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Search results

  1. pjoa09


    18 days to entrance exams. I am outta this bitch. IMMA BE LIKE A BUM. Maybe. I don't know. But fuck this. I am already so annoyed I am trying to get fired by acting like a big fucking dick. I am not trying to get banned here so excuse the swearing its just. MANNN Could you imagine if you...
  2. pjoa09

    Broken INTP?

    Damn, I have been around for a while.
  3. pjoa09


  4. pjoa09

    How frequently do your emotions control your actions or thoughts?

    I agree, you make decisions in retaliation to your emotions or you make decisions to flow with your emotions. It has always been like rodeo for me.
  5. pjoa09

    What Are INTP's Passionate About?

    Re: What Are INTP's Passsionate About? Apathy. dayummmm
  6. pjoa09

    Why so interested in typology?

    That moment you feel you have been defined while reading an INTP personality description. That is all.
  7. pjoa09

    Do you watch porn?

    I am practically addicted to porn. See porn, dick in hand, alone, and it gets messy. I have worked on my art of searching the right material. There are just some parts that are just plain .gif quality repetitive. Sometimes imagination. I used to have hour long boners while reading mildly...
  8. pjoa09

    Yeah, labor is well paid out there. Ridiculous depreciation of cars too.

    Yeah, labor is well paid out there. Ridiculous depreciation of cars too.
  9. pjoa09

    I didn't answer to this? Or did I? SG is quite boring. Was there a long time ago. Was a vending...

    I didn't answer to this? Or did I? SG is quite boring. Was there a long time ago. Was a vending machine outrage. "A dollar for coke? U mad?". But yeah, I usually spend well into the 180 baht range because I just don't feel comfortable eating that usually. I live in Bangkok.
  10. pjoa09

    Asperger's, anyone? (Not me)

    An ailment is an exaggerated form of a personality characteristic. If you don't like to talk to people the exaggerated would be you are a mute. So its quite spectral. Maybe it is really a neanderthal thing.
  11. pjoa09

    What am I? (IxTP)

    I guess we iz juz intpz. I don't know if there is validity to the statement 'ISTPs take fun seriously'. I mean it's just an opinion but if it's true then well, we are not one of them.
  12. pjoa09

    Asperger's, anyone? (Not me)

    Wasn't Asperger's removed from the that DSM IV or something? That being said I think I am a little autistic. I obsess over specific interests, I don't talk much, I am awkward around people, apathetic often, had a stuttering issue, always wear the same clothes, and have social anxiety (a little).
  13. pjoa09

    What am I? (IxTP)

    Same here. I think I am IXTP too. I am constantly chasing thrills, engaging in physical activities, working out, playing basketball, driving fast, and ignoring subjects that I think I won't need in the future. There is one thing though, I have poor physical skills. I can't work with my hands...
  14. pjoa09

    An entire personality type must disappear - which one should it be?

    Agreed. They are rare for a reason.
  15. pjoa09

    Day Destroyers

    Hangovers. I just have to sleep them through. Sundays are destroyed. On Sundays I just can't get out of the house even though I just have my phone with me when I am at home. Masturbating in the morning. A fuck-this-shit moment. Actually, really everyday seems somewhat wrecked...
  16. pjoa09


    nomadic murderfucker
  17. pjoa09

    I am stupid

    Start treating your life like you hate it.
  18. pjoa09

    what is the most useless school subject

    redbaron Lucky bastard. If I did that I'd be dunking basketballs by now. Can you dunk though? How did you improve yours?
  19. pjoa09

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Ain't that a bitch.
  20. pjoa09

    INTPs and Astrology

    Oddly enough, I have big hands and I am tall. I did spend much of my time using my hand's size too, mostly in basketball and guitar. I used to play video games but I had to abandon it due to its time consuming nature, I could wind up playing for over 12 hours if I start and I am not even good at...
  21. pjoa09

    INTPs and Astrology

    High-five! No but really, I think there might be some correlation. Even being self-classified as an INTP I am different from other INTPs. Obviously we don't act and think the same. We aren't typical INTPs. Maybe I am molding my image to suit the astrology but I think I can relate to...
  22. pjoa09

    Infatuation and sexual desires

    I think it's your brain telling itself that you could possibly have sex with an attractive individual and make children. So you try and fail or succeed.
  23. pjoa09

    Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    I don't think autism should be diagnosed unless if it's really severe. It's good to be geeky about a particular topic. It's not necessary that everyone has to fit in. We just need to feel comfortable being different. Being labelled just works against that.
  24. pjoa09

    Forever confused??

    Hell no, we have a sucker for morality. ENTJ. Would have tried ENFP if you hated schedules. But that is as far as I can even go. ENTJ. ENTJ for sure.
  25. pjoa09

    Thailand, I am a national. However, all my ancestry is Indian so I am essentially by blood...

