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Search results

  1. Get rid of PaulMaster

    Based on my past experiences with you I'd assume you are both backseat bullshitting and playing the part.
  2. Forum Mafia Game #2

    Okay, I know intuitive readings are not very convincing but I totally don't get why you have brought anything personal into this game right now so this makes me even more conscious of you. (If you're serious then please PM me because I'm kind of surprised at your reaction. Also our reactions...
  3. Forum Mafia Game #2

    Curious, how's that and why do you think that? I think we have some affinity for understanding each other's points so I assume you don't mean I will distract you in a negative way?
  4. Forum Mafia Game #2

    *Moves in town* 3 post in 24 hours seems like a lot, I'll try to manage with what time I have. Seriously, there's so much activity and I can't read it all, well whatevs. There were two very active dynamics going on, first was Jenny Zerkalo Helvete and Urakro and the second was RB Hado and...
  5. Computer/internet stuff

    I often cringe when I see arguments to randomness. They are not some random people, you can educate yourself on their work, on the safety of the os and software and you can protect yourself after you know what needs to be done. Protection is rarely fully proof, it's mostly a personal consensus...
  6. Get rid of PaulMaster

    Howdy there, mr social status warfare. Are you paranoid or just insecure? Perhaps chatbox users are now a part of your scheme?
  7. Get rid of PaulMaster

    Then you should revisit since there are plenty of new blue hues to choose from now.:cat: ...Oh I see, you are the neon blue type person.
  8. Computer/internet stuff

    If you're expecting people to be receptive and helpful towards you in the future, you need to drop your silly pretense and negativity oozing from your tone and unreasonable expectations. I can't help you since I'm using pc/software related forums in my native language. I remember using...
  9. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Too much angst/posing 5.5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35235rr3WQs
  10. How one type of intelligence correlates with the individual's intelligence in other fronts

    Something, let's call it EQ or social intelligence. Some capacity that still hasn't been properly isolated or understood by the sciences and so it leaves us using popular psychological terminology. It's rather obvious and common sense to say that some have high 'general-something' and do well...
  11. Learning Math is Boring

    It's almost as if you expect others to make life interesting for you. Much of the structured education discourages, the key lies in maintaining curiosity and incentives on your own.
  12. Could imagination in fact be memories ?

    The idea is both circular and trippy, I found it in some fantasy novel I read (so it means that sometime in the past the origin of it had to influence the author of that book, lol this is so infinitely post-modern). I can see authors using it to seem fresh with their repackaging of overused...
  13. How one type of intelligence correlates with the individual's intelligence in other fronts

    I'd agree that there's a correlation that highly skilled and smart also excel or do well in other areas, but I'd disagree it's due to the pursuing of their mastery or interests, it has more to do with their mental capacity and constructive experiences in the past.
  14. USB sticks

    You sound like a virgin. If you are trying to do something risky on the net you need a good firewall with custom port blocking and maybe a multi-step proxy ip service, forget about usb's and try to learn about the topic a bit more. Back in the olden days people used to set up their firewalls on...
  15. Split from trolley problem: The value of HR testing

    You focus on the opposing perspective too much and you ignore your own position and side, probably because it's more familiar and therefore you find that you don't need to represent it fairly or accurately. I sorta agree with your thinking, assuming I were to wear the shoes of yet another...
  16. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    5.5/10 had to use proxy to view it, region restricted video. Superb animation/feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQgXeY_zi4&t=1m52s
  17. Split from trolley problem: The value of HR testing

    You're forgetting to distinguish the generic malcontents from the critical and constructive employees who are willing to put effort behind their desired changes, but who are otherwise restricted or ignored.
  18. Theme Song²

    Maybe you stop shoving capitalism in other people's faces and polarising the argument by using misrepresentation and generalisations. Because obviously every single pro-social policy leads to holodomor and has to be called 'socialist'. If you were more knowledgeable about this issue you'd know...
  19. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Because you drop a hyperlink marking when parsing inside the spoiler. If you edit your post again and use insert link on a white text link to make it blue (hyperlinked) again, then it will work. Fixed your post.
  20. 5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    5 I can think of now Arjen Anthony Lucassen (composition/progressive metal) Keith Emerson (keyboard/synthesizer) Modest Mussorgsky (composition/romantic period) Ludwig van Beethoven (composition/romantic period) Keith Jarrett (piano)
  21. The Math Thread

    Secant and cosecant functions are 1/cos and 1/sin respectively. If you're going to merge them together you can do so describing either of them as the other with a pi/2 period added/subtracted without the need of involving inverses of them so I kind of don't follow your reasoning.
  22. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Very nice vocals / overall feel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBBSQSUH954
  23. The Math Thread

    Joking.(You didn't get it) Peace.
  24. The Math Thread

    Following my suggestion of doing the substitution: Let t = tan x/2, then without loss of generality one can describe the relations as such: After simplifying terms: It becomes apparent that we can rely on partial fraction decomposition now: Returning the results into the equation gives...
  25. The Math Thread

    As you can see there are trigonometric functions in the denominator so first it would be a good idea to rely on integration by substitution. In this case I suggest tangent half-angle substitution.
  26. The Math Thread

