articulate?

    Perhaps INTP's just think they are more articulate than the average bear? Nah, that couldn't be it... :rolleyes: But in all seriousness... I wouldn't say more articulate but perhaps more 'logical' in that the reasons behind what they are saying are there... they might just not be expressed as...
  5. The Introvert

    Original thoughts

    I can't speak holistically because I am far from well-read. But, of the authors you've mentioned, I know at least that Thoreau writes about objectivity, or looking at things clearly and without the spectacles of society quite often. As for whether or not you should keep your distance from...
  6. The Introvert

    Kava for fun and profit

    I saw a small kava bar that seemed to be very popular when I was in Kona. I wanted to give it a go but never got around to it. Now that I'm back here I can't find any place within a reasonable distance that sells it as a pre-made drink, let alone places that sell the root or tea. Do you guys...
  7. The Introvert

    Old Man Adam - The Streets of Columbus

    As always, mods, feel free to locate this thread to the place you see fit. Backstory: The Encounter: I make my way to the door and prepare to leave. It's cold out, but not freezing; I'm enjoying the night as I prefer it to be cooler rather than hot. As I make my way down the sidewalk, I...
  8. The Introvert

    So I return with light discussion

    Your son's heroism is impressive, albeit stupid :angel01: Keep the stories coming!
  9. The Introvert

    Intelligent Design (pure)

  10. The Introvert

    The Limits of Evolution

    Either way I deem the conversation irrelevant because I don't find flu shots to be all that useful. To me, anti-vaxers are those that refuse life-long immunities to more serious illnesses.
  11. The Introvert


    Because that would take work. But in all seriousness, I think in part that some of the banned members were either actually a large portion of the population here that could engage semi-productively (when prompted correctly) or were at least catalysts for intelligent discussion - whether or not...
  12. The Introvert


    So... what do you think would happen if we allowed some of the former members that were banned full access again? For example, I'm assuming that people like Da Blob and BAP are still trying to infiltrate the system with dupe accounts. On the one hand, they may troll us like before. On the...
  13. The Introvert

    The Limits of Evolution

    So - what you've said intuitively makes sense. It would make sense that the yearly flu vaccinations may not necessarily be so helpful as other vaccinations, such as those for measles, because the flu mutates yearly. My question is: what is the concern? Do you know how vaccinations work? (if...
  14. The Introvert

    The Limits of Evolution

    No, see, what you do is you push for herd immunity. "If nobody gets vaccinated then our population dynamics will work like those of her immunity; if everyone does the same thing, we'll all be safer". Then sit in your basement for the next several years while disease runs rampant above...
  15. The Introvert

    The Limits of Evolution

    Anti-vax: Anti-vaccination? I don't know. I could rant for days. It's good to see you back though, yeti. We could divert this thread into a bash against anti-evolutionists... I'd be down.
  16. The Introvert


    Agree. that link by Fukyo is interesting. I will say that at first I thought it was titled "Five GREEK Social Fallacies" and began wondering what an Ancient Greek "aromatic" citizen would smell like...
  17. The Introvert

    The Limits of Evolution

    :D another evolution advocate! Are you obsessed, or do you just have a passing interest? ANSWER NAO:evil:
  18. The Introvert

    Self Harm/Mutilation.

    As Lot mentioned, mild self-harm (whooping with a belt) can alleviate pain and stress without the residual long-lasting marks. I remember one time I had terrible sun burn, and the various creams and remedies weren't helping; naturally I took a switch and smacked my shoulders (the place of the...
  19. The Introvert

    On Ambition

    Oh, oh, oh. The things to do, the things to say. I don't know if you've thrown away everything here or not, But +1 bullshit is close enough, if for the right reason. People kid themselves into thinking that ambition solves any problems. The people that make things work, really, make things...
  20. The Introvert

    aannn announcement

  21. The Introvert

    Energy doesn't exist

    Let's try this: E=mc^2 Even with very small mass (real), there is potential to release very large amounts of energy (apparently fake). I would like to see you explain your idea to the corpses plastered onto walls in Hiroshima 70 years ago. Surely they were not impacted directly by the...
  22. The Introvert

    Forum Death Pool

    Things were better when they were hectic. http://intpforum.com/showpost.php?p=447502&postcount=180
  23. The Introvert

    I simply do not believe

    Perhaps I did misunderstand his intent. But my point still remains: difficulty of life is relative. And, on another note, using this example would be an anomaly of evolution. In fact, a system in which all individuals can survive and reproduce in equal proportions shouldn't be influenced by...
  24. The Introvert

    I simply do not believe

    Perhaps an unnecessary honing-in on semantics, but you mentioned a keyword to me, being an evolutionary biologist: Consider this: your evolution up to this point (and for all life) is a construct of your (spoken through your ancestors) work on your environment. That is to say, we co-evolve with...
  25. The Introvert

    What is the subject of your theorizing?

