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Search results

  1. The Introvert

    Concepts out of Context

    Sorry. Short on time right now, but what I'm trying to do is this: - Take concept (let's say philosophical concept of human behaviour) - Take previously undiscovered and unrelated phenomenon (let's say molecular interactions) - Apply philosophical concept to molecular phenomenon, attempting...
  2. The Introvert

    Composing a piece for the piano

    As far as composition? Combine a Chopin Nocturne with a bassanova rhythm. Or something, I don't know terms. I know I fiddled with something like that and it actually sounded pretty cool. Don't listen to me.
  3. The Introvert

    Concepts out of Context

    Do you know of any objective methods of doing so? Ah, I misunderstood. Thanks for that. But my question concerns models that previously have not been applied in this context. Thus the 'concepts out of context' tag. I'm under the assumption that emergent models still serve a function (or to...
  4. The Introvert

    Concepts out of Context

    Is it always fallacious to apply concepts from one mode of thought (for lack of a better word) into another? I don't think so. Inversely, is it a good idea to do this? Does it spurn creativity, or invite it? Would put more than the thought into this thread, but I'm tired and would like to...
  5. The Introvert

    Do you like head games?

    It's meaningless because there's nothing there. As in whether or not it's actually upheld? I can vouch for that...
  6. The Introvert

    Do you like head games?

    No, I understood your idea loud and clear. I answered with this: "...any justification otherwise is indicative of someone with more than just a rebellious attitude." You're way too involved with something so meaningless.
  7. The Introvert

    Do you like head games?

    Dupe accounts are for shmucks. Lyra, Base Groove, Hyena, The Introvert... who are we all anyway? People with too much time on my hands. Dupe accounts are against the rules, because they are. Those that break the rules do so because they can; any justification otherwise is indicative of...
  8. The Introvert

    What are you all reading?

    LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring ^_^ Can't believe this is the first time... This book was MEANT for me.
  9. The Introvert

    Who is/was XIII?

    Lyra has returned.
  10. The Introvert

    Hello, Ladies!

    I didn't know there were so many females here. I just assumed the majority of people would be male. Obviously I was mistaken. In any case, welcome. I am neither INTP nor female.
  11. The Introvert


    Who are your friends?
  12. The Introvert

    Physics vs Biology major

    This^^ It really should be communicated better. I got lucky, and decided before I realized I needed to go that I wanted to go.
  13. The Introvert

    Problems with Narcissism, Anxiety, and Anhedonia

    I'm still not seeing a definite difference here. With intuition, you can be the hole (or the ball, or neither, or both). I understand you're trying to get me to see the question that isn't even asked, but I don't understand what advantages a schizotypal person would have at it (and even...
  14. The Introvert

    Yes. Does tomorrow work for you?

    Yes. Does tomorrow work for you?
  15. The Introvert

    I need intp advice. Urgently.

    First, an aside: Every time I read a post by QuickTwist, I throw up a little. As for your problem (and I truly do feel for you): 1. Obviously, figure out if you can get your money back. Consider a transfer; I don't know how far you are into your academic career, but it may be possible for...
  16. The Introvert

    Problems with Narcissism, Anxiety, and Anhedonia

    What makes you argue so strongly about this? What's the correlation between lateral thinking and schizotypy? Or rather, what makes them similar, and why? I'll take a stab at it... Assuming the 'schizo' is not completely debilitating, it can be used as an alternative point of reference for an...
  17. The Introvert

    The Mighty INTP's and Deja vu

    I could be wrong here, but I though it was caused simply from very similar scenarios. Our brains are trained to recognize patterns, and when something happens often enough (and we're aware of it, perhaps unconsciously? [which is why it's strange; not actual intentional memorization or...
  18. The Introvert

    Psychonauts. Enlightenment or drug induced illusion of enlightenment?

