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Search results

  1. The Albums of yer Eyesocketball

    Hello forum, might be a thread like this one but this one is better because you are reading it. Brain of mine has sought certain... standards of music of late due to a descent into art-induced a-metaphysical auto-erotic asphyxia. Whole albums make good listening when walking the legs or...
  2. The mysterious dot

    Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! Aaaaaah! Friends. Romans, the sky falls upon our heads!!
  3. Where did humans go wrong?

    Man kills mammoth big hairy animal in pre-history. "O how wonderful it would be to be one with nature once more" Cave bear devours man. Man gives cow free food and protection from disease and other predators, then slaughters it. "Oh how savage man is for keeping an animal prisoner and then...
  4. Thoughts on How to Shut Down a Salesperson

    Jump up and down waving your arms while chanting "Help me, Help me, I am being oppressed by the capitalist system!" Then run down the street/through the office shouting "Treason! Treason! Flee good folk, for the salesmen layeth siege upon our fair city!" If they pitch by phone, ask questions...
  5. Yeah brew, how's it going brew?

    I am currently waiting for a shabbily embarked upon marula beer batch to see the light of day, and recalling a specific member of this forum mentioning the brewing of toilet wine some time ago, I pose the question of whether any of you have experience with brewing alcohol, whether as profession...
  6. I know this isn't normal

    Eh lots of stuff and far too lackluster to detail delve, basically what I'm saying: If you see something through and it does help you, maintain course. External absolutes need not apply if you know you are improving or getting to a place that you quite fancy. This is one interesting thing about...
  7. I know this isn't normal

    My ignorance in science aside, it worked for me to abstain. Artificially simulating frequent intercourse goes against the basic precepts of mammalian biology and evolutionary meaning, we once got an old dachshund from townfolk that humped pillows and bit children, I still bear one of its scars...
  8. I know this isn't normal

    For me killing is acceptable if it achieves something constructive for the individual or a community of them . Serial killers are to killing what masturbation is to raising a family: A revelry in the attainment of pleasure as opposed to the construction or preservation of something that can last...
  9. I know this isn't normal

    I am no psychiatrist but I have a few questions that might help you, or might not. Brainy things like these are wibbly wobbly and the questions I ask below may miss the mark completely. Either way, if you are honest, a framework is at least set. These behaviors are for the most part...
  10. Forum Change in Direction

    {A long post this has turned out to be. I don't expect our overlords to answer all the questions, that choice is yours) This all seems noble and any attempt at change merits a pat on the head from me, but will this not need almost constant policing? --How will you measure the efficacy of...
  11. Understanding Ni

    Ni is an impermeable preamble to higher planes of cognitive repetition.
  12. Did i find the meaning of life?

    Let me put it simply: We are apes. Primates. The meaning of our lives is to pass on our genetic code. We have however become complex enough that some units have decided that passing on the genetic code is old beans and all that, therefore minecraft, music, philosophy, forums or whatever else ye...
  13. Wombats are spying on you

  14. Untimely Death Premonitions

    In my experience dying young is experienced by warriors, the morbidly obese or the tragically unlucky (fetuses excluded ofc, limbo is another realm entirely) If the first applies to you, exciting life, angelic applause, candle metaphor. If the second, stop stuffing your face with gunk and...
  15. Odd INTP habits?

    Kipper kalahoon da flagrantrafantisms . Muoogldedoc 698256388106 dor vanjarikskara og boedervloeg, og kukumakakranka, og halibutus rex! In summary, I like to make no sense over the internet, it gives me an identity to cling to and hold dear to me heart and also has the added bonus of rank...
  16. /r/sorceryofthespectacle

    Amusing stuff good find much thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzNeg9D-EZ4 can't stop watching that video (o).<
  17. Please Help

    Read aloud. Talk to strangers: Car park attendants, security guards and beggars usually have time. Well... they might also have English as their second or third language, but at least it practices the oratory bones and lessens any irrational stick-ups when it comes to hollering at yer fellow...
  18. Will humanity someday create "gods"?

    To create a universe-making god one must first create a universe...? If elementary physics allows some loopholes around our biological limitations, we may very well become closer unto the collective conception of a god, leaving behind our humanity like history left behind the dinosaurs. From...
  19. Why are many Chinese so extreme?

    I have never been to China, so I have no idea whether the state you imply exists. I did live with three older Chinese people for a year though, and they seemed normal enough. Definitely more pragmatic than most other cultures I have encountered, though I must admit that the language barrier...
  20. I'm done

    Good for you, eschewing a collective of primates due to moral flabbermagobbers. I do hope other planes of existence give you the chance to cling onto your precious sanity. If ever you do find yourself banging your head against a wall and listening to hick-hop, the forum will always be here, a...
  21. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  22. Chess

    Hmmm, recently re-entered the world of this frivolous sport. https://en.lichess.org/ I highly recommend this site for playing, it also has darker theme option which the internet for some reason does not employ as default, choosing to scorch our eyes whilst absorbing our souls. Also, the...
  23. Uninteresting introduction with boring title

    Welcoming response coupled with the asking of humorous questions, thus showcasing an inclination towards a hazing mindset which throughout the ages have been used by the social unit to ensure that a new organism can be of benefit and poses no immediate danger to available resources, communal...
  24. People Making Jokes Around Me

