If you don't develop yourself intellectually, life is not worth living.
If you don't develop yourself, life is not worth living
Life is worth living if you develop yourself
Truth: life is unconditional.
Life is worth living.
Simple statement:
Life is life / life is living
The way to life is to focus on what is most worthy to you of existence, your supreme experiences.
Any experience given a signifier "not" as in "not to be done" is a false signifier, a barrier to be overcome.
When in your life have you had a profound experience which to you signifies the sanctity of life?
Was there a reason you feel that this moment should not have occurred?
Yet it signifies life, so gives itself meaning.
For example, your moment of supreme intellectual discovery, or one such moment that you can imagine, shows such a display of the sanctity of life.
Yet, this moment is given sanctity simply by the experience which occurred, and is given sanctity once more simply via the act of imagining it.
The obligation towards the intellectual implies in itself a barrier towards the acceptance of life.
Through acceptance, intellectual development will be an enjoyable pursuit.
Many pursuits are enjoyable, and show their worth through how they are experienced to you yourself.