Thanks a lot.
All this time I didn't notice it, thought you did a little hack there, and now I am staring at all the "Dispay"s I can.
It's strange I didn't notice it all this time.
I don't know I am more concerned about how safe is riding a motorcycle.
Where do you live?
I was tempted between a motorbike and a coupe. Determining that I was in a place where riding is pretty damn dangerous I opted not to.
What bike are you getting?
What about all the ISTPs and ISFPs?
They utilize Se a lot and that means that they should be less sensitive to dopamine. Or are they as sensitive as the rest of the introverts but like to perfect their sensory experience?
If you don't like it then pull out and spray it all over their ass.
It's really tough but once you do that, somewhere in the orgasm you'll have an idea what to do. Just free yourself from the situation. At least for a brief moment.
Obviously Ni hit the nail on the head. Truth is that people are only sexually attracted to people who have the best genes to survive in the wild and that includes the ability to produce a muscular and large physique.
But Ni would have to have objective references for a subjective observation...
Mostly because I still doubt my secondary preferences and I just hook on to whatever I think can help me decide. So when I decided I was a very intuitive ISTP a piece of information suggesting I am INTP is being presented. Obviously, I'd jump and bite.
How does one make a discovery with...
If people say I look stoned then I must be having the stoner look. What else could the stoner look be.
Whether Math is observable or abstract is still questionable. Besides, who the fuck gives a shit about all the species we have on this planet? What's the real use? Lots of things we study...
You have a compulsive undying thought to put your hand in flame for more than 30 seconds?
But no seriously, I like Elliot's perspective of life and I like heading down that path.
Yes, I wake up sometimes super excited to play with my new toy only to double check and realize it was a dream.
When shit in real life gets really bad then I wonder if it's just a nightmare and I am asleep.
Oh c'mon, then I am definitely some sort of intuitive. The amount of of times people have commented that I look stoned or high is just incredible. They said it so many times I started to believe that their happened to be a mutation in me that resulted in excess 'stoner' look inducing hormone...
I hate it when someone on Instagram takes a selfie and comments #yolo on it.
It'd be outrageously uncool to comment #carpediem. It also sucks to go around yelling Latin phrases when those two words are pretty much the extent of your vocabulary.
all day
every fucking day.
But really its just Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech in 2005 that I always watch when I feel like I am headed the wrong path or if I need some motivation.
Android has a horrible user interface. Trying to find an application you just downloaded is like trying to find a book in a random stack of books. Shortcuts after shortcuts and a never ending widgets page full of random crap information. It just looks ugly to start with.
The Windows Phone...
What the fuck is up with Apple.
Fucking goddamn piece of shit android looking UI as well now.
I mean where has the line gone that distinguishes a piece of shit and Apple?
Fucking android whores.
The one dependable thing you can buy and expect it to work perfectly is now chasing the look of...
I guess that makes programming an introverted activity for the most part. Can't see how Te would be good at it.
I would have presumed they are best suited as managers.
Skiing and baseball are far too dangerous for my taste.
The ISTP forum nearly thought I was ENTP when I posted there. I also haven't bothered playing basketball since 3 years ago.
Really confusing stuff. ISTPs are awesome though, they take their fun seriously and that is a really good thing.I wonder where that takes them.
Do your ISTP coworkers...
Same here.
I have very detailed expectations of the future.
I imagine how it'd be and try to make my decision based on that but it never seems to hit the mark with social outings. Sometimes I imagine them to be fantastic and they wind up poor and sometimes I imagine they'd be a drab but...
Topics like these really make me wonder if I am ISTP or INTP.
I used to be addicted to basketball and as Architect pointed out it is a lot of brute force really. Not much strategy just skills honed to perfection and the muscle definition to overcome resistance from other players.
I hated...
seriously hope so.
I have no known talents I am very sure I have ADHD-PI. I also have very asperger-ish symptoms.
But I don't know if it's appropriate to be on amphetamines and ritalin. Pretty soon they'd say get some crack and smoke it in class.
It's definitely a spectrum, some are just...
A genetical aptitude for the particular sport and Se as primary or secondary.
i.e : Michael Jordan
nuff said.
SJs as best in sports? dafuqisusmokin. Si is some traditionalist sentimental nostalgia. Keep them where you want things to be the same.
Maybe it's a lie that they will never break from. Okay, that sounded stupid.
I guess I am not adopted, just bored out of my mind making up conspiracy theories for myself.
But damn I am different mentally. Creepy shit.
This thread can rest in peace now.
Shouldn't there be some sort of relation between nurture, nature, and personality?
I am fairly unusually dark when everyone else in my family is light colored (my dad is just a tad dark but they said he was much lighter when young). I am the only one with a short thick lip and wavy hair. I am...
I have a nagging thought that I could be adopted.
The more I think about it the more I see intense personality differences between me and my family, extended family, and every ancestor I have.
However, I can see a few similar features between me and my mom but as far as I can tell they...
I practice photography through instagram as amateurish and undetermined as that sounds.
I play the guitar time to time but I haven't done actual deliberate practice ever. Maybe learn a few songs here and there but much of the time I am just working my fingers trying to find that tone.
I really...
Now I feel like a lazy bum. I cheated, I halfway quit my job. I guess I did find a way to make it happen.
Your full time job isn't satisfying? Mind sharing the side projects briefly?
I'd love to have the life of the guy in Law Abiding Citizen without all the traumatic events and stuff...
I guess a job as an accountant kept him less miserable.
I tried studying while I was working. It's really damn hard. Work constantly spills into study time and burnouts at work could just wash it all off for months.
I have only declined a few invitations to parties.
I always regret not going.
Every time I don't go something always goes down and I regret not being there.
I don't know how healthy it is to analyze. For me it's always painful to analyze because I always ruminate over what if I did go there...
I have always hated Volkswagens after my brother's insistence on a 1996 Vento for the family. Had things going wrong all the time and drank fuel like it had a hole in the tank. Do you work on them on your own or get the work done elsewhere?
I presume Spanish speaking countries deal with...
I made an account at p0wersurge and I pmed murd3r, he then sent me a rather short pm in return. Unfortunately, in the midst of a hastily made complicated password that I forgot and still can't recover even after successfully requesting for it on my email, I can't access that pm...
Solitaire U.
Old is before everyone engaged in cold-hearted profit and loss. Old is before companies tried to engage in price cuts. Old is before the recession, old is when companies were trying to build a name with quality.
Old is trusted and understood technology. Old has been...
Architect I hope calculus isn't expected to be instinctual. Haven't touched that stuff yet. Oh well, I'll see how it works out. Not looking to be a mathematician anyways. To go professional in sports or music requires intense dedication well before 18. Hardly anyone goes F1 if they haven't been...
Why do you consider age as a factor? Is there a physical neurological development that hinders people from gaining that intuitive ability in math past 18 years old?
I have always been horrible at mathematics and yet admired people who are good at it. On top of that I hear the ideal...
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