    Just smile and laugh along. Some humans may be conniving bastards picking at the tattered strands of your mask, but if you act jovial at their jests the way social units perceive you will change. More often than not people who jest without malice are more interesting people to be around, for...
  25. Water and Earth - Stabilizers (Islam)

    Water is the million-faced jackal. From the tap it sparkles, in the tree's hollow it festers, in the sauna it swirls and soothes and in the ocean it roars. Forms in ice and steam and stream it travels the globe with its being always changing yet still always the same. Earth is the transmutable...
  26. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  27. A Growing Vocabulary

    Morganatic: Of or being a legal marriage between a person of royal or noble birth and a partner of lower rank, in which it is agreed that no titles or estates of the royal or noble partner are to be shared by the partner of inferior rank nor by any of the offspring of the marriage.
  28. Choose (for fun)

    I choose two and choose, or choose choose and two for that matter. I did consider choosing a triangle and a white background, or two white areas inside and outside the triangle, or two white circles inside the o's, or two h's or p's, but then I decided to choose two and choose. Furthermore I...
  29. These cords

    Skypish thing with less hassle, a darker background, ability to create threads/channels and so forth. A skype/irc lovechild perhaps describes it aptly, though others who have actual experience with it may offer greater insight. https://discordapp.com/
  30. These cords

    I have very recently started exploring Discord and I find its functionality and so forth to be acceptable. So I've set up a bare-bones server, before continuing though I want to know whether an intpforum discord thingy would gain traction. I also wish to know whether one or two of you would...
  31. The Ultimate Collection of Webcomics

    Bruno the Bandit A fantasy setting but with modern themes such as the net, vacuum cleaners, reality television shows, the media in all its depravity and so forth. It gets almost too corny(and punny...) at times, but later on the stories feature truly unexpected plot twists. On occasion it also...
  32. (SERIOUS) If we got rid of all the bad things in this world?

    @OP: Those before me have raised interesting points and while I do not ascribe to the simply good and bad schools of thought, I may entertain your premise with a few hypotheticals of my own: Let us assume vegans become masters of all and to use animals for food is forbidden, it never occurs...
  33. I'm exposing myself

    Share your compromising dossiers and implicate the ruling elite and the oppidan masses in a broiling scandal that ultimately changes nothing but amuses some. Or be welcomed and continue about your business. In terms of questions, would you assent to getting castrated if the price was right...
  34. Humans are earth's cancer

    @OP: Just months ago I held views almost identical to yours, having no objection to extreme measures to enforce a sustainable human mode of existence, much like those espoused in the Utopia series of humans being filmed talking. (EDIT: I must add that I would still support less humans, simply...
  35. Death to Trump!

    Hallo human : P This forum is too quiet, feel free to shout and rant and smoke some aardvarks from their hidey holes. Tangentially but shifting to yer clickbait heading, I recently devised a reason for why Trump should be president. Politically and morally he is unfit to be emperor, but...
  36. Drones

    Cars with an extra dimension, their broader usage will most likely develop in a similar vein. More versatile incarnation of RC planes One extra use, I recall your amazon corp saying they will use drones for delivery... searching... might have been denied/approved by some or other FAA or...
  37. Authentic living

    Authenticity? How do you equate this term with the biological process of being? How can one's life be fake if one is alive, if life is what it is it is by default authentic. By what possible criteria would you judge authenticity? Do you intend to use non-distinct swirly-whirley terms such as...
  38. i just wnna fuking die

    I'm not presuming to speak for nofriends, but this is an interesting question to answer from my perspective. I do not value a strong will per se(many do though), I merely value the will to do something and then do it, a moderate will? instead of a weak will. Gives instinctual pleasure to will...
  39. i just wnna fuking die

    It is not my purpose to give meaning to your life. I do agree with comfort breeding weakness though, if not reigned in or balanced it does soften the will and the body.
  40. Should I start smoking cigarettes

    If you become addicted, it's hard to stop unless you strongly will it or simply run out of funds. That being said, I recommend smoking a pipe over cigarettes. In this country at least pipe tobacco is far cheaper than cigarettes(Average of about R27 for a packet of cigs, whereas R22 of cheap...
  41. The Random Thoughts Thread

    .............is this not an expected occurrence during dusk and dawn? Not sure about the nature of yer weather and light absorption in the isles, but such colourations are quite commonplace if one is outside at the appropriate time.
  42. Bronto's ban

    Even if we want bronto back, he's gorn. If the mods decide to rescind a ban, that creates a scenario where the populace has gained greater influence, thereby affecting mod bargaining power and authority. I am not sure whether the minority or the majority want bronto back, but in the end, life...
  43. Bronto's ban

    For some reason I read all bvanery's posts in the voice of the 'wabbit' hunter in them there looney tunes. (Ah Elmer something) [Ooh a spanish version] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAZ8W6rW1UM
  44. Party Thread

    mandatory maggot meringue manifests malevolent mania so said soothsayers sorrily, soppily: all passes onward evermore to new to old to same, death is life as life strives to create life through death, despite death and for death. Death then is life as well.
  45. Bronto's ban

    Hmmm the internet needs more cat-walking-away-from-explosion pictures. Silly humans, wasting their time on curing diseases and saving orphans from landmines when they can be pursuing this higher art.
  46. Bronto's ban

  47. Bronto's ban

    Propagation of Wennyjocky clones as far as my mind kens
  48. Bronto's ban

  49. Bronto's ban

    *harumph* Hear hear! I officially second this motion, even if it is a futile action in itself due to the overall power structure.
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