    I haven't read a single post here but the OP. In my own experience: Psychedelics are absolutely not needed for 'enlightenment'. In fact, if anything, they hinder the process (at least in effect, not necessarily in desire). Almost all of the time, psychedelics used with the intent to...
  19. The Introvert

    Now isn't a fantastic time, perhaps tomorrow. I'm a bit tipsy/ tired.

    Now isn't a fantastic time, perhaps tomorrow. I'm a bit tipsy/ tired.
  20. The Introvert

    The Limits of Evolution

    I like this thread. Something I learned the other day is that prolonged exposure to drugs (such as nicotine and morphine) can actually change your genes. This is just another form of epigenetics - a twist in your typical Darwinistic hereditary/ mutation* driven evolution. Of course, there...
  21. The Introvert

    Looking for a Safe Haven

    "Looking for a new home for a while which is open minded, open to free speech, intellectual discussion, and a little fun..." So long as you enjoy the discussion topics and are yourself open minded (very much so, sometimes), this is the right place for you.
  22. The Introvert

    The 'manor' bit was a reference to your "about me" section, in which you put: "...all manor of...

    The 'manor' bit was a reference to your "about me" section, in which you put: "...all manor of speculation" when it should be manner. :) As for the story, hopefully I'll feel like finishing it soon. Something happened - I do not know what - that caused me to cease writing and fall into a sort...
  23. The Introvert

    MBTI and Writing Styles

    Perhaps not. The few ENTPs I know tend to have sentences chock-full of fantastic adjectives and whatnot. This. That's Ne-dom for you. Ne looooves external validation (thanks THD) and therefore tries to make as many comparisons as possible so the lectured can really understand what's going...
  24. The Introvert

    Physics vs Biology major

    First and foremost, want to address this: OP is not talking about a Ph.D. He is talking about an undergraduate education. So was I. I specifically noted that I was not addressing people with doctorates; the irrelevant data came from you, not from me. I wouldn't have even said that if you...
  25. The Introvert

    Physics vs Biology major

    And of course, every person that graduates with a physics degree (or anything else, for that matter) gets a starting salary of $90,000. :rolleyes: C'mon Dux, let's be real... Given the state of our economy, (or not, the point remains regardless) it's difficult for anyone to find employment...
  26. The Introvert

    Physics vs Biology major

    Obviously, Dux. The point I was trying to make is that post-docs are overworked and underpaid - at least the ones I know (Biology). To keep this post in reference to the OP, from what I've heard, it's difficult to do much with a Physics degree. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to support...
  27. The Introvert

    *poke* I didn't know you had a manor of speculation - so much cooler than my cabin in the...

    *poke* I didn't know you had a manor of speculation - so much cooler than my cabin in the woods! :D
  28. The Introvert

    Physics vs Biology major

    Well, aren't they one and the same? :D The former.
  29. The Introvert

    Physics vs Biology major

    I was going to say the same thing. He still has a side project I think he's working on combining them actually, or something. Something how many of the spatial patterns of stars are quite similar to spacing patterns in some sort of desert plants (Miriti's field) I think 32 or 33 but no...
  30. The Introvert

    Is INTP the ideal personality?

  31. The Introvert

    Tell me something

    Murderous rampages are always investigated, regardless of where you live. Was the statistic for all crimes or all murders? If it is indeed the latter then I'm shocked. Unless he lives in Syria or Somalia (which he doesn't, I'm sure) or something to that effect, then even a murder would be at...
  32. The Introvert

    Tell me something

    I don't know if you're asking whether or not it's objectively wrong to kill someone. If you are, then disregard this post, because I'm not answering that question - I'm sure there are many threads in this grand, endless space that cover that topic. Rather, it's simply not worth it to kill...
  33. The Introvert

