@cog: My favorite part of the chaos magic wiki has to be the photograph of the hooded figures skyping the other hooded figures. It's fantastic.
As far as gender stuff goes; basically I figure, as this is a forum where everything is written and you can take time between responses, I went with introducing myself using the weirder pronouns; unlike irl, you don't have to worry about conjugating in real time or any of those stressful things. I chose these ones because, while I tend to use "they" in most aspects of my life (else people freak out), there's something to be said for being able to control and edit your established ways of thinking. I certainly balked at odd pronouns at first but now I've really unlearned a lot of cisnormativity and it gets easier to respect people's personal choices because I don't assume anything. (It's one thing to say you don't assume, and another to struggle through actually unlearning it. Which is not to say I'm perfect, to be clear). I chose this set specifically because there's an aspect to "they" which is impersonal, and ze and hir are too close to the she/her set for my liking.
To me, agender is like, gender isn't even a question; like in a generic robot, or in an immortal space being, etc etc. My presentation tends to be more masc to offset my physical structure which tends to present as femme, but I'm not against femme. So in that way my presentation is sort of genderfluid. Part of me wants to be a sort of non-entity observer on all things, so I tend towards neutrality. There are a lot of exceptions to that but that feeling still exists.
To clarify, I don't idolize Crowley or follow his stuff to a T; just that, he's got some real interesting bits that currently I am exploring. Gotta springboard somewhere. (And the aesthetic of it all is a lot of fun. I'm an artist, I can't deny this is a thought I have~)
I haven't read/seen Blue Like Jazz, and it didn't come up during orientation. O-Week was mostly the school being like, "ok here is our honor principle: take care of each other and be safe" and then parading around naked and screaming and performing a symbolic something or other (some people forgot the chant and sort of mumbled so I'm not exactly sure what went down. It was a cool experience nonetheless). Also I think I played pathfinder in my dorm.
I love the people I live with most of all. Pretty much everyone here is really interesting: I'm friends with three other chaos magicians, and some wiccan twins; most everyone is some sort of queer, with a lot of trans kids and like 75% of my building is pansexual; I know one Sorcerer Supreme who wanders Portland at night feeding stray cats and he's the nicest person I've ever met; I just closed a theater thesis (I was the assistant director) that was basically an escape the room game in real life, with all sorts of security cameras and microphones and one person is a huge rabbit head; it just keeps going.
I also really appreciate the canyon. I grew up camping in the mojave desert a lot and going to the lake most summers, so there's something really grounding about the way the morning breeze blows over our Puddle here. I love walking through the canyon at night, careful not to slip through the mud, batting away spiderwebs and then you're out there and you're surrounded by trees and bushes and swamp and it's so
real; I love hopping the fence into the rhododendron gardens and watching the unfolding moon above us cast nutria shadows through the water-- or at least, that's what we hope those shapes must be.
Disliked? It's academically rough. I know a lot of people who are away on mental health leaves. There's something about this place that attracts kids with depression and other problems, and the classes are really hard. It takes a toll but we're all here for each other. This is one of the most supportive groups of people I've met.
I'm reading the wiki for Blue Like Jazz now and wow these quotes are fantastic?
My most recent faith struggle is not one of intellect. I don't really do that anymore. Sooner or later you just figure out there are some guys who don't believe in God and they can prove He doesn't exist, and some other guys who do believe in God and they can prove He does exist, and the argument stopped being about God a long time ago and now it's about who is smarter, and honestly I don't care.
Maybe it's something about the way Reed interacts with your insides, maybe not. I don't know. But something in me is changing, certainly; I was so INTP way back when I frequented this forum, and I was a self-proclaimed athiest etc etc and it was terrible. I'm not great but I have grown and that's what matters to me. My four year struggle with depression forced me to appreciate the significance of emotions and feelings and I feel myself either crossing the line that is INxP or maybe even transcending it; retaking the test proved to be horribly confusing and just incorrect, so I'm in favor of abandoning it as a self label for now is the right time in my life to do so. (The signature is leftover from way back when)
EDIT: Reading more about Blue Like Jazz now; Reed isn't as godless as these summaries make it out to be. There's a common brand of physics major that is the obnoxious athiest, but everyone refers to them as "that guy" in their conference and most of them grow out of it. It might be a generational thing. I don't know a lot of Christians here personally, but I have several Jewish friends and then a smattering of pagans. And I think there are a lot of theists, even if they don't subscribe to a particular religion.