Yeah, we've all been there. The solution is to learn to not really care very much. I mean you should care, in the sense that compassion is a rational course of action (or so I would argue), but learn not to really care on an emotional level. That shit'll just fuck you up. So many of people's problems could be solved if they just learned not to give a shit. Easier said than done, I admit (I think this generally occurs after experiencing severe extremes of an emotion and becoming desensitized to it, or with desensitizing due to age, perhaps).
See, here's part of the problem. People think that there are good emotions (joy, happiness, love, etc.) and bad emotions (fear, hate, wrath, etc.) when in fact all emotions are bad things. It's not just that they skew your judgment. I can't explain it fully right now (the epiphany isn't with me at the moment), but I'm more confident about this than I am about most things.
As an example, I almost started a thread once about the destructive power of fear and hope, and how hope is often viewed as a good thing when in fact it's equally as dangerous as fear. (fear and hope, in my view, sit at opposite ends of a spectrum [the spectrum being expectations]) Fear's destructive power is fairly obvious (I think), but what's always overlooked is that hope causes the same sort of emotional responses that fear does, it just does it in a different way (by indulging positivity instead of negativity). They're essentially the same emotion, temporarily useful (fear leading to avoiding danger, for example, or hope being used to alleviate suffering while awaiting a positive outcome), but if you let yourself experience them in anything beyond the slightest, most self-controlled way, that shit'll fuck you up and destroy your life. That's how it is with all emotions - temporarily useful if taken in the smallest of quantities, but otherwise to be avoided at all costs. They're like a poison, or a really horrible drug.
Damn, I really wish I'd actually started that thread now, when it was all still fresh in my mind. I was going to do it after I finished God of War 3, because so much of the dialogue focused on the concepts of Fear and Hope, and it really got me thinking about it (the game takes a very positive view of hope, "Hope is what makes us strong. ... It is what we fight with when all else is lost.", but it's wrong).
Anyway, my point is that all the so-called "positive emotions" are like that. They're no better than the "negative" ones, they're just more seductive and deceptive. So really, why should we want to unlock our emotional potential? We should try and find ways to cut that shit out at the source, IMO. Or control and limit them for our own uses, but that seems dangerous, like using performance enhancing drugs or something (I'm reminded of Bruce Lee's statement, "It needs emotional content," which I think is true, but it's basically using them in dilute form for that kind of enhancement - still very dangerous).
I realize I might sound a little crazy saying all this, but I really think it's true. So let me reiterate: