I should also say that I don't give a fuck, as it were, about anything but my family, my best friend, and trying to channel my strengths into socially adaptive pursuits.
Be careful with this. 'Channel my strengths into socially adaptive pursuits'. Sounds interesting, but don't be too naive in this. What I mean is, when you sit at home thinking about better society and stuff, it can be fun for you but it is kind of useless if it doesn't reach the rest of the world. You won't randomly get a nobel prize and dozens of bitches for it. Nor is it your duty to save the world.
In fact, the main reason I started adressing social skills a few years ago was that I had the impression back then of the dumb superficial masses keeping the smart people down, by conspiring and manipulating. So I thought I needed to master the manipulating as well in order to get anything done. By now I know there is a difference between the two. But I'd keep recommending: 'First learn how to be an asshole, only when you're getting good at it learn to make good moral judgments'.
(good and famous read: dr. Robert Glover-no more mr. Nice Guy: a proven guide to get what you want in love, sex and life. I and others once had a related problem as well, which you might encounter, and is answered
here )
So instead of only 'channeling your strenghths', you must definetely identify and adress your weaknesses as well. You won't get along with everyone, but still the number of people you could get along with is not too small.
By the way, I don't know how your friendship is in practice. But for your own sake, don't suffocate your friend. I know from experience, that if someone rather 'outcasty' has a best friend, the friendship could become somewhat assymetric, especially if this friend is a somewhat popular person. I'm not saying this is the case for you, but it could. And this risk also explains why you should expand your circle.
And yes, your parents obviously want you to make a family, because that's how natural selection has hardwired people. But it also means, even from your ancestors' perspective, that your succes should be more important than theirs.