    Evolution of Positive Feedback

    Just now realized I allowed my own thread to die. Time for a necro. So, acquisition of outside elements and eventual incorporation into a closed one? Rather, is it by chance or by design that positive feedback loops exist? Of course, evolution is directionless, and I think the most rational...
  34. The Introvert

    the internet enables us to transform or project ourselves into artworks

    *Confusion* But honestly, what does Psyduck have to do with this? Telekinetic communication aside, I picked Psyduck because Psyduck is awesome. Interaction has been limited lately aside from my own personal escapades, but nonetheless.
  35. The Introvert

    the internet enables us to transform or project ourselves into artworks

    Perhaps the INFJs just pick avatars that can be interpreted many different ways? Or rather, they choose avatars that are, for the most part, wholly representative of some ideal or some image (consciously so or not) that they wish to portray. So, rather than changing to fit their mood, what...
  36. The Introvert

    the internet enables us to transform or project ourselves into artworks

    I agree with this: There are these things called art and music and general existence (among others)into which we can project or transform ourselves. More specifically on the avatar discussion: Although I haven't the greatest amount of experience with this as this is the only forum I...
  37. The Introvert

    Hello world, I want to play a game

    When I saw this I spit up my drink from laughter.
  38. The Introvert

    *poke* The PM wasn't for naught, was it?

    *poke* The PM wasn't for naught, was it?
  39. The Introvert

    "Is this an amalgamation of fantasy and personal experience?" In short, yes. The plot itself...

    "Is this an amalgamation of fantasy and personal experience?" In short, yes. The plot itself (at least so far) is inspired by my own experiences. However, much of the story is embellished with fancy talk. Do you write much? If so, I would be interested in reading :cat:
  40. The Introvert

    For some reason, INTPs love INFJs... At least from my experience. And thank you! I try to be...

    For some reason, INTPs love INFJs... At least from my experience. And thank you! I try to be as detailed as possible without saying too much. There's a fine line between giving too much information and leaving the reader wanting more. It's easier on a forum because each post only needs to...
  41. The Introvert

    Thanks for the feedback on the "Encounters" thread. :) On an unrelated note, I see that you're...

    Thanks for the feedback on the "Encounters" thread. :) On an unrelated note, I see that you're an INFJ too. We should start an uprising and secretly take over the forum. Don't mind that this is a public VM...
  42. The Introvert

    On Problem Solving

    I don't doubt that. Most of this was written without much guidance from myself or thought. I'm interested in Ne vs. Ni too. If I understand correctly, (concerning Ne/Ti bounce) it has shortest wavelength and frequency because it's a direct interaction between the two? If so, then basically...
  43. The Introvert

    On Problem Solving

    Beginnings They always say that starting is the hardest part. Whoever they are, they seem to know what they’re talking about. You get so wrapped up in a problem you don’t even know where it begins – or where you should start to unwind it. Everything looks like one continuous...
  44. The Introvert

    A Farewell

    Hello fellow forumites, The time has come for me to bid thee all farewell. Perhaps a homecoming is in the stars for the future, but until then I'll be cutting off my access to this place, at least for a while. I might post my work sporadically in a thread I've created (or perhaps will create...
  45. The Introvert

    INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home.

    Lol'ed at this post. Good work :king-twitter:
  46. The Introvert

    Composing a piece for the piano

    I like it. It's neat how you incorporate bits of other pieces into your compositions. Keep up the good work :)
  47. The Introvert

    Wonka's Street Corner Preaching (split from Degrees of Freedom)

    If God controls all then why does He create people without giving them a chance? By your logic, everything that happens ever is the result of God's will. Why is it, then, that He wills people to not believe and be eternally damned? How does a loving God intentionally create people just to...
  48. The Introvert

    let's type the characters of book "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"

    Need to read it first :c It's on the list.
  49. The Introvert

    I Demand a Formal Debate

    I'm deciding whether I should delve into the world of Plato, James Joyce, or (retro)viruses. Perhaps two of the three. I'll keep you updated (this thread will eventually happen, so long as interested parties remain).
  50. The Introvert

    Ideas for a Better World

    Aristotle Plato :aufsmaul::angel01::cthulhu::segen:
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