    Yes, it's very simple if you were taught how to approach it. It's pure algebra, no analysis involved. There are definitely much more difficult integrals out there, though there's little ingenuity involved in solving any of them. Mathematical proofs and concrete problems worded in mathematics...
  27. The Math Thread

    Haha :), don't sweat this one... it's rather (relatively) difficult, it's an indefinite integral (prime antiderivative) I was going to leave it until (probably) tannhauser showed up and tried to do it, I wasn't feeling particularly creative to come up with a more widely approachable and mentally...
  28. Theme Song²

    12 years since I first heard it and I'm still strongly identifying /relating with / to this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzws87RmV3M
  29. The Math Thread

    x - x + y - y + 3z - z = 600 - 400 2z = 200 z = 100 x+y=300
  30. What is authenticity?

    Not at all, at least I wouldn't think so. He was trying to show that young guy that he's still young and impressionable and he doesn't really know what he wants or stands for, though given he had made a commitment of this magnitude he had to receive some answer so Ignatius told him to be...
  31. Share your Enneagram.

    It doesn't fit me very well. I see myself between 5 and 6, maybe 5w6. From this tritype site I could be 541 or 5/641. The description of a 5 fits me fully but there are parts of the description of a 6 that also fit me. 4 is a mixed match with 2 and I have bits and pieces of a 9 an 8 and most of 1.
  32. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    4.6/10 Too seamless and unimpressive, almost fell asleep. Ignore the pretentious video: https://youtu.be/vsINANZ6Riw?t=31
  33. Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    There's a number of ones that can do it, depending on my inner melancholy.
  34. Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    You're on to something. I think the freaky part about the alien was having 'it' grow inside and then break out. Some similar themes in ghost busters (possession) and all that fantasy 'geas' and charms all seemed uncanny at the time. Not sure why, I read a lot more "serious" books and somehow I...
  35. Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    Film doesn't affect me negatively these days. When I was younger 7-9 y/o I saw the Fly and the Alien. I didn't see the whole "Fly" film (I managed to sneak a peek when the tv was on and nobody around), only the bit when the scientist teleported when a fly was in the other booth and he began...
  36. Questions

    The politics and faith/spirituality section were made member only so as to avoid attracting combative individuals from 4chan, reddit and all angry corners of the internet just waiting to proselytise and argue about their worldview or beliefs ad nauseam. Setting them as member only made all...
  37. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  38. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Interesting setting for a rap/electro song. 7.5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmsP4DjCkU8
  39. Why do we find things aesthetically pleasing/find beauty in non-sexual objects?

    I don't think every element of human existence can or should be explained with regard to evolutionary advantage, fitness and sexual attraction. There are certainly traits that neither help nor harm and some that only can be analysed with regards to multiple processes or society. Aesthetics are...
  40. Bans

    Cherry Cola, 7 day temp ban for his disgusting vice.
  41. Spelling and Bans

    If you grossly misspell "please ban me" and it looks oddly similar to an existing porn link you could say many people have been banned this way. What are the odds though :p?
  42. Alien implants can be repurposed

    Earth is an alien nature preserve so it makes sense they mark specimens of particular interest. They maintain enough disbelief in their presence that any attempts at reverse engineering their technology or discovering them will be ignored and laughed at. Once we see too much they'll treat us to...
  43. Choose one of the two lesser evils.

    I'll be a pragmatic realist and I'll daydream about taking a power nap and eating cherry pie. This will be the most idealised universally evil non-event ever.
  44. What do you guys do to pass time?

    Depends, I usually hide in a corner, talk to a friend and in the absence of both and assuming I have to stay on a party for some bizarre reason I will be reading a book and possibly hang around the entrance, or take a walk outside and come back when they're closing. It doesn't feel awkward, it...
  45. Why do people drink alcohol?

    I think it's sad that people don't know what to say or how to behave in more intimate and private situations. They are afraid of being genuine or opening themselves. Alcohol is the autopilot solution to this fear. It gives a socially acceptable excuse to step out of formalities and make a few...
  46. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Fixed your link. Nice and calm song ^_^. Apologies if it scared you, admittedly it's a dark piece.
  47. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I don't like how so many modern english american singers sound the same. Their voices are so similar. 5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0RDmFMNluk
  48. Biological determinants of crime and broader social phenomena

    Re: Biological causes of crime Interesting read, I think most health/lifestyle affecting detriments increase the stress levels and correlate with crime. I wouldn't be surprised if studies shown correlative decrease in crime after people moved out of the city, moved to a cleaner environment...
  49. Breakthrough Starshot

    Good to hear they are thinking of doing it. Theoretically they have a window of 20000 years before aCentauri system starts receding from the Sun. Currently it's 4.3 ly and will approach solar system up to 3.2 light years so it makes sense to use this opportunity to study the 3 nearest stars...
  50. Bans

    Sinny91 and Brontosaurie temp banned for 7 days. Bronto for his continued aggression, vigilantism and insolent misdemeanour. Sinny91 for prolonged obfuscation, avoiding or detracting from constructive discourse, uncooperativeness and disrespect for other users.
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