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Search results

  1. slither.io

    I don't like that I don't see my tail, I guess that's intentional design. I have lags on firefox, though it shouldn't matter, host location is more important than browser settings.
  2. INTPs and dark humor

    Depends on the context. I tend to avoid it unless I know the person can take it. Sometimes it's annoying or disgusting when someone else does it. I don't have a preference for it, I'm simply so bad at english humor that I try to be funny whenever I see the opportunity, some things turn out to...
  3. slither.io

    They get recognition, they test their ideas, they might have some advertisement plan, they gather data which they can use to sell or implement in new net games, etc. It's not that expensive to set up a server and domain for people to play on and that's all it costs them. Not all projects are...
  4. slither.io

    Too laggy and jerky with a smaller field of view as downsides. Makes for a more random game than agar.
  5. Owning pets is immoral

    Is adopting a pet from a shelter to increase the happiness of both parties also immoral? I'm sensing an SJW trap in this thread.
  6. Space warfare

    I think you are conflating the fusion/fission energy release with the shock wave, which only occurs in atmospheric detonations. Neutron release is near-light speed accompanied by radiation but there are no shockwaves in space, so the damage potential is greatly lowered. There's no medium to...
  7. Does this logic hold up? Am I being an idiot?

    More valid in reference to what? Validity is a term describing a relation, you haven't defined it
  8. Space warfare

    I know about time dilation and length contraction, I'm not talking about our perspective, you still have to account for two separate reference frames so time becomes relevant as does the distance. Studying physics isn't required to understand relativity. I mean, it works if you match the...
  9. Space warfare

    I don't think that's how it works. C is the maximum causal dispersion speed of events, so this follows that most energetic events expand at c, but this doesn't freeze objects moving at 95% in time. Then again, you could adjust for it by simply matching the speed and direction of the targeted...
  10. Space warfare

    There are many dusty asteroids held by microgravity. I think it would be as simple as casting nets and gathering tiny fragments and then accelerating those within a net, or in a more solid tube that would later disassemble. The opponent doesn't need multiple attacks, even if you defend from 1...
  11. Space warfare

    Your plan appears impossible. First it assumes you have more resources than the attacking side and that you can maneuver them around in 15 days. If so the opposing side can send more stuff your way than you can deal with. Matter is not important here, it's pretty much equal to energy in its...
  12. Space warfare

    I know, my point was there are no theoretical or factual ways to store it more or equally efficiently than to spend it the moment you collect energy. If this is going to be so far fetched then I'd say no space exploration would happen and people build virtual universes with near limitless...
  13. Foundry for Lexicon

    Your terms seem oddly aggressive and divisive. verb: Kinslip, when one's attempts at praise and sharing gratitude end up sounding and are received awkwardly or as patronising. noun: Arbitruism, when one decides honesty won't be well appreciated and instead chooses to speak euphemistically or...
  14. Space warfare

    Most of attacks move at light speed or near it, information moves at light speed too. If you're lucky you'll hear an alert go off before everything goes white. I considered this method and mentioned it, but it requires interstellar distances to be reliable, with outposts light years away from...
  15. Space warfare

    Assuming: interplanetary or galactic, humans don't evolve too much, standard relativistic physics and not much beyond that. Some more fancy models of physics render any kind of futuristic warfare impractical or unfathomable. Strategic defences in space would be near pointless. There are no...
  16. Can genocide be good?

    Sure, and you are that benevolent as to think that someone else is in a position to decide that it's time to relieve them of their misery for the net benefit of all those who remain. Yeah, I've heard some misanthropes say that.
  17. Insecurities of being an INTP Woman

    There's no need to conform if you hang out with the right people. Maybe easier said than done, but it's definitely more effective than starting to blame the society and the way it's set up to explain why one can't succeed or find their own niche. Welcome to the forum.
  18. Vegan excuse. Gopher Redbaron derail

    Does anyone understand what retaliation means? Or are your egos too big to let by one comment too much. Just to be clear, the next person to antagonise and restart this conflict between redbaron, Gopher, Bronto, CC, Sinny, Grayman and whoever else involved gets a 2 month long ban. For any...
  19. So I'm making this mbti art project

    Avoiding most of the anthropomorphic cliches would be a nice design principle. Oh and welcome to the forum.
  20. What is your excuse for not being vegan?