    1. Broadly, Biology, Writing/Literature, Music, Work, Studies, Video Games, other ~50% of my theorizing time is centered around biological systems and evolution. ~10-15% Is focused on writing (myself) or something that I have read and am thinking about ~10-15% is focused on Studies The rest is...
  26. The Introvert

    Life patterns

    Ok then. For reference: To which I said: Your problem is that you're too attached to being in control; this correlates with the classical scientist hypothesis. Speaking hyperbolically, you view your life as something capable of being controlled to your will. You probably feel a...
  27. The Introvert

    Life patterns

    Then I'm sure Nietzsche can say much more eloquently whatever it was I was planning to say. :king-twitter:
  28. The Introvert

    Life patterns

    Absurdity, would you consider yourself a scientist? The question may not seem to be relevant right now, but it is. If yes, what kind of scientist? Are you one that is continually piqued with interest in this or that, developing ideas to explain the phenomenon you're seeing? Or, are you one...
  29. The Introvert

    Brain washing, how? why ?

  30. The Introvert

    Is this real?

    I forgot that's how it worked.
  31. The Introvert

    Need Help with Excel Formatting

    Got it. Thank you :)
  32. The Introvert

    Need Help with Excel Formatting

    Polaris, I can't figure out your method. Proxy, your code gives me TRUE/FALSE, idk what I'm doing.
  33. The Introvert

    Need Help with Excel Formatting

    Hey all, I need to manipulate some raw data. Long story short, I can't figure out how to change the protocol on the other software to collect values that are exclusively over "100". All I need is to be able to delete all cells in my spreadsheet that have a value less than 100. Thanks!
  34. The Introvert

    Please help. Obsessed with attaining academic prestige.

    To second what most have said here: The institution matters little, insofar as your intellectual desires are concerned. There will be students uninterested in education no matter where you decide to attend. So long as you have the means to satiate your interests (large library, resources...
  35. The Introvert

    Forum Death Pool

    Not quite. But he doesn't need super powers to stalk someone.
  36. The Introvert

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    6/10 Was going to be a 5 but the pure ridiculousness of 80s stuff gave it an extra. Decent overall. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxailNkhpXs
  37. The Introvert

    Forum Death Pool

    This community feels so big.. yet it's so small... I love you all. Except QuickTwist. (Am I helping?!) Also, tip of the cap to Jenny's descriptive figurative(???) wank session. Too lazy to quote it. Yu muh gurl, Jenny. And on a more serious note, addressing the issues here: On the...
  38. The Introvert

    Thanks :) Nice to see you around too.

    Thanks :) Nice to see you around too.
  39. The Introvert

    Forum Death Pool

    Fuck off, Cherry :D
  40. The Introvert

    Describe your first kiss

  41. The Introvert

    What is the difference between an INTP and ENTP?

    I consider my close ENFP friend to be a rationalist. Despite the "anything is possible" mentality, it often seems to be subjugated by the "take it step by step" mentality, which is, IMO, indicative of a rationalist at heart.
  42. The Introvert

    Describe your first kiss

    I was 16, she was 17. We had planned to see a movie, but go figure, it was sold-out when we got there. So I drove her to our city park after dark. We snuck in, climbing over the locked gate. It was a clear winter night, and we sat hand-in-hand on a bench by the moonlight pond. It was cold...
  43. The Introvert

    What is the difference between an INTP and ENTP?

    But, assuming Ne-dom, you really only have two options, and they are ENTP and ENFP. Just judging from this post alone, I reckon ENTP. The easiest way to tell between ENTP and ENFP is presence of Fe vs. Fi, since they are pretty easy functions to observe. In a nutshell, if you're more 'prone'...
  44. The Introvert

    What is the difference between an INTP and ENTP?

    But Auburn, an Ne-dom (or any Ne) needn't necessarily have Fe. If he were, say, an ENFP, as BG has suggested, then he would have Fi. At least, Fe wouldn't be of much use to him. However, based on the writing, I'm guessing ENTP, to which your advice is sound. Meaningless post :kodama1:
  45. The Introvert

    Forum Death Pool

    The 'perma-ban' point was an attempt at satire; I don't think any of the recent bans, save for possibly BAP, were justified. I've been notified that THD is on the verge of permaban (whether or not he asks for it is a moot point). Sorry for the confusion there. I thought that putting it at the...
  46. The Introvert

    Forum Death Pool

    Cog will never be banned, unless he wants to be. This forum is dead. I only come to watch it burn from the inside out (I can read more posts as a member than as a guest). I used to agree with most of what the mods did, but now - especially with Cav in mind (and Puffy as a possible lone...
  47. The Introvert

    Einstein's Riddle

    This: Laughed out loud at this: For the record, I logged in just to repost this. Also, OP's second post: Can't tell if ironically hilarious/stupid or a really good troll. I also agree with Hado's first post. Good work, Hado.
  48. The Introvert

    Ne - Ni inversion function?

    I agree with Antark. Additionally, Ne is your 6th function (assuming INTP). You'll still use it *more frequently* than, say, Se or Fi. You've been using it your entire life. It's hard to say for me since I'm Ni-dom when or when not it's active for you, but as a general rule I say that when...
  49. The Introvert


  50. The Introvert

    Stop Treating Cancer

    Your data-set is not comprehensive. I urge you to reconsider your generalization. As for Duxwing, he's bright; sometimes, he bites off more than he can chew. In response to the previous two posts: I think what Duxwing is trying to say (correct me if I'm wrong) is that for the sake of the...
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