    Thailand, I am a national. However, all my ancestry is Indian so I am essentially by blood Indian. How about you?
  26. pjoa09

    wine help

    I only dig sparkling white wine. I hate the damned corks though. I can never get them off properly for the life of me. Often the cork is crumbling before hand.
  27. pjoa09

    What's your favorite number?

    I still do. It doesn't seem so cool anymore.
  28. pjoa09


    Don't worry, I'll try in Mumbai. Something ought to be cheap there. Actually, I think you can rock a good snack there at least.
  29. pjoa09


    I am already in a developing country and I enjoy the local food. It's a dollar. Fuck 10 cents? Can't get that shit.
  30. pjoa09


    Ok. sorry. BUT yeah I am getting fairly immature. I wanna be 5 again. PISS AND SHIT EVERYWHERE. Not even get disturbed by it. I wanna be a hobo. FUCK MY JOB SERIOUSLY /rant #yolo lots of other hashtagged shit. i wanna be a tree. lol wtf trolol
  31. pjoa09

    Help Me Decide What To Do With My Life!

    +1 The only reason they say do what you love is because you need to persevere. You can't have a fuck-this-shit attitude for your job. Once you do you know you need to quit or you'd be wasting your time. Just don't do something you can imagine yourself burning out on.
  32. pjoa09

    What's your favorite number?

    3,8,13,15,23,88 I like tits.
  33. pjoa09

    The Bachelor INTP

    +1 LOL
  34. pjoa09

    Baby apparently cured of HIV

    That is quite literally fucking insane? I hope it follows through. Amazing man. It's amazing that now there will be children living their lives with no bearing of others mistakes. I mean we can actually now see a day where AIDS will be eradicated.
  35. pjoa09

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    I tend to twirl my hair often when thinking or a little anxious.
  36. pjoa09

    5 Psych Disorders Have Common Genetics

    That explains a lot, I have symptoms of ADHD-PI, autism, and I occasionally get very low. I am pretty sure I don't have Timothy syndrome, I haven't died yet. My aunt is a schizophrenic too.
  37. pjoa09

    My Brain Kills Itself

    I don't really know why but that's pretty much the funniest thing I've ever heard on this forum. I really actually laughed out loud.
  38. pjoa09

    Google Glass open to Creatives

    u is jus jealus dat u aint gettin 1 Auburn Do you always say 'aye'? I thought it was an expression that only my friends used.
  39. pjoa09

    Cuntfase McFucknugget

    What a bright creative individual. Embarrassingly, I reached to the bottom of the page without skimming.
  40. pjoa09

    Vivian Maier

    I think a portrait photographer sort of uses his camera as a social equipment and that makes me uncomfortable in most circumstances. I don't dare put up photos of anyone usually. If its an object of desire I can imagine it can be intriguing to some. If you photograph food you will achieve...
  41. pjoa09

    How often do you abandon internet forums?

    This is the only forum I have ever contributed to. Otherwise I just pop around forums to ask technical questions and sometimes rant a little bit. This is the only place where I have been personally involved completely and actually post on a regular basis.
  42. pjoa09


    The Famous INTPs thread that you created then had a lot of disagreeable judgments on a lot of celebrity types. Well, you did stand by a lot of your typings that a lot of people disagreed with.
  43. pjoa09

    Vivian Maier

    Wow. I didn't really focus on the people. They simply looked like they were mocking fashion magazines at first. I'd say the pole was there on purpose to disturb and allow us to empathize with their tiredness and frustration. I notice many photos that are considered excellent have a lot of...
  44. pjoa09


    How about your string of threads full of disagreeable MBTI typing? She shows no nostalgia or tradition. Or desire to control. You know what it is now.
  45. pjoa09

    Vivian Maier

    How do we even judge who is a good photographer? I have always been profoundly amused at what is considered as good photo versus a bad one. Often I look at my own photos and say to myself "bad ass" and that is as far as the appreciation for photography goes.
  46. pjoa09

    Google Glass open to Creatives

    Put missiles and machine guns on a supersport motorbike and use the glasses as target locking device. But I suspect the whole eyeball sensing thing might take a little while. Oh well, I bet getting away with murder and hit-and-run would be incredibly more difficult. Fixing things, building...
  47. pjoa09

    all INTPs are squeaky and insecure

    I thought testosterone determined that.
  48. pjoa09

    come at me brah

    u mirin brah?
  49. pjoa09


    LOL It's Ink's MBTI.
  50. pjoa09

    Banning Mods

    Kuu Everyone who gets banned is warned multiple times right? Do banned members get to beg for acceptance again if they have been permanently banned? Just asking because most bans I have seen were really out of the blue. Except intpz, he/she had issues and a poor understanding of MBTI.
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