    Some Gopher's and RB's posts moved to a derail thread here.
  21. What is your excuse for not being vegan?

    Well, sociopathically speaking, it's a far more noble thing to eat fish and meats coming from organisms with basic, undeveloped brains and simple nervous systems, because they don't experience as much suffering or don't have the conceptual idea of loss like, say, a dolphin does. Anyway, that's...
  22. Abortion. Pro-choice reasoning correct?

    Pro-life, cos' tralfamadorians would think so...lol. Amazing mental masturbation. Porn rating 9/10. Better not violate our treaty with tralfamadore, they'd be pissed.
  23. My ambition, lack thereof. Tools and other things.

    Sleeping disorders are a terrible thing and can destroy one's activity levels and motivation. Maybe your drive was innately low, but having a sleep disorder only makes it weaker. Definitely something to try to fix, if you can. Seems to me you could start by working on your physical health and...
  24. What is your excuse for not being vegan?

    I think people still mostly rely on the balanced died, except they aren't as vocal about their choice. It becomes increasingly obvious how engineering demand on goods includes funding research and advertising trends in favour of particular diets or habits. It's trendy to be at least vegetarian...
  25. Do you feel the urge to eat meat?

    Sometimes when I find some nice offer I might get a fish, I believe eating fish is beneficial to one's health from time to time. I don't actively prepare other meats but I will eat them if someone treats me. I noticed far less dental attention is required after not eating all the meat fibers...
  26. Rant: About cognitive bias?

    Nah. It's everywhere. It's just that healthy people have more effective and failsafe ways of debunking and straightening said biases. That's actually in line with my experience of real world...and scary too. Intelligence, which is simply an optimisation algorithm doesn't care if it's objective...
  27. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  28. Rant: About cognitive bias?

    Err, is this question for me?:confused: I was agreeing with what you said and expanding on how OP even mentions manipulation when it's usually a mental bias to consider it as an option.
  29. Rant: About cognitive bias?

    The assumption that people manipulate or act machiavellian is a cognitive bias unto itself. Most of the time most assumptions that have to do with control-from-shadows and the supposed power games outside of the individual scope of perception are grossly misconstrued or exaggerated versions of...
  30. Bans

    2 day long chill out ban for 420Munkey for his excessive escalation coupled with lack of respect for other users and lacking self-restraint.
  31. What are you doing in your life

    Providing cheap drama since 1989
  32. Doubts About Chosen Career

    I was in a similar situation, I left CS and went in another direction. I went to work for some time, had some success there which gave me confidence. Now I'm studying a different thing and I feel like doing programming or reading CS from time to time, lol. I just can't settle on a single topic...
  33. Cool assembler and RAM tricks

    Here's an awesome code inject performed in Super Mario World in order to turn it into an entirely new game of flappy bird. It's nauseatingly tedious to perform similar injects, but I appreciate the creativity and effort behind such tricks. Personally I wouldn't spend my time testing or doing...
  34. Shorts

    Slightly gory/visceral, warning for the more faint-hearted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k1bZ23yr40
  35. Why INTP-types cannot really discuss anything with eachother

    The problem you defined applies to people in general. I don't see any need to specify groups. And obviously its opposite where people stick to authority and sources too much without any understanding or input of their own, which is also commonly seen here and everywhere else.
  36. Why INTP-types cannot really discuss anything with eachother

    Lol, contextually the funniest thing I read today. That's exactly the kind of response Tannhauser was looking for! I think op has some wild expectations about what the outcome of a discussion should be. OP assumes discussions should lead to actionable and realistic conclusions most of the time...
  37. What is happening

    With so many sentient beings pouring their wills into an inanimate form, it stands to reason that some residual awareness and agency would develop in time. Perhaps you are one of the first to witness its slow but steady wakening.
  38. Am I really an INTP?

    This mode of perception is deluded. I'm surprised anyone can seriously see others like this.
  39. What are you all reading?

    Recently finished: Waiting for Godot, Ramayana, The Trial, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Król Bólu,
  40. Tay the teenage AI

    It's not overly difficult to program a chat bot. Anyway I assume you were joking the explanation below isn't meant specifically for you. If you see them repeat weird phrases it's because it's been exposed to many repetitions of the parts or the entire phrase and so it "learns" it, or rather...
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